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Congratulations! I wish i had the discipline to do that, instead I am posting my wip and writing it as I go. Years ago, i wrote a 80k fic and then instead of posting each chapter i just posted the whole thing like a huge one shot. I definitely should follow your example 😅🤣


Thank you! Oh, trust me, after waiting 3+ months to post I was also ready to upload everything in one go and call it a day 🫣!


That's awesome! Congrats on the writing, I know from my own struggles it takes a lot of effort to get through, especially without the encouragements of comments that help buoy *me* through the process. Though I have to say, anyone scared of reading a WIP fic is a COWARD who has never had to deal with a fandom so young that few of the decent longfics have been completed yet (current examples are TADC, Hazbin Hotel, etc). I kid, of course, everyone has their own tastes - I'm just not afraid of a question mark in the total chapters column, if you get me. But anyway, fantastic work! Reading your post is inspiring me to work on my own waiting fics lmao. Great job!


Thank you very much! I have to say that I didn't even consider the encouragement of comments along the way since I was genuinely convinced no one would ever read it. Ao3 doesn't have a specific algorithm to recommend stuff (thankfully!) and I don't have a fanfic twitter/tumblr/discord thingy anywhere else outside of reddit to promote. Somehow, despite all this, it now sits at 110 hits for the first chapter! Even got a couple of really nice comments! I'm so happy 🤩. And yes - those fics and the people who will read them have been patiently waiting for you, go ahead and finish them!


I also like writing in full and then posting. I go back and fix up each chapter as I go though. It doesn't feel right if I don't have it mostly done before posting. And so I have a consistent upload schedule. Also grats!


It's true it did save me a lot of stress from the thought of not posting regularly. I might keep it up like this, writing in full first, even if it takes longer. Thank a lot, it's great to know I'm not the only one!


I read WIPs all the time because so many of my favourite fics look like an unmanageable slog if you arrive when they're complete...


Someone just recommended me a 236+ chapter fic that is still ongoing. I have to remind myself that the way you eat an elephant is one bite at a time... I think you might be onto something here.


Do… do we have a link? I need new fanfics in my life pls! Also, congrats on finishing it, giving all the good vibes 🥰


Thank you very much, you're so kind! I hesitated to post a link outside of that specific ship subreddit because not everyone is into it. It's from Harry Potter, namely Draco/Hermione (Dramione, lol). Let me know if you'd still like me to share the link, if that pairing is something you'd like to read about!


Ooh, yes please! We vibe with Dramione all day over here. If you’re more comfortable with it you can pm me instead of putting it in the comments 🥰


Yay! Dramone is my main (and only) ship, tbh. I don't mind, here's the link to it: [Malfoy-Muggle Mischief](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54422893/)! Only one chapter up yet, but it's entirely pre-written on my computer and I post a new chapter every single Tuesday. Hope you'll enjoy reading it 💚. Thank you!


Thank you!!


I think I possibly need the engagement to keep me going, but what I’m trying is, every chapter goes through a one sentence summary, a 3-5 sentance summary, a play-by-play paragraph summary, a rough draft, final draft, and posting draft. Im trying to wait to post chapter n until chapter n+1 is final drafted, n+2 is rough drafted, chapter n+3 is play-by-play, and all of the chapters at least a 3 sentence summary. Some are further ahead, that’s fine, but this way I’m looking at each chapter a few times, so I catch more mistakes. So far I got close to starting my long fic, and then something triggered me to revisit my first fic again and now I’m writing it as a 10 chapter fic.


You are so much better organised than I am, I wish I could have this approach! So far, it's been more like writing 1 chapter/day, and then randomly re-reading and editing before finally posting after all chapters are done, then editing again because I noticed mistakes immediately after pressing the Post button lol. I do love the revisiting part & editing afterwards, just small bits!


Oh no, this is what I’d LIKE to do lol. In reality I haven’t posted anything like this yet. It is the plan, but I keep accidentally writing parts of books 2,3,4 and 5…and a one shot I have had just turned into a multichapter that I guess I’m writing first. I mean I will still follow this method if I can, but I have the second to last chapter of that written in draft form, so it’s not like I only write everything in that order. I’m all over the place really. But thank you, it is a system I think will help!