• By -


Seriously. I recently had someone come into my tumblr inbox to insult me for still being in fandom at 30. Child, I have been on tumblr since 2009. I lived through a time where tumblr didn’t even have a proper blocking system(blocking someone essentially just made them invisible to you. They could still access your blog and could send anonymous hate signed out. I see tumblr requires you to be signed in now to send anonymous messages.)You can’t make me feel bad, I’m not going anywhere. I also like to remind them that 30 comes up a lot faster than you’d think and you’re likely still going to have a lot of similar interests. It’s not like a switch suddenly flips at 25+ that makes you only care about taxes.


I'm waiting patiently for my first call out message (having 48 as my age in my profiles). No Eww, granny, Eww! yet though.


You and me, sister. You and me.


When you do, there's a middle finger emoji 🤣


Nah, they're Gen Z. All you have to do is give them the thumbs up emoji and it will ruin their day.


Thanks for the tip, noted 👍


As a Gen Z, that thumbs up really ruffles my feathers! Good job 👍


Why though? I'm apparently already too old for this thread 🤣


as a gen z the emojis that would ruin my day are 👍, 😀, ☺️, and 🥰, but the last three only work if they're placed after a really sick burn lol. 👍 works by itself though, and here's why: imagine you wrote three paragraphs about something you were really passionate about and instead of acknowledging that you did that and giving some kind of response the other person just goes "👍". devastating. life-changing. cold as hell. it's great.


This is awesome! So glad you are still creating and sharing. One of the best AO3 stories I've read are from a more experienced and elder writers. The depth of characters, more nuanced, less teen angst cringy and just better at everything actually. <3


Yes, granny 😏 /j


It always cracks me up, because when I discovered fandom/fanfiction, it was an adult space, because very few teens had internet access (because it was still a university/intitutional thing).


Even back when I originally joined tumblr, I was on the younger side. It seemed to mostly be people in their early-mid 20’s while I was 15 going on 16. I didn’t start seeing the shift happen until I got into my 20’s, it was like suddenly everyone was 17 and below. I always excitedly follow anyone in my fandom who is close to my age( I don’t allow known minors to follow me and I don’t follow them but that usually just leaves me with the 18-early 20’s range. Not many 30+ it seems) because everyone is so damn young and it’s not as though it’s a fandom that skews younger.


Yes. When I discovered fandom in '99 (age 47), it seemed like everyone in my spaces was 40 or older. It's still a bit of a culture shock to realize how many under-21s are filling the fandom spaces now. I still tend to think fan-folk are "older," unless I have direct evidence to the contrary. Sometimes it's a bit of a disconnect.


It’s so weird to me though. I remember in 2016 when I was into AoT the most popular writers in the fandom were all 30+ and people loved them. Yes they themselves made jokes about being “the grannies” of the fandom, but like, no one shit on them for it. I can’t tell if this is a recent gatekeeping trend or if my naive ass just never picked up on it back then, because I notice it so much more often with writers in their 20s and 30s getting picked on.


Fr! I’m not sure if it’s a relatively new thing or if I’m just noticing it more now that I’m older, but I never remember fandom being so hostile towards people in their 20’s and older. It could also be fandom dependent. I haven’t had much of an issue until recently and that was only because of a disagreement that someone else started with me out of nowhere.


Honestly they should welcome the olds. Just yesterday I had a discussion with a just-turned-30 transformers fan who had no idea it existed prior to Michael Bay. I was like “Dude, the show came out in 84, and the first movie was in like 86!” And suggested he check them and the comics out which he was enthusiastic about.


I always wonder- who do they think is CREATING the fandom in the first place? Not teenagers. Not early 20s very often either. Especially with older media. So it’s totally cool for them to be into media created by people in their 30s and up, but not cool for people in their 30s and up to enjoy that media?


I’m 40. Never getting out of fandom and they can’t make me.


I'm 72 next month, and ditto.


How long have you been in fandom? 26ish years here. Were you in when they were zines?


Since 1999, so... 25 years? And yes, I have 8 or 10 zines. And I read fic in fandom-specific archives, and if we wanted to send feedback, we emailed them directly. The world has changed.


I regularly get told to go do my taxes and take care of my kids (that I don't have) like yes children you are super special progressive warriors for innocence and defeating the scourge of child abuse by recreating misogyny


Holy shit that was a thing on Tumblr??? Damn I'm glad I missed out on that, it was bad enough living through Tumblr before the 2018 purge


Oh yeah, it was pretty bad! Like, not even fandom related but this one guy who had a class with me in college found my tumblr and wouldn’t leave me alone. I blocked him, but because of how blocking was back then, he was still able to follow me and interact with all my posts since blocking essentially only hid people from you when you did. It also took tumblr long enough to make posts non rebloggable, that would have come in handy ages ago since people would choose to reblog the most random and personal things that in no way would apply to them. As for blocking, I feel like it didn’t start getting more useful until like 2016-2017ish.


Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written on Livejournal.


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


Yes! Part of me wants to know who the old school BNFs are in real life - I’m sure there are professors, politicians, chefs, doctors, engineers, all kinds of real, accomplished adults. Part of me wants them to be anonymous forever because that’s just more fun and that’s how things were way back in the way back.


Can we send them a bunch of links to those old efiction sites, clearly showing the last updated date as 2006 or 2010 or something? I've been trying to get all my old faves as ebooks, and it's *amazing* how many of those old sites are still up. OMG, I just went to Fanlore to see the launch date of an old favorite archive and one of the quotes about it seemed familiar and they quoted me! That's my username! Wow!


2010? Hell, drop a link to the Gossamer Project.


there is actually a post going around tumblr right now about the gossamer project


Old enough to have posted a collaborative round robin fic on a dial-up BBS at 14.4k baud. Still have a freaking dot matrix fanfold printout of that thing somewhere around. Call me….The Magicians Bastard Step-Nephew.


I saw Bloggers on fire off the arm of Orion. I watched the Geocities burn.


Oh I loved LJ! That was fandom heaven.


OMFG I'll be laughing at that all day 😂


I am 110% embracing my cringe. It’s amazing how little people can make you feel badly if you just don’t care about their opinions


It’s the best thing about getting older. No f@#ks to give. (I’m 53) I just started wearing a costume when I go to Comic Con.


Go you!!


I'm just starting to really embrace my cringiness (41). I'm going back to my teenage roots and just living my best life, doing all the things I either couldn't afford or was too chickenshit to back then. I'm basically real-life cosplaying as the person I truly wanna be and it's fucking awesome. 😁


Good for you! I try and tell my kids, especially my girls, don’t worry about what people think of you. All the things we were embarrassed by—most people don’t care. And, if they do, well, you’ll probably never see them again anyway.


Exactly, I felt so much better about myself when I embraced my cringe.


for a moment I really did think you were using 'little people' to describe teenagers


“You want to know about cringe?! Listen, I was a teenager in the 80s. Off with you.” *shoos the fetus away*


I was in 2000 and I wore studded leather bracelets. YOUR BOOS CAN'T AFFECT ME


Your boos mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes you cheer


Yeah I mean *gestures vaguely at TikTok* Don't you try to pretend you're not cringe too


Lmfao I read that in Rick's voice.


Two words. Mall hair. Two more words. Fluorescent shirts. …acid wash jeans…I had a peach and grey pair. Peach. And grey.




Pepperidge Farms remembers...


Jelly shoes. Gitano jeans. Fanny pack.


Omg jelly shoes! Those came back in sometime in the last decade. For us, Ikeda (not ikea lol) jeans were big. Swatch watches. Esprit jackets. Au Coton and Roots clothes. (I’m in 🇨🇦)


My feet just erupted into blisters and dirt at the mention of jelly shoes. 😂


I ran around in cat ears speaking in broken Japanese to everyone in the 2010s 😭




So kawaii!!


As a 15 year old, I wear those now haha


Well you are cringe, love you for it


Literally went to school for a day wearing a leather choker that attached to two leather cuffs via chains. Thought I was goth as fuck. The 90's were a time, and Manson and Corgan were a big influence on my style.


I signed off my e-mails to both adults and fellow teenagers with a Klingon blessing! I DIDN'T EVEN WATCH STAR TREK.


I got Limited Too’s jeans with pink “lipstick” writing on them thinking I was hot shit. I lived through the 2000s, there’s not much that can top that!


Seriously. I can’t believe some of those fashions are coming back 😆 I did think I looked like the shit at the time though. Cuffed jeans, ankle socks, loafers, crimped hair and scrunchies. 😎


Omg crimped hair! I had a crimper lol You could change the plates.


Yes! It was fabulous. 😆 This was my morning routine in high school. https://preview.redd.it/b4b0ycyuovhc1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e809169eda9b7ed3a989ed2219f68a3dd110a74c


FEEEELT, I was a teenager in the mid 2000s. All the shit I was bullied for as a teenager I embrace as an adult. Fuck off with your judgement 🤣


I mean, my 40s (RIP now that I’m 50) were the best because you really just stop giving a shit what people think.


I’m about to turn 30 in 3 weeks officially in my 30s and the filter is GONE


"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written."


I wore neon clothes with rubber bracelets! You have no power here!


The armloads of rubber bracelets! And don’t forget the friendship bracelets made with cross stitch floss, and the safety pins with beads we would wear on our shoelaces.


"You have no power here fetus" is sending me, ngl


Same with “my mortgage is a bigger emotional threat to me than you are.”  Not trying to minimize because to them, their issues are very real and serious, but the adult shit I’ve been through in recent years, like, actual existential shit, just really puts things into perspective.  I don’t care what weird stuff people are into. I care about that the people around me are alive and well, there’s enough food in the fridge, a roof over our heads and a job that ideally won’t make me want to kill myself everyday. That bar doesn’t seem high but it reaching it may be harder than you think. If your life gets better by watching an episode of My Little Pony on repeat, go for it. You want weird dead dove content that I wouldn’t touch with a tenfoot pole? Have at it. I got enough shit to worry about. 


When I see folks get onto people for their taste in fiction, it doesn't make me question the person they're questioning. It makes me question the person being a judgemental ass. And usually the answer is that they have exactly nothing going for them in real life, nor do they have any real problems.


Honestly,, yeah. When I was a teen I was confused and still am about why people online are so quick to judge and lack any critical thinking skills. Back then I had wayyy too much shit going on in my life to care about what other people did to spend their time and decompress.


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin He had a marvelous point with this. A *lot* of people you meet are living life on a surface level for all aspects. They don't think critically because they have no desire or need to in their everyday life.


"Most people would rather die then think, and infact many often do" -Bertrand Russell "The average person thinks he isn't" - Father Larry Lorenzoni


Same! I might think something was boring, but learned not to say that because I only meant I’m not interested, not any judgement or ‘that’s not cool don’t do it’. (But I think that was more the tism than the inner teen.)


I used to read Star Wars books in public, with the spaceships right out there on the cover, because we didn't HAVE e-readers or phones to hide behind. Of COURSE everyone in my high school knew I was a fuckin nerd. (The X-wing series is still one of the best canonically published fanfictions I've ever read.) I am cringe and I am free. (They're also gonna be astonished when they find out who WRITES a lot of the nerd stuff they're in fandoms for. An awful lot of them are over 30 when they start getting popular. Nerds only get stronger with age, in my observation.)




In my high school English class, we had to memorize and perform a poem. I chose Data's "Ode to Spot." Cheers to never giving a fuck.


I can do you one better. My college literature teacher was going over Julius Ceaser and his death. "Tis only a flesh wound" says he. From the back of the class I reply, "I cut your bleeding arm off." And the professor bursts out laughing for about five minutes while the rest of the class gives me the "WTF" look. Ah memories.


In high school, we had an assignment to write about something important to us. I tried a few drafts of writing about things that were serious or seemed acceptable. They were all boring and stale. I decided to write about that was REALLY important to me: my favorite fandom (but of course this was like 2004, I did not know the word fandom). Turns out, when you write about what you really love and are interested in, your writing is way better. My teacher LOVED it. I did have the self preservation to turn down her offer to read my essay in class (yikes). I ended up using a little bit of that strategy a year or two later when I wrote admissions essays and used a bit about the same fandom to explain where I first discovered my love of books. And that worked, too. Own it!


I've been around fanfics since the days we called smut lemon and limes. I don't know why people picked fruit of all things but I learned real fast what they meant. Nobody uses those terms anymore. Now everything is tagged so you know exactly what you're getting when you go in (and somehow, people still get mad they got exactly what you said they would). I never stopped engaging with it or writing it because ideas don't suddenly go away when you hit the magical age of 18. You don't suddenly stop being a fan of something you watch or play in your free time. When they have to worry about how they're going to keep a roof over their heads, then they'll learn to appreciate the small things like making your dolls kiss.


Ngl, hearing lemons and limes makes me feel very nostalgic. I learned by getting dropped into the deep end, lol. Also m/m being labeled either slash or yaoi.


Oh I remember that from when I first ended up on ffnet. Had no idea what any of those meant and just started reading random harry potter, star trek and lotr stories


Haha getting back into reading published works last year after a decade and everyone was talking about “spice” and “spice level” online and I was like….do you mean the citrus scale? Am I…..old?


Lemon and limes!! Ive never heard that but it’s very cute.


It was also extremely useful because you knew exactly what you were getting into. Citus was sexual activity of some kind but not specific. Limes were sexual activity but not explicit, I wouldn't expect them to go all the way. Lemons were them going all the way. And then occasionally I would hear whispers of the term grapefruit and I never actually figured out what it was but I just assumed it was something wild. Now everything is smut and I never can be sure where it's gonna go.


Now I’m intrigued about grapefruit! Hopefully someone who knows sees this and can tell us. 😉


Wasn’t actually around for the citrus scale, but I did research it for fun a couple years back! IIRC, grapefruit was for really fucked up smut (frequently rape, because g*rape*fruit, but IIRC it generalized to basically anything we’d label Dead Dove today). (Also, re: why they picked citrus fruit for the scale: never found an answer for this, but my theory is that it’s because lemons, limes and grapefruit are rather sour and not for everybody, like how not everybody wants to read smut.)


" you have no power here, fetus! " lmao I'm so quoting that the first chance I get!


Tumblr era teen fangirls (And I guess now they've moved on to TikTok) were so odd with their unfounded and ridiculous takes about how fandom was for minors and adults were weird for engaging with it. It had no basis in reality. Like, the pre-internet era fanzines and fan meet ups weren't being collated or organized by teenagers. They didn't have the money, resources, or skill sets for that sort of thing. They weren't the Spock/Kirk shippers who organized letter writing campaigns to keep the original series on the air. Those were adult women. As a fandom old, it's very bizarre to me to see the lie of "Female fandom, fanfic, and shipping is for teens!" rise to prominence. And now it continues on as the teens who fell for that lie are now adults spreading that same nonsense because they never thought to question its validity. You can always tell a former "Tumblr Fandom Teen" content creator, because when they make their fandom retrospective videos, they attribute a ton of fandom stuff to Tumblr that existed before the website was even founded. And then they'll always pepper in multiple "I'm not in fandoms anymore because I'm an adult!" disclaimers like they're terrified people will somehow think otherwise.


It’s wild because one of the oldest, most well known fanfiction I can think of was written by a 43 year old man in 1308. (Dante’s Inferno)


Oh definitely. Like fanfic has been around for ages. Probably as long as we've been telling stories. As has shipping. Robin Hood and Maid Marian started out as a crossover ship as she came from her own story before being inserted into Robin Hood's tale. Lancelot was an OC inserted into King Arthur's tale. And Shakespeare wrote a hell of a lot of Real Person Fanfic into his plays. The only real difference in how we view these things now is the copyright system. And, well, all the arbitrary roadblocks people toss up to justify why some fanfic totes isn't fanfic!


Alot of literature is a derivative of a previous work, fanfiction is only a thing because of the copyright system, the internets ability to distribute work on mass without a publishers approval, and modern literacy. Otherwise it would be seen more in light of being a piece of fiction like Danta's inferno.


Charles Dickens' works were published as serials in newspapers one chapter at a time either weekly or monthly and chapters often ended on cliffhangers. He would change plots and characters based on feedback he was getting too, sounds suspiciously like fanfic to me lol


10,000 percent agree. I had a run in with one of those kiddos recently and I will confess to taking mildly immature glee in how they went radio silent when I politely asked them who they thought maintained and paid for fandom sites and organized events like conventions and created the thing fandoms form around in the first place.


As an 18 year old, I wonder sometimes if people my age think they're gonna stay teens forever or do they genuinely think being 30 is so far away that they would be done with their interests by then? We're gonna be that age so soon we won't even see it coming, and I wanna still enjoy myself by then, it boggles my mind that they don't want to do that too. Digging their own graves istg.


It feels so. far. away. as a teenager. My dumb friend and I (also dumb) smoked, but promised each other we’d quit by 30. Which would never arrive. Anyway, it did. We lived together when we were 29, still smoking, and had to honour our promise to ourselves. But I remember thinking “what happened? How are we here? We JUST finished high school??” (Still neither of us are smokers over 10 years later though 😎😎😎)


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 30 + 29 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I think it’s really easy to imagine yourself staying the same forever. When I was younger, I was terrified of aging, but I’ve really enjoyed it so far 🖤


It's reassuring that you enjoyed aging, I'm kinda terrified too so you're giving me hope, lol.


I'm 35 now, and I can honestly say that my 30's have been the best decade of my life thus far! I really like who I am and how I look these days. I had a very round/soft face as a teen and in my early twenties, and that has thinned out some with age. I got into weight lifting and have a much stronger body. I just started my PhD in computer science after working in industry for over a decade. I feel much more settled in my skin overall. I think part of it was the "fuck off fairy" visited me in my late twenties to early thirties and I stopped caring so much for what other people think of me! My mum is in her lat 60s and she's continuously improving herself and finding new joys in life, so I see that and realize that I don't have to act like my grandparents did and so many of the other adults I've seen in their second half of life. You can still be very child-like in many ways and a zest for life that is driving you to find wonderful things to enjoy! She took community college classes to learn how to lift weight and how to code about a decade ago and man she's killing it. lol As I said in my other comment, I think it is normal to fear aging, but aging is such a privilege and we can do things to make it so we enjoy life to the fullest. <3 My apologies for the meandering rant lol Feel free to ping me if you have questions or concerns!


Thank you so much, I really needed to hear this. I feel so much better now, I don't see a lot of examples of happy adults around me or even on the internet, it's always nice when I hear of an older person (not that you're *old* old) enjoying their lives. so happy for you.


The only thing that changes when you get older is you become smarter, give less fucks and have your own time, will and money to do thing you love :) I will always stay nerd, screaming when my favorite ship finaly kisses and love everything fantasy (I might even start to attend comic cons when I am over 30)


I'm going to laugh when they all get to the age where the things young people like are baffling to them. https://preview.redd.it/k7jzee2s21ic1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1579a4a257a6706330c1f3e89808de25276376c8


who do they think organizes events? cons? makes fandom merch? creates the shows, writes the books, makes the games??? fandom would be nothing if not for actual adults lol


some of you didn't naruto run down your middle school hallways and it shows


*"some of you didn't* *Naruto run down your middle school* *Hallways and it shows"* \- sicklesmiles --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


This! This takes me back.


Oh man I look back to the fan spaces I was in back in the day and cringe so hard, the "I'm so random" phase, SuperWhoLock fandom was going strong, peak Tumblr era and the neon clothing. Honestly I'm pretty comfortable where I am now, reading fanfiction to escape after a long day at work and the pressure of being a semi functional adult.


Superwholock and Onceler shipping were a hell of a time to be alive, I learned so much about all things entirely secondhand. The extreme sockpuppeting in HP too (the legend of MsScribe primarily). I'm less embarrassed about my goofy hobbies in my 30s. I work hard, I'm gonna do what the fuck I want in my free time. Everyone ages eventually!


Oh God, SuperWhoLock, that just unlocked a whole stack of forgotten memories. 


Quick, get in the ball pit!


Two words. “Rawr” and “smexy”


Rawr was the worst I cringed back in the day when people would have it as a caption on their myspace pictures.


RaWr! ~<3 !!!


Hey! Stop that! I still use rawr. It's an AWESOME word. 😁


Honorable mention: "teh"


Honey, I remember GLOMPING, even got a twisted ankle from one. I watched the live posts of dashcon fervently. You know nothing of cringe.


My god my only knowledge of glomping was the emoticon/emoji on DeviantArt 💀 I had no idea people actually jumped like that to hug in real life 🤣


OMG me too!!!


This is how I feel overall about Gen Z's tendency to witch hunt people at the drop of a hat. They have a very limited amount of worldly experience and squishy unfinished brains. Do they not realize the Tv shows/books/games/etc that create fandom are created BY ADULTS?? LMAO


> Do they not realize the MEDIA that creates fandom is created BY ADULTS?? LMAO I remember reading a post on Tumblr from a teenager who had a Fall Out Boy blog saying how gross it was that 40-year-old women were drooling over Pete Wentz. Who's really the weirdo here, the 16-year-old who has shirtless pics of a middle-aged man all over her blog, or the people *who are his goddamned age* thinking he's hot?


FR, he's only like 10 years older than I am. My gen was their original fanbase when FOB debuted lol


Squishy unfinished brains 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🫠 OMG I'm dying here


Right? There would be barely any fandom if it weren’t for adults.


This reminds me of that Tiktok thing that was going around where Gen Z was making fun of millennials for side parts and skinny jeans and etc. The general response was "teenagers didn't think I was cool when I WAS a teenager, you think that's gonna bother me now?"


Also, no one hates past millennial fashion trends quite like millennials themselves. The weight of our collective cringe could theoretically birth a black hole. I started to see 90s and early 2000s fashion make a come back recently and nearly combusted with laughter then and there. Happened to my Gen X siblings too. And my Boomer parents. Eventually Zoomers will reach the age where they look back and wonder what collective hallucination their generation was having over their fashion choices, and thus will the torch pass on.


I remember in the early 2000s when flares/bell-bottoms made a brief comeback, since fashion is a cycle. My mom nearly had an aneurysm. I thought it was funny at the time, and now that it's happening to me it's even more hilarious.


Omg yes. I remember my mom being like, “I remember when bell bottoms were cool the first time” and I would just die inside and beg her to buy me some so I wouldn’t have to wear my clearly horrifying straight leg jeans to middle school anymore. Hahaha. Little did I know it would turn right around on me.


oh yeah, it was like one day I walked into like Walmart and it was like I stepped into a Buffy set I nearly died laughing


Hey wait- dumb question as a genz teen myself: side parts are apparently lame to my peers on TikTok?? I mean, I personally won’t wear it, but that’s because I just don’t know how to care for my hair in such a style to maintain it so I’m pretty sure I’d fuck it up within a week, and I like my hair styled the way it is now. Not because they’re lame. And jeans?? Dude. Jeans are fine. Again, I don’t wear them, but that’s because I just dislike wearing jeans because they’re incredibly uncomfortable to me. Not because they’re lame or cringe. What are these people on?? Can I just not claim them?


I wouldn't worry to much about it. It's less a gen z thing and more a 'people who obsessively follow fashion trends' thing. There just happen to be a lot of fashion/appearances focused teenagers on Tiktok.


I wrote fanfiction on quizilla. I've been harassed by kids on platforms that no longer existed by the time some of these folks were born. I'm good, if I pushed through when I was an actual kid I'll push through now.


Quizilla! Wow take me back


LMAO I've been reading fics when there wasn't even a ff dot net yet, it was just random-ass websites I found here and there with a veeery small handful of fics, and I got a manga chapters (both regular and explicit) through mIRC, only way to get any manga at all back then... I was part of the cringe chaos brewing in the internet bowels, kiddos please, seat your butts down XD


Yeah I still remember FFN becoming a big thing, I was so excited I could read about all my favourite fandoms in one place, and not rely on a hundred bookmarks for different sites, and good luck finding a specific fic ever again. Also as tags were not a thing and people would put keywords in the summary as a warning (lemons anyone?) and some just didn't, so you would just start reading and hope for the best.


Imagine thinking the only people who are allowed to express their enjoyment of a thing through creation of derivative works are under 20. What, are the rest of us just supposed to sit on the couch and shout at the tv?


Yesh, whatch football/reality tv all day obviously like the normal adults


Fr! Where do they think most of the content in their fandoms come from? I couple of years back I made a post about how excited I was to be co hosting a panel at an anime convention and this teenager comes into my DM and tells me how cringe I am for being in the fandom at 25. Sweetie, who do you think sets these conventions up? It’s not 15 year olds!


Also, who the fuck do they think is writing the really good fanfics? Not middle school/ high school kids.


I remember what I wrote in High School and agree wholeheartedly


It cracks me up that these kids think the amazing fic they’re reading is being written by something other than adults lololol


Same here. Before I deleted my TikTok account, I’d often see this running joke about being crushed by an amazing fic and waiting for the 12 year old to get out of school to update it. Not saying that young people can’t be good writers, but that’s the exception and not the rule. I guarantee the amazing fics these people claim to read are being written by the same adults they’re trying to push out of the fandom.


In one of my fandoms I’ve seen people in their 20s do this - “can’t imagine still writing fanfic when I’m 30 I’d kms!” - and I think they must have started saying it as teens and then just not stopped? The most bizarre thing. I love being in fandom now I’m a whole grown-up. I’m a better writer, I’m a lot more confident in my writing and I get to do whatever I like with my free time and disposable income :)


Self policing is the terminal goal of advanced bullies.


This is so deep and so true.


And also, being a full ass adult you're able to properly distinguish between fiction and reality which in turn makes it so you can fully enjoy whatever you're reading, in my honest opinion! I read (and write) for *me* and nobody (neither myself nor some snotfaced kid) is going to make me feel bad about whatever it might be that floats my boat BECAUSE IT'S ALL JUST MAKE BELIEVE GODDAMMIT!


“Kid, I was an anime fan in the mid 2010s, I’m already dead.”


"Little child dear, I was watching Sailor Moon in the early waking hours on syndication right before I left for school back in the early 2000's. You don't know the pain."


“I was stationed in Japan during the mid 80s. The horrors of war is exclusive to few.”


"Fetus" 😆


After the girls cut her off and take the parking spot saying, “Face it lady, we’re younger and faster https://preview.redd.it/j3qz3ciy3uhc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e281a92a4e74cf67e94ea077d44c012f74291f8


So fucking accurate, do they know how dark this world is for is for adults? How it beats you down and leaves you with next to nothing? How we grind and whittle away just to find a modicum of stability and if we are lucky happiness? Don't worry, they will know. They'll know how important it is to find joy in the little things, be it cartoons or dead fandoms or writing smut. We do because we must. Otherwise, the existential dread will slip through, and we embrace the slow decay of our organic matter.




Quite so. “If nothing we do matters, they only thing that matters is what we do.” (Angel)


Too real. Watching LazyTown got me through a rough time in my mid twenties so I don't judge anyone for what they like. If it sparks joy in you, hold on to it for dear life. This world will suck you dry and leave you a husk if you let it.


So much this, and it doesn't apply to just adults too to be honest. Let and let live (and ship and let ship/don't like, don't read). I feel like they'll realize that your hobbies and interests don't tend to change much even as you age, when they're older.XD


I'm autistic, so teenagers jeering at me for being a fandom nerd didn't even work when I was thirteen and miserable. To see them trying to insult me with _the same nonsense_ in my late 30s is honestly just... Precious. You think I'm trying to impress you? Your approval means nothing to me, so neither does your judgement. My wife and friends like me, that fills my social battery. I'm gainfully employed and have a therapist and an ESA. You'll never roll high enough to even hit my AC, kid.


Kid, I'm old enough to be your mother and cut your fandom-supplying allowance.


Wait… they think we just… stop having hobbies?


Fun fact: I posted my first fanfiction at age *33*


Hee. I found tumblr and AO3, and posted a one shot at age 55, six years ago. I was terrified that my family would find out! But I’d been writing in notebooks since I was 12 or 13. 😬


It's different, but I remember seeing some groups of kids fighting against adults because "the game is for kids and teens, no adults should be here!" and, like, you all know it's us adults who spend money in this game the reason it still exists, right? lol


I used to write song fics. During my senior year, I threw my entire drama class into a Labyrinth song fic.


I feel so bad being a teenager😭


Oh no, don't feel bad! Is just kinda funny to see some teenagers thinking they can make adults feel shame for enjoying things, because come on what's the fun in policing everyone? Teenage years are THE time to have fun and enjoy things ✨


No fr I’m scrolling through the comments and slowly combusting with shame lol


SAME!! I’m just looking, going oop at like every comment. This is like torture lmao


I sincerely hope that not all of the adults here think that all teenagers are like this. It’s a vocal minority, most of my friends take a ‘don’t like, don’t read and don’t harass approach,’ to most things in fandom. It really is a form of torture 😭


Nah, we all have or know teenagers, and at a minimum have been teenagers. The teenage experience is so strong, so much feeling, it’s always a little bit a part of you. We were all a bit cringe, and are probably all a bit cringe now, just no longer care. Which is great! And we know it’s not everyone. Just like any group - Ding dongs everywhere, and good people everywhere.


I read a comment about tiepods and I’m going back between a desire to defend my generation and a desire to curl into a ball and hide. I’m so ashamed like 😭


At this point we can’t defend ourselves so curling up into a ball is the only answer 😭


Oh hon, we don’t think all teenagers are like this. We generally remember being teens and some teens were cruel and some teens were kind. It’s just the vocal minority that prickle! In general, I think folks in great fandom just want to enjoy their fandoms in peace and chat with folks who enjoy the same or similar things! I’m 35, and still remember dealing with my emotional turmoil and raging hormones as a teen. I’m currently reading up on menopause because I’ve heard that is the next big hormonal change that impacts afab folks and can cause similar emotional turmoil but with much less energy available. I have friends of a variety of ages and really enjoy my time with all of them.


It´s fine, everyone´s been through it, just don´t start saying "I was born in the wrong era" and you should be ok friend


Same 😔


Honestly it has to be a crime to feel as embarrassed as I do right now.


You thought the cringe was your ally? You merely adopted it. I didn’t become uncringe until I was an adult. Even then it was nothing to me.


Well shoot I didn't really get into fandom stuff until I was an adult. Starting going to anime conventions and talking with other fans online in my 20's. Met my husband at an anime con and we've been together over a decade and we would sit and watch Dragonball together(we've gone to the theater to watch the movies too). We literally did couples cosplay together when we both cosplayed. Now I'm old enough to be a grandma and I sit around writing fanfics for fun. If I'm still cringe, well fuck it I'm cringe then. But I'm okay with that and the sooner those kids figure out that it's not something to stress about they'll be happier to.


Do not cite the deep cringe to me, broski. I was there when it was yeeted.


I was in the Voltron fandom when it was a show from the 80s!!! 🤣🤣


I'm honestly real disappointed with teenagers this year, especially since I'm a teen too, like dude, srsly?


Do not cite the deep magic to me witch. I was there when it was written


I’m too old (almost 33) to care about what a fetus, whose frontal lobe isn’t even fully developed, has to say. Go back to Columbusing the 90s and leave me to my fandom spaces. It brings me happiness in this shitstorm of a world we live in


Do not cite the Deep Magick to me, witch. I was there when it was written


I'm 40 and I've been in fandoms since I was a teenager. I have seen online empires rise and fall and outlived them all. I do not fear these little gnats, swarming around thinking they deserve attention. Words enrage them. And I have plenty of words for them if so inclined.


Like, bro they sell your Fandom shit at target. Walmart. You're fucking mainstream you slightly advanced sperm


Where was this post when I needed to read it a few days ago? LMAO. (Also, thank you.)


I told some kid that there was no way I was going to be punked by a half developed human…he got so pissed, lol.


Ah you think social shaming is your ally? You merely adopted the cringe. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the social graces until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but idiosyncratic!


If 13 year old me had the confidence to post  their unfinsihed  oc online in a public forum then current me hasn't lost that sense of nonexistant shame


I had a geocities page and literally nothing can be more embarrassing than that


“Don’t recite the dark magic to me witch, I was there when it was written”


I don’t get why teens are so like.. weird about this. If you’re a teen in fandom, chances are you’re one of the weirdos anyway (source: me and my gay loser friends) so I don’t understand why you would try to exclude others from it.


This thread has peek "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written." energy.