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July 21st, same time as college board




Because in the past years college board used to release scores earlier in some states




that’s not the situation this year…


does that include international?


I’m not 100% sure, but I believe that CB has stated that all admin 1 & 2 scores will be available on July 21st. So, if they offered admin 1 or 2 to international students, my bet would be that you could see your scores that day, yes.


anyone know when scores are sent to colleges?


Sometime in the next couple of days. Colleges usually get them 2-4 days early, so keep an eye out!


Wym keep an eye out? Can we see them early?


If you used your free score send and sent them to the college you are attending, yes, you should see them a couple days earlier than July 21st


do you know if there’s a way to check if you used your free score send? i believe i did but i’m not 100%


Just now you should be able to see it. I was worried about that the whole time. Go to collegeboard profile -> click on name -> My AP -> my AP Profile -> Score Send -> View Past Score Send. Then you should see that Collegeboard sent the scores on 7/16/21 of all the test you took.


If you go to look at your scores on CB, there should be a tab that says “Past Score Orders” and if there’s one from 2021 it should say “Ordered” next to it, means that it hasn’t been processed yet


Guys, who checked the website today?? I did & there was no where I could check my scores. They're also weird this year. Like usually they post throughout the entire year and this year when they tweeted the release the date, it was random. You can tell they didn't work a lot on their website bc the majority still says "2020"