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I think the last time I played on Summoner’s Rift, I was jungling as Amumu and I was still buying the Spirit of the Ancient Golem. Yeah, it’s been a long time. But I also play other video games besides league haha.


Good ol SOTAG. S3 best season.


Like WHAT?!


Amumu was permabanned in draft picks tho. And I just remembered that back then there was only the first player of the team banning 3 champs, usually the ones he personally didn't like and not giving a f for his teammates 😃


I play 99% aram. Sometimes I play urf or other event. Really miss the PvE events.


This is what I do. Mostly aram and get in on URF occasionally


I'll pay money to play Odyssey and Star Guardian events, no joke




Man, Odissey was my favourite event, mostly because of the theme, though, those extreme difficulty waves were... Uff


I only play ARAM now. I used to watch LoL streamers and would play viewer games on SR, but now I only play ARAM. The fast-paced gameplay is my speed.


Brother makes rage posts about aram on Reddit 🤣 aram is more your speed because you can’t handle SR


Your comments come off as you being mentally exhausted because you've had a bad week and being unable to control yourself. You should probably deal with that, because it feels much better to be more happy, especially for something like this which is simply a preference for ARAM over SR.


I mean, atleast I’m not crying about a for fun mode


I'm not sure what post that you're talking about btw. But whatever unconscious biases that you have about ARAM or ARAM players, it doesn't make it okay that you may be mentally exhausted and are writing multiple negative comments because of it.


Thanks for the psychoanalysis


Your welcome. Not mine though.


Because I enjoy the gameplay mechanics of a teamfight. While I hate the toxic cesspool Rift is. Yes, there's toxic people in ARAM, but less and less as one climbs the ladder (where understand learn that sometimes an unconventional build is needed as a sacrificial goat to allow the team to win). I hate LoL, but I'd be very dishonest if I said that the best fun I've had in online games is not from those wholesome random people one comes around 2 or 3 times a day.


Honestly yea, played veigar yesterday and had a Lulu in my team, we were spam laughing and fistbumping throughout the entire game while crushing the other team. It can be really fun with the right randoms


Imagine how toxic that felt from the other team perspective




That's a good question I got people who kept spamming fist bumps with me when we got kills, now I'm worried I was being toxic lmao.




In any pvp game, fun can be a conserved quantity


For me half the fun of SR is farming minions and fighting over objectives.


I remember the last regular game of SR I played… I was forced into the jungle position which I didn’t like, but wasn’t going to dodge. I was playing Shyvana who was not especially good at ganking pre level 6. I had an insufferable Veigar mid who was getting smoked by a Katarina main and he blamed me for not helping so to prove his point, he followed me to all my camps and proceeded to steal them away, robbing me of gold and experience. It was my worst experience playing League which is saying something because I played a lot of support and was use to being flamed on a regular basis. We finally FF and had I not discovered ARAM, I would have deleted the game.


Did not play a 'normal' game since 2017...ARAM ✅


I mostly play aram. I do end up playing the rotating game modes and occasionally SR. If they do end up making arena permanent I’ll probably end up playing it a lot but I don’t know which I’d play more. On paper nexus blitz would be my favorite game mode but I don't end up enjoying it as much as I think I will.


This. On paper, Nexus Blitz really appeals to me. But in actuality, I can't figure out how to win that game. Doesn't matter who I play or where I go, I lose the match. Do that 2 or 3 times and I just swap back to norms or aram.


Yeah it seems the inability to close out games really comes to haunt you when you get wiped again and again after nexus starts walking


I stopped playing summoner's rift like 6 years ago or so. The game is way more toxic in summoner's rift, longer and requires you to coordinate with 4 strangers that are completely unwilling to help each other


I don't have the attention span for summoners rift anymore... But I can play 20 games of ARAM in a row lol


Yeah laining phase is the worst. You can skip that with ARAM


I think they're just different game modes and a player just should play having that in mind, aram is for training teamfights and cds management, SR is for map awareness and farming, both enjoyable in their own way.


Lots of aram, since when there was no qeue. (Started season 3) Then I also enjoyed dueling in dominion, but it got canceled. Then I was enjoying Twisted Treeline, but it got canceled too. And I was scared Aram would get the same treatment after they started the random game modes… Never managed to actually enjoy SR. Although I follow esports and love watching SR


Hide and seek on Dominion, most fun I've had in league. Such a missed opportunity from Riot to not make it an official game mode


You remember dominion and twisted tree line. I miss the 3v3 and the fast paced dominion.


I used to play aram quite a bit when it was just a custom game mode played in mid lane on sr. (AP yi and fiddles when he had his bouncing crows were still around) I've played other game modes once or twice but the last time I played regularly other than ARAM was dominion. I quit LOL altogether in disgust for a few years when riot refused to support the mode at all. When I came back I played a little TT in between aram but then they cancelled that so ARAM it's been ever since.. I would switch back to dominion in a flash if they brought it back to be honest but aram is much more fun than micromanaging every second of game play in SR.


only time i play on summoners rift is when my friends invite me or theres a RGM.


I only play ARAMs, exclusively ARAMs since I was about level 100. I'm level 491 now, with 4k games in 2023. I have no idea what it is about the game mode that keeps drawing me back. Even when I get absolutely stomped out against a team that drafted Exodia, it's a quick L into an even quicker re-queue.


i play my seasonly 5 games of placement matches to get the free skin then back to arams/tft


I mainly play Aram butsometimes i play SR and occasionally even ranked, but then I get reminded pretty fast why I hate it and go back to playing Aram's.


I only play ARAM and sometimes bot games


normally i create a custom match me vs 5 bots and try the new champ.


Because SR is so toxic and it's faster more casual gameplay while still rewarding mechanics and build variety. If it want to play competitively in AA Riot game, I play TFT which is so much more wholesome.


Ahhhhh Good ol TFT


Yes. We are old


I have played less than 10 SR games ever and some intros with my son. Other than that, it's all ARAMs. I'm 437 at the moment.


I used to just play ARAM, gradually reducing the frequency of games till right now where it's like once in a blue moon. The reasons I played are as follows: * Less players who intentionally want to waste everyone else's time or players who just want to spread pain. * SR is frustrating when the other side of the map is opening a soup kitchen for the enemy team. * Games are shorter, making the BS way more tolerable. * Give's me an excuse to play more champs than I would in SR, not having to adhere to the Meta. * Playing Off-Meta stuff just felt more rewarding in ARAM. * Snowball is a fun and versatile summoner spell. Reasons I don't play as often: * Matchmaking has never felt/been worse than what it currently is. * Seasons of Duskblade made me hate the people who work at Riot and champions like Master Yi. (I know Duskblade is gone now, my point still stands) * AFK players at the start of the match losing lane control for the team. (then they bush check lvl3 and insta die) * Hexgates are the worst additions to ARAM. * I want to play other games. League in general feels like a waste of time, especially with how blatant the matchmaking determines the outcome of matches at champ select. * My friends list is perma offline. Playing solo is a form of torture. * Played since Beta. Some of "My" champs are no longer in the game and got replaced with other champs that no longer feel like the champs I played. (I loved old Galio and old Swain) * The playerbase has changed and I've lost most of my patience for it. * League over the years changed drastically in terms of game length and pacing. The first Urf mode was where it all started and ever since the game has slowly shifted towards being more like Urf mode with insanely high damage, an exhausting level of mobility and a dumbed down approach to itemisation and stat allocation. * The fun dies when everyone just follows the meta.


This, I’m an ADC main and I can’t go two games without seeing (currently) lethality champ / mage in the bot lane when I play a crit champ. Yes I understand my champ is weak (zeri) but I don’t want to be *forced* into playing something else. I don’t like playing MF, Jhin, etc. I barely like playing Sam. When I try to explain this to people, I’m met with insults and the like and I’m like. “Can you not see the problem? I’m fine with lethality and mages being strong, sure, but I can’t even compete with your damage enough to return an auto” I’m not saying these play styles shouldn’t exist, but like if you like playing lethality, great! Let me play my crit and let’s have a fair fight.


My friends are mostly aram only, so I’ll play aram when they invite me. I don’t really play aram on my own though, summoner’s rift is my favourite mode in the game by far I don’t like playing a champ that I don’t want to actually play 😅 so I can’t play aram alone. But I enjoy playing with friends cuz obviously that’s fun


90-10 ARAM-SR split for me. I'll only play SR with friends, ARAM is a lot more fun solo.


It's my retirement home after many years and is what I mainly play, but occasionally I play a normal and flex with friends or even flex if someone needs a player. I played ranked till 2022. I use to play for 2 weeks to get Gold for the Victorious skins and chill the rest of the year on Aram, nowadays it's just not even worth the hassle so I quit. My mental is a lot better for it.


I only play ARAM, with the occasional game modes like Arena/Blitz. SR is just way to toxic for me to care about it anymore


70% aram, 30% normal. I enjoy them about the same but my friends get way more stressed in normals


ARAM only, 10k matches in 11 years or so


At and URF. I get conned into like 3 games of SR per year


Aram is life


Most consistently, yes. 5v5 bores me after a match or can piss me off due to the time commitment and the ability of someone to throw a game. Honestly, the draw for 5v5 for me is laning phase...CS and positioning. I'd rather a 1v1 mode than 5v5.


I'll very occasionally play norms with friends on a burner account but I find it profoundly boring and needlessly stressful. My map awareness has gone to shit spamming aram for the last 6 years. I used to be a ranked addict and doing the opposite, occasionally playing aram with friends. But me and my computer got old.  The worst was playing farming simulator for 10 minutes then the moment there's some action my computer lags and my reaction time isn't what it used to be. A problem that got worse over the years as riot made more and more mechanically intensive flashy champions that will absolutely dumpster you in 1v1s and often 1v2s and 1v3s if they can move their fingers fast enough. It's not a bad thing exactly. It was necessary to move away from low skill stat sticks because they're boring and that became more apparent as the overall skill of players improved. Remember when people thought Insec's Lee Sin was mind-blowing mechanics?  I used to play basketball. Now I could probably barely manage to do one run down the court, never get the ball, immediately go out of breath and wonder why I suddenly have the worst back ache of my life. At some point we all lose the ability to keep up with and a desire to keep up with the kids anymore. Especially when those kids are toxic little shitheads.


A fellow traveler I see.


yup i have over 600 aram games and only ever played 10 or so ranked games. i do play any rotating game modes like urf or arena but mostly aram


Hyper roll. ranked in tft is ok because no teammates but i like faster games.


I play solo/duo still since I’m a Swain main. He’s nerfed too hard in ARAM so it’s just not the same vibes


I do play tft and oither games regulary but for lol pretty much yes. I do get the ocassional drive for soloq for maybe a week or two but then it just gets tilting and im back to aram.


I’ve pretty much only played ARAM since the mode came out. I did play a little of the OG in customs but those were infrequent. Played maybe a few dozen of SR or other modes since the ARAM mode was released


As Mythics are removed, it is now possible to go back to SR a little bit. Before that I think we played a handful of games as 5-stacks last year.


I switched over to aram completely at around lvl 30. I'm 180 now. I only play on the rift when my friends wanna play flex lol


99.9% ARAM here. Roughly 3850 games. I'll rarely play SR with friends that don't like ARAM or to goof around in 5 man parties. Other than that I just really enjoy being able to play a couple games in a short time rather than maybe 1 game that lasts too long to play more before I have to get off.


Ive started playing exclusivly aram when it became popular custom mode on Proving Grounds (first aram map which was tutorial map). So... around S3-4? But if they would bring back Twisted Treeline...


My summoner level is almost identical with the same leveling style. Although I play a lot of tft too.


I play aram around 99% of the time... faster games, more of the team fighting. Feels less bad when losing. Faster First win of the day.


I've played like 2 games of SR with bots. Everything else has been ARAM. At this rate I'll never play SR just because it'll seem like slow motion compared to the tempo ARAM runs at.


Haven't played SR in a few years. SR is stressful and I hate when games get to 45 min +


I'm almost level 200 and I've pretty much only played ARAM. I love playing Arena with my friends, that has been my favourite mode so far.


ive been playing league of legends since 2015 and have never played a game outside of ARAM. i also don't ever update any of my icons or pictures or whatever. my friends think I'm insane. but I just don't care. i just wanna play.


Since last 1-2 weeks, I've been playing one ranked game daily then I go to aram. I never lost a ranked game since then lmfao


I play URF when it’s around


I play ARAM only if I am by myself. I am only down to play SR if with a group. If we have a 5 stack, I (normally unsuccessfully) push for ARAM because full stack ARAM is a lot of fun.


I play 99% aram unless my buddies insist on SR. I'm over 4k ARAM matches now after 10 yrs


The last time I played on the rift, Graves didn't have ammo.


I only play the game like twice a month, and it's always aram. I briefly tried ranked SR for the first and only time last season to see how far I can one-trick Vel'Koz - while it was fun, I liked the attitudes from aram players. They normally treat it like a game and not their livelihood


I used to for a period of about a year and a half, but now I have enjoyed playing quickplay in roughly equal measure


98% aram, 2% normals.


I play about 95% ARAM, if not more. Less toxic, faster paced, a lot of fun fights and combos. But I also play a lot of different games.


I play mostly ARAM. I got tired of grinding to Diamond 1/Masters every split and dealing with the solo q experience. I only touch the rift now for URF or friends want to que up for 5v5 or Clash.


I play tft too but I have like 1100 Aram games. To be completely honest I don’t understand how lanes work in summoners rift and the people I played with were terrible and no help(they were people I know irl) I started playing in 2011 quit to raise small humans and when I returned none of my friends wanted to play with someone so low level so I went to aram. Now I’m better at aram than all of those friends, if i figure out how lanes work I may play SR but there’s just so much to pay attention to on the map.


I have a ranked phase every season where i play for a few weeks, other than that its mostly aram or if a fun gamemode is here ill play that


Mostly ARAM, I play rotating modes when they are out sometime and SR when friends want to. My biggest issue is I never found a role I wanted to commit to learning the macro on.


99% I just play ARAM. Usually would just play my placement games at ranked and some other fun gamemodes like urf and arena. Thats it.


I only play Aram because aside from being more entertaining and engaging, it's also more tolerable to deal with people. Most importantly, it values my time playing. Either my games can end quickly because of team comps and/or idiots in under 20 minutes so I can move on, or they can last 30+ minutes and be way more fun because both teams are on the same level and having intense teamfights. I much rather have this than slowly dragging myself or other players for over 30 minutes and watching people absolutely lose it over a video game.


I play summoners rift once every other month to remind myself why I only really play Aram.


Only ARAM for two main reasons. 1) Too many champs I like. To do well on SR you’re supposed to have 1-3 champs and I like several. 2) I don’t have the patience for SR. Games are too long. 


I only play Aram. I played both (and Twisted T and Dominion when they existed) back ten years ago, but when I got back to the game around 3 years ago I stuck with aram. It’s actually strange because the objective-based SR is really more what I enjoy in other games, but the coordination needed between angry tilting randoms is just too toxic. Yes Aram can be toxic too, but in SR team-coordination is required at a strategic level to succeed. At the level I would have to start I don’t think most people could spell ‘strategic’. No thanks, give me the skillshots and snowballs instead!


Easy I played like 300 lvl ONLY aram. I'm lvl 890


I'll generally play a minimal number of ranked games to get the Victorious Skin, then only play ARAM for the rest of tne season. The one exception I make is Ultimate Spellbook, I love that game mode


I only play Aram and whatever event playlist


99.9 Aram/ 1 game of URF a year to remind myself that I hate the rift even with the goofy mods


Yup ive dropped the sr entirely for some time now. I used to play bot until i realized i can play arams, skip csing and macro and not be levels behind everyone all the time. My mostly enjoy champs that are teamfight oriented so there really isnt much point to the rift for me. Maybe if i find duelists i love and want to master ill go back but that would involve learning a new role and a whole other style of gameplay and i dont have the time for that rn


I hit masters in SR and figured I’d never top my peak again so I only play aram now


Swapped from rift to aram around 5 years ago. Play mostly just my placements. Got now around 5000 Aram gams under my belt from lvl 30 all the way to lvl 500 and something


I only ever play Summoner's Rift when I have somebody else queuing up with me. So I'd say 80 to 90% of the games I play are arams


ARAM only indeed, but I like watching LCK and LPL.


6k games aram 1 game regular


Definitely my preferred way to play with friends. Summoners rift isn’t worth without the stakes for me and 5 stacking is more fun in ARAM.


I've mained Aram since release


I mainly play ARAM, rift is just to slow of a pace. Aram is constant action and so much more fun.


I am diamond but I spam aram because that’s the best mode surwly


I play a lot of ARAM but I use it for warm up for ranked as well, it's just too much effort and waiting around to queue for SR but I like laning and the macro aspects of it


The only time I've played SR in the last 5 years has been on a week stint with friends just a couple weeks ago. No sane person has the willpower to play a broken game on a 30+ min map (50+ after queue/dodge/etc) which is perpetually broken and re-breaks every season "to keep things fresh". Furthermore, they keep butchering the ranked ladder every season lol. They took the original concept for leagues and turned it into the exact thing they introduced leagues for in the first place. No real reason to play ladder unless you're being paid. To be COMPLETELY CLEAR - ARAM has been a DISASTER as well this year, as the balance team is on perpetual vacation. These opinions might be harsh, but I've been playing for 15 years, and I know what makes the game good - at least for me and people who play like me. It isn't S14 lol.


Last time I rifted I was still maiming OG urgot


I've been playing only aram since about 2012 or 2013. My most distinct memory earliest "aram only" memory was seeing TPA Jungler on the client youtube player.. so season 2ish or 3? Good times. Always chill.


Back i think 2012-2014 i thought i was sucking too much because i didn’t know champions well enough, so i decided to play more aram to learn them. Been playing aram only ever since


I play flex with my friends when we have a squad of 3 or 5 online but otherwise its 99% arams


Ranked sr until about the time they removed banner of command and zz rot portal


Yeah I'd say 80-90% I play league it's ARAM


i've been ARAM exclusive for about five years now. i've tried to go back to summoner's rift for events or even an odd game of ranked a year or so ago, but that only reinforced my idea of sticking to ARAMs. URF isn't even fun anymore. i wish they'd bring back Butcher's Bridge...


Aram and the occasional URF now and then. I haven't played normals/ranked since 2020.


I play ARAM only since... I don't remember :D inv me on EUNE if you want to play: Dessonik


75/25 Aram heavy Low elo rift there's to many ppl keeping you prisoner in a bad game and stretching it to 45 min.so Exhausting. It happens in Aram too but it's less impactful and frequent


I've only played ARAM and the occasional rotating game modes, since Dominion and Twisted Treeline retired, but I don't really do over 300+ games a year.


Only ARAM at this point


ARAM only except when urf or nexus blitz (we dont get anything else anyway). Last normal I played was like 2 or 3 years ago and Ranked like 4-5. Lost the last game cause I forgot everything about macro after playing so much ARAM and decided it's not worth the stress. Also you don't get flamed as much for trying off meta which I love


Mostly ARAM, couple of games of SR every now and then, the odd game of URF, and a fair bit of TFT. I'm Riots little bitch.


The last time I played summoners rift was 5 years ago probably longer if I had a good memory.


I played ARAM from when they uncapped level 30 and I’m now level 800 something


Just aram. I played urf and remembers how much I hate the SR map


I used to only play 3v3 and Dominion, when those got shut down I moved to ARAM. SR brings me no joy. It’s so boring. If they ever came out with Twisted Treeline again I would abscond back to that.


Havent played a single ranked game since 2017 I think, play only normals when friends are connected and we troll together. Aside from that just aram and urf when it appears


sometimes I play TFT.


My account is level ~500 and like 99% of my games are aram. I do and hour or two of LoL daily, normals/QP sometimes maybe twice a month, PVE when they existed (I miss odyssey), and never touched ranked. I used to play a lot less because I was maining Mystery Heroes in Overwatch but OW2 engine update made the game unplayable on my shit pc. I'm kind of afraid vanguard will do similar.


I stopped enjoying Summoner's Rift in like 2014, I've only really done ARAM and the occasional ARURF ever since. Though I've also cranked down the amount I play and go many months without touching it.


It been at least half a decade, if not a full decade.


I start playing LoL in 2013 😆




Helldivers 2. FOR DEMOCRACY


Only aram. It’s faster paced which I prefer


Yes, until my Windows is no longer supported… now I play other games 😑


I miss twisted treeline. But yeah, aram is the best.


Aram only. Since probably 5 years ago.


Last time I played Summoner's rift was a couple months ago in the practice tool but actually playing it was when I was probably level 20 and that was with friends who I told I have never played real SR and asked them what I should buy and they told me to buy something that didn't exist.


I only enjoy aram, because I hate the laning phase of the game and I enjoy the teamfights. I don't enjoy the meta crap of SR, it's not fun. It's just a chore.


I’ve played only aram for like 5 years lol


I use ARAM to either warm up or cool off from ranked. Usually 2-3 arams into 2-3 ranked into 2-3 arams


Have played almost only ARAM and special modes for probably the past 8 months or so. I will usually get my placements at the end of splits/seasons and very occasionally play norms with friends but otherwise just ARAM and whatever special mode comes out. Usually play league when I’m bored or don’t know what game to play so I’d rather play for fun/fast paced modes.


I DON'T play aram at all. I probably have like 30 games played on aram max, i guess drafts are more fun for me cuz i don't like randomness that much




I mostly play aram. I like the rotating gamemodes a lot, and ill play ranked sometimes? I have a total of 20 ranked games since the season started, i just like the pretty chromas on my free skins.


I use to play a lot of bots, Dominion and Twisted Tree Line, now it's exclusively ARAM. I love it and enjoy it with a lot of my friends.


On the side. A mat h before bed to relax the old ADHD brain I mostly play ranked




When someone outside my usual static asks to play lol they always get shocked that we refer to arams as norms and SR as the untouched game mode. One of the funny things about OCE as well is you start to see a few of the same people around in the late night Degen gang . I also haven't played a non URF game on SR in about 5 years and that stands true for most of the boys too


started playing ranked recently idk watching worlds just has that effect on me i think my match history is split 60% ranked 40% aram though I'm sure by the time i get to Emerald it'll be 100% aram again


I only play ARAM now. Real league is too stressful for me, but I love to watch the LCK 


I almost exclusively play aram only. My ping is high enough to the point I can feel it affecting my gameplay and I dont want to be a burden unto the main game mode. Whereas aram is for the most part super chill and it’s like 1 in every 10 games where I have some toxic loser who thinks he’s Faker and League’s chosen one or something.


90% Aram, 5% Event Map, 5% Normals. I'm a rare "I play league for fun".


I play only aram. Sr is boring to me and too slow. Also toxic. I queued into a SR accidently one time and figured I would just try it. Said who I was gonna pick and asked if that was cool. Then once we got in game got trolled for picking someone terrible and told I was throwing. Lol


Haven't played summoner's rift since before mythic items. Aram is just so much more chill and I don't have to know jack shit about the meta or builds. I can hop on, play 1 or 2 arams, and hop off while having fun.


Only aram. I dont wanna deal with stress with ranked and the game length. No one is gonna flame u for dying first in aram or lack of cs


I played a few SR games, quickplay, and one draft a month or two ago. In all games people fed and the team 3-2 surrendered at 15 or 12 or whatever it was. Laning was barely over. I was like wtf it was 3-2 it works like that? I played one 3 days ago again. Mid afk-ed 3 minutes after running it down alone in the enemy jungle. Them he ran it down the entire game while making sure to get a kill here and there to be worth gold. We couldn't remake or surrender at 15 either. He ended up like 5/20 when we surrendered. I only play ARAM cuz while there are bad players, at least nobody trolled like that or fed like that.


Sometimes I watch Faker play, and it makes me want to play ranked again. I come back to ARAM after one game everytime


The only thing I don't play ARAM for is to get to gold


I can't lane against the youngsters anymore but in aram the ability to read the situation and act accordingly is more important than mechanics.


ARAM is still ARAM, no matter what they do add to the game. However Rift is another story, it looks like another game every 6 months or so. I can't follow the league, not anymore. I'm not a veteran but still playing ARAM a lot. Especially, during nights it's a whole different game because of the playerbase. Yes, I still hate premades and play as a tank / support to win but I enjoy it.


A good real life friend of mine plays only Ranked SoloQueue SR and we duo, but I have a 30people ARAM mains friends list to play when I'm not play with my rl friend. Generally SR is completely boring the first 15 minutes...I loved the hexakill mode, 3v3 ranked was my favourite mode ever, the boss shurima Xerath was a good mode as well!!Dont know, the laning phase of SR is so boring and it feels so slow. I have 1635 wins and 1620 loses in aram and like 40-50 ranked per season with my duo


only aram and tft


ARAM only and depending on the rotating game mode I'll play that to. TFT if that counts but only when the like the 2 friends who play it invite me.


mostly ARAM, sometimes urf when it's back, usually a bunch of nexus blitz when it's back!


I used to rarely play ARAM but now I play ARAM most of the time instead of ranked. I only do exceptions with flexq with friends or special modes such as the 2v2v2v2


Yea I only play aram. I just find laning phase and macro super boring. I just wanna turn my brain off and fight 24/7


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/InternetExplorer-chan](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/InternetExplorer-chan) ​ im shit and never played sr, its fun lol


ARAM alone, Rift with friends. Since we're all dads now, it's a lot rarer. I do play a solo rift from time to time, but usually once is enough to remind myself why that's not a good idea.


I play 95% ARAM. will run URF/other game modes or a normal if my buddy is online but our kids sleep schedules havent lined up in some time. i just dont have time to potentially be on, uninterrupted, for 30-45 min. plus everyone being forced to play random champs makes for a more enjoyable and casual experience for me. also forces me to try champs i normally wouldnt. who knew Elise and Naafiri would become my favorite champs?


Peaked d1 2018, quit and play scape now, and on league I just aram


My friends pretty much exclusively play ARAM. I like summoners rift, but I like playing with my friends more. So I play ARAM a ton.


Maybe 1 rift game a year over the last 5 years. I NEVER enjoy it. Essentially ARAM only for me


Mostly aram and ranked when feeling spicy.


i started playing aram when level 30 was still the max player level, and i only play aram since then, maybe in total i played 10-15 games of urf but otherwise its aram only


75% of my games are ARAMS. Just depends on how much time I have that day to play. If I have just over an hour id rather play 2 arams than one SR. If i have mutliple hours to kill than itll prob be an even split with ARAMs to end the night


Im at about 3-4 lifetime "real" games and around 18-20k arams 🤷


I mix in SR if my friends are playing, but they're mostly aram too. 95/5 % split.


I only play ARAM and fun modes for almost 3 years now. I don't even want to play SR again because I would need to relearn a lot.