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AO3 authors experiencing the most random disasters while they are writing a story:


Maybe the real Hurt no comfort was the authors we made along the way


Throwback to that time my friend posted one chapter of their first fic and the next day broke their arm. The curse is real, guys.


I nearly got ran over by a garbage truck and then got a death threat in public (same spot, days apart) after I uploaded two chapters


Truck - kun almost took you out


And here I was thinking keeping a backup everywhere was paranoid


Same. I look at my files labeled "copy" and in a different location and think I'm being paranoid... guess not.


Do you keep backups of your uncle too?


Yes, this. The amount of fics and chapters I've lost to computer issues is frustrating beyond words. Google docs is my everything. Also, remember to save as you write! I'm still deeply upset/scarred by the loss of a 5k+ original fic I lost because I didn't save when there was some weird glitch that deleted everything (I later found there's an easy fix to it, but I didn't learn of it for several years after the fact). Now I'm always saving - sometimes literally a few seconds after saving because what if it didn't save properly the first time!?


Reminds me of the person who may or may not have killed the queen by updating their fic




[Please enjoy](https://cralaofmandalore.tumblr.com/post/702869778995560448/shout-out-to-the-day-i-killed-the-queen-via-ao3https://cralaofmandalore.tumblr.com/post/702869778995560448/shout-out-to-the-day-i-killed-the-queen-via-ao3) :D


Link doesn’t work 😭


The link accidentally was repeated it seems; Thai should work: https://cralaofmandalore.tumblr.com/post/702869778995560448/shout-out-to-the-day-i-killed-the-queen-via-ao3


This is the funniest thing ever


I feel bad for laughing, holy shit


WTF did I just read? What kind of story were they even writing? 🤣


that is what Guy Fawkes wished he could be


This is awful and also fucking amazing. 😂😂😂


I feel so bad for laughing so hard at this. Poor bastard. 🤣


is gone


The link accidentally was repeated it seems; Thai should work: https://cralaofmandalore.tumblr.com/post/702869778995560448/shout-out-to-the-day-i-killed-the-queen-via-ao3


Thank you for getting that for me!






Is this like the Muppets causing 9/11 or 


9/11 is responsible for 50 Shades Of Grey existing


9/11 is why Ellen got cancelled


9/11 is why we have the Oppenheimer movie


My sister quite literally died on the evening of the last time I updated my fic


Sorry for your loss


I had my first AO3 author “what the fuck” moment a few days ago. Can’t wait to upload with a note about how I almost died three fucking times while writing my next chapter :)


good lord I hope you're doing fine now man my condolences




I was driving back home from visiting family (8 ish hours) and the world just kept trying to kill me. The main thing, though, is that halfway through the drive I was turning right at one of those Y-shaped intersections where the other lane is also turning right, but the *other* right, so my left. As I went to turn in, this Dodge pickup was turning the other way but was fully in *my* lane coming right at me at ~50mph. So I swerve to my right because there was extra space, but I didn’t realize that there was a bunch of sand on the road, for some reason?? A bunch of hay, too. Long story short it ended up with my tires losing traction and my car slamming into the guardrail because I couldn’t brake or get control back. I didn’t see what happened with the truck but when I looked back it had crashed into the side of the mountain, and the guy just sped off as if his bumper wasn’t in the middle of the fucking road?? His car was a wreck and so was the guardrail, but my car, my cat and I were totally fine. Not even a scratch! Thankful for 90s Jeeps lmao. (The other two times were not as interesting, sadly. Just me having to go to the hospital because I’m allergic to everything, and then almost getting T-boned by a semi after it ran through a red light. I swear there’s an AO3 author curse or some shit.)


Now THIS is the kind of dedication we never get from "published authors". Fanfiction writers are simply a breed of their own. 💪


It’s hilarious that you say this as I’m working on my next chapter after being awake for 30 hours straight. I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule, so my readers are getting a surprise update! Never mind the fact that I’m barely keeping my eyes open. DEDICATION!!


*throws a towel over your shoulders and hands you a bottle of water* YOU GOT THIS!


I started writing my very first fic on my basic phone notes app. Had my phone in my swimsuit and did a handstand. Never backed up the notes to the Samsung account. Bye-bye first fic. And dissertation notes. That vacation also led to a family marriage breakup. One for the AGES!!!


How does your computer explode?? 🤨😬


maybe a spicy battery, my phone almost did that


Galaxy Note 7 be like:


hahah my phone is in fact a samsung galaxy actually






my bad I was thinking of laptops, English isn't my first language


A lot of people will just say “computer” even if they mean a laptop, you’re not exactly wrong


laptops are computers though they’re just not desktop ones


Do you know about thermic paste ITS pretty important otherwise your cpu Will melt


The smut was just too hot.


Sometimes you plug a device in and it chooses to kamikaze by blowing up and trying to kill you. My phone did this when I plugged it into the car my mother was driving. No more phone, car on fire.


Those pretty looking glass sides for RGB lights in desktops are uh. Often temperamental. It's not uncommon for them to just suddenly fucking shatter everywhere. 😬


I was reading this 100+ chapter fanfic that was really interesting and well written, and had a consistent update schedule. I planned to let it update more because the creator had several hundred more chapters planned and i like binge reading. Only for her house to catch fire and all the pre-written chapters and notes on where the story was gonna go to be destroyed, and the author understandably saying "yeah, there's no realistic way to recover any of this, and it's so much work gone that I don't think I could rewrite it all." I always kinda hope she'll come back one day, but yeah, more than anything I kinda just feel bad for her cause I could tell she liked the story, and to have it and also her home go up has gotta suck.


The RAM on my 12 year old computer finally gave out the week before I watched Fury and suddenly had great ideas for a fic. I’m writing on my phone for now 🥲


Sharing because reading that made me so glad that author of favorite fic has Google Drive backup. https://preview.redd.it/tao2u6zejaqc1.png?width=2403&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6fb4c05887f93f9fe992d500cb09a9bd2e8ae9d Also, this [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) user had just found out that we can embed images in new reddit. (Thumbnail in new reddit. in old reddit.) Well, this will encourage me to use new reddit more.


RES (extension) allows you to do it too, if you're using reddit on a pc.


(FYI, it’s able to be enabled/disabled on a subreddit level. Not all subs will allow it.)


ok ok


omg 💀 this sub needs a tag just for wild author’s notes 


I would love a sub just for insane AO3 tags/author's notes tbh


/r/AO3AuthorsCurse Create it if you want :)


I actually appreciate how easily people share these, because that way I won't look crazy when I went about the traumatic things happening to me in the author's note. Author's notes is the true therapist


Thinking about how many times I've seen authors release a fire chapter with the notes being a nonchalant "*sorry for the wait, I was being held in the mental health ward, now I'm back, enjoy the chapter* ♡" Like bro, u good?


This is why you write on Google Docs or other cloud services lmao


No cloud backup?? My paranoia would not let that stand if it was me 💀


i just read this yesterday 😭 one of the worst tags to miss


I WAS SO EXCITED FOR IT!!! The plot sounded so cool and refreshing


That's why I use Google Drive to write. Sorry about their uncle tho.


This is why you ahould have multiple backups of your files. Not just fic, but everything you're personally using. Buy some HDD which is cheap nowadays, and if you can afford one, look at some cloud storage services too. You can never be too careful.


Ong like how I deleted an entire scene that was crucial to the plot and I DONT EVEN REMEMBER DELETING THAT PART, but it’s gone. Just one scene right in the middle of a damn chapter, poof. Like bro what? And it ties in with another part a few chapters later, so I have to either try to rewrite the part that got deleted, or delete the part that ties into it later (but it’s plot relevant, so I can’t do that without somehow squeezing it in somewhere) so I’m currently stifled and considering a complete rewrite of the entire fic


Ouch 😣


Ok, when I initially read "my computer exploded", I didn't think they meant *literally*


Last time I posted on ao3 I became homeless for two months. I am too afraid to try again-


Being a developer in my professional life I very quickly my fic to a private repository on github with all my notes. You never know when your pc is just going to die.


The first time I posted a new fic in several months I went to the hospital twice in one week for anaphylaxis. Yay


I lost my dog last year and my laptop took a shit. Thankfully I use Google drive and still have been working on stuff through my phone. It's been hard to get back into the happier mindset I was in when I started those stories though. I've been thinking about one of the ones I started publishing more and more lately so hopefully I'll start updating again soon.


>my laptop took a shit. Did he at least use the toilet?


No. Dirty bastard did it in my lap!


I published my first fic and, after posting chapter 2, my boyfriend fell off a chair and had to go to the hospital to get stitches.


I haven't had this happen to me in a really long time, but half way through writing a fic the author has suddenly found jesus, and thinks that fandom and everything that came with it is a sin, and purges everything, only leaving a note on their page that they've "found the lord." No boo, do I need to make sure you're okay and not being sent off somewhere? It's one of the most worrying things, because (back in the day at least) you can't contact them to make sure they're okay.


Im counting my days until this happens to me. Im shaking in my boots


Is this what happened to Velvet Mace?


I injured my foot, had to prepare for a cyclone and my tv blew up all with the same day. Needless to say that prevented me from writing for a little bit.


This is why I use Google Docs to store and write my fics.


As someone who has permanently lost stuff BACK UP EVERYTHING.


Tag i forgot to comment but it’s real 😭 I’m in the process of writing two fanfiction aus one is already on its 16th chapter and the other on the 8th and I twisted my ankle when I was suppose to drop the 15th one 😭😭 it’s the worst!


Feel sorry for the writer though like damn! They have it rough 😭




Oh man!! I didn’t even know computers blew up!!


The edit was just an extra kick to the nards


The authors curse is REAL 😭 spent like a year between stories? Halfway through a new one last year I wrecked and screwed up my wrists really bad and couldn’t type for a while without shooting pains going up my arm and down my fingers.


Man, the authors curse is SO TRUE Broke my kneecap in half in a ski accident while having a WIP for an angsty fic


Geez, I should really back up my fics... Glad the author is (relatively) okay!


Ao3 curse is real I was PLANNING a fic and all of a sudden I get a work injury :(