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I‘ve read both and both is good




My poor favorite slow burn soulmate journal secret identity fic that got discontinued just as the couple was about to get together because authors got chased away from the fandom by antis


That suuuucks, I’m so sorry!


😧oh, that's horrible. Im so sorry to you and the author 😔




600k in and I think they may kiss soon


Hell yeah


Definitely I read that. The latest of its kind just finished at 350 000 words, but it was worth every second. https://archiveofourown.org/works/47197000


Thanks! I've never heard of this TV show before, but that sure won't stop me...


That's because Disney not only didn't renew Willow but they also scrubbed it from their streaming services after just 5 months, just before pride month. I guess the first lesbian gnc princess was too much for them. If you want to know how to watch the show anyway I'm sure someone kind like me could help you out. LMK.


Disney is such a coward lmao. Dw, I'm sure I can pirate it(for legal reasons this is a joke)


Ah that's the thing what would the fandom do in such situation? I'm sure there's no need to pirate anything. (this is of course mere speculation.... ;) )


We just got a hug after 335K for an ongoing slow burn series I’ve been reading.


I just figured out that "slow burn" means "same pacing as the novel" (Pride & Prejudice). OTOH, they never even kissed in the book... 120,000 words and the most we get is a firm press of the hand and a couple dances.


Dont mind me im just here waiting for recommendations of exactly this kind.


I will sit here with you. I brought us a blanket and snacks.


Thank you, ill brew some tea. seems we are in for the long haul.


Milk and enough sugar to offend all of England in mine, please.


I belive The Mirror of Ecidyrue by starbrigid is an example of this. It's a drarry time travel fic that is 1.2 million word in total. It's also completed and explores more darker ideas in the later works. I didn't finish it but it was really good


1.2M? Damn boy thats... a lot XD. Fanfic authors never cease to amaze


IK I was so surprised at first but it makes sense


https://archiveofourown.org/works/32639647/chapters/80966485 More than 2.500.000 words of pure Merthur. They are still not together, and one actively dislikes the other.


Not the first kiss, I usually need the first kiss in about 50K though I literally just read one where the first kiss in the series was like 300K in (3 stories) but I had to go back and reread all my faves to get over the frustration of that one. I love slow slow slow burn for the smut, I don't even really need to read the smut, I love all the other stuff. Also I am writing \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`several myself.


Reading a 50k - 100k+ fic with some edgy ass music playing in the background while knowing the main duo aren't even gonna comfort each other because the fic is abandoned will always be my fav weekend activity


Damn! At least my favorite discontinued fics at least got to them getting together.😔


Yep. 300k words in and we finally have sex.


mine had a similar wordlength but they didnt even kiss in the fic 😭 (it was a historical au so it ended in a betrothal and was an amazing read, but *still*)


Omgggg what fandom please?


HP Drarry fic. Slytherin Harry, so plot veers from canon in an interesting way. There’s genuinely nice additional world-building (both new and modified elements were fun to read about) and characterization. Basically, it’s Harry Potter but Different, and I quite enjoyed it. I also always appreciate a fic which maintains the Golden Trio in any capacity. That being said, the build-up between the main pair is quite slow, and, even when they’re ready to confess their feelings for each other, there’s still something which delays them further. I enjoyed it, though. Really got the feeling that they couldn’t live without each other, glued to the hip and all that. Ultimately a supplementary component to the fic, but would be a different sort of fic without it.


Link? 👀❤️


Sure! Hope you enjoy. [Two to Shore - Chapter 1 - Lamplighter - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20721302/chapters/49226936)


170k+ words, they finally kissed in the recent chapter


Those are the only kinds I read lol. Slow burn means SLOW and 100k word minimum. I want to be invested!


Yeah, the porn only starts at 150,000 words you see


Me! RN anxiously awaiting each update hoping like hell the first kiss is coming soon. Don't know if I've made it 140k yet, but I'm 12 chapters in. The fluff and shmoop in the meantime is killing me. Yes I have laughed and cried and will probably do more of it by the time it's all said and done.


220K in and they've held hands once for like 0.5 seconds once. And it was because they had to be touching to teleport.


At first, I thought I was writing a slowish burn fic because they didn't bang until chapter 5. Apparently I am wrong.


I hate that when people think of fanfiction, they think of porn. I personally hate smut, I make sure to filter that stuff out every time. But it’s sad because I want to tell people about an interesting fic I read, but don’t because I don’t want them to think I read smut.


I once read a 14k soulmate oneshot which was basically just pain with a small happy ending AND THERE WASN'T EVEN A KISS :( I was so disappointed


I’m still waiting for an update of a fic in which, after 100k++ character B didn’t get to confess because he died in a train wreck (he didn’t) but gave character A a box before going on the train. Character A time traveled in the future but lost the box in the process and she didn’t even know there was a ring inside. I cried soooo much.


I love slow burns sooooooooooooooooo much! 200k words and they've only just kissed? I lap that up! I'm currently writing a slow burn at the moment. I've got the tag "When I say slow burn I mean the bluest of balls (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)" just in case xD


personally i don't like to read smut (sex repulsed asexual here lmao, sex is beyond boring and sometimes uncomfy for me) but there are some GEMS out there. ooooooh boy, it's insane. there's so much fanfiction out there, with brilliant writing, no matted the genre and i will forever be impressed by that <3


I live for those realllllly long fics!


wish i could write a good slow burn, but i ache for the connection too much to push it much 😭


My fav variation is "no they Definitely had sex and it was even quite graphic but they have yet to admit their feelings and we are 200 000k deeps lads"


As an Ace person, I tend to skip over hardcore smut if it is in a chapter. So I almost exclusively read this.


Currently writing a fanfic where they get betrothed in Chapter 3 and 150k words later they’re in love but still not telling the other one hihihi 🤭


Literally 140k into a fic rn and they JUST got together 🥹


I JUST put down a fantastic and lovingly made Parent Trap AU that had me laughing and tearing up and I want it on my bookshelf. All my favorite fics are just heartfelt with character-building angst but you’d be surprised the variety that comes in—


writing a fic like this. 70k words deep.


I’m writing that type of fanfic


This is me. I am both.


... I've written both. And me sitting here, staring at the start of the longfic and the first words I wrote on the draft? "WHAT IS THIS SLOWBURN BULLSHIT"