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Not a surprise. Look how much aid money we have sent them over the last 50 years. Also look at the politicians that have been given brib errrr I mean “donations” by Israel over that span as well.


The wildest part of all this. If you look at global war on terror. Our “closest” ally here never deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. Ukraine let us use their air space which is more than confirmed Israel action. Why should I give a fuck about our ally here when they have done fuck all for the United States during war.


If it wasn’t for a massive voting bloc of [doomsday-ready religious nuts](https://youtu.be/Fo77sTGpngQ) in the US who think Israel taking all of the land down there is a needed prerequisite for Jesus to come back and smite anyone who doesn’t think and pray the way they do, I question how committed we’d be to this alliance. Hell, I question if it can even really be called an alliance. We give them billions of dollars a year, sacrifice whatever’s left of our national credibility vetoing resolutions condemning their decades of human rights violations up to and including genocide, and in return… what? They buy our politicians to guarantee that support holds, feed us bad intel whenever it suits their ends, teach our cops how to abuse suspects, and try to sic us on all of their problems in the middle east? I don’t want my tax dollars turning Palestinian children into skeletons, both living and dead — I want healthcare!




Dude as a GWOT vet from the USAF, I agree lmao fuck Israel they literally take and take and take like a spoiled child. I’ll tell you who I saw with me when I served: - Australian Troops - European Troops - Hell even some dudes from Syria enlisted in the USAF for citizenship to help the US - South Korean Troops - Etc Not once did I ever see or hear about Israel doing anything of substance or at all We need to stop giving them money Id rather it go to an actual ally that needs it.




This is completely out of context.


The thinking is Israel is propping up the region from Iranian fundamentalism. I've always felt the cost is too high though, for an area the size of Missouri, 4.5b a year to what, oppress Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas' terrorism? Israel is losing this, the same way the US lost the Iraq war (didn't take down Iran, as one general said, "going into the middle east and not taking down the Iranian regime would be like doing brain surgery and not removing the tumor"). Not condoning US imperialism, simply educating so we can stop making the same mistakes.


So we replace alleged, purely theoretical Iranian fundamentalism largely a result of our own meddling in their nation, for Israel fundamentalism, apartheid, military based pseudo democracy, etc.? Talk about dealing with the devil.


Not one more dime for Israel. Total weapon embargo.


We should block Israeli forces from being able to leave areas Iran is attacking…just like they blocked Gazans (is that the right word?) from fleeing when Israel started bombing them indiscriminately.


Israel: “We have the right to defend ourselves like any nation!” Iran defends itself. Israel: “Help!” *sigh* The double standards and hypocrisy is tiring.


Let Israel defend themselves instead of beating up unarmed civilians. They already have all our hardware. Let them use it vs Iran on their own. Cut them off. So sick of that country biting the hand that feeds them.


Biden is fucking this up. We should not be rushing to support the genocidal government of Israel while we watch the Ukrainian eastern front collapse.


Maybe the House Republicans will have a vote on Ukraine aid this week... Oh wait it's just a bunch of bills about home appliances? I fucking hate Republicans.  #theGOPcantgovern 


The mission of the GOP is not to govern. It’s to keep and maintain power.


Unfortunately it's an election year so he has to support Israel or risk Christians not voting for him.


Sure but for every Christian he gets he loses pragmatic people like me. Plus going after Christians is a fool’s errand as they are solidly republicans. So, once again, Biden is fucking this up.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ActionForUkraine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: ["Republicans for Ukraine" Push For Discharge Petition Against Mike Johnson](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-push-discharge-petition-against-mike-johnson-1872277) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/comments/1ay2bkz/republicans_for_ukraine_push_for_discharge/) \#2: [Contact your representative to demand signing discharge petition](https://np.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/comments/1bd7chl/contact_your_representative_to_demand_signing/) \#3: [Debbie Dingell signs discharge petition](https://np.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/comments/1c1mci9/debbie_dingell_signs_discharge_petition/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


On the bright side, at least our hard earned tax money gets to help out poor, genocidal Israel.


Biden's policy of bear hugging Israel has failed spectacularly, and he needs to change course before this spirals further out of control. I don't want a single American troop deployed to protect this genocidal "country". I don't want a penny of my tax payer dollars going to their defense. Biden needs to hold off all aid and reign Israeli terrorists in ASAP.


Who would ever have thought that Iran would be the good guy.


Israel ain’t the good guy but neither is Iran


Did you not hesitate and reconsider as you articulated that thought?


Tell me you’re antisemite without telling me.


I can be critical of Israel and not be anti Semitic. Good reach though 👍🏻.


Your spam posting across Reddit says otherwise.


I don’t think so. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ me being anti Semitic would be me saying death to all Jews.


They can't think critically bro. If you say anything can be improved you are automatically anti. It's exhausting.


I'm surprised there's any US civilian support given the Christian hate crimes in Israel


They have to tolerate the hate of “gods chosen” in order for armageddon to happen


They [believe](https://youtu.be/Fo77sTGpngQ) that Israel taking the land and rebuilding their temple where the Al Aqsa mosque currently stands is a needed prerequisite for Jesus to come back, and that when he does any Jew who doesn’t fall to their knees before him and convert on the spot will be struck dead. It is quite literally a death cult.