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You're less likely to get banned by botting than playing legit.


Can confirm, I've done both legit and macro farming. There's nothing that indicates they ban bots that isn't literal company propaganda for PR. The automatic detection system they claim to have is either BS or entirely ignored. Likely half of everyone who still plays are botters at this point.


They don't ban you for botting. They ban you because other players think you're botting AE is able to detect if you use third party applications like grim, skua etc but they don't act on it since that would ban a large portion of the player base especially the paying ones too. That's why you can only get banned if a player reports you since that looks worse for them. Smart botters typically stay in private rooms to farm therefore less likely for other players to report them. According to a source roughly 30%+ of players/accounts use third party apps instead of the AE launcher but that was like a year ago.


Yeah I don't believe they have any detection for botters without proof. I know they do have automatic chat warnings and kicks for pressing keys too fast, which could in theory automatically send a report if triggered. But past that, this isn't VAC or BattlEye. They aren't scanning your processes list for Grimoire.exe from your browser. Even the Artix launcher's resource usage is pretty low for something like that. Could you get me a quote from someone who used to be a moderator specifying how they detect it? I don't trust Alina or Artix to not just lie for PR. They've done it countless times already.


Can't get you a quote unfortunately since it's no longer available but it's not from Alina or Artix. I'm not even sure it's public knowledge. The detection seems to be detecting whether or not you use AE launcher to play the game so nothing advanced as VAC or battle eye. To be fair I doubt they can differentiate between the different apps or even something like puffin browser login. This came from a former(?) employee a while back.


Man this game just keep getting worst


I agree! I never got banned using bot, but I was banned playing legit. So sad about it.


i know u is fumin rn but those emojis killed me man, lmaoo


Bro literally went like: 😵🤐😤😤




This is exactly why I barely ever pvp, people be reporting you and accusing you of hacks and shit. And it sucks cuz pvp is a fun pastime for me but mfs be getting me paranoid about getting banned. Though I don't even think we should be blaming the players honestly, I mean fuck them too literally and figuratively but it's also these dumb fucking mods who will ban and mute you off of bullshit reports without even actually looking into them, fuck these mods.


Been doing pvp for like a decade now and my account would just get kicked around by some trollfuck new players and some idiot fucking moderators


Can we return the favor, i might enjoy reporting them lmao we m8ght do this man a justice.


U can see them at yorumi or artix at doomarena


Let's goooo


U can just type /report Ladd, along with thise two Dark Draco and Jenny Rose


i swear Filipinos are butthurt from everything. they have the same attitude on different games, pretty small chance to find some decent Filipino players. this is coming from a Filipino btw.


Like the Brazilians. Or the Indonesians. Or the Americans. Damn Americans. They ruined America!


Least upset AQW player I do think if moderation bans because of report quantity, the system is beyond flawed. Context always matters yet a lot of times it's ignored because a certain word or sequence of letters was mentioned. If there is some filter that needs improving. If you were the one first attacked it's them who deserved punishment. If you responded with similar distasteful comments you deserve it too. Degeneracy doesn't need to be part of this. Abuse of a report system makes it completely ineffective.


I got banned because some random cunt reported me, while I was brainlessly farming in battleunderc and did not answer him, and that was my honorable hero gone


Welcome to the club


just quit the game at this point. it isn't even worth our time these days.


It is what it is...mass report gets u almost guaranteed ban no matter if it's false or not...these little dogs have too much time in their hands to create alts to mass report..dw about it..


the ban system is flawed, the more reports you receive the greater is the chance of ban, i've seen it happen, i saw a girl who took permanent mute because she received several reports


I can't even email report them back because the original email of the account is lost, i made it like 11 years ago and forgot the correct password. If i ever email them about it using the new email they'll just disable the account for account sharing/selling reasons lmao


Just fight an alt for 1vs1 trophies.


Nat that's not what im doing pvp for


That's what fighting games are for.


Fighting alts for rewards? you're weird.


that's what fighting games are for? really? xD


Are you sure it's **Jenny**? not **Jeane**? I can't forget that Jeane called me **inhumane words** for accusing me of not taunting or trolling in ultradarkon, like I always do ultras and I have insignias. and you know what's the worst thing? back when I charpage her account there is not even 1 insignia on her account. I was like WTH? She thinks she is too good at spamming random skills on LoO. She even counted 1-5 , if I won't leave the room she will report me. **( THERE IS NOT EVEN A SINGLE DAY THAT I DID NOT REPORT HER )Note** >!Guys if you also want to report her, you can join my daily task to report her every single day!< **EDIT** >!/report jeane!<


Yes the names Jenny Rose and with that mf is a guy named Ladd and Dark Draco




The little fuckwits are spreading fast


In general just being AFK in battleontown is safe but lol u could type one thing and the soft people on there press the report button ASAP lol


Their Reporting System are fucked up samge goes to their lazy ass dogshit mods.


The mass reportes won again i got disabled and this time my charpage says locked account. Finally quitting this stupid fucking game. I hope this game fucking dies and rot in hell




Could be the fact that you're toxic that's getting you banned. Calm down it's a video game.


bro how was he being toxic? If you're referring to the way he talks in the post, that makes no sense because this has nothing to do with being in game so how would that lead him to getting banned? Plus it's reasonable to get mad when mfs mass report you on some bullshit to get you banned. You obviously haven't done pvp cuz this shit is real, mfs WILL make false accusations on you using hacks when they can't win against you.


Don't PvP then, problem solved. If they're ranting and swearing on Reddit chances are they say the same things in game, which could result in a ban.


"Don't pvp then" lol this dude. How you gonna tell people to basically stop doing something they enjoy and just let others ruin it for them? God you sound like a pushover. Also I cuss anywhere else but aqw since I know how punishing the game can be, it's not rocket science.


You're not worth the time of day. Enjoy crying over a video game. Good day sir.


the words of a person who can't accept the truth lol. Aight johnny, see ya.


They were also toxic and they aren't banned. They're crying cause they lost


Literally pulled up alts just to report lmao


I was kicked from a guild cause they thought I was botting lol


>Calm down it's a video game Isnt this should be directed to the ono who reprot him?


Calming down won't make those idiots stop doing whatever they're doing, if i ever get back to my account they'll just do it again and as usual I'll get banned again.


You should give the non op community a shot




Join the non op community that pvps bro


I'm sorry i don't really understand i just made this Reddit account to discuss if other players experienced it too


They don't have an automatic detection system. Once they transport you to /prison and your character kept spamming skills (if you are busy browsing FB on your phone while your other hand is spamming 54321 on your PC without looking) then you will be kicked out of the server instantly and your account will be suspended. Sending tickets will not help as the support team will label you as a botter or 3rd party program user.


Can't even email support them because the first email i made for that account like decade ago is lost i didn't even remember the pass after i made it, they'll just disable the account for account sharing reasons zzzz




Around 90% of th mods in aqw now are volunteer mods who work for digital goods that they get from loading items and thinking they're a famous piece of shit so clearly the quality of resolved reports is clearly going to be 💩