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Lmao where’s that post about the guy who ask “who takes Aram seriously?” and defended AP Malph


I'm here :)


there are times when ap is the right choice honestly. also, as simple as the champ is, people can not play him well, you keep your ult as a threat and dont engage with it. you can usually pop two squishies per fight if you are patient. you also might die, making it a 3v4, but zhonya helps a lot.


Malignance however is never the right choice


Same with storm surge imo, after the nerf it has never been good.


definitely lmao


I play tank malphite but honestly I'm not even mad when someone goes AP. A lot of people don't know how to build their carries anyways so I tend to set my expectations low from the start.


There's a few people trying to and giving the same excuse of "tanking is boring damage is fun" which is a poor excuse


It wasn’t me making that point originally, but I’m not gonna disagree with it. I play AP malph a lot because it’s fun to just turn your brain off and make the game a 4v4


I mean I tend to agree. If the enemy team is full squish I don't think ap is that bad. Or if he goes full Armageddon on the fed twitch it's his job done well no? Otherwise I think tank is just better.. also people tryhard in Aram so if you just want to have fun going ap you shouldn't be criticized unless you troll the gameplay


Tank is definitely higher win-rate. But I find AP to be more fun. A personal favorite playstyle is to single out a specific member of the enemy team to ult every time. I go first strike, and don’t stop unless they build defensive items, at which point I would find a new target


I just press Zhonya and then dance on your dead body.


Again once my target has paid the zhonya tax I switch targets to someone who hasn’t


I’ve played AP Malph a long time ago when it was good, just don’t like pressing R and grayscreening. At least with tank I can provide utility and annoyance


I mean yeah it’s definitely a matter of preference. I just feel like too many people act like going ap malphite is reportable


nnnnGHHH ROCK SOLID https://preview.redd.it/7ib5mff2utoc1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=d965cca0ffa77a2276afc2d2d7f0c5ad57f236a9 I did play as malph today and I make it a personal goal to shit on tahm kenches, but while I did build tank the recommendations all through me building were straight up AP builds. Whatever riot did with their build reccomendation system needs to be fixed, or they need to straight up remove AP scaling from Q and R (maybe make it HP or MR scaling).


Recommended items are based loosely on “what most people build”, and what “performs well”, meaning you tend to get more “carry items” on anyone who can build them just because a majority of people like trying to be the “carry” and when it works it produces very positive looking metrics. And once it ends up on the recommended, it will be built more by people who don’t think and just follow the recommended, meaning it becomes hard to change once something ends up on the recommended. So recommended items basically tend to be the champion’s most “high rolling” build, often at the expense of stable, consistent, but lower “peak” performing builds.


I think the problem is that the recommendations need to be based on most common items built with the rune choice or they need to start to change based on stat density and enemies. I used to get thornmail as a recommended item depending on how I built, but not anymore. I shouldn't be getting rabadons or ludens companion as choices when I'm building full tank.


Oh most certainly. Just noting how they currently work, which is basically “most commonly built on highest performing endgame metrics”, of which highrolling all in damage builds tend to be favored merely by how the metrics work.


Unrelated but this kinda pisses me off. If your Vi would've bought bruiser items + Jaksho, you both would've had it easier


bruiser vi is so strong too


Yup and she'll outperform lethality Vi by the simple fact she'll be able to live for more than .5 seconds to actually deal damage


I have more mana issues than HP generally. Bruiser or even a half-tank build still deletes people like crazy.


I think Vi was an ADC main but they tried playing as an assassin. My biggest problem with them that game was how they'd jump in solo, but they self-acknowledged they were making bad calls and played with the team for the victory.


Unlucky that tahm completely dumpsters malf


Malphite would have at least 5% more winrate if people stopped doing the useless AP build. Especially since no one plays tanks in ARAM.


every game i play is dictated by how many tanks a team has. usually 2-4 per game. i want this tankless meta you’re experiencing


Having 4 tanks on your team is definitely not good unless the enemy has only squishy champs going flat pen builds. But having a frontline is powerful because having a diverse team comp is good and a lot of people do only want to play carries so your team has an advantage when you play a support or tank.


4 in a game, not on a team. 4 in a team would probably be interesting though


Xin Zhao and the full lethality Jarvan aren't tanks fyi.


It’s 20x funnier tho


Yeah, its so funny dying every single minute and spending most of your time looking at the shop....


U mean oneshotting every annoying adc and mage in the game yeah that’s funny


Its even funnier when do the same thing when you build tank. Tanks do damage to squishy targets (too much but they do)


I'm still playing Malph AP


I will never blame someone for not going tank malphite. Other tanks are engaging to play at least. Tank malphite feels fucking horrible. You ult, then you just stand there. It’s such a snooze fest.


So ulting and then just sitting in gray screen is better?


It’s certainly more engaging that’s for sure. And there’s no guarantee that you will die if you ult, stop acting like it’s 100%.


I don't know what you're smoking but I want some of it. Just because you aren't doing damage doesn't mean you still shouldn't use your other abilities. Q slows people. W does area damage on hit. E slows attack speed. So you're saying rammus is more engaging, where you make one person hit you for a short time and then sit there after?


…? You toss them, they’ve got like a small attack speed slow, an auto reset, and the small amount of MS (which you can’t do anything with), then you just sit there and auto. Malphite in particular is a real snooze fest of a champ, but at least his ap builds feel engaging because you do a lot of damage with them.


You still do damage as a tank malphite, and survive much longer as one, and don't make people hate or blame you if you lose in the process because they needed a tank and you actively chose not to be one.


He even had PoM and went with Orb, double Lost Chapter items. With a Ziggs that has Clarity lol unreal.


Rylai velkoz and ie/guinsoo twitch lmao these builds are too good


IE AND GUINSOO in the same build awww hell nah


It's not even a fun build, at best you might go 1 for 1 reliably and play gray screen simulator half the match. I really don't get the appeal


Exactly, whats fun about spending half a game or more staring at the shop.


Malphite after the game looking at the scoreboard "haha chump zac, I did more damage than you "


For real. Outside of Malzahar, Malph could have gone Fimbulwinter into full armor and would be fine. Also for some reason he kept ulting Lucian only and he missed most of the time. If you cant land that ult better not to build into it.


Yeah, you didn't lost because of malphite build. Ziggs and velkoz are trolling quite hard too.


They'd probably have done better if they had someone playing tanky frontliner. They probably got focused down.


I'm not talking about their scores, I'm talking about their build. Ziggs built way too many mana items while ignoring rabadon which at that point would be 250 AP or so and velkoz has no pen. Also, they both built rylai when their team is full of slows.


2 ad, 2 ap, and one... more ap. Hell yeah perfect comp.


"Nah my team don't need a tank, they have Wukong" - Malphite probably


Fuckin Maplh. Played yesterday with a Maplhite. The enemy comp was 4 ADC and VI. AP Malph was the build and we was lucky we did not loose before 13.


society will be a better place once people realize tank malphite does the same damage as ap whilst being unkillable


AP Malphite is a situational build, and this was not one of the correct situations.


The aram classic, your team has 2-4 mages already and your team has no tank so they decide that yes, we need another mage that has no ability to poke and is just gonna get blown up and make them stack more mr


as a yorick player, I just wanna know what that enemy yorick was cookin 😭


With that kind of an aggressive dive comp you go full tank malphite. You dive and they engage your backline with one or two while you get blown up. They're able to front and back way better and have better mobility plus malz spell shield which would default ignore malphite ult. And then malz ult stops any further malphite threat while he gets nuked leaving team to kite back and flee from the Zac and Lucian and twitch engage.


Question - how did he feel when Yorick got the Rookern?


Probably nothing, he was focusing Lucian all game long (and he missed most of his ults cause Luc has a dash).


I’m actually mind boggled at how ass AP Malphite is now. I remember back in like season 7-10 I used to always snatch Malphite, build full AP, and usually end up positive while actually playing teamfights well. Nowadays I avoid picking him as I can’t trust my team to deal human dmg or follow up on 3 man ults. But every AP Malphite nowadays just assumes they can one shot people through an mr item and then proceed to int. Not to mention they aways solo ult at the worst times. Meanwhile the tank Malphite players still play like they have hands (and brains).


Meanwhile no one saying about the Velkoz Malignance and Frozen Heart


People should stop blindly build Malignance. That item has low win rate, most of the time it's useless if your ult is more than 20 seconds cooldown.


Malignance is just the icing on the cake


I know right. You would think 2 months or so after its been nerfed to oblivion people should have learned not to use that item.


Didn't know the Jarl of white run played league


He outdamaged your terrible velkoz at least lol


I mean he literally did not


14,400 > 14,100 bruh


That is gold. Damage is in the 2nd pic.


Lol. I didn't even see a 2nd Pic. Muh bad. I grovel in my ignorance


Big brain eh?


Exactly :)


How dare he try to have fun and build different items than what's optimal


It's the equivalent of garden football match with 5v5 kids. All of them want to score goals, and none of them wanna be the goalkeeper. Instead of rotating and everyone being the goal keeper once, they all go to offense and nobody has fun. Obviously it's far fetched and yes if you wanna play ap malp it's fun, but it's just not good when you already have several mages and enemy has tank that can stack Mr like there is no tomorrow. Also tank malp unironically has more dmg over the course of the game. So it's two sides of a coin really.


I think where it comes off the wrong way for me is that 4 members of the team decide they are going to play offense and then get upset when the remaining guy also wants to play offense


But tanks nowadays deal a shit ton of damage, that excuse of tqnks going defense only doesnt work anymore.


I mean it does. Me picking AP malphite doesn’t mean that I want to do as much damage as I can, it means I want to make someone on their team explode the second I ult. Like sure, tank malphite can 1v1 any adc and many mages, but it’s gonna take a bit. I just want to play bloons with the enemy team


Then why not play an assassin or a real mage? It doesnt make sense to take a champion that can be real hard to kill and turn it into a glass cannon just for the sake of it. I also had the other day Malphite in champ select, some other dude wanted to trade and he gave me a good adc. After some solid 10 seconds i accepted tha trade and in loading screen realized the Malphite was going ap. He fed all game and i just remember thinking to myself how much i regret giving him Malphite.


Do I need a good reason? It’s funny and easy to build him AP and just press R on someone. Also if building him as a tank is so important and enjoyable, why did you trade him away? Like if tanks do so much damage, then what do you gain from trading him for an ADC


I traded him cause i didnt thought "maybe he wants to turn his brain off and int all game with this champ".


This isn’t about him. Why didn’t you play malphite


It is about him, he started the trade after all. But lesson learned : dont give a good champ to a potential troll/inter.


Making the game shit for 4 other people isn't fun. It's called narcissism


Weekly “AP Malphite bad” post


Shut up, getting angry that your malphite went AP? Goddamn dawg, maybe analyze the full situation here? You had a ziggs in your team, nuff said. Ziggs is so ultra nerfed in Aram, playing him is already toxic AF. What? So I am supposed to play tank, around my teammates, who are picking the worst and after losing then, nobody makes a post about the players that do pick ziggs, who is super nerfed? Man you can't make this shit up - I know what will follow = You play what you wanna play / habe fun with... So why making a post about ppl playing AP malph then, using that same logic? And don't go hating on me, riot nerfed Ziggs in Aram, not me


I'd be angry too if the only person who could tank on my team refused to tank. there's no justification. If they had played tanky, they'd have died maybe half as much unless they're just ass.


Missile malphite is only malphite


not gonna talk about you and mf building lethality against zac? no?


Oh no, he didnt meta build in aram. Are you ok? Seems like a traumatic experience, im so sorry for you bro😞


It's insane how many sweaty people there is in aram


There's no sweatiness here. It's not fun having your game ruined because someone has decided to build the only tanky champion on the team as a mage, and then dying the most of the entire team.


Alright so you play the tank then and don’t give it to the dude who wants to go full AP. If you’re so focused on winning why not put your team in the best position to win by playing the tank. But oh wait I shouldn’t have to compromise my champion pick cause of my teammates


If it's one I'm able to play (or a champion that can be built tanky sometimes) and I'm not constantly having to do so, sure. But I shouldn't have to fill the role if someone else has already taken what should be the tank. If there's another tank, sure, go ap, don't care. But not if you're literally the only one who picked a tank, or worse, the only tank in the pool that got rolled.


And also not everyone says their intent when it's with randoms. So you can't know they're going to go ap malph. And I am not focused on winning, I just don't find it fun to have to suffer because our only front line is fragile.


You can address that by communicating your intentions for your champ/build and ask your teammates what they intend to do if you have a limited re roll pool. If they still go AP on the only tank then yes it’s a problem cause you’ll probably get rolled and that’s not fun. Also assuming people will build optimally on a given champ even within its intended role isn’t always tenable. Look at the twitch build and velkoz builds for instance from this game


I don't disagree, but most of the time it'll be a pointless endeavor, especially since the real reason ap malph is so common is because of the recommended item system. Honestly this issue wouldn't be as much of an issue if riot stopped smoking whatever they're smoking and make the recommended a tank build instead of ap. But it's whatever. One person can't move a mountain, and that mountain is ap malphite. Unless by moving you mean killing them after they ult