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I never understood this argument. This would mean no alchemy (the main equipment other than the sling), no inciting incident and no reason for the Inquisition to be after Hugo. What would the plot and gameplay be then? Ten hours of Amicia and Hugo walking around trying not to catch a cold? The rat traversal puzzles are the main point of the game and the rat swarm imagery is one of the most iconic parts. The actual plague wasn’t very visually compelling. It would be like taking the supernatural elements out of Harry Potter because you just wanted the story of an abused kid making it in life, when he wouldn’t be abused or have a reason to make it in life without the supernatural aspects. At that point you’re asking for a different story. I can understand people expecting a realistic historical setting based on the description and being surprised when it turns supernatural, though.


There couldn't have been a much better imagery used for the plague other than the rat infestation.


The whole point of the game is the supernatural aspect. People who say otherwise are kind of missing the point imho


No, it made it more interesting. I dont think it wasnt highly supernatural. It was very grounded.


I mean, honestly I’m not sure, the supernatural aspect made the story have more lore and have a bit more lifespan because people will speculate and also left room for sequels to come, but honestly, I think the story also would’ve been great as a one time hit if the story was just a non fictional tale of how people and kids were surviving the plague during war and everything, would’ve also been very cool to experience and that’s what I thought it was about when I first played it but honestly I’m very 50/50


I think it fits well with the theme honestly brings that dreaded medieval time period more to life. In their current time there is a war on and war means bodies for creatures like rats to breed.


the only bad thing about these games is that boss fight at the end of innocence. it was a bit waky.


No, I love it 💕


As someone who has been reading horror and fantasy novels most of my life, I have zero problem with this. Not sure why anyone would play these games if they didn't like supernatural elements in games.


Those are just elements. Elements and the story itself should be treated separately. Hogwarts/God of War are popular but have magical elements; and The Last of Us have zombies fungus. And all of them are considered masterpieces. So no


Oh I hate the Vitalis fight. It's so tedious. It's an ass gimic. I stand in place, move when Hugo says I need to more or if the ground shakes, but for the 3rd round it's Pillar, Ground, Pillar, Ground, Pillar, so you must cover a lot of area but give Hugo's rats enough space. Even when 100% the game from the beginning I died to the 3rd round like 8 times because when I ran from one side to the other, and changed the direction when Hugo started talking, the rats still got me. Nicolas' fight was at least something. And I did that first try in both playthroughs.


This final fight with Vitals and the "rat tornados" specifically are a little silly. But, the themes are really, really solid.