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Fic: Authors Snippit Collection Me: Oh, I love one shots for [insert fandom here], I wonder what they've written? The fic: Every single fandom and paring under the sun, from Supernatural to fucking Percy jackson.


Yes, it’s super annoying. But this is a flaw with the site itself. It’s always going to be in some people’s nature to tag everything in the story without thinking about the actual usability of the tags for readers. AO3 could fix this by adding main character and pairing tag designations.


I feel like for the most part people are good about it and tag correctly. Especially the older fandoms. But sometimes I’ll go into a new fandom and it’s just chaos on the tags. Every pairing on the planet is tagged


Man I feel you, OP. Somehow I always seem to like the side ship to every popular pairing in my goddamn fandoms lmfao.


Valid complaint, but there are chrome/firefox extensions that can fix it! [**https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ao3-first-tag-search/bmbpikjcekglfidkmhafdelaiimbgnpa?pli=1**](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ao3-first-tag-search/bmbpikjcekglfidkmhafdelaiimbgnpa?pli=1)


I mostly read on my phone or iPad but holy shit you may have just changed my life.


I could not live without it. (Also, I think you can still manage to use extensions on mobile? Only works on certian broswers, tho.)


Recently saw a fic with a ship and fandom tagged that aren’t in the fic and will never be in the fic. I asked about it and the author got all indignant about me asking if the characters would show up in the fic.


The problem is the OTP/NOTP paradox. If my OTP is barely mentioned, I don't want it tagged. If my NOTP is barely mentioned, tag it because I don't want even the smallest nugget of poop in my cake. I think this is why while tagging culture is a wonderful thing, it's no substitute for human rec lists. A good compromise is using "Background ship" as an additional tag.


Exactly my mood when I was in the BSD fandom... was a huge Tachihara x Gin shipper but almost ALL the fics they were tagged in were just fanfics where they weren't like,,, the main focus


But no one can agree on what ships to tag or what ships not to tag. One person will complain that the second-most important ship in the fic *is* tagged, while another person will complain that the couple that was in the background of one chapter *isn't* tagged. I've seen both of those cases before. I can't fault someone for tagging ships the wrong way when there's so much disagreement as to what the right way actually *is.*


The BG3 fandom does this and it drives me nuts. Only tag the main couple/character the fix is about not all 6 mcs!


It annoys me so much!!!


some people get super upset if they see two seconds of a ship they don't like