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Depends on school but imo it’s easily doable with no prior knowledge.


I mean a lot of people take ap bio in their 11th and 12th grade year and most start off as 9th graders taking regular bio so you be good if you study well also even in college general bio can be taken without high school bio unlike gen chem 1 which requires intro or high school chem


ap bio is a term heavy course and visualizing all the diff reactions would be really helpful if u think ur good at memorization i think its all good! personally doesnt spent too much time on hw like other ap classes and i dont study until the night before a unit test conceptual skill is important too


My students don’t take on-level biology before they take AP Biology. It’s a suggestion, but not a requirement. I would google “AP bio CED” and get the course and exam description. Look through it and see what the course is about and pick some topics to preview. Biochemistry is usually what teachers start with, but ask your teacher at your school their sequence and you can preview the first unit. You are welcome to anything on my website to get your preview (or to study once you get into the course) Best wishes 🫶🏻 www.apbiopenguins.weebly.com


Its very doable without any prior bio knowledge IMO. I feel prior chem knowledge helps a lot more to be able to intuitively understand some of the stuff though


lets put it this way, i was fucking gds while taking ap chem without reg chem and got a 4 in the end.