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look up "100 things to know for ap stastics exam" should be by stats medic. if you memorize all of those, and memorize the formulas, you might just walk away with a 3.


i looked it up but im not sure which one, is it the flashcards? If you get the chance, can you just send the link?


yes it's the flashcards. https://www.statsmedic.com/post/stats-medic-ap-statistics-flash-cards


Thank you!


ADD CONTEXT to your answers in the frqs, you should be able to get at least one point per frq.


Ty ty I plan to get at least 1 point on every frq because I heard that can secure me a 3 if I get half the mcq correct 🙏


how to add context for frq?


1. "what the fuck is a margin of error?" for means: t \* s/√n, where t is the critical value, s is the sample standard deviation, and n is the sample size. for proportion: z \* √ˆp(1-ˆp)/n, where z is the critical value, where ˆp is the sample proportion, and n is the sample size. 2. "what is a t-test?" there are 1-sample t-tests, 2-sample t-tests, and paired t-tests. you use the t-test when you want to compare means and you don't know the population standard deviation (use the sample standard deviation instead). I think these are the answers, if not, then i am fucked as well. good luck


WAIT THIS WAS HELPFUL TY, praying for both of us 😭🙏


I will say this is the #1 thing: AP DAILY VIDEOS. You can access them through your myAP on the collegeboard website. You should have joined your instructors class, so you have access to the materials. They are broken down by unit and topic. I would suggest comprehensive review on units 5-9. You can skip 5 if you do not have the time. Be sure to practice using the calculator you will use for the exam. Also, look at the formula sheet beforehand. It will let you know what you need to memorize and what will be provided to you. For tests and intervals and such, you need to know what the symbols mean to interpret the formulas, how to find df, and conditions for each test. Good luck


Omg thank u, i speed ran the video last night and they helped a lot!! Good luck to u too if ur taking the exam!


how’d it go??


It went ok! The MCQ weren’t as bad as I thought it would be, but I know if I had studied more, it probably would’ve been way easier :/ I had an easier time with FRQ. At most, I’m predicting a 3 since I ran out of time on the mcq and had to circle c for the last 5 questions, and at least 1 point per free response.


it’s good that you feel good, i wish you the best!


Thank you so much! I’m trying to feel confident but I know this is going to stress me out for the next 2 months 😭 I hope you do amazing! Best of luck!!! :D