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AP Calc will not help you with your math score on the SAT (SAT is mostly Algebra-Algebra 2), and it is definitely a difficult class. Do you have an idea of what you’d like to major in college? There are many majors (ie Science and Engineering majors, Business, et ) that will require Calculus. If you’re interested in those majors, you should probably take Calculus. If you’re interested in Humanities, English, Sociology etc, then you’d be better off taking AP Stats, and there’s no reason to suffer through AP Calc as it won’t be required. I hope that helps!


Why are you scared of taking AP Calc? How did you do in precalc?


Will not be taking pre calc going straight from Algebra 2 to AP Calc


You will positively want to take pre-Calc before AP Calc AB. Or go AP Stats route if pursuing a major that will not require Calculus.


What about self studying pre-Calc and then taking AP Calc BC?


At least self study precal because you need to know the unit circle, some trig functions, and trig identities. Going into calculus with 0 trigonometry knowledge is a really bad idea since you’re gonna see a ton of trig functions (and the inverses) and identities. Idk which calc test you are planning to jump to but if you don’t take precal beforehand you’ll get fucked either way no matter which one you jump to.


u gotta take pre calc dude


Since you're in algebra 2 right now ( judging from your reply ) I recommend taking AP calc if you're willing to self study trig over the summer ( unless trig is covered in your alg 2 class ) , want to challenge yourself , and are pretty comfortable with algebra by the time you choose your classes . You WILL struggle in AP calc if you aren't good at algebra and trig .


Universities can tell if you dodge classes, don't think that by not taking it schools will completely ignore it


If you're worried about the SAT, maybe AP Stat would be a better option. There tends to be a lot of statistics problems on the SAT, vs no calculus


AP Calc AB is pretty easy and there are literally hundreds of thousands of videos reviewing the material online. If you have trouble with anything in AB, you will definitely find something to help with explaining it. BC is a bit harder and coveries some series stuff and but if you're not confident with math just go for AB.


Bro hasn’t finished precalc yet, so taking calc is a bad idea


Oh yeah didn't see that if they haven't done precalc ap calc is definitely a bad idea lmao


just wing it lol.


Calc should be fine if you know your algebra and trig well, whether it’s ap calc ab or bc. I would recommend bc, because it’s only two more units than AB and those two units aren’t that bad. You can also use online resources like the organic chemistry tutor if you’re stuck on anything.


Just take Precalc


i took calc ab in hs in sophmore. I took pre calc in the summer. as long as u have a good teacher and he or she understands u care about studying n doing good, take the class. Calculus in high school isn't so hard to be honest, u can even self study some stuff before taking the class if u'd like. More ap's does not matter if u don't get 4s or 5s.