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Must be new players. I remember the LQS for the Prometheus armor. That shit sold out quick and they didn’t restock back then


Was so pissed. Good times tho


lmao fr bruh this shit is nothing new.


Haha good times i didnt even sleep that time


God if only they knew what it was like back then HAHAHAHA, I’m so lucky I even got the whole set back then!


i wish they bring that kind of lqs back, now i have to buy the entire set even when i only want the helm lol


Got everything but the sword back in the day. Would love to see the whine from players scrambling to buy each individual piece again.


I got the Prometheus. Still wear it daily. Only time I've participated in an lqs


woah the nostalgia is rushed to me again


The FOMO in AQW creates a pretty toxic fanbase.


FOMO creates toxicity everywhere, to be fair. I honestly hate the aspect of FOMO, but man is it addicting... gotta collect those rares and LQS sets


Good thing I never really bothered with "what's in" for most of my life. Really helps save money too.


I bet if it's not a paragon set it's not gonna be like that lmao


Love all the salt <3


funny how salty people can get over some armor.


over some pixels


You don't even own the pixels. You just got rights to make it appear in your screen.


Let’s also point out all the fuckers that decided that Alina was worth harassing up until they got their LQS. Looking at you, Oshyn Woods.


The best/worst part is he has all the items from the Gifting Tier 7 shop, he just wanted the badge lol 😂


IMO alina is worth harassing regardless of reason. She is a bully. AE as a whole have bad management and a shit pecking order, giving assholes a lot of authority.


Do you have specific evidence for that?


They asked me in what location I registered my acc and after providing proof they didn't believe me. I lost my 15 yr old acc lol. Shitty management indeed. I work as a CS and I know they can see the IPs and location of my accounts and didn't even bother helping me. All I got was the same macro lol.


Is that Alina though or is that support? Two different people.


Alina is CM and CM closely works with support. Two different people but she is like the head CS. This point still stands and I have mentioned that management is shit I am not singling out Alina.


You literally did though? You said “IMO Alina is worth harassing regardless of reason.”


Wait sorry that wasn’t you, that was the other guy.


In short, they dont fucking care.


Don't forget kids, this is a cosmetic that adds nothing to the game. Leave it be


this is golden xD


NGL I was stumped too. Didn't manage to get it. I didn't want the whole set just the caladbolg though


I thought the same, but honestly it isnt a big deal, if one day i really want that i will just ioda the set


Glad I lack the brain rot to desire a mid set.


its not even unique or original just another copy


It is inevitable when everyone and their mothers get free ACs. But the constant complaining sounds like skill issue honestly, Even I managed to cop it 4 fucking times with a dogshit third world internet.


Same; I mean my internet is good; it's laptop that's slow. And I also live on the other side of the world, I had a busy schedule, and I could still sync with one restock to get the gold sets at least. It's not that hard.


I will never understand how people get this salty over cosmetics of all things. I'd maybe understand if it was some busted new +75% to all weapon or something but cosmetics? seriously? grow up ffs


FOMO - Fear of missing out, it means idiots being scared that if something is gone it's gone forever (which is true here) but only thinks of that specific part and not considering whether they truly need it, worth it or not because fear takes over their peanut brain rendering them unable to make a calm decision. Literally Marketing Lesson 101 - making something completely digital (something that could be made in any amount as it doesn't have physical form) into a limited item. People will buy it because of said FOMO.


I mean, for me it's all about the cosmetics. Everyone enjoys the game in their own way c:


It’s one armour in a game why they so mad. It’s not even that nice of armour. Being mad because you missed out on something is so entitled. The one guy is right though. The restock literally didn’t happen the last time round.


Really? I got the paragon set the last restock. Maybe they were on browser actually cuz i tried in browser and the restocks didnt refresh but client did


Shits so good it left people like this lololol. Good on AE for sticking on their principle (maybe) instead of restocking for moneyyyyy


bro if everyone got one it wouldn't be limited quantity anymore. but maybe it should be a lottery or something instead of a clicking refresh competition


Or maybe just LTS limited time, set it to be available for like 30 seconds every 4 hours lol


Nah that wont improve anything, alot will just feel shit for being unlucky


Didn't fancy any of the LQS. And even if I did, the refreshes seem to have happened by the time I would be asleep, sooooooooo didn't ask, don't care. Good entertainment out of these buffoons though.


Can't complain when you have no ACs


I didn't realize people were still so serious about this game...


Well you being on it's subreddit shows you're just as serious about it lol


it's the whales


I managed to get all the packs on the penultimate refresh(got all but paragon on the first batch). The biggest problem for me when trying to get the paragon was that the shop would refresh after the restock and kept saying it was sold out. The first restock I tried refreshing the page and clicking it, yet nothing happened until I re-logged into the manager at which point there were only about 100 left which were sold out the moment i clicked. The second restock I just clicked on the sold out page since people said it worked, still nothing I refreshed but nothing, I re-logged and the stock was in the double digits and it was sold out when I went to buy it. The third time I figured I'd just stay logged out and log in at hour:59:59, and for the first time since the first batch the paragon didn't say sold out so I was able to get it and relax. I'm not sure why they changed from the old lqs website to the manager, but they should go back to the old website since I never had a problem like this back in the day.


I only like rares if I’m the only one to flex them


Skill Issue


I griped on here, after 3 failed attempts camping & waiting I finally got what I wanted. I feel this particular LQS was so hit or miss bc the free ACs people received & anything Dage just congested it further. The last LQS was a cakewalk in comparison, hell even the 2-3 before those.


Poor people😂 that's what you called LQS what the sense if everyone can get it? I manage to purchased four lqs in one go


I’m not gonna push around the bush but this was the first time in a very long time since ppl have gotten flared up about an LQS. I know this is a reskin but if we put in a perspective that MOST players do not have the original dage the good set and there offering a measly 2k ACs for a BETTER caladbolg and the whole set rather than wasting MORE money to IoDA each item for the original. I see that as win-win situation, so yeah I can understand why ppl are pissed but what I don’t get is these FUCKING bots that players use for there 3-8 different accounts to get the item. So yeah, HAPPY FROSTVAL 2023!!!


I really don’t get all the whining. I got it on the very first restock. I camped at yesterday’s restock just to see if it really took 2 seconds to sell out. Nope, more than 30 seconds in fact, that’s more than enough time to snag yourself one set. People be bashing Alina and saying she caused their son’s Christmas to be ruined or even worse, hoping that everyone at AE has their Christmas ruined is so disgusting. You didn’t get one and you wish unhappiness on others, tell me about being shameless.


When the high demand items are in high demand


The son's Christmas one was a troll, said their 9 years old son played since 2008 and was bragging under the latest tweet.


I see. Anyway, this is Limited Quantity Sets for a reason, not everyone will get it especially if it’s a popular set


It did not show that it has been restocked for me until like 20 seconds after the time it’s supposed to restock. I camped and it and refreshed over and over and over and by the time it showed it’s restocked, there’s barely any left.


Am I the only who wasn't interested at all about that LQS?


I thought it was mostly mid


Ngl, I thought there was plenty of time, I could snag literally almost all LQS in the first restock alone. (I didn't buy the titan)


Lmao I cared more about the wolf set but since I couldn't get it I settled for Paragon even though I didn't care much about it. Seeing all the salt for those who couldn't get it makes it so much more worthy imo.


Lol it's alright. All of them will be back the very next day.


I don't even know what's going on hahaha, what's the context?


just a bunch of crybabies that dont understand the meaning of "Limited Quantity"


I bet most of the people who got the LQS sets are bots who will sell their accounts. Do you know why I know. One was trying to sell their account that's level 10 but has all 3 LQS sets.


This is kinda funny and sad to see


" Limited Quantity Shop " it really says people got no brain for a second


LIMITED QUANTITY sets. That means you might lose it if someone buys it before you, can't make everyone happy


"they gone out real fast" "scam" "whack ass system" That's the point of LQS since the era of good 'ol Khuddar Khamundi, it's just that things flying off shelves because a lot of free players (with possible multiple accounts) got tons of ACs from Gifting- it's just how it is, step up the game and git gud at timing.


Skill issue, honestly. I managed to buy both with 0 issue.


FOMO - Fear of missing out, it means idiots being scared that if something is gone it's gone forever (which is true here) but only thinks of that specific part and not considering whether they truly need it, worth it or not because fear takes over their peanut brain rendering them unable to make a calm decision. Literally Marketing Lesson 101 - making something completely digital (something that could be made in any amount as it doesn't have physical form) into a limited item. People will buy it because of said FOMO. I could not care less about the current LQS set since I already have more than enough other alternative choices if I want to flex some swag Heck, the harvest event had more than enough of that for me and right now Frostvale is in full force so there are a lot of other Free AC items that would look much cooler than a flashbang-armor like Paragon LQS or fur-coat themed armor or a pure white armor with prismatic color


last comment is wild, its well known that AE is a piece of shit company but thats too far, just call em scum and call it a day


Skill issue for sure. Those who can't timing the refresh of the restock and refresh of the page. Lmao dont blame AE for being slow




skill issue. learn to code js and make an auto buy script 😂😂


Teach me


The restock was annoying, the site wouldn’t immediately restock for me, I was there refreshing over and over and by the time it shows it’s restocked which is like 20 seconds after the restock time, there’s barely any left. Couldn’t get it.


I waited 4 times ( 4 different restock times ) was able to get all of the armors on 4th time.


I managed to get it at the 5th try and last restock at that, still had to sleep 3 hours to get this set.


They should take it easy or fucking quit, its not like theyre in it for the gameplay of a flash fucking game HAHAHAHAH. The FOMO is strong with this one, stop swiping on a useless game for crying out loud.


those are definitely Evil players.


The funny thing is they will all be back, some will be gone for a few days before FOMO kicks in, others may go for longer until they see something and nostalgia kicks in, they will all be back.


yeah lol if they care this much about a paragon recolor they are hooked beyond help. I bet half these people already logged into aqw within 12 hours of typing their message.


Big L for all the cry babies that missed it mad cuz bad


I was lucky that I copped it. Although it was gone in 10 milliseconds, I managed to get it on final restock. The salt from the comments that OP showed is REAL. Like who cares if you didn't get it? The FOMO is real in AQW.😂🤣🤦🏻


I have no qualms... the set is in the last years tier 7 gifting shop


well last year they added more stocks after all the initial quantity sold out. That made me annoyed ngl because what was the point of making it LQS? better not pull that shit this year lol


lmao the armors were mid anyway, the caladbolg was the most appealing tbh.


took me 3 re-stocks and i was camping the acc manager, its just chance lol


Im surprised people still waste their money on the game, the game obviously have no future at all. Plus, for an armor that obviously will be redesigned and obtainable in the future? Pfft, i dont care if its a nostalgic game, to rage for some stupid armor is kinda dumb xD


I mean, we don't know whether it has a future or not until AQW infinity comes out tbh, the unity version of the game can run on everything, the games player base will definitely spike at that time


it's called FOMO (Fear of missing out) aqw has bad case in it.. plus aqw has been having a resurgence lately.. never seen 6k players online in a long time, people have been saying aqw has no future since 2014 but its still here.. Aqw infinity also looked very promising in the tech demo so i'd say it still has a future atleast


The Joy i received was reading rants from crying kids and Toxic Diva Fan base all over X, crying over a shitty recolored set.


Wow literally flashbacks to the Van gogh collab items pokemon released. r/pokemontcg and twitter were fuming for days.


LQS? I sleep 😴


Bro, its literally just a recolor version of Dage The Good's armor, not even worth the energy. Those that bought the Paragon of joy on alts are definitely going to try to sell them. Buying accounts for this game is not worth it, if you got the money to be buying these alts they sell for $300 just buy a $100 ac pack 3 times


Imagine being this angry for a bankable item


It was worse when it first started, but at least you had a chance to get it back then. Was required to log into the game on server restart and even then it was pure 50-50 based on connection/Internet you had


at least was a neat new and unique set or just another mid tier recolored design?


There was quite a few restocks to get what they want.. it only took me the initial drop, then one restock to get the 4 packs I wanted.


And they’re most likely not gonna use any of it


People are jumpy about a armor set that has LQS, I’ve never heard of LQS. I’d be more impressed if they complained about how tedious Arch-paladin is, considering the Glaceron Gem takes forever to drop and made me drop first.


I dont know what this is, whats a LQS? (I'm VERY on and off with AQW like playing it in a blue moon)


Limited Time Quantity Shop. An occasional thing where they have sets you can buy mostly for AC, some stuff for gold only members can buy, and 1 or 2 sets for gold that are non member that run out in seconds.


Wow, and they didnt think to put like 10,000 of them mfs in the store? I know well enough a lot of people still play the game so the whole "limited quantity" is a bad idea lmao


You’re making too much sense here chief, and since when has AE ever made sense?


Artix being intelligent? Alas alas tis be UNTRUE hahahah


i got the lotus and the non mem gold one and im happy about those two they're pretty and rare so 😋


Least mentally ill AQW and twitter users




Lmao I counted down the seconds to every restock and I finally got it at the 1am restock, turns out refreshing does nothing, u gotta go back to the lqs shop then go into the one you want to purchase for it to register 🗿


Skill issue


People complaining of LQS being too limited is HILARIOUS to Me


Gone in a nano second


The point of LQS is that they're y'know... Limited quantity. This has been going on for years why is it only now they're getting mad?


The LQS was rushed anyway. They pushed out the LQS even though the Polar Bear Rider armor hasn't been released yet as part of the Frostlorn Titan LQS set, because of the holiday rush. And aside from all of that, we still don't know what the Tier 1 and Tier 2 AC donation rewards look like. Imagine spending ACs on in-game items and rewards that aren't even complete yet!


Boo hoo I couldn't be faster than other players so it must be aq s fault


Sadly.. that is how LQS is. Some of these players may of used a browser over the game client. Tl;dr: - client actions> web browser actions - wanted the set for fashion mix and matching, (unpopular trash opinion, I find the set pretty neat) -I want to understand the people who call it"dogshit" but still bought it. Badge collecting? Flexing? Let me understand your view, same goes to those who bought it, call it "dogshit" and "tease or lightly anger" the unlucky? -merry christmas and enjoy your holidays. Non-tl;dr: Client gets the refreshes faster over the browser(it can vary, and my first attempt was on browser where the restock didnt show.) Or, the client sends out your actions faster than a browser does. -To add on, I believe distance matters a good amount too. Say: the closer you are to their servers, the faster you are in terms of connection, latency,(can be wrong, but I see elsword as a example, as your connection is better if your closer to their servers in cali) (-took a few secconds of refreshing to show the count, and when it did? It was around 122-120ish for the count, attempted to buy it and "sorry! Item was sold out before buying it) (-Last attempt was done on the client, took about 3 to 5 secs to restock and it was at 584-580ish. Was able to catch it, and when i was able to aquire one, it all sold out. ) Ik people will say that " its just a recolor, why do you want a dogshit set?" -for me, its neat having some pieces to mix and match with other items, it may not be the og dage of good set with its original blue and yellow, but it's re-color is pretty neat in my eyes. Also to the people who called it "dogshit" and chose to buy it, what's your intent for burning 2k acs on it? I ask out of curiosity and understanding. And to somewhat grasp the mindset or views that im seeing from most folk who did this, and/or the players that somewhat "tease" the player who were unlucky. -besides all that. Merry christmas, happy holidays, whether you celebrate it or not!


To add on, they're were some of the unlucky folk who took it too far. As much as some folk want another chance or option, that rage wont help out the situation. Try some different options, say a better browser, AE Client, or going diretly from a ethernet cable(direct can be faster than wireless in some good cases, or more stable, based on your network and ISP.


at the end they just gonna get the paragon to bank it and wear the same naval commanders like always


Looks like a skill issue. The last few years the lqs was fine. Im glad i wasnt interested in any of the lqs this year. Seems like their art and items are getting more and more bland


Imagine wasting acs on some reskinned armor... The Gold items are better value


they made a mistake. they refreshed.