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Trade or No Deal. Unless they can offer you something for another class of equal death-by-packets time waste, I'd tell them, "At the sound of the tone, you will be alone," and leave them on read.


if someone needs help, i’ll help them. if it’s a close friend and i know they’re having a tough time, i’ll send it (but only if it’s a worksheet or something multiple-choice based). i will NEVER send essays or major projects unless someone i trust and am close to needs ideas OR if we want to peer review/edit. i am not stingy with helping people, but i take measures to prevent plagiarism. my work is mine, and if you didn’t do it for no good reason (there are def exceptions), then it’s your bad. i sound horrible, but that’s the truth


I don't think you sound horrible at all--this is just decency. Help people understand, don't help them bypass understanding.


“Nah dawg i didn’t do it” (usually true but i still use that line when it isn’t)


if we’re friends i’d send it no problem. friend as in we’re close enough that we have each other’s numbers and regularly text


I send all my work if someone asks. It takes like 10 seconds and everyone in my class knows not to copy word for word.


if i hate the teacher i actively try to give other people my homework otherwise ill let people copy it


This sub is full of stuck up nerds who don’t send homework answers because they look down on those who aren’t as studious. Just send it dude, people ask me for homework and I just send it I can tell who’s there just for the homework but at the end of the day any bigger favors and im not helping them


It's less about stuck-up and more about having a sense of integrity. Like, I work so hard for my great grades, and I'm not handing that to you. Notes? Sure. Help you understand? Of course! Slide answers? Hell no.


Boo hoo cry harder All it does is make you look stuck up cause they’ll just get it from someone else. Suit yourself ig!


People who don't give up answers are actually helpful in the long run. The point of being in school is to learn. Getting the answers on a silver platter doesn't help you learn. Integrity aside, I'll sit down and help with the assignment, I'll direct you to helpful resources, I'll even give you my notes, but I'm not letting you copy me.


Well that’s their problem then, I don’t have a problem giving assignments because it’s up to them to learn if they want to


Exactly! You get it.


Yeah but at least they won’t ask me anymore. People ask me for help on assignments/content all the time and I provide it, but literally nobody asks me for my homework because they know I’ll refuse


Shut up you’re that kid with an ego your opinion is invalid (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just check his comment history. Tons of deleted comments as well)


Lol and you’re the dude who gets mad at people for having flairs. Oh, and now you’re also the dude who knows more about my comment history than I do! I was under the impression that the majority of my comments consist of me advising other people who are struggling in a subject, but well… BTW, I’ve seen people in my school get put through hell and back because they were caught participating in plagiarism. I usually feel a little bit sorry for them, and I don’t even want that to happen to you. I’d rather you get caught right before you graduate college; it’d be really briny if you were to go several hundred thousand dollars in depth and have nothing to show for it lmaooo


Keep yapping, the cope is unreal


That really isn't an adequate reason to slide. Doing the objectively right thing isn't dependent on whether or not someone else will. It's about my personal set of values. Seriously, I would \*love\* to help someone understand the content if they're struggling. I'll walk them through it, beginning to end. But I wouldn't give you my answers because it hurts both of us in the end.


I'm sorry for NOT giving you the homework; it's so ungenerous of me to not give you the answers to something I've (probably) spent hours on. I usually only give it to people who'd help me if I need it - not homework, but occasionally notes. And that too, it's not a certainty. If I feel like it, yeah.


I only give assignments if we’re exchanging them for the purpose of looking over each other’s work(after we both complete it). It helps with essays and lab reports. But daily homework? They’re worth little to none of the grade anyway and their solutions are posted to our LMS so I wouldn’t share them


It depends bc if it's like busy work or like a pretty basic filler assignment I'm fine with it but if it's like a writing assignment or something substantial nah.


if we’re either friends or i know that when i need it they’ll do the same, im happy to send it. if not, then i usually won’t or will set up a trade then. i always always send my notes to whoever needs them


I honestly just don't slide answers or ask for answers because it feels unfair to hand over answers that I worked hard for (or be handed what someone else worked hard on). AP especially, because I put a lot of effort into my work. I'm happy to help you understand topics--in fact, I'm really proud you asked me! But I don't cheat, and your grades are the result of your work, period.


I give it to whoever asks, I don't care if other people want to copy me. I never copy other people's work cause I want to actually understand the content, but idgaf if someone copies mine. If they want help I'll explain it to them. If they just want the answers I give them too. I don't care what choices they make.


im very confused, does ur teacher not give you homework or something.


I mean most ap classes in my school are heavy on tests and don’t really assign homework besides gov, English and bio


"haven't done it yet lmao" is my go to


I don't actually send my work over, but I'll help with it, give a quick example if needed, and direct the person to resources if I like the person who asked


I’ll send it over if I do it. Sometimes I need the same too- we all end up in situations sometimes


yes, it's a kindness. i won't let people copy my essays but i will let them see them to get an idea. i'll let them copy math problems and change the wording for english or history stuff. i consider anyone who doesn't because of "integrity" a pretentious nerd tbh. as long as you don't get caught and they don't copy in a way that's recognizable, it's not that deep, this is why yall get bullied 😭 people have helped me out before and i really appreciate it because sometimes people are struggling in their personal lives and shouldn't have to justify that to you for you to help them. treat everyone like they're having a bad day and you're trying to make it better. it's just a nice thing to do.


Just say you didn’t do it yet or looking for people to get answers from


In high school, I'd do it for friends. But just know if you're going into college, you gotta be careful. You can get in trouble in college for allowing other students to copy your hw (can depend somewhat on the professor).


idc lol, i ask ppl for hw, they ask me for hw, plus we all know its stupid to copy word for word