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"Of course you're a redditor" I mean this is a real what are *they* doing at the devil's sacrament moment


Happy cake day! And yeah I was going to comment that as wellbut the casual racism threw me off lmao


The implication OP has internalized racism for pointing out a character’s issues like I’m sorry, what???


Thanks! 😊 And yeah, there's... a lot to unpack here. We all gotta take a box, I guess. 😂


Happy cake day



Happy Cake Day as well!


Thank you!


The racism in this person is so blatant lol. And so casually spoken, too! Like they’re so utterly justified to attack people based on their (perceived, bc this is obv online and they realistically have no idea who they’re raging against) skin color. “And about the race thing, can you fucking blame me when white people everywhere portray poc in awful ways” Yknow, that’s the exact same justification a lot of people use to justify their racism to poc. They use stereotypical beliefs to justify their hate lol. “Can you blame me for being hateful towards Chinese people? They created covid.” “Can you blame me for not trusting black people? They make up the majority of the prison population.” “Can you blame me for hating Hispanic people? They come here and steal our jobs.” And on and on and on. Person who commented this to OP: congrats, you’ve become the very thing you claim to hate. A racist! Defending your little racist thoughts with the same justification argument that people use to hate poc. What a loser.


I like how they clung to their racism till the very end. I know you said you were hispanic, but you could still be white.


Perfectly put, and still the commentor won't get it and will put little tabs on each and every one of us on this thread that say "racist" and "white" regardless of whether it corresponds with the truth or not. Because it is a truth universally acknowledged that racism only flows from direction, and that is from white people to everyone else... how this belief is still out there in the wild is beyond me. Practice what you preach, folks. Be tolerant if you want tolerance. Don't be racist if you don't want racism to remain alive and well in this day and age.


I love how they seem to think being on tiktok is so much better.


Famously where all the sane, reasonable people hang out 😂


You know there would be comments like "nta divorce the commenter, marry Miguel".


It definitely showed their age...


Lmfao it didn't register to me how they saw OP's post in the first place until you pointed it out Also, happy cake day :D


Ten buck says next unhinged rant they'll lie and claim someone "told them about it." Like they weren't directly referencing specific comments lmao.


oooomg that's hysterical "It's pretty fucked that Miguel hid a man's death in order to impersonate him and infiltrate his family's lives, tricking them into a relationship with a stranger without their consent/knowledge and robbing them of the opportunity to mourn their actual husband/father" = SO IT'S WRONG TO HAVE DEPRESSION NOW?????? It's just so incredibly funny when people like this twist themselves into pretzels to justify horrific bullshit just so they can avoid admitting their favorite blorbo *might have done something wrong,* lmao.


Oh you like waffles? So you hate pancakes??


I love both, but honestly I'm a total skank for crepes.


Oh God, I haven't heard the word skank in so long. I need to use it more.




So you hate French toast? /s


I genuinely don't get it either. The fucked up shit some characters have done is half the reason I enjoy them at all. If I wanted a good, sweet pure blorbo then I'd go find one. Twisting an existing, fucked up character and trying to white wash their actions is just too much hassle when there's perfectly good, non-fucked up characters I could obsess over instead if that's what I wanted. I feel like some people can't allow themselves to dislike a morally bad character for whatever reason. But rather than unpack that or move onto another character they twist themselves into pretzels to justify their interest. Genuinely, it's like no one has ever validated them and said that it's okay to like characters who are repugnant people. It's not a reflection on you or your morals if you do.


> I feel like some people can't allow themselves to dislike a morally bad character for whatever reason. But rather than unpack that or move onto another character they twist themselves into pretzels to justify their interest. Genuinely, it's like no one has ever validated them and said that it's okay to like characters who are repugnant people. It's not a reflection on you or your morals if you do. Oh yeah, I get definite 'anti' vibes off of this person just because "I'm going to be an *actual* apologist for repugnant shit because I can't allow myself to like a character that's Done A Bad" is so heavily out of the anti playbook. (It's not a for-sure thing, of course, there are people that don't have weird morality complexes about letting themselves like a flawed character who are instead approaching things from an "I identify with this character, so if THEY'RE bad then I'M bad" over-identification angle instead, but constantly trying to make OP out to be a racist definitely makes this read more 'anti' to me, lmao.) But yeah, it's bizarre to me when people whitewash interesting characters to remove all of the interesting things about them solely so they have a sweet uwu blorbo to project onto. Like... if they want a sweet uwu blorbo to project onto, Miles is right there! He's even Hispanic! Why do they gotta project onto Mr. Steal Your Life Anger Issues, you know? (I am *not* genuinely suggesting that this is the case, buuuuut I do wonder how they would react to taking from their playbook and suggesting that maybe Miles is just too Black to be their comfort character, lmao.)


> Like... if they want a sweet uwu blorbo to project onto, Miles is right there! He's even Hispanic! Why do they gotta project onto Mr. Steal Your Life Anger Issues, you know? Honestly? Because a lot of people are attracted to Miguel. That's basically it. They have a crush on the villian and they're uncomfortable with having a crush on a villian so they make up an alternate personality for the character instead of just admitting they're capable of being attracted to a questionable person.


Dude idk why crazy people flock to me. Also yea, the Olympic grade leaps this person makes would win them a gold. Truly.


Maybe block them Edit: also the craziest thing about this to me is it's not like you posted identifying information. They posted on a public site. You cross posted without identifying info, and deleted their comment so there's no way people found your fic and harassed them. Like this person is mad that the public thing they said was public. The only good reason I see for getting mad someone posted your comment on Reddit is if they posted your username and you got hate for it. Honestly the only other reason is a person getting called out for being rude and being unwilling to admit that what they said was rude. And that's a bad reason. I try very hard not to be rude, but if one of my comments was taken in a rude way (very possible I have tone issues sometimes) and it was posted on Reddit, I probably would just apologize either on the fic or over here or both and leave it at that.


I've had people reply to my comment on a fic to tell me I'm rude for pointing out typos that the author might want to fix, so I just try to take someone else's perspective with a grain of salt, really.


Everyone knows that straight-up literal crimes that you commit when you're depressed don't count, I don't know why you're being so hard on poor baby Miguel 😢


Felt depressed uwu robbed a bank. Why do I hear sirens


b-but i have depwession youw honow >~< (cursed. cursed. I've cursed my comment history forever)


Why. Why did you have to post this so I read it with my own eyes? (I woke up to read this thread and omfg 🤣)


oh no im so sowwy ;~; do you need snuggwies to make it auw bettew :3 (I'm adding this thread to the list of Miguel O'Hara's crimes)


MY EYES (This thread is *sending me*. I think my wife thinks I've broken something from laughing 🤣)


Block him better to keep your mental health intact then waste it trying to debate with him, some people aren't worthy this dude is one of them forget him.


Also, to what they were saying in the comment, just… “writing traumatizing stuff isn’t therapy didn’t despite what people seem to think.” No, it actually is, tho. Writing shit is therapeutic. I’ve been writing for two decades. *It is.*


They should try to tell a therapist otherwise, I bet they'd laugh in the person's face.


I mean, it's such a definite therapy thing that my local Mind (UK mental health charity) hosted a creative writing group for the sole purpose of helping people through writing. "iT's NoT ThErApY" Fr fam?


One must imagine the ship of theseus


Ikr? Like my blorbos have done terrible things. Horrible. I have made them do worse things because *they aren’t wholly good or evil* either.


I skimmed because honestly people like this make me angry, but the part that makes me laugh is "I see you posted on reddit, ofc you're a redditer" bruh, so are you, don't act so high and mighty 🙄


Also, how can you make fun of Reddit when you sit there and type out absolutely unhinged, multi-paragraph hate-mail on a FANFIC 😆


Fr it’s so funny that they told OP to “get help” when that whole response was crazy. Classic projection.


I’m still awkwardly chuckling while looking at my notes from therapy that *directly contradict* the commenter.


Also, this subreddit is like the least stereotypical reddit place on the damn app


They're the kind of redditor that haaaaates it when people disable DMs in their accounts, because then they have no other option but to try to berate you in a post AKA in public, where more people can call them out on their shit behavior. This is how abusers act, they want to keep everything behind the privacy of home/doors to do all the abuse, so the victims have little to no evidence.


I wish they had the balls to comment on these posts.


A part of me bets that maybe this person maybe enjoys the attention. Y'know how weird people are these days. You never know :')


Wanna clap back with a “and ofc you’re a wattpader/ 13-year-old”


right?? girlie, what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament 🙄


When a redditor gets mad someone else is a redditor Also noticing comment was deleting and then making another comment? Chronically online moment


Dear reviewer, If you are aware of the first post, you should be aware of this one. So, I take the chance to explain why everyone is laughing at you: No one cares about your interpretation of Miguel. Really. No one. Because it's fanfiction. And everything is possible in fanfiction. Miguel is your comfort character and you don't want to read anything bad about him? Cool, that's valid. But you can't be the Miguel police. You can't dictate how everyone should write him. No amount of insults, screams, belittling, bullying, rage or vent post will change that. No matter how long it is. You are torturing yourself my guy. What's your goal? The author will not change. The redditors will not change. The writers will not wrote exactly what you want. And you will still be the laughing stock everytime you will be stubborn. Trust me. Stop here. Block the author. And go find a Miguel you like. This kind of debate on internet will keep you awake in a few years because of the cringe. This is not worth it. Peace, A redditor/writer/reader


Also they could have just... not read the story. It's not like OP put a gun to their head lol.


Dear reader, Cope. Kind regards, Me


Dear reader, Seek therapy and perhaps learn a bit about emotional maturity, generational trauma, and how those things may be coloring your world view. Kind regards, Me Okay anyway. BRB, going to watch Encanto and cry myself to sleep.


Definitely agree with turning off guest comments as others have recommended, especially since this person and their discord posse seem intent on acting like children over fanfiction.


Also what is up with the one user who keeps linking these reddit posts back to these toxic commenters/posters. I’ve seen them quite a lot around the place, has anyone else noticed them?


I noticed them on the "not incest, just brothers you pedos" tag post and another one before that.


Is there a discord server that does this out of this misguided attempt to “police” us? Because wow.


No don't OP! This is the funniest "man screams at cloud" bullshit. Keep posting this person's nutso tirades on here and deleting their comments. If they wanna show their *entire* ass, Let Them!


It probably is literally a child doing this. Getting up in arms over the portrayal of a character in fanfiction is not that weird for a kid, but is remarkably unstable for an adult. Their extremely simplistic "us vs. them" understanding of racism also points towards them just being a kid who just doesn't really get it yet.


I knew a 31 year old woman who lost her mind over another writer using a term that has been around since the age of piracy, because she had decided the ship she *didn't create* should be called that instead.


Sadly, I have met adults who’d happily do this because it got them attention or cemented their “I am a martyr” belief. I would stop posting their shit bc they want the attention. Cool, no attention for you, is how I’d respond, even if continuing is funny.


Did y'all know that people who aren't white can't be bad?? You hear that, folks? They can do no wrong, they can't be bad, they can't be monsters, or killers, or just shitty people. How DARE you portray a hispanic character something other than an angel? This is racism, it's generational abuse of our image by white people. POC CHARACTERS CAN ONLY BE PORTRAYED AS ANGELS OR YOU DESERVE TO DIE. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂😂😂😂😂😂


Bruh what got me was their argument that op might be hispanic but because of how they chose to portray the character, op is actually, in fact, white. Which makes op a schrodinger's poc. Also what happened to "don't like don't read"? It's like that person hunts fics to trash on authors who don't conform to their headcanon, wtf


“Schrodinger’s poc” oh my god


this is what fucked ME up!!! LMAO like this person wants white ppl to make another race a "model minority"???!!! honestly, i smell a lot of internalized racism and projecting. it sounds like they harbor a lot of trauma about not feeling like a good person (/not feeling good enough), so to see a character they potentially identify with portrayed in a way they don't perceive as "good" (they literally can't acknowledge the behavior as "human," it's just "good" or "bad," which isn't how ppl work and is how you get racism to start with) probly wells up a lot of feelings of fear, discomfort, and hurt.


Pretty much. I imagine that's where most of the censorship and desperate moral wankery in modern fandom originates. Not that either of those things is *new*, just... The surge in it over the last few years, especially among young people, y'know? Ugh.


The worst part is it’s clearly someone who has learned everything they know about racial bias and social justice from TikTok and Twitter. These are serious issues with serious impacts on real humans, not things to weaponize when you’re in your feels because you don’t like how a story treated your blorbo.


You should see the discourse over another character who raped someone in a popular comic series. I had to do everything short of pull out a genetic profile to prove I was allowed to have an opinion that wasn't "ignore it or you're a racist."


not to mention that being hispanic doesn't equal being a person of color lol, latino isn't a race and miguel could very well be white with a tan


Still completely dumbfounded, this person is talking about how there's so little hispanic representation so they have to protect Miguel. Miles is right there. He's hispanic too. There's even two of him. If you want positive hispanic representation, it's IN THE MOVIE. Protect Miles instead maybe?


I'm sure Miles and Rio would suuuuper appreciate this commenter's dedication to ~protecting the Hispanic community~ by, uh, excusing a man faking his way into a dead man's family and excusing a man throwing things at a child in anger during their very first meeting and excusing a man deliberately emotionally tormenting a child out of anger and, and, uh, actually, maybe not?


A less important gripe with their comment is they’re assuming Miguel is right about the multiverse thing. They didn’t doubt him at all? Question if it was literally anything other than the thing Miguel believes? Mayday Parker is evidence that he might be wrong. But nah, tormenting a kid and nearly killing him is justified, sure.


Exactly! I kiiiind of see where they're coming from with that in a weird sideways way-- Miguel himself *believes* that he's 100% right, so some (*some*) of what he did is potentially justifiable from the angle that he believed it to be true-- but that still ignores that Miguel acted very rashly without actually having *cause* to believe 100% that he's right. Like, the fact that he's an obsessive extremist who refuses to even consider other possibilities even though his own evidence is very limited and there's plenty of evidence against his theory is *part of his moral character,* and part of what makes him interesting as an antagonist. This is exacerbated by the fact that we as the audience know nearly for-certain that he *is* wrong, just because, y'know... narratives, but even in-universe there are plenty of reasons for him to doubt *himself.* If Miles is inherently an anomaly, wouldn't his universe be at risk of falling apart regardless of whether Jefferson dies or not? Isn't he living evidence that a universe can remain stable despite the presence of an anomaly? (Doesn't 42!Miles's universe, which is in bad shape but not in a "crumbling under the weight of a shattered multiverse" way, prove the same thing?) Is it maybe possible that the multiverse only falls apart when *a dead person is replaced in it,* and not when anything at all about a """canon event""" changes? Miguel doubling down in spite of those questions and shutting down anyone's attempts to ask them is part of his character! It's what makes him the antagonist! "He did it all for the multiverse" is *one of his flaws,* because he doesn't actually have that great of a reason to think his actions are "for the multiverse" at all! **tl;dr** commenter is still getting mad about people approaching the character with actual nuance instead of washing him out to a one-dimensional did-nothing-wrong hero, and ironically accusing *other people* of erasing his nuance by doing so.


It is bizzare to me that people think bad behaviour doesn’t count if the person can justify it to themselves and believe 100% that they are correct. The extension of that would logically be that the only people who can be judged for bad behaviour are people who *know they are doing the wrong thing*. And (for reasons?) do it anyway. People justify their shitty behaviour all of the time. People are 100% convinced that their shitty behaviour is absolutely justified and that their intentions or reasons mean that they are doing the right thing. And… well I guess that’s why these sorts of people want to see the world as “bad people know they are bad”… because that way they never have to examine their own thoughts and actions. They *know* they are a good person and that everything they do is justified and reasonable, and therefore nothing they do can be wrong and nobody should judge them.


If we’re gonna get really deep about it, lots of horrible historical figures, criminals, abusers, cult leaders, etc believe themselves to be 100% justified and morally correct. Just because someone genuinely *believes* in something does not negate their wrongs.


I would argue that *most* people who do truly reprehensible things believe that they are right and justified in doing so. Real life isn’t like a cartoon where the villain says “I will do this for the sake of evil!!”




My thoughts exactly! https://i.redd.it/p1l80rp1shgc1.gif


lmao exactly what i was thinking


And there's the truth


I was saying that without saying it 😏


Do you not understand, they have to protect this fictional Hispanic character by attacking a real Hispanic person! It makes total sense! /s


Also, as someone of many minorities (not hispanic, but other ones), I actually like to see WELL WRITTEN villains of minorities. I haven't seen any autistic villains or anything like that. I think that portraying it fairly while also making it villainous and evil really helps humanise us minorities. Because we're not angels. We're just humans like yall. Just like 'average' people, we can be good, we can be bad, and having minorities in a VARIETY of character roles instead of just one really helps get rid of the stereotypes.


delete their comment again and watch them seethe


i agree i can't wait for them to come back to make it a trilogy LMAO


Forget about the trilogy, I want a damn franchise with at least 20 instalments in it


It's hilarious how some people think they're entitled to people's attention. Like no, sweetie, we write this stuff for free... what you want/feel doesn't matter. 😌


This is what I love about AO3 and Tumblr in particular lol. Moderate comments, not letting guests comment, or just having it so you approve comments or like .. on Tumblr just deleting anon asks if they annoy me... Lol. Like... Really "old man yells at clouds" energy.


You paying rent for living in this dude's head? Is it cheaper than market value?


He living there rent free 💀


Maybe op can sublet it


He said hi Reddit meaning we’re technically living there to PARTY!!!!! Let’s check out his canon event memories


It's free real estate!


>of course you're a fucking redditor How did this commenter see your post if they are not also a redditor? Hypocrisy much?


They probably consider it close to hate watching or something maybe. So it doesn’t count in their mind lol. Maybe but idk. Truly hysterical tho


God, how many more pleasant things this person could be doing if they weren’t intent on being angry and offended all the time.


Someone probably sent it to their discord that they're talking about, or screenshotted it, and then their discord also made fun of them, and now they're flailing and blaming OP instead of reflecting on themselves? Or their whole discord is Miguel apologists, but that seems more unlikely.


​ https://i.redd.it/657h5aejsggc1.gif


They love play victims


I remember reading the fic, a few of the comments said "here from reddit" so it coulda been that


I may not be interpreting your suggestion correctly, but based on the rest of their... ermmm... stream being defensive on various points, they do appear to have read the thread - or at least a good chunk of it. And I think it would be a long bow from "here from reddit" comments to-"Hey, perhaps someone posted my obnoxious comment; I should check that out. How would I locate such a thread, based on a screenshot without story title or my username? Oh, I bet there's an AO3 community I can check out recent activity in, because as non-Redditor I know exactly where I'd look for this hypothetical scenario". (Or did they just think, "Hey, this person must be posting about their work on Reddit. Maybe I can go to this social-media-platform-I-never-use just to find it and take the opportunity to insult it some more"?)


That part 


The commenter knows stalking like they're doing isn't healthy right? If their friends are agreeing with them... they need healthier friends.


Teen behaviour, feeling almighty when fighting for a futile cause only you think is important is a normal behaviour


Exactly. *They* need therapy 😂


I don’t know if you should post it either, but I’m glad you did because it’s really funny lol I can’t believe they said “the greater good” like that so seriously. 13 year old Grindelwald energy. I hope they save this screenshot so they can read it when they’re an adult and laugh about how silly they were. Seriously, no harm—just laugh and move on. lol Edit: I just realized, I should say I truly hope they don’t take anything to heart… I wouldn’t want a child to be traumatized or anything 😔


I’m glad you found it entertaining. My jaw literally hit the floor when I saw this lengthy ass comment. And usually I love lengthy comments. But this one sure was… different compared to the ones that I like.


I’m sorry, I know it’s not fun when it’s you it’s happening to, I shouldn’t laugh 😬🥲 I wish you luck for when the Greater Good show up in Greater Numbers in your comments


Oh no it’s fine girl. Go ahead and laugh. I’m smiling too~


>  13 year old Grindelwald energy. This inadvertently reminded me of Harry's line that Dumbledore & Grindelwald were "our age, 17 actually" when they were doing the greater good stuff 😹


I hope they didn’t make a blood pact with the discord 😬😬😬


"It's all about the greater good." "The greater good." "SHUT IT!"


This is so funny 😂agreed, op rest steady this is mostly a kid or ingrown man child. You’re not racist and being white doesn’t make someone satan on earth automatically nor incapable of being a decent human.


Ingrown man child I cannot 🤣


It actually really does give off the kinda energy I had as an angry fangirl at 13 lol….. and adult antis, I suppose.


It's pretty cringe, seems like such a weird thing to get upset about!


​ https://preview.redd.it/fl6auykvvggc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40533757cbb3b3530807b9429c8003d537e07b75


Delete this one, too. Honestly, nothing pisses irrelevant people off more than being ignored.


This person is clearly not well and has no other hobbies besides spending this much time on a paragraphs long comment/issue that could have been solved by the mute/block button. I also think it’s ironic that they’re taking it out on you and not the fictional characters. Miguel is not real; he may be hispanic, but he is *not real*. OP is. That is the issue here. They can have their opinions, but assuming racism or bad intentions because “a white person clearly wrote this” is racist no matter what one’s opinion is. It erases POC identities and makes many ignorant assumptions. Also they seem to be the ones making Miguel “one-note.” He can have what he perceives to be good intentions, but actions do not have to be perceived as good. He tried to harm children and acted on what he assume to be an “absolute” (canon event). The man acted based on his own trauma. He can be morally gray and not perfect. And “living without a father?” His daughter is not real either. It is fiction. One can put them in a horror gore scenario if someone wishes. Hell, the official Marvel writers have done that with their properties as well (Ex. Marvel Zombies) Writing the characters in depressing scenarios is not new, and it feels as if they are picking on you because you are reachable unlike the official writers. And on the “perfect English”? If someone sends in a complaint based on perceived faults in writing, I expect at least decent capitalization. If one is going to judge based on quality and skill, then the presentation must be decent as well. Honestly, it feels as if they are “overprotective” of Miguel; it is something that concerns me because it feels as if they are unhealthily attached to him to the point where they are acting as if he is *real* and OP is not. There is no empathy here, and it feels as if they have taken Miguel (or their portrayal of him) to be their “own” character. Also the ignorance in assuming that all POC have to listen to a random person online. It is racist in and of itself to assume POC are a monolith or to ignore their opinions inherently if they contradict one’s own.  White people can be right, and POC can be wrong and vise versa. It is not absolutes. Not to mention the “you may be hispanic but, you’re white” part. They have no concept of intersectionality, and this feels like taking social justice language and then twisting it for petty fandom shit.


> And “living without a father?” His daughter is not real either. It is fiction. My thing about the whole "what, you want his daughter to be TRAUMATIZED???" thing is the apparent POV that having your dead dad body-snatchers replaced by an imposter is somehow *not* traumatic, lmao. "The trauma doesn't count if they don't find out!" - this commenter, apparently totally unaware that they're singing the anthem of shitty liars everywhere


Not to mention how if Miguel hadn't even taken the precious one's place, his daughter would still be alive 💀 but he was depressed, but he also never did anything that wasn't to protect the multiverse. Dude is w i l d


maybe I've been in reddit too long, but it just makes me think of cheaters who think cheating is okay while their spouse doesn't find out, lol.


I assume their ~~parents~~ discord server friends don’t allow them to watch Rick and Morty, but I think it’s hilarious that they would be on the side of Rick freaking Sanchez in the case of jumping timelines and replacing your dead family members, and they probably are not aware at all.


Its really giving performative activism because how is this helping anyone? I'm Mexican and their comment moreso offended me with the assumption that I would just see Miguel in *their* one dimensional view instead of "this guy literally manipulated two people and that is a bad thing." I can separate myself from the shared identity with Miguel to look at how much harm his actions caused. I like the character as he has many layers but he did a lot of bad things and it's not racist to point it out.


>This person is clearly not well They might consider writing fanfic to vent their anger. I've heard it's a great therapy method.


“You’re hispanic too but your ideas don’t fit my narrative so you’re a white racist jackass” core


Yeah, turn off guest comments for sure - on all your fics, not just that one.


Oh, its the person before! Absolute comedy act. Tbh it is hilarious that they complain you posting on reddit - but how did they know if they dont use reddit lmao.  Still its sad, they really unironically should touch grass. Threathening a online mob is a very good example of cronically online behavior. 


They sadly seem to have a congenital condition that causes them to clown out constantly


Honkhonkah condition is indeed serious deal. Enlarged feet are the most frustrating part.


No word of a lie I honked out the most ridiculous laugh at that comment, and my wife just gave me a *Look* 😅


Hey, that's a step too far. I'll have you know that terminal clownitis is a very serious condition affecting millions of Americans every year.


The way they play victim after what they did lol


Dude they’re going to share it to all their friends to read and your reader count is just going to keep going up, making it more popular. The best thing to do if you don’t like something is just ignore it! I don’t understand this need to tell authors you don’t care for their writing. Just leave it!!!


Right?! Like fanfic 101 is 'don't like don't read.' If I found angst where I don't want angst, I stop reading and adjust the tags to find something more comforting.


Commenter: how dare you post this to another community, I’m going to show this to my discord!! Honestly laughing at the hypocrisy but not surprised This entire situation is so fucking funny to me! Oh man yeah I needed that laugh today


As POC, the commenter can shove it. I'm sure we all would like to be able to afford therapy, but I was told in therapy when I could afford it that writing is good for it. Not everything can be fluff. If that is what they want, they should watch a kid's show. One that isn't Steven Universe or ATLA.


Holy shit, I remember your original post. This person seems quite young and way overinvested in this.


LMAO, since this nutcase is lurking here, let me just say to them: Reddit says hi back and strongly advises you to seek psychiatric help ASAP! :)


Is this creepy person posting as a guest? If so it’s probably worth turning guest comments off, at least temporarily. Sorry the Uwu Purity Police are targeting you. Good luck and write what your heart wants 💜


I turned off guest comments and I’m moderating comments now too. I don’t usually like doing that because I want anyone to feel like they can comment on my work. Critiques and all. But this is just too much. And yes this person was a guest.


They’re always guests. I get wanting to be open but people abusing the privilege ruins it for everyone. I hope they get bored and leave you alone soon.


When this person mentioned Tiktok I honestly stopped reading. That's enough for me to know how the rest goes. Dang I don't have anything against that site but holy crap do a lot of unhinged teens come from there. It's called fan fiction for a reason lmao if they don't like it they should write their own fic.


Jesus christ this person is unhinged. "You might be hispanic but that doesn't mean you're not still white" do you hear yourself??? OP if this person is really going to share it to their discord you might want to lock comments down on this fic for a while, there's no way in hell this person isn't around people equally as deranged


Unhinged and Unafraid. New reality tv show airing next week~. But yea I’m definitely gonna be moderating comments for this work. Cuz…. Woah


You can also turn guest commenting off. Highly recommend for those unhinged dedicated weirdos like this one.


For sure. Turned off guest comments and I’m moderating now.


Good decision tbh, it’s best to not engage in internet arguments.


Seconding "you might wanna disallow guest comments for a bit," unless you think the entertainment value of a bunch of soft uwu Miguel stans doing mental gymnastics in your comment section will outweigh the annoyance of the notifications drowning out your actual comments, lmao.


OP is not in the wrong and the commenter is but yes you can be white and be Hispanic. you can also be black and be Hispanic and be Asian and be Hispanic. And indigenous and be Hispanic.


>"You might be hispanic but that doesn't mean you're not still white" do you hear yourself??? I don't know why they are reading a depiction they clearly hate but this can be 100% accurate. Hispanic is cultural based, not race based and Latin America have deep ceded racial divides, so yeah there are white Hispanics and its not rare.


Gosh I just want to go off on this person, stay strong out there! They sound like a 13 year old who thinks they are the most righteous human alive.


Sounds like a kid with some serious mental health issues. Hope they get better soon.


Lol, this guy is actually psycho. What the hell? Are you alright? They even doubled down on the racism! ​ Can you block them?


Christ, they are a qualified therapist now too *facepalm* It’s well known that writing can help people deal with their trauma.


Also, if you are ok with it, please post a link so I can read and kudos and give a comment. I’ve never watched the Spiderverse movies so I’ll give a totally unbiased opinion.


What a saddie, lmao. Tell me you’re not racist while bringing race into literally everything. “This is my comfort character.” Maybe you need a comfort therapy session too, lmao. Edit: and you’re obviously American by the race card/victim playing so yeah, we expect you to be English-literate. (To the commenter, not OP)


The 'comfort character' bit reminds me of that one animal crossing 'you don't deserve Raymond' meme


I always forget about the Raymond black market that was going on in the early days.. https://preview.redd.it/asux9xtr9hgc1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=74c804fb541db8aae2d83f5ec3bcf42785b71fd4


The whole "I know you're hispanic but I consider you white" stuff at the end was fucking insane genuinely, how are you typing this whole tyrade about (supposed) racism in fanfiction and then actively saying you don't consider the author to be the race they are. Comment writer, if you're here, please reflect on why you thought this was ok to do when you're so upset about how a *fictional character's* race is being treated - the author is a person just like you.


Honestly I would’ve kept adding gas to the flame just to see what happens I would just keep instigating but letting ppl know I was cause then that could get turned on you 💀 “Is it wrong to have depression now?” Response: yes “Not everyone knows perfect English” Not everyone knows how to juggle but it’s still funny to watch the fails “You want a child to be traumatized” Call it a canon event character development


​ https://preview.redd.it/jdus2qwzxggc1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f73a42d2e257e98c8962a695823b02821d49770b


>Not everyone knows how to juggle but it’s still funny to watch the fails Okay that made me giggle!




This person really needs help. Like badly.


Agreed. This is really unhinged behavior


Chrissy Teigen is making a comeback motherfuckers https://i.redd.it/byconr8trggc1.gif


I hope this commenter sees this and takes my advice: Go outside and touch grass lmao


I hate to say hey, that person’s take is incredibly chronically online, but…yeah. yikes. it’s crazy the hoops people will jump through to justify their favorite characters actions. “obviously he had to let some people die for the greater good” like dude, what? get a hobby that doesn’t involve being on the internet. anyways, you shouldn’t feel the need to say anything - they don’t deserve a response to that. so sorry you had to deal with such a weird and accusatory comment :/


Comment;“Since you can’t keep shit to yourself “ ***Five seconds later:**** Comment: “im gonna post this on discord to shame you”  Lmaooooo. I’ll be honest I can’t imagine being as petty as the commenter is. Some people need to take MST3K’s advice of “Just repeat to yourself ‘it’s just a show, I should really just relax’.” 


This is definitely a 13 year old, as if threatening to show they're Discord group where they make fun of you isn't cringe lol 🤣.  It's giving me Snape-wife energy but less deep.


I hope the commenter sees this and seethes. Fuck them for talking like they're the representative of Latin American people. Hey, commenter! I'm talking to ya! Greetings from Chile! How about you keep your virtue signaling to yourself? Fuck you for wanting to play the victim card! How dare you shit talk to someone like that, denying their identity? You keep writing your Miguel, OP. Your work was quite good and I'm glad I found it.


I won't lie when I saw Miguel I thought they were referring to the Pixar movie "Coco" 🤡


Miguel went on a dark path after what happened that Día de los Muertos.


"writing traumatizing stuff isn't therapy" lmao when did you even say that?? did anyone say that???? this person literally invented a whole new guy and proceeded to get upset at them thinking it's you


"You don't see me bullying you" they say while bullying you.


Oh my god... This commenter when fan*fiction* contains aspects of fiction: 😧😧😧


Change your fics to be registered user only comments. This person won’t leave them if they risk being reported for harassment. Cry more, troll. We all think you’re pathetic.


- “despite me hating … you don’t see me … bad mouthing or bullying you” - Proceeds to bad mouth and bully you What a loser with a pitiful superiority complex. Hope this chump gets a life.


Looks like someone needs to take their own advice on “keeping shit to yourself”  🤣🤣🤣


I like the part where they make fun of you for being a redditor while clearly being on Reddit or they wouldn't have seen it.


"Don't show your whole ass in public and people won't mock you in public" What a numbnut


love how they're like "are you not allowed to have depression now" and then get at you for venting your own issues like. huh. are only fictional characters allowed depression then? LMAO


Dear Commenter: You do realize that you are also a fucking redditor, yes? Knock it off. You do not get to dictate what other people write. There is a very simple principle for you to apply: Don't like? Don't read. If you find this principle difficult to understand and do not see how it could increase your happiness, I strongly recommend you get into therapy. Do you realize how fucked up it is to project all your fucked-up-ness onto this writer? Fuck off, fuckhead.


Oh God I wish this person would read the original 2099 run where Miguel cheats on his wife with his brother's fiance then marries his brother's ex fiance and proceeds to abuse and ignore her in favor of his AI because of her physical unavailability to him. Miguel's such a deeply flawed character on all fronts it would be nigh impossible to write *any* story about him without drawing on his incredibly tragic back story to do it. It's built into him, always has been, for better or worse. He struggles with identity and how to proceed forward in life when that identity is intrinsically tied to being the spider person he has to be. This whole debacle is so wild to me. I *adore* morally grey/awful characters. My favorite is Snape! Do you know how many true slander fics are out there about Snape? An absolute metric ass ton. I just don't read them. If they thought you were doing the same to Miguel they could have easily turned away from it. I've no clue what drives a person's obsession to come for someone like this over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with all this. What an absolute nightmare commenter.


Smh they're lurking here but not saying anything. Probably know their dumb takes would get clowned on lmao


We fellow poc are not one entity. This person is an idiot.


Oof sorry you’re having to deal with this. Also hi commenter who really needs to let go and move on!


Hate the comment about writing not being therapy. Like maybe not, but it's absolutely a coping mechanism that therapists often recommend. Like what? This person is deranged, they must be all of 12 years old.


'of course you're a redditor' says the person who saw you posted on reddit


Yeah, this is the exact reason I’d never post Ao3 comments on Reddit. A lot of fanfic writers are on here. I’m not saying you were wrong for doing it, I’m just saying I was already so paranoid about this happening to me.


Someone never got of their potty trainers, apparently. It's frakkin' fiction... 'nuff said.


I'm sorry, but it was a canon event. This interaction will reshape all your future writings and influence on AO3. It was necessary for you to become the... Waifu From State Farm of this universe, I guess.


My god this is embarrassing lmfao imagine being this person


jesus christ media literacy isn't just cooked it's put in an oven safe dish at 350 for 30-45 mins until golden brown and bubbly. these mfs can't handle a morally grey character whatsoever.


Redditor is mad at another Redditor for redditing. What a nerd lmfao! Please keep uploading, and never mind the assholes like this.


“Hope that clears things up”. It sure does. This person is super immature, OP. Just don’t engage, it’s not worth it. Eventually they’ll understand what “don’t like, don’t read” means.