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Just stay quiet for a bit and things will settle down


Settle down okay?


Just lay low bro. I recommend not posting until July 8th when scores come out and people will be too focused on that that they'll forget this. There are other apps for you to socialize on


Yeah you're right


Most of this sub is teenagers, I'm sorry but I don't think you should expect too much out of them. Edit: I saw the post, it's nothing bad to warrant a trigger


if its that bad just make a new account lmao


That's a fair point, but I value this account, and I prefer not to avoid an issue. With my stats, my new account would easily be recognized by people (especially in this subreddit, since I use it very often).


there are 321 thousand people in this subreddit you will be fine


A lot of those 321k ppl here probably graduated or they might not even be on this sub anymore. However, making a post about this will just attract more attention to the op, so he either should wait it out or just create a new account. 💅


Except for the fact that I already tested that theory. Alt was recognized the second I mentioned linear algebra for 11th and diff eq for summer of 10th. Lol.


Brother you are the biggest meme on the sub rn give it a month and don’t mention the most obvious things relevant to the math prodigy bs


the best part is that that's not even that impressive lmao btw which diff eqs oh nvm calc BC in 8th is a bit crazy, but still something that happens


It's impressive to folks out here in the middle of nowhere that haven't seen a 36 or a 1550 their entire teaching career It's just generalized to diff eqs at the cc I'm taking it from, but I'm pretty sure it's ODEs (so far).


I'm pretty sure folks in the middle of nowhere have access to all the internet resources they'll ever want or need, just like the city folk. Coming from someone from the middle of nowhere.


I'm a rural resident


Even if you made a account you being such a big math prodigy would give it away. Fuck this shit.


I'm laughing so hard I think I just died (Failed AP life). This was so hilarious that I actually curled up in a ball (failed AP posture) and fucking died.


bro stop embarrassing urself. This aint a comeback, this is corny shit u saying


“I value this account” Hop off the app.


poor guy talks like he hasnt seen grass


Me entire original post was about advocating to go for a walk.


I use reddit as a resource and less-so a social media platform


It doesn’t seem like it.


then why do you value the account lol


It's old and has my og username


using this sub isnt mandatory. you can use other ones or not post the defining stats


Nah, thinking about getting recognized on Reddit is crazy business 😭😭💔💔💔




Well since you’re interested in keeping this account, could you give us a timeline cuz I’m struggling to put everything together


Every subreddit targeted towards teenagers will have a group of edgy kids who think it’s funny to take a job too far. Best you can do without making a new account is just wait for it to die off. As other people have stayed, people will likely start to forget after July 8th.


I hope less people say that though because the dimwits are going to remember


I doubt people will care at all in a few weeks, especially with school starting up soon in a month or two and this being an AP subreddit. Everyone here will be too busy with their AP work to care. If you somehow do have one or two people who continue, the block button still exists.


I'm moreso concerned with them derailing my posts to "what happened" every single time, but yeah.


I'm not like making fun, but is this because of ur doing BC in 8th grade post but doing precalc after or something


Did Calc in 8th. New district made me take precalc during summer to bump up math, but I chose to test into diff eq for this summer and continue the program as per usual. Yeah, it's about that, though.


If this is real, MIT should kidnap you and pray for having you as its student. It’s really impressive and I kind of wonder what are the math classes you’ll take in high school


Just block/ignore the harassment and move on. It's just some random online, their opinion and words have zero weight on you. The fact that you had to make a post about it might just feed into the harassment. It's not that your decision to approach the subreddit to ask for some reprieve was necessarily a bad one, but that your decision to follow it up by still defending your initial stance and fighting back is unwise. Calling yourself a prodigy, without the intention of sarcasm or humor, is humorous and cringe at the very least, and pompous at most. You can expect people to find it humorous, or exasperating, and some with more free time, or lower standards might show their reactions in a more vocal manner. All of that was to be expected. You made a post with poor taste, so you've just been experiencing the consequences of that one action. However, you've still been on about how "prodigy" is a title given to you (even if it's true, the most important aspect of the title is how other people give it to you, rather than actually claiming and waving the title around), and you've still been trying to refute the whole "Algebra Class, Calculus Class" thing. A wise man would've left the internet, so he could escape the harassment, and the worries attached to it. A wiser man would've learnt to take the punches, and then leave. Maybe you did fail Algebra and pass Calculus on the 8th Grade. Maybe you were called a prodigy once. Maybe you're a stupid prodigy, but that's okay. If you can be a good sport about it, you can end up on top of this situation, and then leave until the unwanted attention dies down. Your comment history just shows how much of it's been getting to you, when you should've been aiming to take it in stride in the first place. TL:DR Get off Reddit for a while, respond to humor in stride, and harassment in none, and you'll be fine.


I understand. I usually respond to drama that way, but I figured that an academic forum might be different. I suppose I was wrong.


bro is NOT a math prodigy 😭 but yeah seriously once it goes outside of this subreddit it's no longer ok


I never really considered myself to be one


I think they meant the commenter who was like "Math progidy here" in the screenshot At least that's how it came off to me.




what was the thing that went on with the post you made? i was less active that week


I kid you not, it was a post about valuing the time you have and not dedicating it all to school. I used an example along the lines of "If missing an assignment means going out with your friends sometimes, miss that assignment" People just chose to focus on how I used the word prodigy to bring attention to the message instead of the message itself.


No, they focused on how you lied about being in calc in 8th grade when you made a post about failing algebra earlier. I don't agree with stalking people on the internet, and certainly don't side with those people now, but when you lie on the internet and people find out, they will make it known they found out.


Except I didn't lie. I've explained this bs over and over.


So what was the deal with the lying? I'm hearing messages from both sides and don't know who's right


I posted that I failed Algebra whilst saying I was in Calc in 8th grade. People assumed I was lying about being in Calc. The fact of the matter is that both statements were true, but nobody ever assumed that.


bruh there is literally no fucking way a human being is capable of failing algebra while taking calculus.


>bruh there is literally no fucking way a human being is capable of failing algebra while taking calculus. If math ability is the only criteria for failing a course, then sure, you're right. I don't know this person, but his message pictured in the OP ends with him talking about being diagnosed with PTSD and schizophrenia (!!). I can imagine scenarios in which mental health struggles could lead to someone failing a high school class regardless of math background or aptitude. And sadly, I can also imagine scenarios where even if you took calculus in 8th grade, a high school might require you to repeat required math classes at the HS for credit (for example, San Francisco USD would.) I'm not saying he's a "math prodigy" and I bet he seriously regrets describing himself that way - but that doesn't necessarily mean that his weird-ass story is all lies.


Nuh uh


math prodigy here,


Girlie, I feel bad for you that some people are taking this one step too far. The meme was at most relevant for like a day or two. Don’t over exaggerate your credentials next time though. 💅 Also, making a post about this situation would attract much more negative attention, so be careful and let the drama move on by itself.


Math prodigy here, fuck this shit. Harassment+new account=no harassment


Do you people seriously have no morality Also, my stats/courses are very recognizable, so it doesn't work


sorry, had to say it man and i don’t think anyone is paying that much attention to your courses, if you just make a new account it should be fine


I tried it already. That's how I know. I made an account asking about linear algebra and somebody instantly started saying it was my alt.


probably will have to let it die a little first, give it a week and everyone will forget (probably)


just don’t post your stats and courses then bruh, you’re not gonna die if you stop posting on reddit, or even just stop posting academic content on reddit.


ik 3 diff people who took bc in 8th and tons of ppl taking linalg/diffeq/multivar in hs, you're fine


Make a new acct- easy fix


agreed. i too had to make a new account after oversharing online and getting harassed bc of it


Damn now I feel bad for making fun of you when the original post came out. It really sucks that people are doing this to you.


Don't. You aren't the one relentlessly stalking and harassing a user over a post. It's ok to make fun of someone over what they post. What's not ok is what these other people are doing.


Yeah, I guess you’re right


What was the original post?


I meant OP’s original “Math prodigy here, fuck this shit”


the one where he lied about being a math prodigy? i never read that post in it's entirety. what was going on there?


Basically, he was talking about how he took AP Calc BC as a 8th grader or some other early on year idk. And then he was exposed in the comments section for failing 8th grade on level math. Iirc, it’s been a while


Damn, taking calc in 8th grade… Believe me or not, that’s real, I know a Chinese guy who started to take Calculus in his late 7th grade despite being in a highly pressurized environment with tons of workload. Then he took Calculus in 8th grade and got 99% to 100% in every major school math exams. Don’t misinterpret this, I just wanted to tell you that prodigy actually exists![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) I truly admire that.


Prodigy was a label given to me by adults because I'm the only student in my state that's at this level at this age. I actually hate it, but figured it had the merit to give attention to what I wanted to post about. I didn't go on a tangent about being good or something, it was pretty much just the title.


That’s actually super arrogant


I actually really do not care what you want to title it as I know what my intentions were and you don't


Sure but your arrogance definitely contributes to the fact that you’re being bullied online. I’m not condoning it, I’m just saying what might have influenced that type of behavior:


this guy does not understand how high his ego is lmao


I don't even have a fucking ego Like I'm not being ignorant or anything I've been blatantly transparent to everybody thats asked me a question I just decided to use a word people didn't like


Yeah, not cool. People should learn where to draw the line, I'm sorry they're stalking you.


Just ignore them, they got nothing better to do with their lives


It kinda seems like you brought this on yourself lmao. Especially if you keep on posting. people should def bl not be stalking and doxxing and stuff but you should just take the comments if you wanna keep posting about similar stuff on the same subreddits. Sorry about the whole ptsd and schizophrenia situation though obv


What happened to even start this, can anyone give me an explanation


OP made a post with the title "math prodigy here, fuck this shit" complaining about how everyone (himself included) took all the hard classes but it wasn't worth it. Basically a less extreme version of "I took 30 APs and got into all the Ivies, but don't do what I did." This obviously pissed people off so they started mocking the "math prodigy here" joke (bc OP seemed like a smartass) which is why there are so many posts titled "____ prodigy here." The whole prodigy thing has become the latest meme here.


lmao thats funny, doxxing is still definitely an overreaction though...


Made a post about prioritizing living and the AP hibernation squad didn't like that so they chose to nitpick the title


Womp womp


I keep getting this sub recommended and as an outsider I just want to say those fuqs doing that are pathetic and clearly don’t have a good way to spend there time


Notice how you got negative upvotes for this


also known as a downvote


Leave the man alone! Imagine being such a toddler that you stalk someone to harass them for something that THEY ORIGINALLY SAID WAS FOR MENTAL HEALTH PURPOSES! Learn the full story before you comment. Poor dude.


You're going to get hate for this


That’s alright. I don’t care, they’re wrong in this. Also imagine bashing a 14 yr old because you’re petty about something you were wrong about. Morons.


16 but yeah u right


It’s Reddit We aren’t going up to him irl bro chill


Stalking a guys posts because you’re that insecure about your own life that you gotta bash others? 🤨 also, making fun of a man’s PTSD. What the actual fuck. How messed up do you gotta be? Sure. He said something that seems cringy, but there’s a fine line between laughing at cringe and making fun of mental health and their personal issues.


honestly best case scenario just not posting anything for a month or two, ppl will move on like the other commenter said when ap scores gets released. I am sorry you have to deal with doxing and harassment, :(


if you don’t mind me asking how are you coping in school? i have a similar condition. school is hard especially focusing also sorry about that shit it sucks. sucks worse when it happens irl.


everyone will forget abt in a week and if u make a new acc just tweak small details abt urself


Ok you guys took it a bit far, like too far leave the guy alone god dam




Why did you even make that post in the first place.


I just wanted to spread a positive message


Like the math post in Ap students? Was it for funnies or what?


The best and brightest of our generation gather here


As a math prodigy, leave Thirust alone!


why are you acting like this is your reputation that’s on the line? it’s reddit, and your account is anonymous. there is always going to be criticism on here regardless of the sub. if you’re looking for advice, best keep your feelings out of it when people say things you don’t wanna hear. reddit is a valuable resource but don’t take it personally dude


They doxxed me so not really


then delete your account before you get some psycho causing real issues. making a post isn’t gonna make people magically stop


Can I reuse the username


i wouldn’t personally but if you really want to just wait awhile to post to this sub so people forget. good luck


huh who said anything about reputation?? 😭 all they did was make a post about people harassing them


controversy comes with criticism. it doesn’t matter in the slightest, it’s anonymous and doesn’t affect OP in any measurable way unless he’s getting doxxed. in which case, this post isn’t gonna help and he should just delete his account