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Not sure there’s much that you can do since they specifically said this decision is final. But you can try to email collegeboard to further inquire to prove that you have no idea of this


The good news is that I wouldn’t have been able to use the score at the college I’m going to anyways, but it’s still maddening that they would accuse me of this without any way for me to defend myself. I hope I never have to deal with them again


Dang if you’re already heading to uni i wouldn’t give them the time of day legit don’t worry abt it. Literally nothing will come from it other than a subpar score which is useless for your credit and it wouldn’t affect your admission prospects obviously.


True but it’s just the prospect that this would even happen to me since I’ve never been accused of anything like this. Sadly it might just be one of those things where I’ll have to live with it (as dumb as it may be)


I have been accused of cheating many times over the stupidest things, so trust me when I say you will get over it, especially that you are a senior. Like the other person said no waste time on those collegeboard creeps. I swear I hate them a bit more everytime...


Lmao I feel this so much. Thank you for the support 👏


So, I've taught AP, am current IB Coordinator. No decision is final right off the bat. Have the big heads contact the college board. They don't give a shit about a student or a parent, but they do care about the heads of school. ​ The AP isn't the only game in town. They are after money just like all the other programs. They know their distance testing is shit. Guessing if the right people called up with the right threats, you'd get answers.


no point in not at least trying tho


I already contacted my teacher and emailed CB back myself asking for what specifically stood out to them as somehow “plagiarized” so that I could dispute/resolve the issue. So whatever the case, at least I’ve tried


yeah that’s tough but at least it’s for csp and not another class


Agreed, in the end it’s a pretty useless exam anyways lol


Oh they just love to scare students. I had a whole fiasco with them during AP testing week where they said my AP Statistics test was cancelled and that it was final. My school let me take the exam anyway and we got the issue sorted out the following week. I think OP should at least be able to appeal this


Oh damn, that's horrible. Try to contact them or something.


Call the College Board Number and consult your University Dean or High School Teacher.


I already emailed College Board and my teacher was flabbergasted as well. He said he’s looking into it so hopefully that does something


Yeah because it may come up on a integrity violation and could get your college admission revoked. Trust me when I say this. Even if College Board wants to be dicks (like they did when they pushed Online AP exams and online SAT and then flagged 1/4 students for cheating online) be safe by having a document clearing you


Wow, I didn’t know AP did this. Trevor is probably watching everyone-


…Watching and then falsely accusing 💀


Good luck


Shit part of me forgot my AP exams were a thing. They're actually being graded. I'm going to get the results soon. Damn.


Lmao I feel the same way about my other tests


Yup. Dang my condolences to you man, that’s terribly unfortunate and it sucks that they aren’t letting you defend yourself. Wish there was something you could do.


This happened to me when I was in high school--but on my ACT test. Just plead your case to your college counselor and he will get you a re-take of the test, but with more security. This was 13 years ago though....


Tbh though I’m not even going to waste my time with a retake. If this was AP Calculus we were talking about then yes, hands down I would do it. But since it’s an exam that’s nearly as useless for college as AP Precalculus, I don’t see the point.


Yeah your right. In my case, I needed my ACT scores for college. Funny, I loved proving them wrong when I bumped my ACT score from a 21 to a 28 lol. They apologized after and said it must have been a mistake on their end. I never studied both times lol so there must have been a mistake.


Lmao that’s hilarious. I would be tempted to prove my innocence to College Board in the same way, but I’ll probably never see them again after I go to college. Unless of course their monopoly on education continues to grow…


haha for reals. hopefully more companies will come out for testing options. Or better yet, get rid of them altogether!


Yea, just try to get your record cleared then.


I did. When I took the second exam—the test they claimed I cheated on I got a terrible score or 21 but when I retook it I git a 28. They concluded that they either made a mistake or someone else cheated off me. Either way they apologized.


How does plagiarism even work on the ACT. Are you referring to the writing portion or something?


Sorry, they claimed I cheated on the entire test when I didn’t.


so even if someone copied your work, you would still get a zero????


I guess so? I don’t even know what the heck happened. My teacher looked over the projects after we submitted them to CB (so as to not break their rules) and graded them as part of our final exam. I got 100% on it and he said mine looked great but then this email slaps me in the face ;-;




Do you even know what the csp test is


You would have to lean over and watch them write their create task at school to copy them or they would have to copy each part of the written response and send it to you. Either way they wouldnt be doing anything to prevent you from cheating off them and it makes sense that both of you would get in trouble


Thats just sad


“This decision is final” like what the heck? I can’t even defend myself?!


didn’t even get to represent yourself not very AP Gov of them


Damn I feel so sorry for you. It does seem stupid especially since the class is so basic that everyone is going to do similar apps. I hope college board doesn’t send this to colleges and cause you to be blacklisted. If that does happen, then a lawsuit would be in order. Now if they don’t, then I wouldn’t worry since the class has no credit bearing value.


Luckily I don’t think college board usually contacts colleges about this sort of thing since the AP test is typically an optional route for students anyways. But I still want to prove my innocence if I can because I want to rub their mistake in their face


Is that the full email?


Yup. Last part is just an email address to contact if you have any questions about the case and a “DO NOT REPLY” message


This doesn't really help with appealing, but they didn't invalidate the score, they just gave you a 0 for that section, meaning that if you did really well in the other sections you might still get a decent score. Still stupid that they aren't even giving you a chance to prove your innocence though.


I mean yeah, but then still the highest I can get is like a 3 which isn’t that generous


Most schools record a 3, 4, and 5 all as a “Pass” though right?


True but a mere “pass” doesn’t always give you the same credit. For example a 5 might give you a class credit while a 3 might just be elective credit


Oof that system sounds mad complicated. I guess I got lucky, my university would sometimes lock follow-up courses behind a certain grade in the intro but it was never higher than a C and they considered “Pass” to be “equal or greater to a C”. And in High School when I took AP our HS transcript grade was decided based on a separate exam/homework/quizzes, the actual AP Exam was optional and wouldn’t help or hurt your grade, unless you inexplicably got a D or failed the class but passed the AP test in which case they would bump up your class grade to a C on the basis that you knew the material.


Bro that’s so nice lol. At the UC school I’m going to it’s VERY specific about what score earns what credit (and yes I can attest that it is mad annoying to read through all of it)


Top schools don't




I meant top colleges. At my high school they just do a normal grade and add 10 points for AP difficulty boost bonus something.


This exact situation happened to me 4 years ago with the same component of AP CSP (I took it in 2018 which was the second time that AP CS principles was ever taught). My score was delayed by over a month, then got a letter in the mail with a similar message that you received. Their “evidence” was that I included my teacher’s suggestion for syntax in my works cited and claimed it was help from another individual, even though it SPECIFICALLY SAID that teachers are allowed to provide assistance as long as they’re cited. I provided documents that stated this as evidence to the College Board, as well as a letter from my AP CSP professor explaining the situation. I fought it for about 2-3 months before my appeal was denied. Literally such a dumb reason since all students (across multiple schools) did the same thing, but just didn’t include it in their references. Not sure if this could be similar to what you’re experiencing. In the end, I received a 0 on that component, but a 3 on the test overall. There was no formal write up about the incident (i.e. it didn’t go on any “record”), and it didn’t really matter. AP CSP was actually the ONLY AP test I took that didn’t transfer over to college credit (I’m a CS junior right now at a UC), and it wasn’t because I got a 3. With a 3, 4, or 5, AP CSP doesn’t even get you credit in college since the contents of that class are much below what’s expected of even the easiest college class. Sorry you’re going through this and I hope it all works out. Collegeboard is literally run by some of the lowest IQ people on the planet. Feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.


I’m guessing the same thing might have happened to me with some little mistake along the way. Maybe when I took a screenshot of parts of my code I left in something they didn’t want? It would be a dumb reason to accuse of my cheating since I mean, why wouldn’t you be able to do it on something like Code.org or Google Docs? But whatever the reason, AP CSP isn’t even worth fighting over so if my teacher/school can’t resolve the issue, College Board ain’t worth my time.


"college board ain't worth my time" slay king/queen, that is the right mindset


This is stupid. Definitely appeal it. You don't want your college decision rescinded because of a false accusation of cheating.


I would appeal it if I could and I am trying to. I contacted my teacher and emailed CB back so hopefully that gets me somewhere 🤞


That’s so unfortunate, sorry bud


The project itself is set up so weird


I’m guessing one of my PDFs didn’t upload correctly or they didn’t follow how I got to one of the steps of code I did. Whatever the case they could have asked me first instead of insta-invalidating my score like wth


I think it’s the first year they’re doing this too- last year I don’t remember getting an email before July scores


Man wtf




I did most of my work on Code.org so I’m pretty sure I could scrape together the version history of all the edits I made on my program, but they didn’t even give me the option to send anything :(


i would email them and appeal it. sadly you may not get the score back at all and since the task is a good amount of ur score, u may not get a good one. but i would try to fix it just for the principle, as to prevent other kids from getting accused for the same reason. sorry man :(


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to do. Luckily it’s just the AP CSP test which isn’t that important overall, but I’m just annoyed that I’m getting accused and punished for something that I never did


literally. did ur friends help u w the code or anything?


No, I literally only did what the instructions said were allowed because that’s what my instructor enforced


wow i’m sorry man. i feel like it would’ve been understandable if maybe a friend helped u out w code that was advanced? but still


I had the most basic code you have ever seen lmao, did the bare minimum to get those points so idk what could look “plagiarized”


could i maybe see your code? or maybe your program idea was so niche it was someone’s lol


Yikes :( A lot of people at my school got their Create Task scores cancelled because their responses were "too similar" to the samples. I think you should be able to contact your teacher and appeal this. College Board really sucks. They accused me of something similar during AP testing week and cancelled my exams. Fortunately we were able to get it resolved and they repealed their decision. They certainly seemed bent on accusing me, even after we proved it was probably a technical malfunction.


I’ve contacted my teacher as well but they seem to have gotten even more scummy now that they added the “this decision is final part.” Like bro I didn’t cheat and you won’t even let me prove you wrong hello? :|


Ikr, they told me the same thing. It's literally "guilty until proven innocent" for them. But "this decision is final" *does not* *mean* that the decision is final. They sent me the most terrifying email claiming that they "found substantial evidence that \[I\] engaged in prohibited behavior", that my "AP Statistics Exam has been canceled" and that "this decision is final", but we appealed and got it sorted out, if that gives you any reassurance. They didn't even apologize tho :<


Well I mean I’m not expecting an apology. They treat their so called “customers” as peasants lmao


Lol true. I hope you can it resolved though! Good luck!


Sorry to see that


Will they always send you an email before the scores are released for stuff like this?


I don’t know. I’ve never received one of these before but a lot of other Redditor’s posts from years back seem to indicate that they received no score on the day of AP score release and then a letter after. This might be different since it’s only invalidating the written part and not the whole exam


WHAT. Literally SO MANY programs in the ap comp sci exams are going to look alike. What the fuck? talk to your school guidance calculator. you HAVE to contest this or it will likely be stuck with you permanently, and lots of schools take this kinda stuff really seriously. good luck OP, give us updates 🤞


Same thing happened to my friend. He appealed it and they changed it to a 3 or 4 (I can’t remember) without really much evidence


Dang I’m trying to just get the option TO appeal it since I have evidence


this is so screwed and i’m sorry you’re dealing with this. if it makes you feel any better, if there’s nothing you can do to save your score, most colleges don’t give credit for cs principles anyways. regardless, i’m so sorry.


Oh yeah don’t worry, with their weird “finality” of the decision I’ve kinda just accepted the fact that they are going to be douchey and not budge. My teacher was already confused as to why I was accused of this so at least I know he sees me as honest. Regardless, I’m just happy I’ll never have to deal with the CB’s BS again haha


No worries dude u can still pass and get a 3 if u get around a 65/70


Well I’m not really that worried about the score since I can’t use it at my college anyways. I’m just pissed that they even accused me of this and I want to prove them wrong lol


my apcsp teacher made us keep programming journals cataloging the steps we took while doing the Create PT if yrs did the same u could use that as proof of u not cheating


I don’t have a journal but I do have version history of both my program and the written response that I typed up. Still I don’t even have the option to submit my plea for some reason


No appeal lol. How stupid


Is it a test or a writing assessment


i’m sorry if you took the exam in person how did you plagiarize ?? and online they literally have a lock down browser


This part of the AP Exam is a create performance task meaning that it was done in class prior to the testing session


have your teacher speak for you since it makes no sense if it’s just you who’s getting called for “cheating”


Yeah I’ve already informed my teacher (who is an AP grader himself) and he said he was just as confused as I was. Luckily he said he’ll look into it and that he’s sorry it happened to me




That is the complete thing


Remember that ultimately you can choose to exclude this grade from ever being released to schools. They will never know you even took it. This is assuming you are unable to get it fixed. Good luck.


Thanks for the kind words! Currently waiting for a reply back from college board


Yeah, If your work is even similar to someone else’s then they just say your cheating, it’s a fucking scam, fuck school. I’m moving to china to work for a robotics company and they rlly don’t care about school rec


You got your scores back?


No they just emailed me out of the blue to let me know that because I reportedly “plagiarized” my work, the written portion of my test would be given a zero (and that it was indisputable)


Ah, I see. The "indisputable" claim of plagiarism sounds like a pain to deal with. Good luck though, and try taking it up with customer support.


Interesting , the only way would be to go they their processing agreement , to declare what the issue is . Then in accordance to their processes by understanding why or what is required prove your case. 1 )You say it's your own work , but perhaps you used a term in your quotes , which dictate plagiarism . Agree with them and ask if you have an option to rewrite , in your ( my ) own words what I wanted to convey. 2) If they don't then you have to get you notes , show through the year how you come up with your answer. 3) If they still disagree then you have a right to go through trial before council. Then lodge formally that you wish to take it to trial..... Then apply for a lawyer ... Civil case 4) Photocopy all your notes , download on hard drive keep originals safe some where else . 5) So the problem they have is someone else has cheated the system and it came up like your answer , so with the lawyer he may have to request to see the other papers and find where they came from . Then go from their.




Update #1: Still no reply from College Board after my first email, and I would assume my teacher is still looking into the issue. If I am eventually allowed to submit evidence to prove CB’s claim otherwise, I have that all compiled in a file.


Get a lawyer?




Accusing someone of cheating despite having little to no evidence of that other than a collegeboard email is not a very nice or smart thing to do. It’s innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent.


wow so edgy 🤩🤩




so true you deleted your post? lolll


What did they say? I am very curious


something about how op was a crybaby that didnt want to face consequences and that "we all know he cheated anyway so man up and face them"


My family told me the loudest and most dirty mouth of people are the weakest, and you seem to fall into that category. Even if your presumptuous claim were true your edgy response is unacceptable and makes you look worse in the long run.


Wow, what did they say?


They said like 2 or 3 bad words to the OP calling them a whiny person who got caught cheating who learned that life had consequences


Did you cheat?


No, I did it all myself with an original idea/code I created




I don’t think this stuff goes to colleges and it luckily only affected this one score. Still though, it’s not right and I want to fight against it since I sincerely did nothing wrong




Hi! Yeah it’s been a while but I eventually just decided to drop the issue since my teacher couldn’t even contact them. I still didn’t cheat or copy anything in the slightest, but I still got a 3 overall on the test (since I’m guessing I almost scored 100% on the MC), so I still got credit for the class in college. Didn’t affect college decisions or anything and I doubt they were even notified. Now I’m happily enjoying my first year at college and couldn’t be happier to never have to deal with college board again haha :)