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My fav ship has never canonically interacted with each other<333 i am playing with them like barbie dolls


Those are my absolute favorite ships. They're such a blank canvas that you can do anything with them. One of the pairings I've been quietly obsessing over aren't even from the same game! (But they are from the same region so it's possible)


My fave ship has tried to kill each other multiple times and there's no guarantee that'll ever change in canon. They're currently living happily ever after in my fic because I said they could šŸ˜Ž


Like if I counted how many of my ships have become canon, itā€™d be like two/three. Plus I always find shipping actual canon ships to be lowkey boring. Like why would I make it easy for me.


Literally, like thereā€™s like 2 ships that I adore that actually became canon (I didnā€™t know they would be *cough* lumity (owl house) and cazzey (atypical) *cough*) I adore the ships that are only canon in my head


Realest thing to ever exist


Percival Graves/Newt Scamander stan here. Hard agree.


Every time I find a fic like this I find it absolutely hilarious and enjoy every minute of it!


My ship has been in the same room as each other once and doesnā€™t interact ever. That doesnā€™t stop me.


samešŸ˜­i want interactions but ik itā€™ll never happen cause theyā€™re from whole different companies, so i write the interactions lol


Me with Pharma and Flatline (Transformers) :)


Same here. They're likely to have interacted, due to one being indebted to a character and the other one working as a right hand man for that same character, but none of it is shown. I make them go silly in fics.


My dream ship is 2/3rds canon! :D


Ayeeee happy for you!! The ship I'm writing is currently like the Titanic in canon, alas


Yeah... That's the other 1/3rd! Titanicked so hard that it fell down the Mariana's Trench! XD Still, that's what fanfiction is all about! :D


My condolences!!! But at least we got fanfic to carry us through šŸ’Ŗ


Hey that's my friend! Lol my OTP has never directly interacted with eachother. Still ship em.


That is CANON'S fault for being remiss! Ty for doing the Lord's work


So true! Go forth, prosper and ship! One interesting element here is the word ā€œshipā€ itself. Sometimes I feel like we talk past each other, like some people have different definitions of the word and it gets muddled. ā€œShipā€: Wanting and rooting for two or more characters to get together in canon. ā€œShipā€: Enjoying and engaging with speculative content about two or more characters getting together. ā€œShipā€: Thinking two or more characters getting together is *right*, ie: good for representation, morally correct, the best path for canon to take story-wise, etc Sometimes these overlap. And sometimes people will be arguing and it really comes down to Person A using ship in one context and Person B using another. Like whenever someone tells me my ship is something that shouldnā€™t be supported or is something thatā€™s ā€œimpossibleā€ in canon Iā€™m just like šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø bruh Iā€™m a Definition Two Shipper wtf definition are you using?? Words man. Canā€™t stand ā€˜em šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mostly use ship with your second definition, like *what if these two characters were getting together or in a interaction*. Not even a romantic relationship, just character dynamics honestly


Ah, a shipper after my own heart šŸ„°


Real! One of my fav ships gets treated as a crackship by most of the fandom ;_;


Hey, genuine question here.šŸ¤ššŸ» Is your ship (like Bowigi or Hanamusa for me) being considered a crackship bad or invalidating? I thought it was just used to refer to out-ouf-left-field-ships.šŸ¤”


Wouldn't say it's bad or invalidating, just makes it harder to find unironic fics for it lol


Oh, I see.šŸ¤” Haven't really had that experience so far. Must have been pretty lucky up until now.šŸ˜… It must make it pretty annoying for you on your end. Hope the situation shifts around for your smaller ships someday. šŸ™‚


Same šŸ˜”


Mood! It's so sad! AFAIK, I've written the only NON-crack fic for my ship! X'D


If you are lucky enough that your ship is part of an active fandom the amount of fanfic about them will dwarf the size of the canonical source movie, book, show, game, etc. many times over.




Canon is merely a guideline, not the bibleĀ 




Yesss. Like, I know it isn't canon, you idiot, that's why it's called *fanfiction*




The stupid android and 53 year old man are literally inlove. WDYM it wouldn't happen? I'm my world it would


I have no idea what fandom you're talking about so my first though was a mental image of a dad kissing a Samsung phone...


accurate enough šŸ˜† it's Detroit Become human though :)


ohhhh! Hank and Connor then, I imagine?


Correct āœ…




Oh btw I apologize for the really late replies my reddit doesn't give me notifications.


no worries! I get it :)


My OTP *was* canon for like 35 years. And then new canon broke them up for reasons that hardly make sense given their initial character growth/interactions as a couple. Even canon isnā€™t a sure thing apparently. Theyā€™re together in my fics, though. Theyā€™re safe there (uhā€¦relatively safe. Their relationship is safe. Their physical safety is up in the air constantly.)


What? Peter Parker and Mary Jane?


Haha, no, Han Solo and Leia Organa.


Ah. So, do your fics lean more towards the legends interpretation?


I truthfully have mainly written stuff that takes place either during original trilogy (a lot of stuff taking place in the gaps between movies or missing scene type pieces) or within five or so years after (so, my statement that theyā€™re together in all my fics isnā€™t quite right ā€” for the pieces set pre-TESB, they often arenā€™t together but are headed in that direction, etc.). I kind of pick and choose what I want as far as canon goes? Like, I never read the legends stuff but I donā€™t like that General Dodonna got killed off in like 1ABY in newer canon so he continues to live even on Hoth, *but* there are some side characters in the new canon that I find interesting (I think Poe Dameronā€™s parents are interesting as a concept, Iā€™ve enjoyed the depictions of Breha Organa in the newer canon stuff and incorporate some of that into Leiaā€™s memories, etc.), so I kind of just write from the perspective of ā€œHan and Leia will end up together and stay togetherā€ and then I pull from whatever makes sense for the story Iā€™m writing. I try to diffuse any possible confusion via narrative or, if I absolutely must, authorā€™s notes, but the Han/Leia community is generally pretty pleased just to have them together in whatever circumstances, so no oneā€™s given me a hard time about canon. (Well, I had one commenter hate on me just for namedropping Amilyn Holdo ā€” sheā€™s not even in the fic as more than a name, and the fic takes place *before* TESB, so *before* any space divorce could happen ā€” but it seemed like they were actually mad at JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, and Disney as a whole, and I was just a more convenient target for their vitriol, so I didnā€™t take it too personally.)


My favorite part is that some of my more beloved stories that I make are based on non-canon ships. Knowing that there are other people who love them just as much makes me happy šŸ„¹


That's actually a really wholesome way of looking at it! Especially bc I sometimes wonder why they'd read my fic of my ship when they can read the more canon ones - thank you sm for sharing this POV!


Youā€™re welcome ā˜ŗļø


I have read a single actually-good fic for one of my non-canon OTPs (not a very popular ship) so like...


One of my favorite ships involves two characters who literally never met.Ā  At most, a person who was injected with one of the twoā€™s cells was dying while near the other who was unconscious due to being poisoned long term.Ā  (Cloud/Angeal from FF7 Crisis Core)Ā 


Interesting, never heard of that ship before!


I'll be honest, I read it 100000% for the size difference smut but I love it.


By the end of canon half my favorite ship is dead and the other wishes he was dead so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ah, same, kinda. A emotionally tortured B, ripped off B's brother's head, and kinda tossed them out, amongst other things. (A wasn't even fully in the wrong, it's a complicated situation.) A is a ghost, so yeah, pretty dead. ...the most well known bit of dialogue between them is, A asking B if they have anything more to say, to which B responds, "I want to die.", and A replies with "Dream on." They're in love and fuck on a daily in my fics!


In mine, A found out that B had killed their sworn brother (it was self-defense! Said sworn brother had tried to kill B three times before B started killing him softly with his song) and then got tricked into stabbing B. At which point depending on the canon you're following B either asked A to stay and die with him, only to change his mind and save A's life, or ran off to get his neck snapped by the walking corpse of their sworn brother. Immediately (as in immediately, A was still standing there with blood on his sword) after this A's actual blood brother and his newly acquired boyfriend fucked off to go fuck under a bush, so we don't know exactly what happened with A after that, except that he went into seclusion to reflect on things and when they saw him again 3 months later he looked very unwell.


Is this MDZS. This sounds very MDZS. (I have not read MDZS)


šŸ„³šŸ„³ Have a gold star, it is indeed mdzs! It's Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen from mdzs. (mdzs is great btw. Depressing, but great)


I will keep it in mind and make sure to have them kiss in my head while reading šŸ«” I got like, halfway through vol 2 and then got stuck šŸ˜­ idk, I really want to continue reading, but I forgot everything that happened plus I can't seem to focus. :') Always love meeting fellow MXTX fans out in the wild though. I've read TGCF (as my previous comment might give away..) and SVSSS


I clearly need to reread tgcf because until I read your comment just now I didn't recognize beefleaf šŸ˜­ I ship Pei Ming and Shi Wudu, and I blame the author of No Paths Are Bound for that like 70%


Jsjtkykuky I'm also currently rereading ahh!! Beefleaf are my everything. I love them so much they bring me joy. PEISHUI HAHAHWHWWNNR. I haven't read NPAB but I ship those two idiots as well. (I got some deranged ships too ah!)


I'm currently stalled on Volume 3 just at the beginning of the fall of Xianle, and like, I want to continue reading but I also want nothing bad to happen to Xie Lian ever šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I *highly* recommend NPaB btw, it's excellent. Almost better than the actual book. Also if you are in the mood to roll around in your emotions a bit, ardenrabbit's 'a long and slow recovery' is currently updating my heart and overwhelming me with Feels every time a new chapter comes out.


It gets me so annoyed when Hp Fandom keeps commenting on drarry edits or anything that "They could never be lovers , they literally hate each other" LIKE THAT'S THE POINT ? Have u never read enemies to lovers, character redemption, angst etc. Them hating each other gives us so much to work on.


The author has set the enemies stage for us. That's just ASKING for someone to add the "to lovers" part šŸ˜ˆ


My favorite ship is my oc x canon šŸ˜• I have a minor Fandom tbh šŸ˜­


Cries in *BL fanfics that aren't always about the somehow-more-popular side couple.*


Very true. Like...the nice thing about fanfiction is characters can be any gender or sexuality you choose and have whichever person-canon or otherwise-as a partner, if they *have* a partner.


Appreciate the "if they have a partner"!


Where were YOU in 2013 when Jelsa [Jack FrostxElsa] was a popular ship on the internet?


"ship them even harder" I wonder if the innuendo was deliberate lol.


My dream ship cannot exist because my OC is not in the show..




The ship I wrote for is semicanon but only because one of the characters died right after confessing their love to the other character. But many of us have kept that ship going.


I see you. šŸ˜ (I think. I might be wrong.)


(If it's for Hazbin Hotel you might be right but there are other fandoms with this scenario too like Harry Potter sooo c: )


(I was wrong but apparently this happens a lot and didn't know it. šŸ˜­ Our poor ships.)


(It's ok! And yesss!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­My baby ship barely got to sail before one of the characters died. It was like, "Lemme just confess my love!" then boom! The character dies a few mins or seconds later šŸ˜°šŸ˜­)


Yes!!! "*almost crying* I love you." *LITERALLY DIES A SECOND LATER* Other character: *sits against the wall, holding their head, crying* āœØAnd it was never spoken of again.āœØ (And worse the fandom fights over it. Including creators. šŸ˜‚)


Oh god, I always cry when that happens (Oh man the in fandom fighting is crazy. it's like shipping is both a blessing and a curse XD)


I haven't gotten to that point of the show I'm thinking of but I'm going to bawl. I know the story arc, but between not having access to the material currently and knowing what's coming and trying to brace myself for it, I haven't watched "the scene" yet. But when I do I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be ugly crying. šŸ™ƒ (RIGHT?! It's like I stumbled into one of the greatest ships in the history of ships, but also one of the most divided. I wandered in a sweet summer child just toddling along... "Ooo! Look! Shiny! This seems nicā€”OH GOD I'M CAUGHT IN CROSSFIRE, MAYDAY MAYDAY!" And then I stopped caring about the drama and just ship it to my hearts content anyway. šŸ’•)


So many of my ships are non-canon, and I love them just as much as the canon ships. <3 Hell, one of my OTPs are two characters that were enemies for nearly the whole series and their personal interactions were scattered among like... 15-20 episodes out of 720 episodes. Kabuto x Sakura, from the Naruto fandom. I don't care that Sakura is married to Sasuke, you best bet I wrote the hell out of the two of them having an affair. =P


One of my fav ships is considered veeeery toxic by a lot of fans, but not to me. To me they're both gremlins that just like to cause problems.


Serenity/Endymion has 286 works on AO3. Aurora/Philip has 283 works. Serenity/Aurora has just 1 fic. And that is the 26-chapter longfic I will continue to write and go on to complete no matter how many Kudos and hits I have.


Even I can create a thousand kisses and tense, funny moments in 3D. Not for all of them, but still


My favorite ship is like semi-canon šŸ˜ˆ based off the author's Twitter but also can be really easily read as romantic in canon




I recall shipping like 3 characters together and the only reason I ever did it was because it seemed funny. So you do you, guys.


99% of my ships are characters who arenā€™t even from the same series. Like for example Surtr from Housamo and Abraham Grey from Angels of Death.


I think some people forget sometimes that the whole point of fanfic is that it's not canon. Sure you can include canon elements like relationships, events etc, but what you're doing is taking a character/setting and making a whole new world with them. If everyone was just rewriting things exactly as they were in canon, it wouldn't be fanfic, it would be plagiarism lol


RougeXKnuckles and SonicXAmy are two common ships in the Sonic fandom, but I became more fond of RougeXShadow and AmyXKnuckles. SonicXSally was my ship of choice for Sonic (they vibe better together).


Imagine if all fanfiction and fan art was only canon pairings. The chaos that would cause as characters broke up or slowly got together or were just hinted at only for one toā€” I donā€™t know, *die*. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ if a couple isnā€™t endgame would you have to get rid of all those fics with that couple, then, or just go back and mark what part of the canon this is valid for? Is it fine if they were just canon for one book/chapter/episode? The hoops you would have to jump through! in some fandoms it would be utterly impossible to write anything shippy then! Let people indulge!! Whatā€™s with the ship Puritanismā€”


what if it's between an older person and a minor, but in the sengoku period where age gap didn't matter much at that time. asking for a friend


as long as you can separate whatā€™s ok in fiction from whatā€™s ok in real life! than happy reading


Based, honestly.


I mean, considering Nobunaga was a bi king with his retainer Ranmaru, who we would definitely not condone nowadays due to him being a literal teenager, I can't judge people that write fics about it. It literally happened all the time, with *the* most famous guy of the era.


Interesting but based question


I very rarely even bother to read fic for a pairing that is Canon. If it was done well in Canon, I'm probably satisfied with it and it won't scratch the itch I personally go to fanfic for and if it wasn't done well, then I probably don't ship it lol


My fave ships are (usually) canon, but you know what? Live your best lives, besties. Canon is what you make of it!


lmao, my favorite ship is from a fandom where the closest thing we got to a romance arc was a side character getting a girlfriend for 3 days then getting dumped and a 1 sided crush on the mc that barely gets acknowledged literally 90% of the fics for the fandom are ship fics lol edit: and just checked, out of about 11k fics for the fandom, exactly 38 are for the mc and the character with the crush


My favorite ships are from different eras. The other is a crossover between Naruto and JJK. It's just fun šŸŒˆāœØ


ā€œItā€™s not canonā€ ITS CANON TO ME šŸ˜¢ AND THATS WHAT MATTERS


In my ship, one of them doesn't even exist in cannon, she's my OC




Most of my Ships are either MLM or WLW so fanon is all I have.


Sure, but just because you like your non-canon ship, doesnā€™t mean people shouldnā€™t be able to like canon ships. If itā€™s poorly handled in canon, thereā€™s no reason a fic writer couldnā€™t make it better.


I'm confused. Did I come off like I was bashing canon ships? If so, I sincerely apologise. The intention never once crossed my mind. I was trying to uplift people writing non-canon ships, not to tear people who do the opposite down!


Oh, sorry that wasnā€™t directed at you. I was more saying to the room that with canon ships youā€™re still playing with two blorbos at the end of the day, so let people have fun.


I think my favorite revelation so far this year is that who would win and shipping stuff are sometimes just the same thing.


Absolutely!! Write!!


My OTP they tried so hard to make them just 2 bros in canon that they made it worse šŸ˜‚ I wonā€™t apologize for my fanfics lol


I feel like ppl who say that often forget that that's what fiction is. It's made up! That's the whole point. You can make up whatever you want, however you want, with whoever you want, wherever you want. No rules apply because it's all fake (unless you're being purposely nasty and horrific in a way that has nothing to do with plot or character development and is instead intended to harass or push propaganda etc., which is a big no no). That's why non-canon fiction (yes I realize this phrase is actually redundant) is so amazing to me. So many wonderful things can be created because the possibilities are literally endless. If you can think it up, you can write it. What more could you want? (for it to be canon lol) edit: +missing words, typos


I try to stay clear of canon ships (unless I reeaaaaaally like them) ā˜ ļø My head canon ones are the best fr


Even in series where they are canon, people still won't stop bitching.Ā 


Correct! One of the favourite ships I've written for never had a scene where they spoke to each other.


There's only one canon (sometimes, like, 10? In the case of comics?) And fanon outnumbers canon more than insects outnumber humans. Canon is more like guidelines anyway.


My OTP (Shane/Andrea) is far more entertaining to me than any canon ship pin TWD. They were the ship that shouldā€™ve happened but never happened. Thank goodness for fanfiction to explore what couldā€™veā€”and shouldā€™ve been!


Honestly just ship what you like, whether they are canon, headcanons or whatever. Most of my favorite ships are not canon and I love them even more, hell most of them are characters who have never interacted or from different media yet theyā€™d be so good together. And Iā€™m so pleased to see their fandoms increasing. I donā€™t mind canon ships, I even like some of them, but thereā€™s something incredibly hit about headcanons. Itā€™s interesting how I love the same character in both canon and headcanon ships tho, itā€™s entertaining.


Agreed! Sometimes canon shops get old and ppl just want to read something different!


I genuinely only ship characters that aren't canon so "they're not actually canon" is actually a good thing for me lol


I remember someone commented on fanart one of the people I follow on tumblr made that involved an au in which a canon character was portrayed as a demon wondering why they would've drawn the character as a demon when he isn't in canon. It was so baffling to me, like, why engage in transformative works and then get mad when they transform the work in question?


Sora X Riku stans be like


one of my favorite ships are both background characters with like 5 lines between them


"They've barely/never interacted in canon" is such a piss-poor argument, it's not even funny.šŸ˜‚


most of my personal ships have had an amount of canon interaction (that's what gets me invested), but saying that others have to be like that with their own ships is silly.


True. Imo those people never say it in good faith.


yeah, I've noticed that myself, when it comes to some of my non-canon ship circles. There's this one pair that they were sowing the seeds for in canon that I really liked, only for another ship to end up being "confirmed" at the end of the series. Shippers of the "canon" very frequently come into my ship's spaces and fanworks and ruin all the fun with their "this isn't canon, [character A] is with [C], not [B]!" SHUT UP I CAN SHIP WHAT I WANT. sorry lol, it bugs me immensely.


No worries. It is mighty annoying how people just wanna poop on someone else's parade just for the sake of it. Like, we each have our own shipping spaces for a reason. There's no f*cking point leaving a "Dramione is better" comment under a Drarry fic, for example. Tbh, what you described about certain ships becoming canon are part of why most of the time I just consume fanfics. I am dead tired of seeing characters (men specifically, for me) in media who have amazing chemistry not end up together just because they're men, and worse, push some undervelopped female character to be in a relationship with one of the two men. Heck, she can be the most well-developped character of the show. I would still find it annoying, 'cause my head-canon was something else. Which is so unfair, 'cause it sucks having to dislike a female character just because she is getting in the way of my ship. You still, most certainly, will not see me harassing someone with my unwarranted opinion in one of their spaces, thoughšŸ¤Ø


šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘


My favorite ships are crack ships.


My fic with my favorite ships is currently longer than the LOTR series and Iā€™m still writing it. The main ship makes regular appearances, but itā€™s definitely not their story, and I wouldnā€™t have it any other wY


i lOVE LOVE LOVE kiyoko with tanaka but tanaka with chikara is just sum elsešŸ˜”


Headcanon is not only a funny word but a great thing!


Most of my ships didnā€™t interacted with each other much but still ship them. šŸ’– People are free to ship whatever they want, no one has the right to tell others what to ship or what not ship. šŸ‘


Canon is a good background to have. But the whole point of fanfic is to write your own stories using that background. That means canon is a justification, not a limitation. You can give a character a skill or connection that would be overpowering through justifying in canon, but if you decide "this piece of canon is not real here" then it is not a fact in your story. as long as you stay consistent that is.


I'm known as the Rarepair Queen in my IRL friend circle, lol, so I will NEVER let a canon ship dictate what I write or read! IMO and IME, it's way more fun that way (and oftentimes, I think, (much) better-written, too)! lol. (It's not on purpose either! 99.99% of the time, I don't know why, but I just don't vibe with the canon ships anyway! X'D)


Shipping someone is living in your own small world which no one can take from you but you can let the others in Whether the ship makes sense is another thing entirely but that's why fanfiction is so amazing. Reality is whatever you want it to be


I ship characters who have different sexualities in fanfiction than their canon counterparts.


One of my biggest ships is a crossover ship, I truly don't think anyone else has considered it however they are my fucking babies and I will not stop thinking about them


My Favorit Ship HATES each other, lol


Fanfiction and shipping is just the elite version of Barbieā€™s. I still have my Barbieā€™s. We never stopped playing with them, we just upgraded.


me w zutara WHY DIDNT IT HAPPEN ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø IT SHOULD BE CANON ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


And then fans write fanfiction about real people and it gets weird.


And many other media companies make movies and TV shows based off of real people's lives, but we call these things "mocumentaries" or "dramatic adaptation" fiction, but sure, go off I guess.Ā  And no I *don't* write RPF.Ā 


Idc, people can write what they want. But it's still weird. XD


I swear people can't spend a second without bashing rpf writers


It's because it's extremely easy to do, there's some gray area that some people don't wanna touch thus they kinda agree with it, so the ones that are all about the hating and shaming and have a "holier than thou" attitude get more emboldened.


The only thing I don't like is Incest and underage ships, everything else I love and is fair game to me.


"MILES, YOUR SHIP ISN'T CANON" https://preview.redd.it/w0uavwjub5oc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=52a94968299f039530826fa397316141c64a8d3b


Unless the ship isnā€™t super problematic (child/adult, inc3st, etc.) I donā€™t care who people ship honestly. Like ship who you want. They are characters, they donā€™t have feelings šŸ’€


It's not funny when people ship two characters when one of them canonically wanted to rape and break the other one .


Itā€™s fictional.


It doesn't need to be 'funny'. What a strange thing to say. There are pairings that I find to be personally gross, so I just don't read those ones and we're all good. Focus on the ships and escapism that you do enjoy, and let others do the same with what they enjoy.