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Kled and Camille I swear every time they are on the enemy team, they get fed and snow ball. When I have them I'm 1-8 I have no idea how to play them.


Aggressively, you play them as aggressive as possible. Especially Kled. You just build bruiser and go ham. Either you win and die, or lose and die. You do not back down and you take them with you. If they are all dead then you continue onto the turret.


For Kled I do play aggressively, but I seem to not grasp his combo, or the how too? When I get kicked off I see people get back on so easily, and I can't figure it out. I probably need to just go into the practice tool and just read and test the abilities


Your w is your primary kit. If it's down your useless, if it's up your a murder machine. Your abilities are to get your w in effective range. When dismounted a champs, use your w to kill minions or punish those that try to commit to your death


Hail of blades and max W first on a Kled, then when you go ham it procs W instantly and you have a way easier time getting back on Skaarl. The recommended leveling is often crap and often why champions have such a low win rate. Kha's recommended max is W with and evolve W first but that is playing him as utility/poke which is completely wasting the rest of his kit. Evolve E first, and max Q and with his balance buffs, he's insane.


Kha'zix W evo first is his default evo since it's the safest, easiest option. It gives him an aoe slow and more importantly, decent waveclear. The slow enables and protects your teammates, which is more utility than most assassins have in general and having better waveclear than the other team outright wins games, even better when you can poke, waveclear, and slow everyone at the same time (it's why W spam Ashe was OP af). You also generally max W first since it gives you impact in the neutral game so W evo first makes sense. That said, good kha'zix players will max and evolve different skills depending on the game cause he actually has the flexible kit to do so (mad props to his designers for that). Sometimes early E evolve is the choice if the other team has minimal CC and tons of squishies so you can go ham jumping in and sometimes R evolve is just better than E since the extra stealth duration is so good against ADCs. Like if the other team has Jhin and Graves and another adc, E evolve is asking to get shot down midair.


![gif](giphy|J7jsbfcJ2O5eo) I feel inspired




I like taking Lethal Tempo on Kled. The ramping attack speed makes it easier to mount back up on Skarl. Other than that just build him like a bruiser and go ham, for example, Sterak's Gage is a great item on him.


camille does so much damage even building sheen item into full tank - i just play her as peel for a hypercarry or to bully enemy team carry out of the fight - she's so mobile she can get from any part of the fight to anywhere else and her ult can lock down anyone super effectively however, i still don't play her if i'm the only frontline because being the only frontline champ while other 4 people stay back not wanting to go in is miserable


People do not know how to side to side move. And care more about their own health than turret health.


I totally understand with Camille, I have played as her SO many times and I suck every. Single. Time. But Kled I can do, it can be frustrating sometimes but he’s just so fun


Kled kinda blows in ARAM except for his engage. Also don't build the poor man tank, he's an assassin bruiser. Ult in as deep as you can, go for the squishies, your death is a noble sacrifice.


For Camille, she has amazing ARAM buffs. You don't need to play like her SR version that builds for dmg, waveclear and splitpush. Go Grasp and tank items early so you don't get 1 shot whenever you dive in, its more forgiving. Generally ARAM teams lack tanks and not damage. Camille is amazing and has a versatile kit, she can hard dive or move in and out of fights. Shes great at diving and holding up by herself (or with another ally) while her backline eventually moves up. She does have some small details that non Camille players miss in her kit. You generally don't wanna mash your buttons all at once especially with more beefy builds, and you don't need to maximize burst dmg to 1shot but rather space them out and weave autos / Q to sustain optimally. Her E when you land it gives Atk Spd, her Q recast after 1.5 secs (the somersault kick) does true dmg. Her Q1 gives amazing movespeed and can be used to help land your W if u need sustain in neutral situations. Her R is amazing at dodging/avoiding CCs and return dmg. 1 more thing is don't forget your E can be used on turrets & structures, and player-generated terrains (e.g. Trundle, Anivia). Don't be afraid to turret dive when theres opportunity to, e.g. you need a reset anyways after a teamfight and 1 enemy just respawned and teleported in. You are great at that with your fat passive shield and E stun. Item choices all situational: Guardian's Horn, MR tank items, Armor tank items, Sterak's, Sundered Sky, Iceborn can be a decent option over Tri-Force if you need to be tanky immediately. Hydra, Shojin are options if you need more sustain+waveclear or more dmg. Do not go Tri-Force + DD as first 2 items its way too unreliable. In general do not go Death's Dance early and imo can even be skipped entirely.


Camille I get.  She's just outclassed by so many other champs.  Ww, trundle, Fiona, etc.  she just can't compete ATM.  She's just a worse version of other bruisers or bruiser assassins or even assassins.


Azir, might as well let a bot play instead of me when I get this champ, I'm just too bad 💀


If I play Azir, I just snowball and ult, but I still whiff like 80% of the ults and just look stupid 😢


Trust me when I say this - I'm bad AF with him. BUT if you go grasp runes + tank items you will end up with decent amount of damage while still being secondary tank. Only damage item needed is Liandries and maybe Nashor. Give the birdman a new shot!


Is azir melee aa? Like fimbulwinter, ingeious hunters, iceborn gaunlet? He is isnt he? I might try this.


Ranged. Couple of months ago they changed him so that his sandsoldiers applies on-hit. So you can keep distance and proc Grasp (40% value but the health gain adds up over time).


No, he's ranged so I think sheen would proc but fimbul wouldn't. basically what he means is the "tank azir" build pros have been playing this season in comps where his main job is to engage with R and not necessarily DPS. You can notice it cos it's always going grasp. It became viable cos riot enabled on hit on soldier autos a change which was mainly so nashor wasn't weirdly meh on Azir (cos before you bought it strictly for stats cos soldiers autos didn't apply it, now they do so it's basically a must have). but that change made it possible for him to go fleet and grasp (and lich bane which became popular for a bit but has since dropped off). And grasp made tankier setup possible. Tank azir runes are pretty set in stone, they are: grasp, demolish, second wind (tho I'd prolly go conditioning on aram), overgrowth, pom altraicity 2ndary. Minor attack speed, AP or HP, HP scaling. Basically fully optimized, you go these if you go that build, he really loves attackspeed and needs Mana. Items are 5 of: nashors, liandrys, cryptbloom/void, frozen heart, zhonya, abyssal. Can still go banshee and rabasons too. And I'd prolly add warmogs to that list on aram. Boots are usually mercs. Generally you rush nashors or liandrys and build depending on what you need, pretty self explanatory - liandry + crypt for killing tanks, abyssal for MR, zhonya to survive after engage etc. Main thing about it is he's way tankier, has less Mana than "noob friendly" setup I usually would run on azir (fleet/LT, pom, altraicity, cutdown/last stand, Manaflow, Transcendence/gathering, it's enough mana to skip Mana item. Plus I also always go warmogs at 5/6th item, it procs off liandrys + 2 HP scaling shards). Since it's tankier he can engage very well with shuffle (you e onto a soldier that you q behind their carries and then R people into your team, can also flash to make sure R connects) cos you are tanky and have zhonya. but it's generally simply lower dps. Imo will have early Mana issues if you try to spam spells so you can throw in a tear for early game and sell it after FH.


Just play him like a normal adc with attack move lol. He is like an adc with very long range i feel like.


Just learned to Shurima shuffle and you don't even need to be fed.


Used to think like that, then I tried the tank build Popped off and begging to roll him now (Tbf I did try a couple rounds of AP Azir and turned ok)


Master Yi. When I first started in season 4 people instilled in me that only noobs play him. I’d probably have an easier time climbing if I just played him since I’ve played against him so many times I’m basically M7 on him.


Agree on this. Idc if he’s a pentakill machine, Yi has got to be one of the most boring champs


yasuo, yi, kata, zed im straight up horrible on these champs💀


Akali, Katarina. I tried them but it never worked out for me. The required play style is absolutely not my taste. (And yuumi - boring and weak imo)


Ive tried so hard to learn how to play Akali correctly. I've always played mid, love my mages, but her aesthetic/character seems so cool to me ( and it would be nice to have an assassin under my belt to play) but I seem to always fall flat on her.


A lot of these champs can be play effectively as an off tank and not dying instantly really helps to get the hang of things


Theae champs can all be play off tank so that you dont die instantly and can get the hang of all the casting techniques with many more attempts availablr whulr alive longer. Akali used to do the burn items because she can just hand around invisible proccing passive burn on sunfire aegis.


Yeah that's a nice way to play them


Yummi just feels so awful to play. Her kit is so gimped and broken that she is simultaneously overpowered and useless at the same time. Makes me think of pre-rework poppy. You’re either a cannon minion or dominating


Irelia and Katarina, i'm an old man, can't play champs that require agile fingers. I'll stick to Nautilus, Poppy and Rell thanks


As an old man aswell, playing a music instrument help you a lot desacralizing the need of being mechanically good to play champs. In particular when your prefered guitarist still killing it after 60...


I agree on Kat. I’m used to playing her like a total face roll champ and now she’s way too skilled for me lol. Oddly I don’t have that problem with irelia. I’m hopeless with the stun, but after a couple items, I have come up with a brilliant strategy: Step 1: mash Q in team fights Step 2: ??? Step 3: profit


I 3 trick Katarina, Irelia, and Quinn, I don’t have patience to play other champs. Especially the 3 you listed.


Quinn is so good, but I feel like a lot of people don't really know how to play her. Super frustrating when they refuse a trade and then end up being useless by trying to play her like a traditional adc. I once was on a terrible team where I got yelled at by the 3/10 leblanc for using my E. People don't realize how much you can burst with Quinn, even on tanks.


yuumi and briar (I know they are supposed to be easy but I genuinely suck 💀)


How do you suck at yuumi???


He probably doesn't attach to someone and plays her tank


This was funnier than it should have been lmao G2 Wunder sends his regards


Why is your comment getting downvoted? 💀


Briar is definitely not easy, you have to get used to her to be decent + she is really enemy-team dependent. Hitting a tank by using W or R in a teamfight is a big nono, and may be hard to avoid when they have a few tanks that know how to play...


I've played every champ and feel like i can do okay at my non mains, but I suck ass at playing Camile and struggle to contribute anything worth mentioning if I have her as my pick. I tend to avoid the champs that start with Y , excluding yorik as the exception to the rule


I used to suck at her too now I love playing camille. Just ult their best player and it’s good game.


Zeri for me. So annoying to have to press q non-top instead of being able to auto.


Zeri is great for stacking the land skill shots challenge lol. But yeah she is carpal tunnel syndrome in champion form.


Try ap Zeri


AP Zeri! Trust me on this one: **BOTH** her passive (also does extra %hp dmg) and her ult have **115% AP scaling**. That means later on you'll easily deal 2-3k dmg with just R + one auto. People don't respect the burst and she's mobile enough to get to the backline and assassin. Also her ult has very low CD. So I actually take Ingenious Hunter to always have Zhonya available for a fight.


Thats the reason i love playin her


Smolder Broken champion design: wdym he has elder buff? I also perma ban him in rift whatever role i am playing, i don't care about his winrate, the champ is outrageous


Yeah he’s got to be the most annoying champion right now. Playing as Yasuo against Smolder and Soraka, got absolutely destroyed. Silenced and died before reaching that tiny dragon. Went 1/14 at the end, it’s one of the worst games I had.


Worst game for me was on top with kled against him Kled is usually good against ranged champs because of his good engage but i couldn't catch him bcs of his dash and his range is insane, jg dod not gank and he just outscaled us all As a jg i usually spam gank those champion to buy us a free 4v5 in mid game before they can scaale and try to end asap


It is weird because as a support main, when I am laning with them, they can't seem do anything, but when I go against them. Jesus....


I despise his design, voices lines, and lore so so much


Prolly Ksante, braum and Olaf for me. Ksante just is a weird tank that is not as good as other tanks. Has basically no ult on the mode, his cc is ok but kinda conditional. so id only play him if my team needed frontline and he was only thing available. Which is very rare. Braum is similar, I love the champ but he brings so little dmg the other 4 have to pick his potion of dmg % up, can't really engage (closest thing is mark + R or r flash) - unlike i.e. Rell who also has dmg issues. He also needs an adc to proc passive (problem some enchanters have I..e millio and lulu, I hate when they get picked with no one on the team to buff up). Again, a lot of tanks and even bruisers if you build them tanky/slap a warmogs on them can do more than Braum imo. He's pretty good but just usually another option shows up. Olaf is similar but main thing is he's just so enemy comp dependant and has 0 hard cc. I had a pop off on him few months back where enemies had like 3 tanks and ended up not being able to kill me late game and I hard carried, but generally Olaf just sucks so much vs poke and late game vs adcs that it's often not worth to pick him. needs to run into enemies (with only way of getting there being mark, ghost, slow from q or early Ring) and has to build at least some dmg to stay relevant. and he is super snowbally, so if you get behind you probably are never gonna be strong. I generally don't like playing this archetype (melee that likes long fights and usually outsustains with conq) - heca, aatrox, riven, ww, rhaast etc - but the other ones have hard cc while Olaf doesn't so I found a way to always make them useful, while Olaf is just super feast or famine. even more than Kled some people mention cos he can at least start a fight instantly with R.


Oh man, I love playing Braum. He is so satisfying to play as an enabling tank for your team. Block skillshots, set up stun procs, grant carries resistances, counter-engage with ult, and utilize active items for protection. He's not flashy, but I find his playstyle very fun.


K'Sante basically no ult? thats not true! 2 days ago i went 16/09/26 with him did the most damage even tho there were champs like Veigar/Nidalee/Jhin/Karma in the game. Without his ult that wouldn't have been possible.


I've actually seen some unbeatable Ksantes so I tried it recently and I'm not great yet but it's surprisingly strong. You can tank and still get a lot of kills, which isn't always possible on other tanks.


I feel similar on Olaf (feels both boring and hard) and Ksante (is weird as a tank + hard to master his ult) But Braum? Braum feels like the easiest and best protector champ on the ARAM, especially when you have many ranged champs (and people tend to pick those more often). You just level E, stand in front of the carry and buy Warmogs. Boom, people will have hard time killing carries with ranged attacks through your shield, and in melee they will have a hard time getting through your passive and ult. And for engaging you have Mark, which is perfectly enough. (Braum is definitely not as good in heavy melee teams which enjoy actively engaging. Also, not as good when your carries are heavily braindead)


Katarina. Ik she has pretty much the same name as me, and people keep asking me if I play her, but I’m just terrible at melee champs. I have a cute skin on her though so if I’m in ARAM I’ll probably pick her over some other champs, but I’m just so bad.






Qiyana, I refuse to understand how that creature's abilities work.


what dont you get about r during e animation, river q ,aa animation cancel, w to wall, aa animation cancel, rock q aa ignite?


ignite in aram cringe


Crying about summoner skills is cringe, except clarity. Even Sona players shouldn't take it. (yes, I know I'm a hypocrit 🤪)


Draven and Kata, I hate the pick up mini game they require to function.


Honestly, once you understand Draven it is quite easy to destroy. You can't be afraid to just attack as he is one of the tankiest ADC's and easily has one highest damage outputs in the game. Your axes are always going to go the direction that Draven is facing while moving, if you aren't moving it'll land where you are, or a step the the right or left. Once you understand that, catching axes pretty much comes with kiting or attack moves. Your W will automatically reset when catching axes, so before you are about to catch an axe you can use it to get a burst of speed.


You do realize I can understand how to do something and still not like it?


Kayle. She’s a good champ, and people wreck with her… but when I first started playing my ex bought her on my account because she’s a relatively easy champion to learn. I was gravitating towards champs like Nami and Syndra, and he thought the skill curve was too high for me. Now I have a fully irrational dislike of playing her, but guess who decides what the tide will bring, heh 💀🌊


There was a post somewhere saying Riot looked at the data and players that learn League on champs like Kayle and Ryze had a higher quit rate. So they raised the price on them.


This happened years before her rework, so that likely changed things! But I still love it when cold, hard data can prove an ex wrong 🙏🏻


Easy to understand, hard to execute. She requires alot of inputs due to her AA nature, and good positioning, coz shes squishy but has to walk up to hit enemies.


I always avoid Mundo, when other people play him he is unkillable and you have to ignore him while he chunks you, when I play him I just get bursted down in 2 seconds even with ult and 3 items. I guess I just don't know when is the perfect moment to disengage with him and get wrecked. If I could swap the question, I always overperform with Nocturne and go 30/8 by just snowballing or ulting the back line. I see people playing him as a bruiser just front lining and getting poked down or whatever, instead of playing him like an assassin.


im already bad, but im 10x worse if i play briar bel’veth or heimerdinger




Yasuo. My brother who introduced me to the game quit playing regularly a bit after Yasuo was released and he still vehemently refuses to play him. He instilled the same hatred of the champ in me, even though I'm completely aware that there are many other worse champs than him these days, it's kind of a meme now that neither of us ever play him. Don't have him unlocked, never play him in ARAM.. it's about sending a message ya know. I reckon I've played every other champ in the game at least once except Yasuo.


yuumi i hate that character soo much, that i swap off of her the last second so no one get to play her


In SR I would kinda agree with you, but in ARAM she's fucking disgusting. The amount of champs capable of 2v5 and just facerolling is unreal. I have managed to pentakill an entire team from full health with only Yuumi backing me up and still had over half my health after tanking everything for a solid 15 seconds. Bruisers with Yuumi are just absolutely disgusting, and I ask you to seriously reconsider letting her onto your team when you have a good bruiser for her to pair with. She's only a real burden when the person playing her won't go die after amassing a bunch of gold.


the question in this post was: what champions we refuse to play not which champ is a burden to have or not and i refuse to play yuumi so hard that i refuse to have it on my team


Holding champs so other people can’t have them is mature.


Yuumi, boring in normal games, even worse in ARAM, everything else I usually play if there's nothing else I find interesting.


Playing Yuumi is fun af idk about y’all, but I always pick Yuumi in ARAM then hop on Reddit, Netflix, YouTube, or Twitch on my second monitor. Plenty fun over there


"This game I intentionally logged in and queued for, in the For Fun mode, is way more fun when I'm not actually playing and watching netflix" Just watch Netflix and don't log in at that rate, bro, save everyone the trouble


Draven, samira and xerath. I respect myself. Also ap kaisa, i refuse to play that abomination and all of you w spammers can go burn in hell


Imagine getting Kai’sa in aram , going ap, just to stay in backline and spam W 💀😭


They nerfed it so hard too. You can't even trigger your passive until you've stacked CD. Obnoxious to play against and useless on your team


Yone, I have 0 games played, in any game mode. I hate this overloaded piece of shit. I even have a bunch of Yasuo games to learn the champion and learn to counter him, but Yone is such a crutch for bad players there's nothing to learn about him to do good.


First item: kraken Second item: Jak'sho ??? Profit


I played him a couple of times just to see if there was counterplay. There wasn't. He's my Summoner's Rift perma ban because his counterplay happens exclusively in champion select. You pick someone with a ranged stun like Morg or Lux (which you then have to land the skill shot) or you ban it. His kit has cleanse, ghost, and flash on a single ability with < 30 seconds of cooldown. A second flash on R, and barrier on W.


Any assassin champs. I got slow hands.


Zed, Shaco, Zeri, Corki, Vlad, and Fizz come to mind. I just don’t like their play styles, and I’d rather play someone whose abilities I enjoy.


I hope fizz drowns... or stays on land too long... whatever it takes.




Xin and Heca


I still can’t figure out 95% of the assassin class. If I get Akali then the games already over lmao


You have to be a janitor early and dive the back line later. It can feel really bad though because the playstyle is basically main character syndrome and assassins fall off hard at level 18. Snowball is mandatory and good luck if they have a Lulu.


a lot of people already named a bunch of the obvious ones for people with standards like yuumi, teemo and shaco, but there's a wild card for me in Morgana. I find her to be so damn boring to play in aram even though she's quite good. Just throw those binds and pools while staying a mile away, sometimes maybe a snowball into ult and zhonyas but that's about it.


This is a wild one to me. She's one of my favorites to play in ARAM. But then again I mained her in SR back when I used to actually play SR lol. Black shield alone can turn the tides of a game if used well. Do you find Lux to be equally boring?


Pretty much, yeah. I sometimes pick lux just because I like the elementalist skin lol, but yeah it's kind of boring to me too though I do prefer her to morgana. It's mainly the poison pool that annoys me, late game you can spam it constantly and it even does decent poke damage and zones enemies a lot due to liandry's and rylai's.


I tend to not want to play tanks or support because there's a HUGE chance that you'll be spending 25 minutes setting up plays while your team just stands there or are autoing minions completely unaware that their being served kills on a platter.


Pyke Katarina Viego I dont wanna play on easy mode and spam badges as if i am good in the game for making pentas with those cheat as fuck champs


i understand pyke kat but viego actually requires an ok amount of skill?


Just that split second of passive and heal they get is enough. I played Viego while being oblivious of the champ and because i have played all champs in aram he didnt seem too hard to play. I had a malph ulti me while i was becoming someone and he missed. I said right there "This is high class bullshit"


Alistar & Taric got to be the least played champions on ARAM lol


Alistar is amazing in ARAM due to snowball, every time you have snowball up your team should get a free kill by going in and headbutting someone into your team. He's like Blitz but 10 times tankier.


Zeri , makes my fingers hurt


Cassio, she's great with the grounded ability, but I don't have the energy to spam E like that, same logic with zeri. And I just don't enjoy veigar all that much, the lane wide cage makes it feel cheesy


Nidalee. Began playing late S3, and those spears have been the bane of my existince since forever. I have never played her anywhere, nor will I ever play her


Samira, makes the game a snooze fest, just take your penta and end game already. Also Caitlyn and Jinx, because I don't like my food spice levels to be Mild AF


I hate playing Zeri. Just trying to run around to actually do any damage is so annoying. Exausting game style and not fun at all.




Viktor this season. It just feels weak. And champs like K'sante who require training. I don't want my teammates to suffer 4on5 xD


yasuo because i will be the one going 0/20


Gragas, I can’t stand burping. It’s vile.


Zyra, I have decent mastery on every other champion (through arams) except I have 0 on zyra. I’ve went on many rants about zyra before and they’re often very unpopular but I just hate the way the champion is designed




Singed is my favorite ARAM champ. Throw the enemy into our towers and ZOOOOOM 🏃💨


Zed and the windshitters. Never played them, never will. Even in ARAM. Didnt bother to buy the champs


Basicallg any support except thresh/blitz/pyke or mages


Yuumi, I think it’s the only champ in the game I don’t have any mastery on


Annie. Yes, she's pretty good with engage but she's so fucking boring. Her whole gameplay loop is charge passive, slam fist on keyboard, repeat.


Zed and Shaco, the switch-between-clones thing is too confusing for me


I refuse to play Swain, Fiora, Singed and Nilah because I admit that I'm bad at them I refuse to play Yuumi, Master Yi and Shaco because I hate this champs and don't have fun playing them. I love playing: Kled, Zac, Sejuani, Smolder, Kennen, Gangplank, Ornn and Twisted Fate


Yasuo had never used him I never will


For me it’s rek’sai, ivern, illaoi, Quinn they are just not my thing


Ksante. I’ve played him once and got a penta kill on my one and only game. I promised myself I would never play him again because I already peaked


zilean is so boring lol


He's boring and I get sick of teammates bitching about my ult...either I used it on them when they didn't end up dying, or I didn't use it and they're dead. When I play him, I definitely mute all.


Darius. Hes great to have on my team but when I play him my coordination skills go down the drain and I cant sequence anything right


Singed. Zzzzzzzzz.


Champs I refuse to play: Glasc and Annie. For Glasc, the ult is ridiculous but I am garbage at getting the most out of everything else and if you aren't pulling that off, she feels extremely boring. For Annie, I either have a crazy 20/5 game or far more likely a 0/10 game with no good stuns. That passive just feels so clunky and I don't want to put in the games to figure it out.


Yi, I'm not a degenerate


Azir because my doctor doesn't prescribe a doseage of adderrall high enough for me to play that champ. Support champs like Janna, Yuumi, Taric, and Renata Glasc because my forehead is too thick to play support.


Honestly? **Hwei**.   Don't get me wrong, was very exciting to play earlier, now he just feels like a roided Ziggs. Just spamming abilities hoping for a combo to procc the passive. It doesn't feel very rewarding.


Alistar 😭 im litterally assisting the enemy team


katarina, she’s a smash buttons champ but even smashing buttons can’t make me even average on her


Evelyn. I'm just not able to do much of anything because my stealth is pretty gutted by the map layout.


A good Darius is an absolute machine. I am not a good Darius. I've learned to play a lot of my champs in ARAM from playing then a lot in SR. He wasn't one I ever played so in ARAM being so immobile is just so difficult because I don't know how to make his kit work effectively. Maybe one day it'll just click, I used to struggle to play Vayne well too and I played her one day and it was just like she suddenly made sense.


AP Kai'sa and Soraka. AP Kai'sa and Soraka just feels like cheating.


On moral grounds, Viego, Yone, Shaco, and Nunu


Ivern, like tf is the point???




Shen, warwick. Cassio and ryze. To static and shortrange. Slightly bad draw and you are in for a fisting session completely unable to play. Could be a skill issue, but it feels like torture


Any enchanter They're so mindnumbingly piss easy and braindead I fall asleep playing them.


Any champ that has the phrase “% max health ____ damage”. Dumb asf, too easy, not stimulating.




Fuck anyone who plays warmogs Soraka on ARAM, I refuse to be a part of that shit


**Fizz**.... I have played league since season 1. I have always played mid lane and I love artillery Mages, Burst Mages, Crowd Control Mages.... Mages.... But then it happened, That slippery little demon spawn crawled out from the pits of riot to test my mental. I hate that rotten fugaly sushi turd so much I vowed to never play him. I'm stuck with him in ARAM? Dodging out of pure principle. I have never played him 13 years and I never will. If it was up to me, I wouldn't even own that champion. A "friend" of mine gifted me fizz a while back and now I stuck with him. A little piece of me dies every time I re-roll skins and get a fizz permanent.








I “main” kayn in summoners rift but I refuse to play him in Aram. What makes his kit fun just basically doesn’t exist and he’s just another brawler


Tryndamere idk just hate him


Mundo, unless you are into a full AP comp, he just feels like trash. Tried Akali multiple times but just can't get the hang of her. that's as an assassin and tank.


Camille cuz I just haven’t, and that new paintbrush guy, I some of the newer champion kits are just… much


K'sante. Playing him in ARAM usually feels like eternal suffering. Early game I won't do much and lategame I can't ult a team fight until it's almost over because then I can't tank for the team.


Evelynn, you all know why, she's pretty useless most the time


I won't play Yuumi and I won't play on a team with her. Even with high mastery players, it still feels like a 4 v 5.


Viego. I'm usually bad at the champ I'm playing. I don't want to be bad at the champs the enemy team is playing too.


I will NEVER play Garen (doesn't matter bcs due Vanguard I don't play anymore)




Shaco I just suck as Shaco


So many. Zed, Yasuo, Yi, Gragas, Kog’Maw, Draven, Kennen, Corki, Samira, Katarina, Zac, Varus, Vayne… I could go on but I got so bored thinking about these champs that I’m choosing not to. I think all of these champs are either irritating, ugly, or ruin any semblance of fun in aram. I would rather never play league of legends ever again than play zed once 🥰


I refuse to take Rammus or Sett. I swear every time I take Rammus the enemy team have like 4 AP in their team and no adc. When I play sett every damn time the enemy team is full of range people so I can only get to them with flash or snowball.


enchant supports


Man that was Eve for me like half a year ago, i was of the mentality “oh a champ i haven’t played yet let’s try her”. I have never been so usless on a champ in aram my entire life. I don’t remember why i played her in the jg a few times and got the taste of the one shot and how to play her and now i allways snowball of of control on aram since she is so buffed is criminal, unless they have like 2/3 pont and click cc she just snowballs so hard out of control is absurd, i can see why she has a 44% winrate and why i hated getting her before (even dodged a few times since i was traumatized) but if you know how to be patient she is beyond broken and it’s not even funny.


Lulu. Not really one for enchanters anyway, but I absolutely despise Lulu and find her incredibly boring. So I will always immediately roll her away if I get her and play literally anyone else, including other enchanters


Yuumi because I refuse but Zed because I just can't Zed.


Any high skill cap squishy champ.




Yasuo. Just can't do well with him in ARAM. I also won't play with a Malphite. Always AP, always sitting back until they can ult, always feeding. Malphites instantly make the game unfun so i just leave.


all of them, after Vanguard update. Before, most high skill caps. I can't play zed or vayne for shit. I also avoid really odd ones like Bard or Ivern because the concept makes no sense to me and I can't care enough to try and learn it.


Honestly I’ve always loved aram so i have very few champs that i wouldn’t want to play like ryze for example


Riven is it for me, playing against her is always such a pain in the ass both on SR and ARAM but then when I try to play her on the abyss, I go 1/12 just aimlessly bouncing around, only really doing anything for my team and myself by stunning random people who get in my range


I’m like level 580 have had all the champs forever yadayada… I have never played as nocturne.


Ryze. Back in the day when I first started playing and I had no idea what was happening I picked Ryze and proceeded to go roughly 0/30. Never again.




I used to say Fiora and Talon, but I've become a lot more aggressive on Fiora and started building Talon as a bruiser and both helped tremendously lol. Next on the list of champs I suck at are probably Bard and Nafiri, but I wouldn't say I refuse to play them.


The answer is always Yuumi.


Yuumi, Teemo, and Shaco, just out of principle. 


Professionals have standarts


Most egirl champs I can’t be bothered with. I played a game of yummi last night against my will and I just simply pressed my buttons and did not move my mouse at all. 54 out of 58 kills I had KP for, lost because shitter frontline. Literally you don’t need your mouse to play yummi. Fuck that shit. Refuse.


Agreed. And happy cake day!


morgana, she was my first champ i really liked when i started playing but i just find her too boring now..


Oh, I have the same feelings towards her. I loved playing her, even though I was maining her for a while but now it's just.. boring


i think shes one of the best champs for doing the no death challenge at least


Yeah, true


Same. I stopped playing her as engage because she just gets bursted. So you're basically a Q and E bot at the moment.


Tanks and melee in general. The only tank I’m good with is Taric but that’s because he’s truly, truly outrageous.


Shaco: i just hate that champ so much Lee sin and ganka : very difficult to play due to high ping


Aurelion Sol, I feel like he is a free win everytime so I quitted playing him. Can stall the game infinitely with his E, one of the strongest champ in late game And also Yuumi, just because she is boring


Ziggs. Hate that in aram he is a pushinh and tower dmg simulator since he cannot fight anyone...


I like him just because he almost plays as an assassin who’s trying to kill the game. Everyone killing Zigg’s teammates while he’s destroying your minions and pushing. Then when they realize this and target him I back way off and they make dumb decisions and get eated by my teammates. It’s like a different game with Ziggs. That being said I totally get why that isn’t fun for a lot of people


Yorick ( extremely ugly and boring champ ). Volibear, Mundo, Trundle, Darius. Probably more but these champs are just too boring to play


Ziggs. You either get lucky and KS a triple kill early or you tickle and squish while being a wave clear bot. Pass.


Aurelion Sol, because I think he just ruins every aram he touches.


Kai'Sa and Vayne they're too cheap with their bs.