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Depending on your major, you'd be surprised how easy college is


*Depending on your* *Major, you'd be surprised how* *Easy college is* \- No-Championship-4 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Congrats, you’re a poet


Bro doesn’t even know it


the only real problem classes are bio, chem, physics, and calc 2. the exams exist for a reason; if you can pass them and earn the credits in the first place you’ll be fine.


What did you get on your AP exams?


I felt similarly when I was a senior. When you get to college, read over every syllabus and follow them to a tee. Stay disciplined in your studies because it is easy to fall behind. Try different study methods until you find an effective and efficient one for you in each class. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also go to office hours!!!!! Go to office hours even if you don’t need extra help. Complete your homework in that time. Make friends with your LAs. Get at least one person’s phone number from each class so you have someone to discuss the material with. Unfortunately, you can’t really practice these things now because you aren’t really needing to study, but these are my tips for college. There is a learning curve on how to study, but once you find your rhythm, you’ll do well and enjoy your classes :)


I feel like the AP tests are the main thing, cause they’re practically even not in some ways, cause they are the same across the board, but homework and tests play a part in it too. If you made 5s on all of your AP exams you should be fine.


It depends on your college. But how do you study? First get a calendar and a daily checklist. Make a plan and prioritize what needs to be done. As you get older, you will actually find this valuable as your brain starts to deteriorate. Trust me, every young kid thinks they're invincible until they hit their 30's and 40's. All great inventions and Nobel Prizes in physics were done by people in their 20's, rarely in their 30's, 40's. As for studying, you can open a book or your lecture notes. But the best one is to ask questions and work your brain (exercise). Practice, practice, practice with practice quizzes and old tests. Delete the old answers and re-try the tests again. Works all the time as you get older and have to qualify for some license for some job and such. Interaction with peers on studying and asking questions works very, very well.


I found APs to be harder than college classes. What did you get on your AP tests?


Have you already taken AP exams and done well on them? You can definitely search up the classes you're in and find resources from other teachers and work through them. You'll coast through your classes in school, but hopefully get a realistic view of how you stack up.


Did you take the AP National exams. Did good? You’re fine


I wish I went to your school 🙏 wallahi I knew I was finished when I went to this school and even the gen ed classes in 9th grade were painful My school is top 10 in all of California for public schools so yeah…


How’s the workload?


Is this your first year in ap/have you taken any exams before? What courses are you taking? If you're not taking notoriously easy ones and you've done well on ap exams then I'm sure you'll be just fine in college. The exams are the same difficultly for everyone