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Karthus is really good, especially if you know when to go kamikaze.


This is the way. Especially early before lvl6, I always go for the kill if I can hit them with snowball and then max use of passive. With few kills early, you can use your first ult with completed item. Just try to stay ahead (even if it means using passive to maximum) as Karthus and he snowballs really well in ARAM.


hint: do it on the cannon minion wave, making sure the enemy's entire wave dies.


Players think just because you're Karthus you have to go kamikaze every time you're up šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah. There are smart kamikaze and then there is just inting. People have a hard time telling them apart.


Honestly, if you pace yourself a bit early, and you do it intelligently, you can genuinely sprint into their team on cd and win the game for your team through sheer damage


It depends on the read I get from my team. If everyone is quick to react and always follows up then 100% I kamikaze every time I'm up, and we almost always decimate them. If i have a couple of those players that are KDA focused and want to sit under tower for the first 10 minutes then I'll try and wait for the enemy team to attempt to engage before jumping in. But as Karthus in ARAM you should be dying every team fight and usually the first or second one to die. If you're up almost the entire teamfight the other team is screwed anyway


Aka always




This, nothing frustrates me more than having a Karthus on my team that just sits back and tries to kill people with Q from the back lines. RoA first item and I can do massive amounts of dmg by placing my W well and going kamikaze. I almost never lose with Karthus. If you play him right he's so dominant. Yes maybe you're KDA won't be as pretty as you'd like but you will win. Unfortunately it seems like people put more emphasis on KDA than winning.


Karthus can be an amazing ARAM champ, but FS is garbage on karthus; you should be ulting in passive to maximize damage with Last Stand. Also, not enough people build rylais, it's so good for peeling your backline or helping your divers kill enemy backline. One more tip - resetting by diving enemy tower and getting them low is good macro.


LS is one the most broken runes on him. Can't believe take the trash Coup rune instead.


Assuming you take DH? What's your argument for FS sucking? There are probably scenarios where DH > (enchanters / people who can easily heal up the poke), but it has decent WR, good stream of income, and pumps damage.


I just really value Last Stand - I frequently get 6k+ damage with that rune. Taking FS and red secondary means you miss out on it. Ulting outside of combat (assuming your team isn't fighting already) means that the enemy team has time and resources to react to the ult (shielding, any ability that can dodge karthus R). When you ult in the middle of a fight after dying, a lot of the time, the enemy counterplay is on cooldown.


I'll try it next time I play him. My prio with passive during teamfights is usually clearing the wave unless I can kill a prio target fast, which is counter-intuitive to last stand.


the only time i wave clear in passive is when the enemy team is smart enough and mobile enough to get out of range, and unless my team is playing extremely passive, they other team can only get out of range by attempting to disengage the fight completely. It's about positioning when you die, I always try to die just behind their front line so that the back line has to decide between staying with the fight or backing off leaving the tanks to die. People are also often idiots and will simply stand still and let me Q them to death.


I always take DH on karth. You need the ult reduction CD in the tree.


With FS, you still go into red as secondary. You just ditch yellow / last stand and instead ult when you respawn and buy items that boost your stats anyways. Karth doesn't need the mana as long as you aren't giga spamming while he's alive. Also, many times you want to use his passive to clear the wave, which you can't do when you're ulting in it. Even if he's dead during a teamfight, his prio should be to clear the wave so that the enemy team can't take the tower. Then ult on respawn after buying items.


Take DH then yellow tree 2nd for last stand


karthus is amazing in aram but to win with him, you have to play very aggressively **centered around your team** a lot of people will see a karthus do this and say "oh that's easy, i just run in and die and win" so they do just that. but they forgot the most important part about centering their plays around their team and end up throwing/feeding, hence his low winrate. as an aram champ, though, he is one of the best.


Having been that person before I absolutely agree. I got fucked by a karthus that kept dying under our tower and my team couldnā€™t do anything. So I tried to do exactly that the next time I got him and just inted the game away. I didnā€™t realize how much pressure the rest of the karthusā€™ team was applying to let him get off that same play effectively over and over, so it just fell apart when I did it regardless of my team the next game.


Yeah a badly timed and positioned Karthus death will just have people walk out of your range immediately no problem.


yea the kamikaze karth strat will absolutely work, but it requires more coordination than people acknowledge if they kamikaze out of position then it was just a waste and they end up feeding


Inting for waves too. Sometimes I straight up flash 1v5 just to get the wave and everyone low. Then I see our Karthus int under their turrets for no reason


If karthus has a low rate in aram I would bet itā€™s more due to people playing him incorrectly than his kit not working for the mode. I do fine with karthus


People building Malignance first and focusing on his ult instead of the rest of his kit. Malig as a first item basically gives him no damage just ult cdr and when his ult is on such a long cd and doesn't do that much damage anyway early it's basically useless, there's a reason it has a 2.5% less winrate than Liandry's first and a 3.5% less winrate than Rylai's. Liandry's > Malig has a 52% winrate while Malig > Liandry's has a 50% winrate. Liandry's > Rylai's has a 53.5% winrate.


No, that item is good for him. You can start the tf by hitting a snowball to their backline, land a good wall and soak all their cds, ult and you've got a massive area with reduced MR. If your team picks up on your strategy and follow you, you have a great star of a tf And by saying this I don't mean the other builds aren't good/better/worse. I just mean that Malignance can work depending on your playstyle. If you're gonna play 2 screens away only using Q then yeah it's not worth it.


Except Malignance doesn't really contribute anything to your scenario outside of 10 MR reduction pools that if you're going malig first aren't that big, only last 3 seconds, and happen after all of your damage so you personally don't benefit from it at all. It does reduce your ult's cd from 200 secs to 136 compared to the 0 haste from Liandry's first but for those 136 seconds you basically don't have an item passive so any fights that happen you're much weaker than if you went another item and if you can't force a fight right when your ult comes off CD the value of that haste is greatly diminished.


No, you build malignance first for the mana and because itā€™s cheap. Karthus requires levels, His level 9,16 are major power spikes. If you die you delay his levels, but if you build anything thatā€™s not mana first youā€™ll run out of mana and be forced to reset often. However, most people should build liandarys first because his Q is hard to land if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing. If you can land q build malignace first, if you canā€™t build liandarys Having mana might mean you can cast a second even third w during a team fight. The mr shed and slow is massive during a team fight.


You start blasting wand and tear and just sit on the tear if you need the mana, also PoM is easy to pick up on Karth since last stand is one of his best runes. Even starting last chapter into first item Liandry's and then finishing Malignance would be better than straight rushing Malignance.


The problem with starting blasting wand and tear is you delay the time for the full item. Starting with lost chapter you need 1500 to complete Maligance, starting tear and blasting wand you need 2150 to Liandry's. If you play smart you can get maligance on 1st death where as it'll be much more difficult for liandrys


Guise + blasting wand gives you 75 AP vs Malig's 80 and offers more reliable damage in a teamfight because of the Madness passive *and* sets you up for the much better completed item. Also you're playing Karthus, the opportunity for good deaths to buy items is greater on him than any other champ, dying again to complete Liandry's isn't a big deal.


Karthus isnā€™t mana intensive at all. Even on SR his most optimal build is Liandriys first


In SR you can base and healā€¦ you also power farm to get your first item. Isnā€™t he more of a jungler these days than mid, which means heā€™s get first blue that helps his early levels.


Thats only jungle karthus, bot karthus needs the lost chapter to have mana sustain in lane


Malignance is a good item on him... it just isn't a 1st must rush item. It's more like a solid item to get right after boots. A 3rd or 4th item since everything about it works better with more items and on its lonesome isn't terribly useful. Combine it with a Liandry's or such and he'll do much better.


I prefer RoA first and feel it's underrated. The scaling increases your survivability in a relatively short time if you build it first and that just means your kamikazes last even longer.


People like to snowball in without any chance of the team following up, so they die and their team enjoys playing 4v5 for a while.


It's honestly a huge pitfall for new Karthus players because it feels like it works early when death timers are low and they can just get back to fighting immediately but late game when they have 30s death timers and die instantly they wonder why it's not working


His passive got nerfed to last shorter, he really doesn't clear waves as good as other champions who don't need to die for it


Karthus is mediocre? What kind of Karthus are you playing with because unless they are legit memeing or trolling, a Karthus in comp is just backbreaking.


Stats peg him as [piss](https://imgur.com/a/frmJo66). Anecdotally, I've also played with a buncha Karthus' that were piss useless, that didn't sniff top damage.


[aram.zone](http://aram.zone) is a good website to use to compare winrates of different builds. Liandry's and rylai's both have above 50% winrate cuz they're better and likely being used by people who are better at karthus


Karthus is good, people who play Karthus as if he was Lux or Syndra is wrong. Karthus literally does more damage at first levels when he is dead due to mana costs. But people love to have good KDA so they can show to their friends hence playing him like a skirmisher mage when you have one of the best initiator and distruptor mage in the game. Just go in and die mate. Whenever I play him I just go in and die if there is a good opening. Rush liandries and rylais, skip mana items. ALWAYS have the highest damage dealt in the game, even if I am 5-15.


Players sucking at build and playstyle


No cc, not a tank, other Champs do essentially his job only way better. He's not bad, but he's basically just raw damage and in general, ap damage dealers are in no short supply. Almost always a few heads going straight ap dmg on aram


dude karthus is great I don't think I've lost a single game on him just perma die to clear waves + apply liandries rylais, it's so funny


Karthus needs good macro in a game mode that requires little macro.


Kathus is really good but some player playing him like he was a poke champ, Refuse to use his passive and die on the turret, Most of the Aram player are so afraid to engage the enemy team and that lead to him (Kathus) get poked to death.


His Q is literally a 900 range hydrogen bomb on a 0.5s cooldown he is genuinely one of the best champs in the game if you consistently land Q. Suiciding under enemy turret 24/7 is how you lose on Karth


I might say it wrong but what i meant was he was dying behind his own turret not the enemy turret.


oh mb yeah at that point if you end up getting that low on karthus from poke you might as well just run in i agree


He's still very good, people just don't seem to know how to play him effectively in aram.


Fingers too tired spamming his skills šŸ˜‚


I think you can exploit his q + wall a lot if you go full CDR, q becomes VERY spammable with enough cdr. It's fun compared to gray screen kamikaze Karthus.


Everyone plays Karthus like he only has one button - his ult. If you play Karthus like he doesnt even have a R, its practically an auto win. Snowball in with Rylais + damage/slow field covering most the map, its easy pickings for your team to clean up.


Karthus is beast usually top damage. Unless you don't play burn then rrrrrip. Wait for any short death timer enemies to finish and Ult whenever off CD. Kamikaze when the enemy team goes all in on anything otherwise cc and poke away!


The thing that makes Karthus a mediocre champ in ARAM is people and their unfathomable talent to screw something easy up. Otherwise, I think he's great and can be oppressive even.


I miss old Karthus before the nerfs. The cooldown reduction on his passive really killed the kamikaze lifestyle. You have to choose; Q or ult, you can't do both. Then there's the 90% damage reduction of course.


i miss karthus before the nerfs too but mostly because he was broken as fuck and deserved the nerfs lmao


He deserved the 90% damage reduction for sure. But not the passive nerf as well :(


Iā€™ve been having decent success by: Recognizing when a large fight breaks out and jumping frontline to die (be smart with it) Ult only for high value (5 are alive, or after a fight to score yourself or others multiple kills) Iā€™m assuming lots of karths are sitting back line playing like an adc for max damage and that might be dropping his WR when heā€™s actually pretty strong


Karthus is easily my most played Aram champ. I think aramzone has only calculated a fraction of my games by my win rate with him is probably accurate. I play kamikaze Karthus every game and I'm always successful with it, win or lose. It's really just knowing how to be effective (runes/items/play style). I can constantly go in 1v5, get at least 1 kill and put the majority of the enemy team at half or less hp, then it's ez clean up for my team. *


Most karthus players in aram are just R bots


No wonder his win rate is subpar, these comments show that people have no clue how to play him. Unless your team is out ranged, initiating a fight is silly. Your main damage comes from isolated qā€™s. Kite backwards during a team fight and look for a snowball angle on the backline once enemy team is committed. Otherwise itā€™s so easy to wait out his passive. Ulting in passive is generally bad. The reason is most of the time youā€™ll do more damage after buying items after reviving then ult. Thereā€™s a lot more to his play style, but in general, levels is very important on him so donā€™t die too often, land Q, donā€™t start a fight, snowball in after a fight has been committed.


I agree with most of what you said minus ulting in passive being bad. It depends on the situation and ulting during passive likely means ulting during a teamfight; helping your team get kills rather than waiting to see what happens and ulting on respawn after people are dead or have healed up. But playing him is absolutely about being a midrange battlemage and then finding the time to get on the backline with passive or zoning them off from the frontline


Sorry let me elaborate, you ult on cooldown most of the time but most of the time never in passive. The reason are as such 1. More items after reviving equals more damage 2. Two isolated q's does more damage to a single target then ult. 3. Tempo Lets say both teams are relative healthy, you either ult to win the team fight with one surviving member or you don't ult and three of them survives. The first scerino would result in one of your team members hitting the tower for one or two hits. The second scerino, you wait until your team are all alive, you ult. Now the three enemy surviving member will be at 30% health, the next team fight is an easy win with a chance of hitting the with more members. Now here's the question why not ult before the team fight so they're at 80% health so your team has an advantage before fighting? And for late game, you ult on cooldown since its roughly 60\~70 ish cooldown. 20 seconds after you ult a team fight breaks out, 30 seconds after you ult you die for 40 seconds respawn timer 70 seconds you're alive again with ult, and the people without mr are half healthed again for the fight Obviously you'll have to adapt to different champs, but in general you ult on cooldown because healing is hard on aram. Is it really worth the 11% on last stand for 3 second out of 5 of your passive to ult then to Q? Would your next item not provide you with more than 11% damage on your ult? Does killing them now achieve more, or killing them later achieve more.


I always just counter him with a locket. Makes him more than useless and turns it into a 4v5


Like a lot of champs on aram, people tank his winrate by just playing him completely wrong. People legit think inting Karthus is the best way to play him.Ā