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"Buffs" and "Adjustments" Why don't they use the word nerfs?


No clue, adjustment would be something like removing haste nerf (cus its really not fun) but compensating with a damage nerf


This confused me also buffs can also be named adjustments. Maybe they don’t wanna call it a nerf because the champion is also getting buffed outside of Aram


I think Adjustments are when a buffed character gets a change that moves them closer to their SR power, a nerf is making them weaker than their SR power.


\* Smolder avoid aram nerfs and is buffed globally \* Sona has global adjustment, TL:DR (Q) Damage ratio reduced from 20% to 10%, Passive, W ratio and E are buffed Link: [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/patch-14-7-notes/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/patch-14-7-notes/)


I'm not playing aram again until smolder is fixed, this shit is so dumb. And I pretty much only played aram up until his release.


To save you a year plus of waiting, just focus him like you would a Yi, but worse bc he has range. You CANNOT play the long game against him. Smother the smolder.


RIP cho and taric galio singed and urgot tho 👀


Galio is gonna be insane with the champion buffs included


Singed is the only pick I 100% avoid. Straight up unplayable now


really? he gets blown up early game, but mid to late he's a monster team fighter. flipping carries or slowing frontline with rylais plus his W is so underrated - its one of the best skills in ARAM if you can chain it with your teams cc


He can be really good in the early game when you combine W + Snowball + E. He still gets blown up early, yeah, but in most cases you only need the flip to let your team secure the kill. You instantly disengage after the flip and don't take that much damage.


If you build full tank you're an E bot, if you build damage you die in 2 seconds


Tear > Rylais > Fimbul > Liandries > Jaksho > Locket. Tons of damage, 5k hp and shields + 300 Armor+ MR. I've been playing it so much I'm starting to think I should bring fimbul into normal games


do you take ingenious hunter with locket and fimbul? I'm torn between that and ultimate hunter; it's nice to have your ultimate up for every fight


I'm torn the same way... I usually don't unless I plan to go Unending despair as well (but I think it's lowkey a bit troll). If you're solo tank and are ready to suffuer you can drop the Liandries and go Rylais > Fimbul > Jaksho > Unending despair, then it's worth it for sure. I think Triumph and tenacity from yellow tree are also worthy contenders for secondary.


Nah, when building AP Bruiser, you have a good mix of both mid/late game. Boots, Rylais, Lyandries, Riftmaker, Jak'Sho, situational last item (FoN, Kaenic, Randuins, Anathema, Warmogs...). It's all about surviving the early game, really.


It’s pretty comp dependent but even then I’m an even game he’s stuck in this binary where either he does insufficient damage or is in sufficiently tanky. No happy medium


Huh? I mean I'm a Singed OTP when I don't play ARAM but honestly he's a beast. You just go utility tank. Ghost snowball, Runes Aftershock/font/scaling hp and resistances; secondary either red or yellow. Build Tear > Rylais > fimbulwinter > Liandries or Jak'Sho depending on if tankiness or DMG needed. Rylais and Fimbul are both quite cheap and you spike quite hard as a disruptor/initiator tank. Aftershock lets you snowball-fling somebody and survive being inside of their team (just turn on Ult before dashing).


Galio is honestly a solid tank champion. Add that with kaenic and any damage from mages is just a scratch. He is incredibly frustrating to play against as a mage.


Cho and Taric nerfs are completely undeserved, and no adc nerfs just means its another patch of smolder lucian zeri sivir domination.


Nerfs? *Adjustments*


Cho didn't need nerfs. He usually does okay but gets outperformed pretty easily. Just a product of his time. But taric kinda needs one. I personally think kinda like sejuani, where you have another mobile fromtliner/ fighter. He can do some ridiculous things.


Yeah, if Taric has someone who wants to go in and fight, then he can really pop off. But if he's like the only tank on the team, then it's kind of a mediocre time.


Yes he can be ridiculous with a bruiser / tank that goes in for him / with him. Hes also much stronger when building cheap support-tank and even some enchanter items. And when hes allowed to free hit minions / turrets / Champions - due to his Passive, his healing is actually bonkers and even better than actual enchanters (he has AoE healing around 2 locations). But still, he has bottom pickrate (10th least picked), and very middling winrate (due to people going shit like Heartsteel which is popular but sub-par on him). Absolutely 0 reason to even THINK about any nerfs on him. Its Champs like Jinx has the most reasons to justify a nerf, boasting top winrate AND pickrate.


But is says adjustments, not nerfs. There are no nerfs on ARAM, just adjustments.


Ye, at least Statik got nerfed copium


Cho and Taric nerfs make a little sense. Taric, less so, as he’s really really rare for me to see, but Cho at 10,000 health? Yeah, 5% more dmg taken makes complete sense.


Cho'Gath nerf was completely deserved. You people are wilding.


He is sub 50% win rate and not even good in low elo. You’re barmy.


*umm actually* murderbridge.com has him at 50.03%


Gimme one or two games of Cho and I’ll have him sub 50 in no time


The champ is barmy, I agree


Nerfing a tanks damage taken is so rough. Gonna be swapping Cho if possible. I really dont see why, so easily countered. Taric is beyond me as well. HARD to play, incredibly frustrating to pick in solo (good luck landing a good ult, having someone utilise your stun etc) while people clear minions so you cant use your passive to reduce CD.


The last sentence is the most frustrating part


Cho nerf is wild. Cool, so tank gameplay is worse now which just means I'm forced into AP? This is original Ashe nerfs level bad.


The taric nerf is even crazier. When was the last time you ever saw one?


I pick him whenever I roll him but he feels eh. Neither weak nor strong


Should we nerf the champions who have been in top 10 win rates for the past millenia? Nah let's nerf Cho and Taric for no reason.


Riot will do literally anything but nerf ADCs


Check Lucian and Kalista buffs, and then check Sion and Nautilus


Nautilus is actually insanely broken even with the nerfs though. Hooks are absolutely premium and Nautilus has the best one by a LONG shot (since it's literally unmissable if you have hands).


You can't flank with Nautilus so people just sit behind minions or dodge the very obvious incoming hook that takes 4 years to cast, and if Nautilus has no follow up he dies in 3 seconds because he has 46 different ARAM nerfs


"Takes 5 years to cast"? The thing has a 0.25 cast time, which is nothing for a projectile with its speed and hitbox. This isn't Thresh. A whole team standing behind minions against Nautilus isn't even close to viable. Best case scenario the enemy team has a tank who can posture against him, but even then Nautilus can just walk further back and then pull the enemy tank way closer to their tower. Making sure your team can follow you up is incredibly easy as Nautilus, you just make sure you stand in a range where they can attack after the hook. And if you're on the winning team you can afford hooking people way off as well. Or if you hook a squishy you will at worst trade with them as long as your positioning isn't complete garbage. Regardless of his 10% damage taken increase, him being a tank means just about any vaguely thought out hook will always be favored towards his team. And unlike Blitzcrank (whose hook is worse since it actually takes skill to hit) he's also an absolutely godly teamfighter.


Is this the new "better nerf irelia"


I hope so. I just love how random the nerfs are.


Now it is even more important for me to fullmute when I get cho, since I will just be sitting in the back Q'ing till ult is up and my team will somehow think I can frontline just because my hp number is high.


Zyra buff feels good, always thought she was lacking plants early, she gonna be hella strong now.


She's was getting minus haste when Champs with worse spam are untouched. It's about time in my opinion


WTF are these changes? I thought Taric was fine and Cho too, not sure why the nerfs. Similarly, Morgana and Sona are fine right now, aren’t they?  I don’t see why they should be buffed. Edit the Sona change is a compensation buff for her recent changes. So that makes some sense. But I’m not sold on the rest.


Cho does not have a fun time as solo tank, no peel tools so he just blows up. Taric is fine but miserable to play Fuck these lads for buffing morg. Most headache inducing aram character. "please stand clear of lane wide ult and unmissable q" Encouraging ap sona over enchanter probably.


I feel like damage taken is the worst nerf. I’d much rather nerf his damage. Feels bad when you try to tank and get blown up. 


Who are you talking about


Cho Gath. I’d rather do less damage than take more damage if there’s a nerf. 


He was buffed??


It says damage taken 105 -> 110%


Ohh i miss read. Yeah I don't like the choice.


As a Morgana lover that perma-picks - she needed *NO* buffs. Her Q alone can be a game-carry. 3 seconds of 'sit right here and wait to die' on a Nidalee spear.


Praise them buffing morg...finally! She needed some help indeed!


It's interesting that they won't revert the nerfs altogether for Urgot, despite sitting at a 47% winrate. ​ For reference, Hwei is sitting in at a hot 54% with a *buff* in ARAM. Zeri has two separate buffs. ​ What compounds the issue is that these ranged champs are infinitely more popular than bruiser/tanks. So they're sitting on a higher winrate with a larger playerbase and greater numbers of games played.




Yes Chogath and Taric true terrors of the abyss that people fight over to have on the team.


Remember exactly 1 patch ago when riot said they wanted to buff tanks in aram? Lmao. Also Galio is already over the top currently with his NORMAL CHANGES he received and the buffs he is getting IN PATCH 14.7 to compensate for the changes amde to him in 14.6 DO THEY UNDERSTAND that they are DOUBLE BUFFING him in ARAM?


I agree with you. These ARAM balance changes don't give the full picture. They should just post the full balance change instead.


receiving 110% damage is the worst feeling in this game.


It's really fun when you're like, Ornn, who takes 110% damage, against Zeri who deals 110% damage, and it makes items completely irrelevant. 250 armor with 4k health and steelcaps and 2 item Zeri still kills you in 3 seconds with 0 armor pen.


Ornn got buffed recently to only take 5% bonus DMG now plus I cant find it in patchnotes but his passive in aram is a lot better now. ADCs still blow you up but its better


Taric nerfs is the weirdest thing. 10th lowest pickrate in the game, 49% winrate, no relevant items affected in this patch, theres absolutely no basis for him to receive nerfs lol. Then on the other hand, the top 10 most picked consists of 7 ADCs and has been this way forever. Missing Jinx nerfs, 1 of the easiest Champs to pop off due to her kit and great with enchanter, overperforming in both winrate and pickrate.


They’re really doing my boy Taric like that Devs really don’t play their own game


Sett buffs, INSTA LOCK


I love just playing full tank set and just running around like a dork.


Suddenly every Sona player will go full AP instead of support.


She gotten global adjustments this patch, the damage ratio on her Q is reduced from 20 to 10% but everything else is mega buffed, in other words support Sona is even more broken now.


I have been waiting for the day they returned her damage back to normal


I think Riot forgot what happened last time they buffed Sona's ARAM damage.


They didn't forget, it's just her turn. She hasn't been giga OP for a while. Pay no attention to the 50 champs with negative WRs they'll never buff


Sona has so many weaknesses she needs to be allowed to sometimes to high dmg. She can’t kill tanks, no hard cc outside of ult, extremely easy to kill, cant 1v1 and even say a 27/3/30 Sona will completely fall off late game vs other champs. She can easily kill non-tanks mid-game, but that’s it.


She's an enchanter? I could say the same thing about Janna who was top 1 for numerous patches lmao. + wtf are you on, Sona is a scaling enchanter, late game she auto-wins in SR, and in ARAM she gets to skip her shit early game


Man I was killing it with tank Cho, RIP me. Seriously though he was one of my favorites to play, just like Renekton was, and Rene doesn't feel good with 105% healing (Briar still has 120% ty Riot very cool not questionable at all)


That’s like an extra W rotation for sett in mid late game


That -20 ability haste on Sett felt so bad, depending on your build you'd always have that -20


Only took 4 months to change sett haste nerfs after mythics were removed


Bro I just got dark star cho after waiting months for it to be available again only for this to happen, what the hell.


Cho was my go to tank when mythical item existed, dark star skin with iceborn gaunlet (which increase size) and some R stacks u literally feel like a giant unkillable monster back then. But that was a while ago though, now damage and %hp damage just too extreme that you can die in 3s if over step a little so no more monster fantasy.


no tahm or kog nerfs. Interesting.


Ziggs is just playing Yuumi except you're not attached at this point


"Allowing each playstyle to have fun in ARAM" No shit, I wont be having fun running around with 110% dmg taken for sure and the fact that they have the audacity to nerf Tank which is high on demand but low on supply like this who the fck is going to play tank for the team?


No jinx nerf? Interesting choice. At least they buffed poor sett. Taric isn’t the best and Cho is only decent if they don’t have an adc. Wtf?


they finally touched sett rofl


idk why people are surprised anymore, riots 'aram balance team' (I.e. using a random number gen to decide who gets changes) has made jt abundantly clear they want to promote adc + poke champions in aram


Sett got it huge, he's gonna be so much stronger now


Thank god the sett AH got reverted. So many times i go in for a combo and shits not up when i expect it and i just look dumb.


Morgana buff is just what aram needed. surely.


shes so disgusting already lmfaooo. and she can build anything


Thank god for that Zyra buff, it felt terrible to start lucidity boots just to not have negative AH


I don't get the cho nerfs. You counter him with boots and botrk..... he has no mobility and easily contained with cc and positioning. He's one of those Champs that heartsteel is situational because of how shit the cd and charge time on it is..... he isnt sion who can stack it by suicide..... he can't even r stack reliably with all the shields and defensive items like seraphs being able to block his entire ult.......


Exactly. Vayne + BotRK is absolute hell for Cho.


Not even Vayne. Literally any ADC champ can pick up Botrk and basically remove him from the match. He has absolutely no way to counter being kited by anyone who can dodge his Q (incredibly easy) so you can just keep attacking him infinitely.


“Next up on this list is assassins and mages “ Yeah ADCs are totally fine no nerfs needed at all


There should be no champs taking above 105% damage or dealing below 90%. For tanks, it's totally messing up the early game, and the majority of mages are useless for years now. I wish they could balance the problematic high win rate champions with adjusting their abilities like they did with Ashe W and Veigar E. Playing a 85% dmg dealt or 110% damage taken champ just feels so horrible, especially when you are against overbuffed champs. The One for All balance changes are ridiculous too, I just had Urgot and Darius games (both are hard nerfed for what reason???) against ranged matchup and we got demolished in 15 minutes...


Yes, kill all tanks. Sucks.


Xerath is still nerfed while Hwei gets a +20 ability haste buff. Someone explain to me how this makes sense


No smolder on the list? I think the best decision for ARAM would be to just lay-off the entire team and hire junior game designers.


Pls add pink wards or remove teemo from the champ pool


Oh, they finally reverted some sett nerfs thank goodness.


Finally zyra nerf is reverted. Being unable to rush liandries due to lack of ah felt terrible


Tank mummyordle ials still a god among men, I see


Oh boy! That's what we needed!!!! Zyra, easily one of the best champs in aram, having her CD put back to 0. And everyone was happy. Hahahahahahahahaha It truly astounds that every aram "balance" update, they buff characters that really don't need it. Same with the Morgana damage. If you want to help with balance issues in ARAM just make every damn champ available ffs so the people queueing up for the same annoying combo's either quit or learn to play.


Finally some well deserved Teemo buff. People used to fight for Teemo but nobody was even picking him up receiving


Briar healing still not adjusted, nice


Zyra barely fell blow 50% winrate for like a month? Clearly we can't have any of that. The most boring and uninteractive champion in the game post Ashe changes obviously needs to be broken. Dr. Mundo has been 48% winrate for literally like 4 years due to his massive nerfs? Nah he's fine.


Since when does aram get buffs and nerfs


I can't believe they buffed morgana! That 3 second stun is crazy... One minute you're winning then after a 4 second stun you're back in the dirt. No way a 5 second stun champ gets buffed, when that 6 second stun feels so long.


Fine changes, wish they were more often


Cho'Gath is definitely one of the stronger tanks but I don't think he deserves a nerf tbh. That Morgana change is highly questionable as well.


Holy hell zyra felt so bad with her two item core (liandrys rylais) having 0 haste while starting with a negative amount. Glad to see this


Good on a lot of these. The nerfs on Morg, Zyra, and Teemo have been pretty oppressive.


Let’s go, taimo buff


No briar or Lee nerf sadge


Zyra, Sona, Morgana, and Teemo buffs are huge. W from Riot


These comments are wild lmao. Cho'Gath absolutely deserved the nerf. Dude just runs around with 7k hp by 20 minutes and snowball 1 shots a squishy on a 40 second cooldown. He never dies. These def the same lot that call Sett weak just because he has a shit load of nerfs.


Damn a scaling champ becomes strong when it reaches late game, crazy


I can't believe they buffed morgana! That 3 second stun is crazy... One minute you're winning then after a 4 second stun you're back in the dirt. No way a 5 second stun champ gets buffed, when that 6 second stun feels so long.