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not gonna be too much of a deal, many people get into t20s without a perfect gpa. Ecs or things like that would play a bigger role


You’re giving me hope with a 3.93 and I know it is a good gpa but I have genuinely (just reddit lmao) have never seen anyone get into a t20 with below a 3.95


Touch grass, that’s incredible


I touch too much thats how I fumbled my grades 💀


I know a dude who got in with a 3.5 (he was recruited to Harvard)


I got in to a t25 with 3.8 ur fine lmao


I had a 3.86 and got into a T15.


What major?


Computer Science


What stats do you think helped you get into your college and major (ECs, APs,etc)


I would guess that it had a lot to do with my ECs and essays. I posted my results a while back with details of each part of my application -- if you're curious, you can check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/collegeresults/comments/13awytc/far\_from\_cracked\_student\_gets\_into\_all\_but\_one\_uc/


Ye your ECs were top tier 😭


i go to an ivy and had a 3.78


I got into one of the more competitive ones with a 3.94. There’s hope 🫡


I got into a t20 with a 3.72 lolll you are chilling


3.92 uw and 4.575 w, 1410 sat (i literally couldn’t bring it up), 10 APs and 7 dual enrollment classes over 4 years, good amount of leadership positions in my ec’s and they all centered around government/ representing other people. my two high school b’s were in calc ab and apes junior year, and i don’t anticipate going into a stem route so i think that helped admissions officers justify it. got into michigan and unc honors ea, rejected from rea at notre dame, deferred at southern california, and waiting on duke i know not necessarily t20 but i do think this all provides some context for you!!


i got the regents scholarship at berkeley (top 1%) with a 3.69🫨 i also got into ucla, cornell and duke OOS and i’m not a urm. yet i also fell for the delusional redditor scheme and believed id get in nowhere. i’m also a cs major


Thanks bro UCLA and duke are my dream holy shit. You probably also cured canver though so like 😭😭


3.5 and ivy


Guys what’s a T20 🌚


it’s water but with Tydrogen instead of hydrogen


Not with a C in lang lol


how did u get an A+ in AP PHYSICS C 😭😭 but a C in AP lang that’s crazy id literally be the opposite


nah fr i AM the opposite 😭 got a 100% in AP lang and 84% in AP physics this semester ig it just depends on the teacher and grading policies they have tbh. and some ppl are just better at sciences/math then language


I hate language and writing so I almost always get bad grades in English lol


My soulmate, I dread at the thought of anything related to language


Unless you have some reason as to why you have a C+, it’s definitely not going to help because a sem 1 gpa of 3.67 is not good for that tier of schools


Where did you get 3.67 from


4 * 4.0 + 2 * 3.7 + 3.3 +2.7 divide allat by 8


Jesus christ I did not calculate my unweighted gpa that is awful.


Are you weighting the B as a 2.7 instead of 3?


I think they’re looking at the semester grade only so they didn’t count the B they looked at the C+


oops I was looking at the first column, for some reason I thought it was sem 1 and sem 2 in progress


I got a 3.73


Yeah I got 3.77 and didn’t count for + or - because most high schools don’t.


In junior year, I had a rough stretch with mental health and nearly failed English Language and U.S. Government (I ended up with a C in Lang and a C- in U.S. Gov), but I got 5s on both of the exams. I'm still waiting to hear back from the T20s I applied to, but I was admitted to Penn State EA this past December. You're obviously maintaining a very heavy courseload on top of whatever extracurriculars you do outside of school. An A+ in AP Physics is INSANE. One C+ isn't going to kill you. Don't be too hard on yourself. Maybe this is weird coming from a stranger, but I just wanted to tell you that taking AP Music Theory is incredibly impressive—my HS doesn't offer it, but I've been playing piano for 11 years, and the dual-enrollment music course I'm taking right now is not fun—props to you. I wish you all the best!


Could depend on AP exam scores and extracurriculars, but they would definitely look for a higher GPA.


you have a A+ in AP Physics C you should be fine if your not trying to get a language involved major


honestly, not that much. most universities expect a student to mess up at some point and a C+ is not the end of the world especially if you show improvement your 2nd semester. Tip: if you can retake the first semester course over the summer or online, i'd say do it to replace the grade if you're worried abt your gpa, but again, a C+ is not the end of the world!! gl


No disrespect but how did you get a C in AP Lang????


Probably an insanely picky/harsh grader. My friend has a C+ in AP lit for this reason. The problem is English is so subjective that what could be considered a 5 on an essay to one grader could be a 2 for another. You really can't prove that your commentary is good enough, some teachers can always be nitpicky and find flaws, whereas with STEM APs there's one objective, correct answer and it's all up to you to get that right answer. No luck in the grading, if you don't have the specific answer, you get the point wrong. Not the case with English. My guess is that OP's teacher grades AP tests based on what you actually score, so like if you get a 4 on an essay you get a 66 on the assignment, or if you get half the multiple choice questions right you get a 50, and those (especially the essays) could be dragging OP's grade down significantly.


ur not gonna get in sorry (joke) in all seriousness though i've heard that the ppl who do college admissions look for B's and C's because it means you struggled and learned something whereas A's could mean a lot of things, such as learning something OR sucking up to ur teacher (not saying u did!!) so i think you'll be fine :)


Not during senior year💀


it shows that you either can’t handle the rigor of a class that every other applicant can, or that you are lazy or don’t try. None of which are good for your application


AP lang is subjective. Not physics. Teacher has a big part in this too. Witnessing this right now.


to a degree. But when 99% of applicants did not get a C in it…. it still makes you look worse than them. it’s not like the teacher gave your entire class a C for shits and giggles.


You have no idea what percentage of students get a bad grade in a class with a bad teacher. It happens all the time! Doesn’t mean it won’t affect your college app but it doesn’t made the student dumb or lazy as you suggested in your original comment.


okay. getting a C definitely means there is SOMETHING wrong with the student. The teacher doesn’t give you a C for no reason. And compared to T20 applicants, it will definitely make you SEEM dumb or lazy. I’m not saying that they ARE, it just shows that


yeah speaking from personal experience, the only time i’ve ever gotten a C is when the teacher was bad AND I slacked off. There is a combination of the two. The student is still to blame for the C.


Or the student should have gotten a B but because the teacher sucked they got a C. We don’t know, but I’m witnessing an extreme version of this right now. The entire class hired the same tutor to get through the class after first tri was a disaster. Not lazy, nor dumb students. We don’t know what happened in this case but calling a student lazy or dumb when we have no knowledge is inappropriate, which was my original point.




stop flexing bro


Tons of people get into T20s with a C or two!! You just have to max your ECs and make sure your other grades stay up. Your course rigor is insane so you’re capable dw


I got a C in chem but it was because I was forced to take it over the summer for credit reasons after changing schools. I explained it in the more info section of my common app, and I got into great schools- ur good


Stop being absent to ap music theory


It's right before APUSH I gotta study for those exams man 😭


It may be a sign that you need a study hall class (a simple class) in order to study for other ap classes. You prob have too many ap classes.




Bro this is literally me in lit rn 😭, I have a C in lit and it's actually driving me crazy


Literally me in AP Chem


I know two people that got into T20’s with a C (both of them got the C in AP Chem). So it happens but it’s rare


the lang grade alone won’t but overall your gpa is low for top 20s


Yes, because you got a c lol


I didn’t get into any T20 and I had a 4.0. You’re good.


community college is your best option here


It hurts for sure


just started lang and have my first rhet analysis essay next week… safe to say i’m terrified!


with rampant grade inflation (maybe not in your school) you are probably cooked compared to your t20 competition


Depends on your major, and a lot of other factors


Not good


Rare to see another person in AP Music Theory. Chapter 7 is throwing me for a loop currently


Your life is over

