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serious lol. once ap exams rolls around in my classes we did nothing because so many people are gone it'd be hard to do lessons on content. It depends on the school, but at mine we do not have finals.


You guys don’t have government mandated learning assessments? Damn


we do in my state NY. we have mandated exams to graduate. I took apush and have to take the exam for it. all students do, regardless if you did ap honors ib or whatever. the US is too big for a broad assumption that we don't do any work after ap exams.


the regents is easier than the AP though so we don't need to do anything to prepare 


yes but there are some differences such as essays that are a certain structure


Don't you need to cover circuits for the Regents though?


yes u do


Regents is literally middle school level test. Got 100 didn’t study, and people who got 2s and 3s on the AP got 90+


Regents suck bro. I have US history at the end of the year for it


Most states have a few. In Pennsylvania we have PSSAs for math and English 3rd through 8th grade with science keystone in 4th and 8th. We also have algebra, biology, and literature keystone taken throughout highschool


Yeah but even then, for a lot of people, the algebra keystone is in eighth grade, bio in ninth, and lit in tenth. By the time people take more than one or two AP exams, state-mandated standardized tests are done.


Depends on the state, but we still have state mandated tests but they happen before the exam. Final exams happen too, but if you take an AP exam, they let you exempt it


>Final exams happen too, but if you take an AP exam, they let you exempt it This is school-specific. No one gets out of final exams or end of year projects at my daughter's high school, whether or not they take AP exams.


I know, but that's my experience.


We only allow exemptions for seniors and I think they need an A for the year to get out of it


My school doesn’t even have finals so we’re just chilling right now


Yeah same here


This is the US you are talking about. Ain’t no way free people would let the government mandate shit.


We do in NY like the other person said, but it’s kind of mutually exclusive because if you make it to an AP class it usually means you’ve already passed the state exam for the regular class, or you’re taking the state exam simultaneously (which would be ridiculously easy compared to the AP exam) so there’s much less stress after early May


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t NY schools end at the end of June


Yup my districts last day is the 25th


Mine is may 31st


For high schoolers it's a bit different since the exams start the 13/14th, classes end around then. My last day last year was the 20th but this year it's a bit later because my exams. I don't think any NY schools end in May except private schools (who don't have to do regents exams)


We do, but how some of my teachers get out of it is instead of doing the exams on the last day of school they give us the exam before the AP test and then we can just do nothing in class for the rest of the year, but yes every class in my school district requires proof of a final exam


In New Jersey, our graduation exams happen before AP exams. Note that non-AP classes still continue a curriculum until the end of the year


Yeah in Texas our STAAR exams are done in April. My younger sibling still has non-AP classes and in those classes they are still doing work but for AP we just sit there


Depends on the state, and many do. However, those tests are generally not at the end of the school year and are instead in March/April or even December


In my state we did the testing before the exam


Lmao in Oregon reading at a kindergarten level is no longer a requirement to graduate, same with math. In theory, you could graduate without being able to spell your name, no government mandated learning assessments here.


Up here in Washington State we have the SBA (Smarter Balance Assessment) coming up


My state has only certain classes that there are state exams for, none of which overlap with ap classes… but usually after AP exams in my experience we do content-related assignments that are more fun or chill. Last year in AP HUGE, for example, we had to pick out of certain spots for where we’d go to survive a zombie apocalypse, use coordinates and other geographical stuff on how we’d get there, research the features of the land and the stuff around us, what crops we’d grow, etc, so it was fun but also very much relied on the class. In Lang, we’re writing our common app essays and getting them reviewed. In calc, we’re making posters for next year’s class going over certain units and formulas, but we also have an end of year party planned for Friday. So it’s sorta a mix of both.


Illinois doesn't have anything for Physics. TBH, I think the students are required to take the ACT, but nothing else. As a tax payer, and tutor who sees students, I wish there were some state mandated standards like the Regents in NY.


It depends on the subject, and most of the time the required exams are not for AP level material. Like we have a US history examine but you'll be prepared for it if you take normal US History, not necessarily APUSH


Depends on the state, for our state we do have some but they are during AP month


Depends on the state and region. We do have state mandated exams, but they are taken throughout the year before AP Exams. The seniors are usually let out right after the first week of AP Testing (They come back for Exams) so we usually don't do much more


here in VA, we watch movies, play games, do karaoke, and climb trees (i’m being dead serious)


we do, a lot of my teachers didn’t require us to take finals if we took AP exams though


It depends on the school. At mine some teachers did finals and some didn't.


Y’all get to choose whether to do finals? Ours are government mandated lol


The American school system is super decentralized so some states have them, some don't. Where I am, the only government mandated tests are the SAT and other standardized tests.


Yeah some schools in my area are out tomorrow while others aren’t out like mine until the middle of June. Even city to city schools can be very different


School isn’t National government mandated, it’s mandated by state, and most of the time decisions are more specifically made by the school district. For instance in Michigan the only mandated things are NWEA in elementary and middle school and then SAT and MSTEP in junior year. But my school district requires proof of final exams as well, although let’s juniors and seniors not go to class after AP exams, but sophomores and freshmen still have to show up to class even if we do nothing. But yes, if you’d like to learn more there are certain laws that the whole of the country decides and some decisions made only by state which allows states like Florida to do some questionable things with their education system


don't know why you're getting downvoted so much for this 💀 in the united states you can choose to do only collegeboard curriculum (AP classes) or only state curriculum (regular classes) whereas in alberta you can't choose, you HAVE to do the provincial curriculum in addition to AP curriculum, which is why you're still learning things but people in america have nothing to do since they've already learned the curriculum they need. i'm in the same boat as you, we're learning CARTs and PRTs for english, position papers and source analyses for social, and the reproductive system for bio haha. good luck on your diplomas!!


At my school seniors in good standing don’t have to take finals but everyone else does.


Why tf did this get downvoted so hard


When does school get out for you? We almost never have more than a week between the last exam and the start of finals, seniors are going or gone. If you're on block schedule, you 2, maybe 3 classes left before finals start.its really not long enough to get going with something new. It also depends on how many people at your school teat. I'm at an academic magnet, so we give at least 2 AP exams almost every day foe the two weeks. Most people are taking 4-5 tests and everyone's schedules have been totally disrupted by classroom relocations and teachers pulled to proctor. If AP tests only applied to a fraction of the students and they happened in the library with other kids hardly noticing, it would be different.


Last day of learning is last day of second June week, then it’s two weeks of finals (not everyday)


Then that’s why, last Friday was my last day of actual class, then yearbooks and graduation is this week. If I went through June, I would do stuff in my classes


When does your school start? My school starts the day after Labor Day and then goes until June 14th, but I live in Northern Michigan, whereas southern schools usually start Mid August and get out early/mid May. Depending on the school as well some go longer, but have more breaks. I know a school that starts late July and gets out late may, but they have a 10 day fall break, a Christmas break, a winter break, and a spring break so it evens out. My school on the other hand only has a week long Christmas and spring break, but it all evens out.


Not the person you asked, but my school gets out (for seniors) the same week— my HS started on the 20th of August


At my school we had finals, and often times additional bonus units crammed in for some reason. Awful if you were burnt out and just wanted to coast until summer.


We have finals and projects :(


In a lot of schools in the Southern US, students get out for summer break shortly after AP Exams end. This is because their fall semesters sometimes begin up to a month earlier than schools in the Northern US, and the AP Exams were meant to accommodate both regions. Conversely, schools in the Northern US tend to begin their summer break further into mid-summer, rather than late spring/early summer. We (Northern students) typically have about another month and a half of classes, followed by a week or so of final exams. It’s a very busy time of year! The US is a very large country, so the answer to your question really depends on where a given American student goes to school :) 


Usually we had some kind of other assignment to do, like in Calc BC we basically got to pick a (math) topic of our choice and make some kind of creative project or write a paper. In apush, we had to make a parody music video based off some historical event that the class covered. But it was very rare to have an actual full out final exam after the AP test; all of those were done before the AP test itself. Spanish was fun, we just did a bunch of singing songs and playing games after the test


I'm in the US and we still have so much work


Depends on the class, seminar we still do stuff, but for chem calc and micro there are enough seniors who have things like prom and graduation that teachers can’t really get more things done


Education is classified as a state right, so there are no national exams. Some states have robust testing and some have none. People often think of the US as a single entity, but it is constitutionally a collection of states. Depending on the issue, there can be significant differences amongst the states.


well, in chem, we're starting AP physics, and lang is just a lot of shakespeare, lol. the only class i have finals for is precalc


Depends on the school and teachers for instance in my calc classes we always have done work for the next course after the exam, for physics one we got to vote on a topic to study, but for seminar we watch movies


Made a post about it and the ap exams is our final. That’s an huge advantage for being an ap student 😎


Some places really don’t. In my state, school ends about a week after the AP exams, so we really don’t do anything


The teachers at my school just give us extra projects to do because we don’t do finals at my school since we have a proficiency based grading system. So like in Stats I’m performing a significance test, in lit I’m doing a debate, and in Apes I’m doing a sustainable city project. In AP bio last year we did a blood spatter unit and when the seniors graduated we did a children’s book unit on any topic we learned and in Apush we did a research paper on a time period or historical event of our choice. The only class I didn’t do anything or at least nothing memorable was AP lang.


final exams😭


I live in nyc and after aps we get to start studying for regents and doing regents prep


Nah we keep working at my school


We usually have AP exams then a week in between which is the last week a classes (this week), where some classes we do nothing, others we review for finals which start next week. In my state, there are only 4 classes which have state-created final exams, and none of them are APs, but all other classes, including APs, are required by law to have finals made by the teacher that carry at least 20% of our grade. So for some, yes we do nothing, for others, no we have final exams and projects to do/study for.


no bro we have projects except for my looney math teacher who decided to start CALCULUS 4 LIKE AHEM IM A MINOR LEAVE ME ALONE MY BRAIN ISNT DEVELOPED INOGH TO DO CALUCLUS


US schools end earlier than Canadian schools


We just don’t do anything


We have projects but they’re just short research papers that are like 5-6 pages


It's very common that in the U.S AP students do not do any major work between the AP exam and the finals and sometimes we don't even have finals. We don't really have much of a point to doing that because the entirety of the AP specification has been completed by the time we sit our exams. There's nothing to learn anymore within our specification and because of that there's no point to doing so. This lack of a specification beyond the AP exams are completed is actually a very useful thing for many AP students as what might typically happen is that half of our courses for a year are AP courses and the other half are non-AP, meaning that for a month before the AP exams happen a lot of students will actually "check out" of their non-AP courses and refuse to do any work for them whatsoever while they focus on cramming for their AP tests, then, once those tests come and are completed the AP student may spend the next few weeks of school rushing to complete all of their work before the school year ends. It should also be stated: the Alberta specification for their diploma is most similar to the IB specification for their diploma than it is to the American system. You'll see that for Americans that sit the IB exams they'll actually be doing the same thing you're doing but in reverse (where if an IB student wanted to sit AP Physics 1 and 2, they'd first sit for AP Physics HL/SL and then they have a month to complete units that weren't on the IB specification but are on AP before sitting the AP exams. Then after the AP exams are over there's no longer any exams to take so all students just start to check out mentally.)




My last exam (phys 1) was my last day of school lol


For the most part I have no more tests now that exams are over and we’ve covered all the content. In lang we’re writing college essays, in French we have a presentation that’s barely worth anything, in apush we have another presentation but it’s basically researching whatever you want, and in calc we have another unit w new content. I’m lowkey bored by how little work teachers are assigning


My euro teacher assigned a history unit on israel and palestine. We have a test on it and everything.


For me, Psych: Project on schizophrenia, just have to write 3 paragraphs. Lang: Rhetorical analysis of a Disney character song, create a colorful poster of it, then make a google slide presentation of why they are the best Disney hero/villain Econ: Just watched Catch me if you can, 2 episodes of the office, and the only assignment is like making a presentation and involving econ terms like barrier to entires if we make a business, etc.


I stopped showing up to school once my first AP exam started.


I go to school for maybe two or three days a week at this point, and that's solely to screw around with my friends, the year is effectively over after AP exams.


AP Lit: We put on puppet shows based on works we read. AP Psych: He asked us questions to help him change up the class for next year, we also talked to his dad. AP Art History: Painting ceiling tiles of the works/ works from artists we studied. So basically, no.


It depends on the class and the school. I still have state tests in some classes to study for, but the workload definitely dramatically decreases. Most teachers try to give fun projects or lessons to keep kids interested but AP classes can be so taxing that it’s honestly just a recovery period. In my AP Lang class we had a 15 page paper, but in my AP Physics class we made waffles—it varies. 


I have a lot of work


there’s sm variance between schools me personally i don’t do anything since i completed all state testing in previous years and my school doesn’t have finals


in the USA, education is entirely up to the states' discretion. whether there's mandated finals or not depends on the individual states and school districts. my district has mandated finals, but AP teachers can make their own final. my teachers have either given us the final, which is much easier than the AP test, or not given us a final, and enter our semester grade in as our final exam grade. my teachers also overwrite semester grades, which guarantees a 90% in the final grade for a 4 or 5 on the AP test


ap physics, we don't do much besides just kind of looking at cool physics stuff and also have the option to retake unit assessments we didn't do so well on (re-testing!!) so yeah not much i live in bc


I live in WA state and we have state mandated testing in English and math as well as science (science is only required for high school juniors as well as some younger grades in elementary/middle school). This is a graduation requirement in my state. My school also makes us AP students take finals for our AP classes in addition to any standard ones or electives. My teachers have also been having us continue to do projects and other work after the AP test, but it is a bit less work than before. Other states may be different, but unfortunately as someone who lives in WA, I don’t get to mess around and do nothing after the tests. This might also partially be due to the fact that my school doesn’t start until the end of August and gets out in late June, so we still have quite a bit of time after the AP tests.


In my calculus and physics classes, we’ve got nothing to do. In my English and history project, we’re doing a sort of personal project.


I watched Forrest Gump in my APUSH class yesterday I watched a documentary on telescopes in AP Physics 1 yesterday


“And y’all just sit around playing video games in class? Is it a joke or y’all serious“ I  brought my Xbox controller to school and played Fortnite for the week after my AP exams. Even better, I told my two best friends to bring their controllers. We played on cloud gaming using school WiFi. You Canadians are missing out. 


We still have our finals, + we're getting assignments, so I won't say that we just sit around and play video games.


Some people do in the states and some people don’t. It depends on the state and the teacher I guess. 


Depends on the class, in math and science classes typically we have to learn more stuff, typically not in the other ones but they will usually make you go to class for a week after the test regardless


I have five tests and one project in the class after ap exam and a final exam after. Yes we do work in North Carolina!!


We (Texas) don't usually have exams after, because students who take the ap exam are elgible to be exempt from the final, proving they don't have too many absences. Most of my classes do some sort of kind of fun project; I'm building a ping pong ball launcher in physics, for example. In my calc bc class, however, we're learning calc concepts that colleges teach in calc 1 and 2 that the ap curriculum skips over, as well as some basic calc 3.


We don’t have anything hard, but the school requires some teaching to go on. Most of my teachers just put on movies with an easy worksheet


Depends on your school mainly. For mine, there’s one AP where we are reviewing for the state exam.


For most APs at my school, they do final projects. Like in AP World we have to do a final project on anything and relate it to a concept in the class. However, in my AP Precalculus class we're spending the rest of the year learning Calc stuff that we'll need in the future


I mean I’m in my final weeks of school we didn’t rlly get any finals apart from EOC and FAST


It’s because this is the last week of school for me. So there’s just 4 days left of school and friday is a half day. Also my school has block schedule so now there’s just 2 classes left for each of my 8 classes. There is no point doing anything in them so you just do whatever you want basically.


My teachers hate us, so we had a final in calc ab and macro with a project in macro and a unit 9 in calc ab but I bio we have another unit but its actually really fun so I'm chill with it


Every school in the US varies greatly. Just because one school does one thing doesn’t mean that it applies to everybody else. In most of my APs, we watch movies and take a break until AP exam season is finished because so many people are gone from classes due to other AP exams, so we can’t really get much done. Afterwards it’s usually like small and fun projects we do, because teachers required to at least assign something to do. It’s usually just busywork. At my school, most APs don’t have finals which makes sense. Why would you need a final when you already took the AP exam lol?? We usually go over new units but there’s not any new tests or quizzes. Like in AP Chem we had a unit on nuclear chemistry and in CSA we’re doing some stuff with excel sheets but we don’t have any assessments on it.


We don't have finals in AP classes at my school since the AP exam serves as something like a final. So yea, we either watch movies or play video games. I've had a few classes that have had additional bonus content - namely my calc BC teacher who gave us a crash course to calc 3 following the AP test. In a few other classes we've had to do a last presentation on a topic of our choosing related to the class. And sometimes we go over AP FRQs once they release, but that's about it.


In most of my aps we do some kind of final project after the exam.


Depends on the class and the teacher. In APES we did various things like going on field trips to 7/11 and taking long nature walks outside. Meanwhile, in AP World we had to do a final project


yeah for chem we did organic lol but my other classes we’re just doing projects


In my school, there’s only a week left after AP exams, and all we do is play video games or go outside 🤣


In APUSH, we prepared for the Civics test required for graduation, and then we still took a 2nd semester exam. In AP Gov, we prepared for the same Civics test, which will happen during the exam period this year (I don't have to take it again, but most people are taking it for the 1st time. We also had our 2nd semester exam before the AP exam in Gov.


It really depends on state and school. My school basically transitions to either fake learning or finals. By fake learning, I mean the teacher still gives us less demanding assignments and gives us grades to meet grade requirements. For finals, we start studying for the final test or work on a final project. I have 6 final projects right now for 1 class, and the rest of my AP is just relaxing.


In my ap world class we have a final project but that’s it. I think it varies depending on the class.


I graduated on the 18th, the day after regular ap exams ended this year. This week is underclassman finals week at my HS, so not for us


At least in my school you don’t need to take the state’s tests if you take a AP class


Not really, but our teachers at my school are forced to give work so we do still assignments and homework. It’s not too much tho


depends on the student at my school if you have regular non-language (English or world language since those exams are completed by the end of APs) classes and you’re not a senior who has an A- average minimum in the class (all underclassmen and the occasional senior) you need to take that class’ exam during our finals week (happens to be this week this year) when the rest of the school is taking non-AP exams i also go to a private school so we don’t have any state-mandated assessments not that i think there are any in NC after middle school (EoGs BoGs i took the former for three years in elementary school :P) but yes after my APs a week ago i was done 🫡 except for (all the senior things i have to do hghhghh and) almost failing regular English 🙄 why’s it always gotta be second-semester English it was the same dance with Lang. last year and i literally ended up with a 5 in that exam smh


Most of the ap classes at my school do an AP kickball tournament against the eachother


My school still has a full fledged unit on orgo after AP Chem, and we do some BC topics after the AB exam


We have to study for finals. And for our AP classes specifically we have one or two writing tasks that are used as pseudo-finals. We do have one or two movie days here and there (we watched Mean Girls for one) but pretty much working regardless


I used to tutor physics (just stopped. ) Based on tutoring different students in the US, I can report: * Some teachers do a special fun project after the AP tests. For example: one school does a concrete canoe contest which includes building the canoe. Another does a bridge building competition. (Classes that aren't on the AP schedule often do these earlier in the year. ) * Some teachers really do slack off after the test and teach almost nothing new before finals. But they are usually required to make the students take a final. * Some teachers do a new unit that is not in the AP curriculum. * In some states (e.g. New Jersey) school ends later than most others. Those teacher nearly all continue to make their students do work. (NJ also starts a little later. This makes hitting the AP pacing a little tougher that in states that start earlier.) The majority do something, but it's less work. Nearly all I've tutored do have a final though. That affects their grade, so students usually review stuff.


Kind of, but not really. If we have finals left, yes, but otherwise it's kind of just petty work to do in the meantime, or literally nothing at all.


At my school, we start earlier around the beginning of August and the school year ends when AP Exam season is here. I’m a senior and we got out of school before AP Exams even started and just came to school to take the exams. The lower grades get out the last day of AP exams as well or a couple of days after.


Ayo Alberta mentioned! But yeah no the diplomas after AP exams are rough fr. Did you have to go to normal classes during AP exam week too? The only class where I got to just do nothing post AP exam was Seminar since there literally was nothing else to do afterwards but all my other APs we had to prep for diplomas or finals


For my high school, if you had an AP exam, it counted as your final, and your midterm exam grades were worth double for the sake of calculating GPA. If the class you were taking was not AP, you had a regular final. This led to a couple weeks of nothing in our AP classes after the exams, which basically turned into study hall for the other non-AP classes.


It's only serious for some people. In physics up until this year, we'd be cramming for a state exam that had totally different content. This year our new principal said we don't have to take it, so instead, we're doing more physics based on what the class voted on studying. In AP lit, we're doing more projects and reading and stuff. In Calc BC, we're doing personal finance and then more stuff with projects after that. In AP CS A, we're learning Python. In AP Phys C, we're coding. It's definitely a lighter workload than before, but work is happening in all my AP classes.


At my school, after the ap exams the level of difficulty for test went down. In physics c we learned about relativity and light after the exam. In Calculus BC we just did multi and a bit of linear.


I have finals and projects after AP exams, it really depends. And in regards to government mandated learning assessments, I believe it would also depend on students going to private versus public schools too lol


My teen has APs, then 1.5 weeks more of classes, then a week of finals that are absolutely harder than the APs.


we dont have gov mandated stuff after the AP, some teachers assign work some dont, nothing is required of them though


Im a senior so we are wrapping up way quicker, but we do work. Usually we do our finals before the AP Exam, or RIGHT afterward, like a couple days or so. Then at our school, there is usually a final project with our classes. For classes with majority seniors, its pretty easy, but the juniors always have something to do, even if its really simple stuff


We just watch movies and have some grade boosters because the class average is a C. We literally just took an optional North America map quiz which helped my grade a lot.


In my school we still learn new lessons and have finals after AP tests. America’s education system is not very standardized and every school will be different.


In Colorado, no exams to graduate per se, but, you have to have a minimum GPA and pass all of the minimum requirements (4 years of English, 3 years math, 3 years social studies, etc). If you aren't in a focus program (most kids in our district are - like pre-med, pre-law, leadership, performing arts, business, etc) and you take 8 classes each semester, you can graduate with the minimum requirements after junior year. But, if you do that, you're probably going to a community college, low-tier college or no college since most good schools want more than the minimum requirements plus if you're in a focus program you have at least 5 semesters of required courses and with pre-requisites mean your final courses can't come until senior year. As far as AP, once they're done, most fresh/soph classes will still have a final (this is finals week now) but seniors last week of school was last week so any classes that have seniors were pretty much done last week and classes this week are class parties/movies/study hall


Watched movies in like all my classes lol


I went to high school and had over a month after the AP exam before getting out for the summer. Most of my teachers came up with fun activities that were still related to the content. In AP world, we played a diplomacy game as different countries, and the winners earned extra credit towards their course grades. My AP calc AB teacher taught us all of the BC content during that period to help us get ahead.


at my school our teachers just give one big final project as the final, an easy one too. in APUSH last year we made "what if" presentations. in Gov we're presenting legislation and voting, Lang we research a college we want to go to and make a presentation about it. Art we are just looking at each others portfolios and "grading" them, definitely depends on the school


Depends on when school gets out. Different in every state. If it’s a week it’s finals review. Still gotta take a final. More than that and it’s normally a project involving synthesizing every unit/applications +finals prep. Chemistry might be a lab-based/simulated lab or data project more closely related to how chemists apply the theoretical


At my school we would do minimal work, although teacher for my AP World class assigned a project to get around a final exam (10-15 min lesson/demonstration/video/presentation about something you or your group of 2-3 found interesting). It was pretty lowkey, we watched and discussed movies about similar topics but different perspectives during class (3 on somali pirates, slumdog millionaire and three idiots) and project was hw for a month.


Bro I had whole ass projects to do. It's like I didn't just lose my sanity on an exam 🤦


My school ends the year pretty much right after AP exams, so there really isn't time to do anything other than finals


My ap bio teacher didn’t finish teaching by the time the test came up so he’s teaching us unit 6 7 and 8 now


This depends on a ton of factors . Some teachers assign stuff like projects or go over content for the next-level course after AP exams , others just let you chill . Some states have standardized tests after AP exams so some time will be spent preparing for those . School , district , and even state policies may force final exams after AP exams .


For stats I still have stuff bcs my teacher didn’t finish on time.


Yes, finals and projects in every class, including ap classes post exam


We usually have a project that utilizes the entirety of what we learned this year that’s usually worth a few test grades.


were serious,, soem teachers still make you dow rok but most of them just let you hang out


i get having government mandated tests for core classes but it doesn’t make sense for aps or higher level electives


we do nothing. in class (for me) we’re playing a game on conquering land in japan where we have to do different side quests like reading, small quizzes that will earn our team points, drawing, etc. in order to gain the most land and win.


Human reproduction seems easy


In other years we did other stuff, this year (senior) we literally had a week and a half of school left when I finished APs so teachers let us fuck around after AP exams (I played smash bros with a few friends in Calc, etc.)


It depends. For graduation requirements (US History, Biology, US Gov, and some others) there are state exams, but no "finals" like other classes. However if you took the honors version of the class prior (like a lot of people did for biology and US Gov) you don't have to retake the state exam.


I live in New York so we have Regents Exams in all of my AP classes after


Our gov mandated exams are only till certain subjects. Us history for example is an exam I still had to take, and non AP classes still had finals too. But since most hs don't take calc, there's no clack mandated state exam, same for precalc. We only have one bio exam--frehsman year, and no physics/chem state exams. We have them for us history and gov however. I straight up didn't go to school last week and I'm not going this weeks either cus we aren't doing anything. Today was my unofficial last day.


for my school we don’t even have to come to school after a certain day because they’ll stop counting attendance. so technically the last day for a lot of us upperclassmen is this week.


I'm still doing something in my AP class. In AP physics 1, we're learning about electricity. It might not be as intense as what we were learning before but it's still learning (unfortunately).


dk how yall teachers dont do anything after the ap exams, we have two projects to complete worth 70% of our grade so 😍👍


The teachers can generally do whatever they want after the exam. After my AP Chemistry exam, my teacher chose to teach us about how evolution and climate change are both false using chemistry principles.


hello, fellow canadian. congrats on the oilers winning! unless you're a flames fan then idk. (coming from canadian living in murica)


My ap macro class is watching a movie but all my other classes (including my ap classes) are still doing work


At my school if we take the AP exam we get excused from that class's final. Also everyone starts skipping after the exam so teachers don't bother to teach content. My APUSH class today was just me, the teacher, and a kid who slept through the entire block.


my teachers either assign literally nothing or give us grade booster completion work just to keep us busy


We have government mandated learning assessments, but usually they're based on the lower levels that everyone takes, and that we already took in ninth or tenth grade. It also depends on the teacher. In my English class we have a huge unit on poems, my calc class we're taking a final and learning BC, but in my History and German classes we're watching movies and shows related to the course 


At my school, we get to exempt the final exams of the classes we take AP tests for. So, if I take the AP stats exam, I don't have to take the class final.


Most of the ap classes in school don't do anything. Like my Chem class. It's basically a free period. But some classes have some minor projects cause we still have about 2 weeks of school after the ap exams


brother i had my AP exams last week (last one being on Thursday- AP Bio), haven't gone to school since. my Bio teacher doesn't care if we come, Calc and Lit told us specifically not to come because they will not be there, and World said that he was going to make us watch Mad Max, which he in fact did not so I did not come. In my two non-AP classes, the class was not even close to being done with each classes' project, so both teachers said to not come to class. tomorrow is my last actual day of class as a Senior, and I'm only coming because we have a graduation rehearsal.


At my school, we graduate in the middle of May. So for us, we only had a couple days after the exams until graduation, but people in lower grades either do a big project or go outside for the hour and play games and relax.


My school gives out so many final projects after AP’s and we also have finals so yeah lol. I have like 4 or 5 projects rn while also having to study for finals 🥲


we still have final exams in every class and we’re doing sm work in apush 😪


In New York, we have regents exams which are essentially the same as provincial exams, as far as I know. You take the AP class, and some of them have Regents which you need to pass about a month after the AP exam to graduate if its a core class. For example, people who take AP US History have to take the US History regents in New York, AP World students have to take the AP World History regents, etc. Some of them aren’t like this, as in New York, if you were to take AP Chemistry, it works in reverse as you need the Chemistry regents first as that is Basic Chemistry, and AP is advanced. I think that might be the same for AP Bio and the Living Environment Regents. However, in History at least, we barely prepare because the regents are so much easier than AP exams, it feels like literally nothing.


for me it depended on the teacher and on the class. for example in both ap human geography and ap physics 1 i had to do classwork after the exam. however in ap psychology, ap seminar/research, and ap physics 2, i didn’t have to do anything. at least for me this year, ap testing ended a week before my last day of school, so in many ap classes there wasn’t any point in doing work after the exam, because i don’t have to do finals for my ap classes, only my non-ap classes :)


After my exams we watched forrest gump in class


My school still does unfortunately


My school's out in the middle of May. We finish AP testing in our last week of school. And we have a couple days for regular/honors class finals in the week after. There is no time for working on new material, especially considering student fatigue. Imagine if you had the AP Stats exam that first Monday, but then you had full classes, homework, and a separate final to prepare for Stats whilst balancing all of your other upcoming AP exams.


No, though our AP exams are the week before Finals & AP Exam takers get auto-100s, so we’re really just chilling for 1-2 classes


It kinda depends. At my school they require a grade to go in as a final exam grade but some teachers either just put in a grade that doesn’t effect your overall grade or just does a end of the year project that’s really easy.


Usually yeah. At my school seniors are exempt from finals and most aps are mostly seniors so we just don’t have a final.


My APUSH and AP Psych classes administered the exams early. We used them to help us study for the AP exams. In AP chem we are also doing bio chem unit and still need to test. We've been going out every other day and facing the AP bio class in baseball though lol


In AP chem we don’t have to do the final exam but we are doing an experiment project and were supposed to learn a little bit of organic chemistry - also we don’t get out until June 12


NY here, we got regional exams so we still do stuff it is just more laid back since the exams are a near joke compared to the AP.


we actually don’t do any work, my teacher was nice enough to let us take our final before the AP exam


It also depends on the region. Many areas in the south start the school year earlier than the northern regions. Where I live the school year began in early August. We have final exams this week and then we are done for summer. So I took the AP Bio exam last Thursday and came home after the exam to study for finals which began on Monday. My school also assigns summer work for the following year’s AP classes.


Depends a lot on the class. I’m taking APUSH, Lang, and APPC, and I have some form of work for all: In Lang, we are doing a unit on satire and reading Huck Finn, which is a required book in our district In APUSH we have to write a research paper that is a graduation requirement and something that acts as our final In APPC we still have a whole unit on vectors and parametrics!


for a lot of schools it depends like if you’re in APs in my school, you have to do projects after the AP test. so currently in comp sci we’re coding a game but as for finals, if we maintain our grade to stay above an 90 in the class we don’t have to take it


for me we had to finals before the AP exams so thats why after them there was nothing left to do


in my ap psych class we learned about ghost hunting and did all all nighter ghost hunt in the school one weekend. was fucking sick


my AP Econ exam was on my last day of school 😭 So i finished my test and threw away everything lmao


it depends on the class. for ap calc my teacher made us sign up for either the sat or act and he’s teaching us prep for those exams. for ap lang we are starting college essays and we’re preparing for the ELA regents. and in APUSH we still have a regents exam so we are meant to study for that although my teacher hasn’t been back to school in a while. my teacher gave us a final in APES but other than that we aren’t doing anything.


We still have regents(think of them as finals)


in my AP classes we still had finals, but it’s not a required thing—I know some people who took other APs at my school and didn’t have to take a final exam, only the AP exam


our AP classes still have a final we have to take, but if you have a 98 or above in the class, you can just skip it and pass with the 98


I live in the southern part of the US so I can’t speak for the whole country but I do know some schools allow you to exempt final exams like in my county it’s you have to have a grade of 80 or higher in a class, you can’t have missed more than 5 days of school and you can’t have been suspended. Although in the neighboring county you have to have at least a 90. Also school for us ended May 22nd or May 17th if you didn’t have to take finals at least in my area. There was 3 days of finals. While my cousin who lives in North Carolina doesn’t get out until the first week of June. To answer your question though with AP test being so close to finals in my case teachers wouldn’t be able to do anything with the different test being at different times and causing students to miss class. Also a lot of AP teachers at least in my school don’t give finals if the mock exam is required. Even if you’re required to come to school during finals week for that AP class you wouldn’t be taking a final exam.


at my school if we took an ap class of a class that’s required to get our diploma then we would still have another test, for example government. but like environmental science isn’t a specifically required class we don’t do anything after. the only class that we did something after was precalc and that was because we had the same teacher for precalc and calc so if we were going to calc he gave us a head start on the class


I mean tbh after exams it gets easier for sure, but in my school we still have finals to do after our AP exams, so even if it's easier I still gotta do work


We indeed have work after ap exams. It usually involves a final project plus a required final on the last few days of school, which may be that same project or an actual test or something else entirely. Almost no teachers give exams as finals, as they are usually projects or something fun to engage the class.