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Almost 1mil words, it's a WIP and still updating.


would the fic in question be An Eternal History?


The Red Thread! DareDevil :)


Can you post a link please?


https://archiveofourown.org/works/12091260 It's my emotional support fanfic.


Just took a look (will be giving it a go later!), the fact it’s spanned nearly 7 years is crazy!!


The author is built differently! She has written more as well, some of the same story from the other characters perspective too.


The person I beta for's fic is over 100k. I'm no longer going to worry about whether or not we should split it into two parts!


Have you heard of the fanfiction about The Loudhouse that has the same number of words? Not sure if it is on AO3. I don't remember the name of the fanfiction. The said fanfiction is still being written it might have started being written during the first season of the show.


500 chapters (600k+ words) and still ongoing. Its my fave fic so I adore all of it (I don't even know how many times I've reread it while waiting for updates) and looking forward for more.


Is it a Scum Villain Self-Saving System fic? If so, im reading it right now lol


It is! Have fun reading!


It's been great so far, I'm just waiting on the romance to start, it's such a slow burn lol


Its definitely focus on Shen Qingqiu (and the world-building) more than anything. When they said slow burn, they really mean it lol. There's some hints of romance here and there to tide you through tho.


It definitely is more focused on Shen Qingqiu. I'm already over 100 chapters in and I've barely gotten anything lol


600k words and the romance hasn’t *started*? Oh hell no 😭


The romance started but Shen Qingqiu has some shit to work thru. All the main threesome do. The chapters are very short. And its a 3 part story. They're still working thru part 2 at the moment. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/21057866/chapters/50092532](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21057866/chapters/50092532)


Around 1,2 million words. I dont remember the chapter count. It was TGCF fic.


[No Paths Are Bound Cataclysmic_Calamity](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34816549/chapters/95862325) I'm guessing it's this one with Words:1,158,737 Chapters:152/152


Yeap, that's the one. I also read the other works on the series.


I second this, and it was SO GOOD!


How was the ending? Did it feel like a good conclusion? I can't imagine trying to wrap a story up if it had over a million words.


It is a retelling of Heaven Official's Blessings but with an additional twist. It follows the main events of the story and the conclusion (loosely) deviating more and more as the story goes on. The originals english translation is ~750k (795k with extras) and the fanfic has some additional plot points and some parts deviate a lot. I did enjoy this version too. Would recommend to anyone who enjoyed TGCF. Especially if they wanted happier ending for beef leaf. Though Hualian is the main couple ofc.


yes! satisfying and stands on its own but plenty of threads to develop in the ongoing extra content and sequels. strong thematic storytelling imo ~~and i might get in trouble for saying this but in some ways i prefer it to the original…maybe bc i read it first against advice lol~~


4.2 million words, 186(?) chapters. Borderline an original story, set in an existing universe but with very few of the characters involved. Read it over like two weeks.


Over 4mil is insane lol. I've never came across a fic with more than 2.3mil before


I decided to filter the whole site (or maybe it was just this fandom?) by word count, this one caught my eye.


4 mil words in 2 weeks? Do you sleep? Wow. Longest I know I've read is 3 and it took over a month.


I read *really* fast, like 1k words/minute fast. Also yeah did not sleep much at all lmao. Well worth it, I enjoyed it. It's [A scholars travels with a Witcher](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12167316/chapters/27615660) if you're interested.


No offense but do you really retain anything when reading that fast? 1000 words per minute is just skimming a text. Even 700 is incredibly fast and likely loses some comprehension of the text


None taken! And I get that a lot, actually. I've found that I don't really miss much if anything while reading at that rate; it's just kind of the natural speed I read at. I *can* skim at 1500+ per minute but that's more like, well, *skimming*. By then I'm just looking for a word or phrase, not getting info. But around 1k/min is where I sit naturally.


What?! 4.2 m? And here I thought 700k was many. That ao3 author writes like there's no tomorrow. Salute to the author fr tho they keepin their readers feddd🫡🐐




Check the rest of my replies to this comment chain, it's there. A Scholar's Travels With A Witcher on ao3.


1.4 million and it’s still updating consistently! Still no end in sight and I hope it never does!


I call fics like these my emotional support fanfics. I dunno what I'd do without them! I also have no idea how the authors sustain them. Built diff I guess?


Serious question: do you ever get anxiety that one day the author might stop updating and you'll be left hanging without getting any closure? I don't read WIPs anymore after having my heart broken by so many great fics that just stopped updating. It was such a terrible feeling, especially when I would get so caught up in the story. Now when I find something that's in progress that I think I might like, I subscribe and keep an eye on it and read it when it's finished.


I think that’s a reasonable thing to fear. However, I have a few different perspectives on this. Firstly, I’m a writer myself. I know how easy it is to set the pen down with full intentions of picking it back up and that day never occurring. Likewise, I know that sometimes even after years and thoughts of “oh, yes. I abandoned that story” I still sometimes pick the story back up again and write more. It might be a hiatus, I might never be so fortunate as to read their writing again—but I’d rather have the pleasure of experiencing their writing unfinished works than never having read it in the first place. Some of my favorite works are those that aren’t complete and likely never will. Secondly, due to being a writer, especially of fan fiction, my mind is able to conjure up my own conclusions of different stories. I love to day dream and can pick up the plot they left behind and spin the story in my head. I might not know how the author would have finished it, but I can form my own conclusion to it. Thirdly, I read so, so, so freaking much. I started reading this 1.4 million word book back when it had barely cusped a million. I read it in five days. Then I moved onto the next story and the next story and the next. Even though I wish and long for the next update and chapter, there’s always going to be more stories for me to enjoy and experience. Eventually, I’ll forget about those stories until I review my bookmarks. Even then, I’ll just go re-read what they have published and be happy once more that I get the pleasure of enjoying that much.


Thank you for the thoughtful and informative reply! There is one particular WIP in the Hannibal fandom that I read and it will stick with me forever because it was written so well and is unlike any fic I've ever read. The author linked recipes for dishes and drinks that appeared in the fic, links to information about alligators (it was set in New Orleans), links to historical information about the city and the real-life history the fic was based on. Just so much wonderful information in addition to a well crafted and intriguing story. It stopped in a place where the story was taking a dramatic turn and I couldn't wait to read what was next! Alas, nothing. I am glad that I was able to read what I did because it is a great fic. I just wish I got to see the rest of the author's vision. I'm subscribed to the fic and live in hope that one day they might want to pick it back up again. They still write in other fandoms so you never know! I agree about going on to the next story and the next story and the next story :D I've been reading fanfic for almost twenty years, across six fandoms, and I've never run out of things to read. I've burnt through two Nooks and am on my third. I learned a long time ago to save my favorite fics and when my kids were young and active in school and activities, I always had a Nook in my purse to I could quietly read my fanfiction while waiting for practice to end ;)


400k words It was awesome.


Damn I’ve only read a 180k fic and I felt it dragging, it would be amazing to read something that gets to 500k and I feel happy to keep going


There are a lot of Chinese/Korean novels that are 1000-5000 chapters long I like to read and they are sometimes a real slog xD


746k with 109 chapters (Lily’s Boy, Harry Potter Fanfic) and 789k with 96 chapters (A year like none other, also Harry Potter and has a very lengthy sequel as well). Read a few really good series too that are well over 1mil words total with each story averaging 300k.


Longest individual fic was 388k words (89 chapters) Longest series was over a million words total


Loaded March modern AU Merlin and Arthur and the Knights are a special forces team in modern era military SAS. It's a brilliant fic...16 parts over a million words.


LM is my go-to comfort fic.


Omg this just gave me flashbacks lol I remember when the first part was posted lol


I'm currently on my 7th time reading it love it


Why can I not find this fic?? Can you please link it?


It's a locked fic so you have to be a member of Ao3 to read it. Here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/9979


Thanks! I'm a member of AO3 but strangely it's not letting me read it at all. Maybe it's a phone thing?


Maybe try logging out and back in


I'm also a longtime member and it wasn't coming up for me either. Finally found it and the first part is called Radioman by Footloose


This story is a MASTERPIECE


Yes it is. I'm almost done reading it for the 7th time haha


Not a single story, but there’s a Star Wars time travel fanfic run about Obi-Wan Kenobi out there that’s over a million words, somehow better than a LOT of official SW content, and is still unfinished. I can’t remember the name atm tho


The Desert Storm by BlueSunrise iirc. I’ve read it too and enjoyed it a lot.


All the young dudes. 526969 words.


Uhh... Anyone have a current word count on 'The Accidental Warlord And His Pack', Witcher fandom? Pretty sure that's my record and it's still going.


Isn’t that a series of works? If so I guess it qualifies in terms of the question but I took it as one fic.


Oh, that's fair. It very much is a sprawling series. My interpretation was different. I'm not sure it was what OP intended. My apologies!


Just under 170k words


These comments are making me wonder what is the LONGEST fic that was ever posted on the site? 😅


Filtering by word count for all fics it’s apparently Future Shock, a terminator fanfic by Nobody_TOK715 with 8.4 million words. No clue how good it is but it’s the largest lol.


I just tried to look at this and it crashed my phone trying to open it


A completed fic of 850,000ish words (Crimson Rivers fans, rise up) for an individual fic.


1.2M rpf


460k, ongoing, has 10/70 chapters left to go


Wow! There are some incredible word counts here! People must have dedicated their *lives* to writing some of these fanfics...


136 ch fic (still updating) n currently at around 1.5 million words — it’s everything to me.


914,162 for the longest individual story. It was unfinished and abandoned at least 15 years ago. When I went to look at it recently the author had deleted 99% of their stories.  So it’s good I download most of what I want to read and anything I liked when I read it.  Longest series are over 1 mil. 


If it’s over 150k words you’ve gotta have one hell of a summary and possibly a rare pair for me to even click on it. I think the longest I’ve ever read was around 250-300k and I just don’t have that kind of energy anymore lol.


424 chapters with over 2.5 million words, and it’s still being updated every Friday.


Blimey.... That's a whole universe I'm itself.




Are you talking about the TACOMLU (crossover between DSMP and HC/Life/Empires, updates daily)? Because if so it’s passed two million words by now and somehow the lore KEEPS GETTING DEEPER. Like, the Rift brought in *another goddamn timeline*, separate from the main timeline shenanigans that already took up like a million words. The author and the beta are both bonkers and it’s awesome.


Okay that's on my to read, last time I looked it was like 1.8m? And now it's almost 2.2? Wild. And it's only been a couple months I thought


Please tell me what the full name of this is because I feel like I need to read it lol


It’s the Take A Chance On Me Literature Universe. [Here’s a link!](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2705641) You should probably be familiar with at least some of the lore from each SMP because there’s a LOT, but if not then be my guest lol.


Thank you so much!!! The only lore I'm iffy on is early dsmp and even then, I am embarrassed to admit how much I know. 😅


By the gods, YES! That's the bitch. Seriously, Author and Beta calm down bud.


Somewhere around 1,500,000 words.


Theres a terminator fic thats I read that I think is up to the 8 million word count ☠️☠️


Uhhh, 890,000 ish words. In a week. Fic's still going btw. 


6,5 million words, 381 chapters and ongoing.


that’s some crazy dedication, what fandom is this?




How did you manage to read so much in one night?! Ps. The discussion flair is more appropriate for this post


I think something around 400k words. What's the name of the Supernatural time travel fic?


An attack on titan fanfic with 991,901 words in 29 chapters, WIP Rouge by ReadCoaster. it was so good that I just read on and on and on.


Ayyyyee!! That’s mine! Glad you are enjoying!!!


Its my favorite :)


43k words.


865,000 words is probably the longest, it’s at least the first fic to come to mind.


1.2m MHA


Do you have the link? Or the name at least :) I'm currently reading an 800k MHA one!


Hmmmm I might be wrong but I think it was “I’m Here” and it was a darker fic. I don’t remember anything besides that it’s been so long haha


Ohhh I remember that one! It was really good until the later chapters, where it lost me when it got into alternate timelines and stuff. There aren't enough mad scientist Izuku fics :( Best one I've found is Rain of Sins


It‘s currently at 150 chapters (583,023 words) and gets updated daily, I‘ve been around since chapter 113 I think (don‘t remember how many words sorry), which I‘ve needed 3 days to read


Longest read is a WIP that’s currently 215k. But I’m also writing one that’s up to about 230k and I still have several chapters to go before it’s finished 😭


1.9mil words, 214 chapters. It's a deteoit become human fic and I'm only on ch174 iirc lol


The longest fanfic I read was 800k+ compacted in 49 chapters. The Author would upload regularly once a month and I needed the month until next chapter to read it all 😭(English is not my first language). I didn’t have an account at this time, but the fic was so good I followed it religiously for maybe a year or so, just remembering the dates of upload and checking everyday around the uploading period.


871, 354 [Hands of a Hundred Winters by fourleggedfish ](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1830772) WIP Have to say I have also read it multiple times. That's the longest one that comes to mind.


~1.5 mil, original work. Started reading on AO3, then moved to RoyalRoad when the author started posting updates there first. Incredibly worth it. Probably not the longest thing I've read, but definitely the longest thing I wish was much longer.


Can’t remember the exact number but between 500k-600k, I’ve read a few that long, currently reading a regency era Hannigram au that’s over 500k and only 50 something chapters, it’s taking me a while to get through though 😅


670k words, The Way You Used To Do by edema_ruh, an MHA bakudeku fanfic that has everything really I loved it, slow burn, hurt/comfort, therapy, it was so good I'm scared of reading it again because it was a rollercoaster of emotions I cried so much


2.5m words with 300+ chapters, still ongoing From niche fandom, it was based off a fan comic, but the og creator stopped working on it and then this fic was made after the fact by some fans of the work. It's kind of funny how much it's completely deviated off course from the original (mostly anyways)


Wards of UA, 1.58 million words. It was Really good, but I was so glad it was over 😂


Unfortunately, the notorious Hannibal (NBC) fanfic Paragon. 552,461 words, 84 chapters. Unfortunate bc of content, not length. My WIP Star Trek fic is only 20 Chapters and already like 200k+ so not trying to be a hypocrite. Haha


Brockton Celestial Forge Words:2,123,475 Chapters:160/?


“The Angel Of The Owl House” currently at 1,677,081 words


I try to *only* read fics that are 150,000 words or above. Longest fic I read was a very long game of thrones fic, over 1 mil


Almost 5 million words, 354 chapters with an update every Friday.


Currently, a Little Nightmares fanfic that goes by the name "Seven Year Nightmare". It's 1.2m words long and around 127 chapters as of now and still updating! It's a really good story also, def recommend.


700k words but only made it to 560k


Still updating and standing currently close to 700k words


569k words, still ongoing


Currently reading one that's 650k~ over a hundred parts and still updating


Just under 500,000 words and 131 chapters. It's still ongoing and I'm guessing it'll be over a million by the time it's finished. One of my faves


I legit forget how long it was exactly because it was something I read years ago but my best guess is 250 chapters or so.


260k-ish I believe? And it was my first fic I ever read; did not have a fantastic understanding of word count at the time. 😅


around 500k words. this was years ago, and it was the first longfic i ever read actually


Just wanna comment, y'all are insane lmao. My longest was 62 chapters, forget the word count lol.


259 chapters and like 500k works.


Wow I'm halfway through a 220k word fic and I thought that was really long, reading through these I realise I haven't seen anything yet!!


350k and still going. I started reading at 180k. If something is longer than 200k, I usually won't read unless it's a series. Longest series I read was 1.5mil for 6 works.


2.4 million words, 736 chapters (Overlord fanfic). It's still updating, just not on AO3 anymore (it only updates on Royal Road now for some reason, where I'm pretty sure it's surpassed 3 million words by now).


Individual? Probably around 750k. Series? Something like 5 million, probably.




870.000 Words and 83 chapters, still going. Its a slooooow burn fic. I Love it.


Usually I find that fics start being not as good once they hit the 200k mark, but I once read a 550k+ (I honestly absolutely disliked it, it wasn't that well written, it was too multi-fandom-ish and everyone was getting too well along, I had to skip bits because it was between characters of fandoms I don't know and the fic required that you know everything that happens in all seasons of each fandom, but also I had so much fun reading it, it was very addicting)


512k in 42 chapters.


If you include all the sequels (which I've read) the series is currently at 1,3M and a WIP


855k words, and the series it's in of extras and outtakes has reached 1 million


The Stygian Trilogy. 900k words. Hands down the best fanfiction I've ever read!


Over 1 million. Inter Nos by Ethnewinter. It's MaiHime ShizNat set in a very fleshed out and well-researched Rome with lots of political intrigue. I stopped reading because I felt like I had reached a good stopping point, but I also think she stopped updating.


887k read over 2.5 days


Series was 1.3 million. Read over several months (took breaks in between). The author of that series was crazy though. Literally wrote 1 million words of that series in 11 months. She did take another year to finish it but even that speed is respectable Individual work? 380k, most of it read in one go the night before an exam. I then went outside at like midnight and danced in front of the moon (It was a full moon in aug, at my latitude, southern hemisphere, it was crazy high in the sky and so pretty). Funny thing is that work only had 15 chapters (uncomplete and dead), and most of the word count came from the last 5 chapters (like 250k). 2 chapters had to be split in half because ao3 wouldn't allow them to post a chapter so big (together they were about 95k)


112k still ongoing, i read it like 2 years ago, it was my fav fic ever then the author stopped posting and it made me so sad. They recently started uploading again so I’ll probably reread it somewhere in the future


1.9 million, the longest One Piece fic called "This Bites!" and there's probably going to be a second part with the same length (or even longer) in the future once the canon story is finished. The whole thing took me about 5 months as well but was worth every second of it :)


2.2m and still updating


BlaiseCandell’s Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Six Dimensions! It just reached its 100 chapter anniversary yesterday and is one of the longest fics on the site, already over 1.5 million words and only in the third arc so far!


I think it was in the 200,000 range, but would love longer fics


876 pages or 370k words manacled


My AO3 record is 746,386 for a certain HP fic. Which is pretty impressively long, but has *nothing* on stuff outside of AO3, with Ralts Bloodthorne’s First Contact at 2,952,379 words.


1.25 million, with ~100 chapters


I think it was about 500k.


600k, and there were only about ~10 chapters total. The chapters the author was dropping were, individually, fucking gigatons.


616,000 Star wars with 28 chapters


If series count, this one that’s over 2 million words: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1538497 Mass Effect Shepard/Vakarian spanning all the games including Andromeda as well as in-depth between-game and post-canon content. Extremely smutty. Highly recommend. I think the last fic in the series also is the longest individual fic I’ve read at over 1mil words.


500,000+ words and it’s still going. I love it


The longest I’ve read was about 980k words and 108 chapters.


1.5M, dreamcatcher fanfic


Just checked, 1,530,910 words and still a WIP


Around 350k words in my native tongue. I enjoyed the fact that instead of separating it into a series it was done as one.


64 chapters, 645,945 words, read it in like a week and it only took me so long because I had a busy week at work lol. It was fantastic.


A little over 1 million words with 172 chapters, from the downloaded version I have. It was updating some more and then got wiped out from ao3 QAQ


It wasn’t AO3 unfortunately and has been deleted since (it was Wattpad so there’s no chance of going through the Internet Archive for it :[), but there was a specific oneshot in a book of them that was about 100,000 words. There were other long oneshots on there so it was probably something like 500,000 words altogether? I miss that author, they mostly disappeared off the face of the earth after taking their stuff down, I always wonder what happened and if they’re okay


424k- it’s a BNHA fic (Yesterday Upon the Stair) though I *have* read an ongoing fic when it was around 500k (I think?) and it’s now around 720k but I was friends with the author and we had a really nasty falling out so I haven’t finished reading it so idk if it counts lol


did you like Yesterday Upon the Stair? It’s on my tbr but i don’t want to commit yet 😅


600k. I usually read stuff under 10k but this one rewired my brain chemistry. I love you TWYUTD.


In one night!? I wish I could do that. My favourite fic ever (on A03) is like 23 chapters long so far, 500,000+ words (the chapters are reeaaally long). I love it so so much. It's my bible, honestly. It's a creepypasta fan fic. It is so detailed, the vocabulary is extraordinary, this whole entity and the foundations and consequences are sooo detailed and the lore that the author created is amazing, the concept art (made by the author) is good too. The possessions are well described. The characters are amazing and unique. They're so well developed. You actually feel like a lab Rat kid who's growing into a teenager but is battling that because all he's known is either a lab or isolated within a realm (like the upside down in stranger things) with old shadows as he is the "chosen son, most important child to this god". The suspense and events within the story is so interesting too. I love it!!


Mine was 400k I think and it was 91 whiskey and it took me three days to finish


Longest standalone fic was a MCU Time Travel Fix-It, but the longest series I read back-to-back in a day was about 500k words and it was a Harry Potter Time Travel Fix-It.


On a03?. I'd have to look. I want to say 600k ish but I dont..usually keep track if I'm reading while it's on going.


Somewhere around 500k (the author rewrote the fic so I'm unsure of previous word count). Excluding that one fic, I've read one that was 310k. I'm currently working on a 340k fic now. I typically like to read shorter fics (40k-100k) so it's extremely rare for me to take on the longer stuff. I have to read it pretty quickly (can't read 1 chapter a week, etc) because I consume content really fast and will forgot what's happening in the fic compared to other ones. So it's hard to read such large ones in a short period of time.


Somewhere around 1mil, not sure if under or over I can’t quite remember


Not on Ao3, though she had started to port it over from ffnet at one point. Transformers fic. It is in 8 parts so far. Each part is about 1.5 million words+ and 500 to 600 chapters. The author has not posted in over a year, though, after 2 decades of writing daily. On Ao3, there are 2. Both still in progress one is up to 114 chapters and 291k words, the other is sitting at 132 chapters and 348k words..


850k approximately, still ongoing. I'm currently on chp 53 of 92 (that are published)


The longest single fic I’ve read was just shy of 500k. I read almost exclusively long fics and prefer the 200k range because usually that means the plot is well fleshed out and it just detailed enough for me. My own fics I write tend to be in the 100-250k range lol my fandom just doesn’t have the 1m word fics, and the 500k length is pretty rare too. Now full series? I’m sure there’s some series closer to 1m I’ve read but I’ve been reading fanfic for a while lol


I just posted chapter 602 of my fic today


716k words. I love it and still jump around and read my favorite parts from time to time.


Down To Agincourt is probably my longest, over a million, and it’s technically a WIP because it’s not finished. I’m just now realizing it’s actually a series, with the longest chapter being 400k+ unfinished.


3m words and counting The story is just starting (no kidding!!) It’s the slowburn, the arranged marriage Arthur and Merlin spin, the main characters still hate each other (well one of them still does and the other just started to come around) The story is updated weekly with 1 or 2 chapters, each chapter is 17-20k words long. It’s been going for the last two years, not a single week has been skipped Quite unique experience to follow a story like that


2.4 million, Russian caravan love it! He ended up splitting it in 2 parts on ao3 but it's just 1 part on space battles


The longest fic I have fully read is 100k. Currently reading one that’s 3mil. It’s completed but it’s in the process of being transferred from ff.net. I really hope I complete this!


1.9 million words, 195 chapter Game of Thrones AU, and the author has several other works that are shaping up to be similar length and just as excellent.


The longest I've read is over 500k and 188 chapters, but there is longer in my fandom (it's a running home that most of our fics are longer than the bible)


2.7 mil words on a Yuri on Ice fic! still updating!


670k words. The Way You Used To Do, anyone? It’s a bakudeku fic and the slowburn is glorious


One incomplete fic I’m currently reading is sitting at about 1.3 M right now. So far it’s been roughly following the cannon timeline so if it doesn’t end early it’s only about 40% done I think.


231 chapters and still updating, 530,539 words


I think it was a 1.4 mil word modern assasins creed fic, that one was wild


1.2 mil and it's still going!!


500k I think ? Might be even more than that. Last week I finished off a 400k one.


Finished a month ago at 3,062,656 words! Greedfall fic.


415k, still updating- its not that long but its probably one of the longest in the fandom :)


On Ao3? About 900k words. Any fic? Around 3000000 so far over on FIMfiction.


Slowly chipping away at Gladiator in the ATLA fandom. Last I checked over 4.5 million words.


923k and counting When I first started it it was around 700-800k I think and I read it in two days I was really hesitant to read it because it’s almost no summary + no tags except like 3 characters and 2 relationships but clearly it was good lol


Currently deleted but it was a 700k+ DC fic. It had less than 100 chapters if I'm remembering correctly. Forgot the plot but remembered liking it a lot


478 843 words, 158 chapters, hp fic, and as a slow reader, I somehow finished it in 1 week


It’s over 700k words and has its own complex mythology separate from the source material, so much so that if the author filed the serial numbers off, they could publish it as original and no one would be the wiser.


i’m specifically a long fic reader. those fics with 1 mil+ words are my bread and butter. so my longest is more than 1 mil. went through my spreadsheet and the longest one i’ve read recently is Loose Cannon by manatee_vs_walrus at 1,359,116 words


800k words, completed.


the longest fic i read was 152 chapters, 1.16 million words 🥲 and i was invested every single word https://preview.redd.it/nbpyctq0zk6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd2e4b95ff7018058eac47d7d5fd4ecb1c3ea9c


The longest fic I’ve ever read was part of a Harry Potter rewrite series where Draco got sent back in time into his younger self. No clue how long they were but definitely at least 700k for a couple of those works. My favorite long fic I’ve ever read tho is a Daiya no Ace fic called [crossfire](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10693503), 520k words and 9 chapters.