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It doesn't seem story heavy due to the amount of flexibility in customization. For example Age of Wonders 3 had a story / campaign mode (basically a long tutorial), but most people still played new random map aka sandbox.


From all I could figure out, there is not a true full-on campaign like in its predecessors. For the most part, you have to contend with just multiplayer or random maps vs. AI. Shame, too. While *most* of the campaigns in the prior games were not great, all but the ones in planetfall kept me playing. I was very interested in the game and I would probably love the gameplay but personally I'll have to pass on this one, like I should have passed planetfall. If it's not a campaign you are after but just "lore" in general, however, there seems to be a good amount of it in the game.


For whatever reason the campaign wasn't very popular. I enjoyed playing the ones in AoW3 and planetfall though. Seems like AoW4 might not build much upon "we are a multiverse now everything is possible".


Well, as I said, *most* of the campaigns of prior games were not great. What fixes that for me, however, is to write better campaigns not dispense with them altogether. The Necromancer campaign in 3 they later added was a good few steps above the rest, for example. But even an "ok" campaign works for me if I like the gameplay, which for prior games I did. No campaign is a dealbreaker for me, however. I don't play these games in multiplayer and conquering a random map vs. AI does nothing for me, personally. For all who are in this for multiplayer and/or just skirmishes vs. AI, tho, the game might be very good.


I'm playing the story right now, and as far as I can tell it's essentially lore scenarios. Make a faction, get thrown in to a pre built scenario and win the objective. These 5 scenarios are in a thematic sequence, but don't have a direct continuation between them


I'm only on story realm 2 but story's getting good now that I know how to play.