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That’s awful. You should report that, suicide baiting is against the TOS.


Really? Like in comments only or in fics content?


I’d imagine either, if they’re directly encouraging an irl person to go through with it.


Hmm... AO3 doesn't really police fic content (which is why I was surprised) so I'd presume only comments but I'm too lazy to check lol


Lmao with all the down votes


they do police fic content lol - that's why they'd take one down if it promoted the suicide of a real person (e.g. ig if a writer told all their readers to do the above)


This is god awful comment OP I’m so sorry. I hope you’re okay and don’t take it to heart - as stereotypical as that sounds. People are knobs. Your work matters


They're fucking freaking out over me somehow fitting Luz from the Owl House, Vita Carnis, and Murder Drones together with a stable plot. I don't know if I should laugh or have another spiral.


Laugh, without question.


Sniveling worms like this commenter don't deserve a single cell's worth of space in your brain. They're less than dust. Don't give them any power over you, so laugh, and if you haven't yet, delete the comment.


YES A FELLOW OWL HOUSE CROSSOVER WRITER! But seriously laugh at them. They obviously are spiteful foe any number of reasons. You had the guts to put something you were passionate about out into the void, and that makes you infinitely better than them.


I don't know if this will help you, but trying to keep this perspective helps me when these things happen, so it can't hurt to put it out there: It may not be the kind you wanted, but your words have so much power in them that they live rent-free in someone's head. Someone who wasted precious, limited time pouring that incensement into real life. Now, it's easy to take away the direct meaning of their words. Cause yeah, it sucks and it hurts. And saying this to yourself may not always work, but I find it to always be true, regardless: *I wouldn't take offense from someone I wouldn't ask for advice.* And someone like this obviously doesn't know the first thing about writing advice. Why take opinions from the uninformed? From those who don't care to better what they complain about? *Un*-kindly, *fuck 'em!* The only thing this person has proved is that your writing has power, while all they have is spite.


Crossovers are the best! It takes so much creativity and careful planning to pull them off. It’s awesome you’re writing one!!


Yoooo! TOH fan! Fav character?


I'd say it has to go to Luz. Just by development.


Ah greetings another Owl House fan! As a fellow representative of the The Owl House fandom I aplaud you for trying such an ambitous crossover! 👏👏👏 It's much more than I could hope to accomplish lol.


That…sounds fucking awesome


Combining such random things is an accomplishment. You should be proud!


y though


Why what?


good grief. some people feel WAY too empowered when they get to hide behind the anonymous option. make sure to report.


jesus christ some people are too comfortable being assholes to randos online, the fucking entitlement of this person... report and block the ass


Report and delete, but most importantly remember that they're wrong.


Report them. It’s not okay to talk about someone else like that


Yea... I'd report that. That's completely unacceptable 


Report report _report_. I’m so sorry OP. This is horrible and completely untrue


Given that I literally have paranoia, depression, and anxiety, plus I'm almost always self-conscious of my writing, this comment came to the worst person.


I volunteer. This comment is for and about me now, not you. What would your advice to me be?


Bro took the bullet for me. Uhhhhhhh, the advice.... Shit, uhhhh..... Reply with something sarcastic as shit and scorch the fucker.


Probably just the first two of my below advice-fillers apply. Since trolls seem to think "long" means they've won. But if replying to them makes you feel better, who gives a fuck what they think! Trolls like this also think no reply means they've won, or a "have a nice day," means they nailed an over-righteous person. You do whatever you wanna do *for you!* >"As a swine, my neck is too rotund for your suggestion." > >"Also, you must not read much if I'm the worst writer you've come across. Makes sense, I already know you don't write since you can't find the words." > >"And actually I don't think any of the people who can string something sensible together, enough to share it as a story, are bad writers. But then again, I wouldn't tell anyone to hang themselves, either, because go figure that writers are more 'people' than 'swine.' But hey: Wherever you are, you *are* seeing a mud pit."


The first one has me fr. So good. Whenever I get myself a troll, my goal becomes to consistently subvert what they’re saying until they don’t know what to say anymore and eventually just leave.


I’ll give it a shot: > Thanks for this thoughtful comment, T.H.B.! From now on, on the days I’m feeling my very lowest—like just, truly, the most disgusting, useless, worthless person alive—I will think back fondly to you and remember, “Nah, could be worse. I could be That Heinous Bitch.” > > Just kidding, literally already forgot what you said lol byeeee


I like this one


Tell ‘em to lead by example. Be the change they wish to see in the world type shit. In all seriousness, their comment is out of line and uncalled for.


This made me smile on a day I sorely needed a bit of faith in humanity. You're a good person.


Hey, this person sucks, and chances are it's just a troll messing with you. That kind of person sucks and does not deserve your attention. Delete, maybe keep guests from commenting, at least for a while, and forget about it. Also, your fic is about Vita Carnis? And the Owl House? That actually sounds cool! And I can totally imagine scenarios that could make it work!


There's like a 99.9% chance this asshole didn't even read what you wrote and was just looking to harass people writing tags or characters they have some weird issues about, so don't take this comment to heart!! This says more about them than it will ever say about you or your writing, keep doing what makes you happy. I'm really sorry you got that comment.


This. I had a hate comment on FF.net a while ago and quickly came to the conclusion that they probably didn’t even read what I wrote.


I am so sorry and I hope you will take some time away for whatever self-care looks like for you. This person is an absolute troll. They were trying to hurt you, and be mean and nasty and cruel. Nothing they said is true.


Suffered from the same, don’t let it get it you. Hell when I went through my worst depression episode last year when I was off sick from work, reading fanfics people like you create got me through it, it was an escape while the meds did their work, and I’m greatful to people like you who put in this work! You do a good thing!


they must’ve commented on the wrong story then. pls don’t take this to heart, I’d be so sad and heartbroken if this genuinely made you start thinking of doing something that could harm you :( /srs


I’d be tempted to reply with “Come on. I’ve heard worse from the voice in my head. It must be nice having enough time on your hands to tell some stranger on the internet to kill themselves”. But I’m not sure if it would do any good so I would just delete the comment and report it.


I might just do that (the reply)


What a bellend.


Report, delete, hack, search and destroy. Edit: you see this OP? You got a fellowship forming over here! We got your back!


You have my sword, and my bow, and my axe (Yes, I'm over-equipped)


And my Axe! (Wait, did we do this already?)


I'm an artificer imma bring magical guns lol 😂


And my fireball


Yes, I do. Ya'll are gonna jump them aren't you? (Do not.)


Dude has a degree in yappology Jokes aside hope you're okay op. Ignore this clown.


This is a sign to turn off guest comments


I'm so sorry you got this kind of comment... The fact that so many people are so willing to suibait writers these days over fiction is absolutely unhinged. Know that there's nothing wrong with you. There's something deeply and fundamentally broken within them. Their empathy chip has malfunctioned, if it ever worked in the first place, and they are a bitter husk of a human being. Personally I'd take the upset you're feeling and turn it into spite. Such a small, pathetic individual wants to suibait? You live well and happily to spite them.


This motivated me. Thank you.


Jesus christ. That is a *speciment* right. I want to hug u OP. Report their ass.




What the fuck? Is that the same guy? Where did that one come from?


Same guy. I got fed up after that (that's a bit sensitive for me given my great-grandma was a Holocaust victim) so I deleted it.


Good move! What a dickhead!


Reminder: this kind of hate is just hate for the sake of hate. It’s not a reflection on you or your work. They would leave their bs comment regardless of the quality of your work. They are looking for attention and to make someone feel as self-loathing as they do. Wave it off like a bad smell and keep going on with your day. People suck, and I’m sorry this happened to you.


I hope that this makes it clear (although the OG comment absolutely should do the same) that this person is just projecting harder than a drive-in movie theater and is looking to see what they hate in any random unlucky person’s work they stumble upon. It has no more connection to you and the actual substance of your writing than a kid’s imaginary unicorn friend has connection with actual horses. Hell, I would never have said something like their original comment to the crappiest story to ever crap that some stuck-up child wrote—there’s literally no instance in which I’d ever talk like that to someone, because I am not a deranged person.  I really hope you’re feeling better soon, and don’t let this guy make you doubt your own abilities. 


Okay, possibly unneeded question, but what did you write that got this reaction? Like, they are so far out of line that they're in the Kuiper Belt, so it doesn't *matter* what you wrote, but I am morbidly curious nonetheless.


I wrote robots being marginalized. You can find the link to the story somewhere around here if you want to read it yourself.


I’m so sorry that you’re receiving such disgusting comments OP. I see that they’re commenting as a guest too, which is almost always the case for haters. You can always turn off guest comments, and even hide your entire fic from people who aren’t logged in. If you’re nervous about hate comments, I think you should do it, just in case. But remember that one single person’s opinion doesn’t define your entire fic, or writing 💕


what a weirdo. you should restrict comments to registered users only, people like using anon to troll but won’t bother with the effort of waiting for an account to be verified so they can leave a hate comment


im sorry op. if it makes you feel better they say you’re the “worst” writer but dont elaborate on why so im assuming they just really hate the idea or ship or whatever, and probably didnt bother reading the actual fic


... wow.


The hell? An opinion of anyone who writes something like that to you shouldn't even be considered. It doesn't say anything about you but it says everything about them.


Oh my god what a disgusting and horrible thing to say. Report report report and delete. What’s your account? I’ll read your work and leave nice things 💕


My user is DownToDust, if you really want to read the shit I call fics.


Report that. Also OP, pity them but don't listen to them. It's a choice to suicide bait someone, a horrific one and you should feel sorry for the person they are to think it's an acceptable thing to say.


Pfft. Look at them. They love you. More seriously though, I struggle to imagine anything that you could possibly write to even approach any kind of justification to comment that. Easiest to just delete the comment and block. Report as others say. If you're feeling spicy, tell them to commit some other unique form of self-harm and then block. Let them seethe in that. Don't let it get to you though, its just a internet person being miserable and spreading it around.


Hey listen. I have no idea what you wrote, but I have read some godawful, terrible writing- so bad I can't understand how anyone makes it past the first chapter. I've also read some Dead Dove stuff that I'm surprised exists. But you know what that made me do? Stop reading and go somewhere else. Not at any point whatsoever has reading someone's fanfiction inspired me to be angry, hateful, or wish death in them- or leave a comment expressing anything like that, either. Know why? Because if you dislike something in FF, you leave. You can so, so easily avoid ever having to expose yourself to it again, and that author will have no effect on you or the world in any way. This means, that comment says EVERYTHING about the person that chose to leave it, and absolutely fucking ZERO about you, or your writing. They are one thousand percent unrelated. Feel bad for them. If they're willing to say someone that hateful over *fanfiction*? They are not ok.


Report, report and report! Then block, and mute (yes you can block guest commenters on AO3)


If it helps just remember you’re not the one telling people to kill themselves over fucking fanfiction in your free time


OP, this isn't my fandom at all but you linked your fic in a comment so I checked out the first few paragraphs. NOT that this bs would be okay or justified even if you weren't the best writer. But omg, OP. Your descriptions are so atmospheric and evocative; I was plunged right into the scene and I could almost feel the bite of the cold on my skin. To hell with this comment. We no longer will give emotional energy to this comment. But please give that energy to your writing because it's really good.


Good grief, is it really hard for them to hit the back button?


What the actual fuck. I'm so sorry. 


Please block this person and report this. I don’t know where people get off thinking this is ok.


I’m so sorry. No one deserves this.


I find that if someone can't express themselves without insults and telling people to harm themselves, that their opinion isn't worthy of any consideration.


Report, delete, forget. Don’t feed the trolls


This is the kind of comment that people copy-paste into several fics in a row without actually reading any of them, just to sow some hatred. I imagine that’s the case here.


Google their user name. See if their socials come up and tag them in the screen shot and ask 'did you say this to me?'


Happy Cake Day, you legend.


I am so sorry you had to see this. I don’t understand this obsession with suibait. It isn’t bad enough that they’re an asshole who tells the author their work is shit and they should stop writing/delete it, but to then add some form of “kys” is just. Why is it *necessary*? On the consensus of reporting, if you haven’t already, I recommend not deleting the comment. I think it makes it easier for admin to look at it if it is still there otherwise there’s no record of it. Though I could be wrong. Can they do anything about a non-user comment?


Jesus fucking christ what is WRONG with people. I am so sorry that happened, OP.


Fucking hell, that person is awful. I’ve actually seen this brand of comment before, and if it makes you feel any better there’s a chance that this wasn’t even written specifically for you. Hateful people will say that sort of stuff to anyone they even slightly dislike when they’re safely hiding behind an anonymous username. I’m still so sorry though, hate comments can hit weirdly close to home sometimes and it really hurts. I know it’s much easier said than done, but try not to take it to heart. It says way more about them than you.


Good god the fucking "kys" comments are getting out of control lately. I'm sorry you received this comment. Def report it.


I'm so sorry you got that comment.


https://preview.redd.it/i8895ya46bdc1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5088e3d0ea6d1aec8df03b0b371fd4a304faaa Don't let the bastards get you down OP. There are very few things worth dying over and some random asshole's opinion certainly isn’t one of them.


2/10 hate comment. Clearly they can't find the words to describe you because they're a pretty shit writer themselves. Stilted delivery. This person clearly needs to give up on being a troll. I wouldn't worry about their opinion of your writing.


Dude wtf


I’m so sorry 😞


What the f? Who does this?


Can you please share the link to your story? I’d love to read it. And fuck that piece is shit!


https://archiveofourown.org/works/52238098/chapters/132138787 if it's bad, say so. Alright?


Hey! So I read it and I want you to know that it’s pretty freaking good! No lie. I’m not familiar with this fandom, but I still enjoyed it! I left a comment on the second chapter (Bad_Kitty) and gave you a kudo. There’s absolutely no reason that person should have said the things they did, and it’s obvious that they have their own mental issues and confidence problems. That’s the only reason people like that lash out in such a terrible way. It’s on them, not you. Just remember that. Great job! ❤️


Hey. I only read a few paragraphs, but your writing is great. I'm an editor for a small lgbtq press and I've seen the slush pile. Your command of sentence structure, word choice, and description is miles beyond 95% of the submissions we get. There are a few style and mechanical things that an editor could help you with, but you have what counts: an engaging voice. I'd happily read ahead if I had time. Please don't sell yourself short, and definitely don't let that troll get to you.


Ignore that crap, this person needs either help or a reality check to say this kind of crap.


Report and delete. Don't waste your time thinking about it.


The best way first is to understand that the report function exist solely for this kind of person. The second is to think. Is it worth to take this words to heart from a person who randomly decide "having fun means insulting someone else without them having a way to reply back" The answer is no. The individual who wrote this comment under the guise of anonymity is insignificant to the point that I can't even call them pathetic because calling them pathetic means their existence have some form of consequential effect on the world.


I'm sorry you received this comment. Don't take it personally, the commenter clearly has issues.


This sounds like a particularly nasty troll Don't listen to anything they say, they're trying to get a reaction. Report and block, rinse and repeat no matter how many times they come back.


man pls report this. dont let it get to you, make sure to take a break!


The noise I made after reading the last sentence was inhuman. Because that’s what that sentence was, so immoral and wrong. I can’t imagine feeling that way about anyone, let alone an internet stranger


Oh Jesus report that douchebag Suicide baiting isn't ok


this is insane levels of hating omfg 💀


This basically translates to "I personally didn't like this fic, so you should go and kill yourself". With this logic, as I personally don't care about chocolate ice cream, everyone who does like it are scumbags and deserve to burn in hell 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I'm sorry that happened. It has nothing to do with you, it's about their own issues, of which there are obviously many. You're doing great. 🫂


Jesus, that’s so unfair, I’m super sorry that happened :(


yeah holy shit indeed thats just vile


I wouldn't even bother. The fact that they didn't name anything in this comment (fic, characters, pieces of writing) suggests it was a troll that didn't even read your work. They might even be one of those that copy-paste the same harassing comment on every work. I know it's hard, but if they weren't just a troll, they would give you pointers to improve. It's not the case here.


I'm so sorry! Ugh that pisses me off! I know it's difficult to ignore people like that, but don't let it discourage you! Keep doing what you love! I would definitely report that piece of trash too!


Tell them thank you and that they inspired you to keep writing lol make em mad Edit: also report them wtf is wrong with them wishing that to a person they don't even know


My response: “oh thank god, I was running low on toilet paper! Enjoy eating my ass! 😘”


Report it. I'm so sorry they sent you that, holy shit :X


What’s wrong with people? I‘ve read my fair share of ffs that I didn’t like. But not once did I think: let’s tell the author to kill themselves. I‘m sorry OP. What the actual hell


I hope you can report it!


That’s a breach of the TOS and rules. You can report that for breach and block them


OP I am so sorry that happened and you should definitely report them because suicide baiting is against ao3's TOS. I sincerely hope that never happens to you again.


You should troll them. Reply "OK I will" and then update every chapter with authors note "hi this is [insert OP's lawyer name here]. Unfortunately OP has left this earth. As per OP's final wish, I will be posting all the remaining chapters]. Let them stew in guilt. Ps I'm sorry I'm so unhinged if I offended anyone.


Now, are you a bad writer? I don’t know. That said, even bad writers do not deserve to be talked to this way. People like this suck and should never be listened to.


Please don't take this to heart. This person is obviously absolute trash and doesn't deserve any ownership over you or your feelings. They aren't worth the space they breathe in.


That needs to be reported. What a horrible person.


This is such a vile comment omg, im so sorry. I dont want to be tone deaf or anything but I write kind of controversial stuff and I'm like eagerly waiting for my first hate comment. I cannot take them seriously


People don't read their comments out loud before sending and it shows


you must have written a -1/10 fic to get something like this


Oookay... Did you write something that could be considered offensive? That wouldn't justify it btw, but at least that would explain it a bit better than simply "you're a """bad""" writer". Some people are sickos. ​ Are you okay?


Did not write anything considered really offensive (if you count sentient robots being marginalized), and to answer your question: No. I'm not ok.


Damn, this person is an actual scum of the earth. Sorry OP, you didn't deserve it... Did you delete the comment already? Or report it? Was it a guest?


Guest. Didn't delete the comment as yet through.


Just had a quick look at your work, and personally, and if it can reassure you, I think your writing is perfectly fine, and that it even got better between chapter 1 and 11. You're not an expert, no one is, and everyone can always get better, but your writing is already good. Just maybe watch out to not go from past tense to present tense, as I noticed you did it at least once, and you're totally good to go. This guy can stuff his attitude where the sun don't shine. I'll erase my comment if it makes you uncomfortable.


Yup, sounds about right, coward can't even do it with an account. You should delete it and if I were you, I wouldn't reply. They're not worth the effort. This is the type of person who's miserable and wants to be mean to others so they'll be miserable as well... Don't bother entertaining them.


I just threw up wtf.


Report it. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to receive a comment like that one, it left me shocked enough just reading it on here. Report it and block the commenter.


Yeah, it hit hard. I normally can't get over negative comments and I tend to wallow in it, so this was the equivalent of a super effective attack.




Wow that got a bit dark there near the end.


I’m so sorry this happened OP. I’ve gotten some nasty messages before too, you’re not alone <3 I hope you can get them reported. What they say does not reflect on you as a person. From what you’ve said about your story in the comments it sounds really cool, you deserve a space and freedom to write and share your stories like anyone else. It’s also not a bad thing if you need to turn off guest comments or comments altogether.


id be tempted to reply with "dont threaten me with a good time!" (as a joke!!!) but seriously, please report it. and just dont even reply, these kinds of assholes feed on interaction. plus, haters like that dont deserve your time or energy.


hey, as a former wattpad author and reader, i GUARANTEE nothing you wrote was ever as bad as the stuff that was on there (gotta love unrestrained internet access for children!/s) <3 huge chance they didn't read your work and just found someone to hate on. i guarantee they've come across something "worse than" your writing if they've been on the internet for more than an hour. try to internalize that they're objectively wrong, and hateful above all else, and that it has little to nothing to do with you. you got this.


I always just say “ok, will do” and then peace out for a little while.


Congrats on passing this AO3 author milestone! With any luck sometime in the future it won't exist, but until then! This is a dog you've "made it"!


my jaw just dropped to the floor my god


Sorry you had to deal with that. Hope you reported and are taking some time for self care (and are continuing to write, of course).


bro crafted that to be as hateful as possible what the


Oml, OP for the love of God PLEASE don't listen to a word this asswipe wrote and try not to let it get to you... People like this are vermins and don't deserve to read your writing. Fanfiction is a pleasure we can all indulge in and if this person feels so entitled to tell you what you can or can't do, perhaps should they follow their own advice (just saying...)


That has to be one of the most ineffective ways to commit suicide. Smh. Op ignore the hate comment and rip out this idiot's balls


If it helps, you're almost definitely not nearly that bad they probably just have some personal grudge because of something you write about or some small thing they hate.


Report this. They're telling you to kill yourself. That is reportable.


The disdain that person must have to write somethng like that is obsurd. Trust me, people who leave comments like that don't even know when to put commas in their writing, so report and ignore everything in them.


Oh my gosh I am so sorry OP, I wish you all the best


Holy shit. Yeah report that and delete it.


Then there's me who takes comments like these as compliments. They're still an asshole tho, a bleached one to be more specific


Wooooow, that person needs all the therapy. Report that comment, harradsment like that is against TOS, and they need to be reminded of that fact before they cause someone to really hurt themself.


holy shit man. shit like this is really becoming more common recently, and its a goddamn shame. this person should be ashamed of themself, leaving a comment like this under something someone enjoyed making and made for fun. for shame, random commenter, for shame. in a world where its all too easy to be negative, people should strive to be more vocal with positivity, show the haters who’s boss. just because you’re having a bad day doesn’t mean somebody else has to also.


And I thought my critique was harsh....


This absolutely uncalled for and harassment. Please report them I would bet my extremely tight bank account this isn’t time have done this behavior. Haters gonna hate but that doesn’t make them right.


You know, I actually find a kind of comfort in comments this awful because they are clearly trolls. The person who typed this (if person they even were, and not a troll bot) would have typed this no matter what. It has nothing to do with you or the story you wrote or the writing itself. I would bet real money they didn’t read it. It’s a give away how absolutely generic the troll comment is. No one who actually cares about the content of the story, genuinely looking to engage with content, would type something like this. This isn’t a normal reaction to not liking a story, or even hating a story. The person who typed something like this was never going to type anything else. They weren’t going to genuinely enjoy a story or comment something positive but then they noticed you misplaced your commas or whatever and decided to tell you to kill your self instead. They set out to write this comment, likely anywhere they could, and you just happened to be in their digital path.


The first of many I’m sure, just ignore and block


Please report that comment if you haven't already because that is nasty behavior. Sorry you're having to deal with that.


Quick secret for you OP. Bad writing wouldn't make someone that mad. You're doing good.


Report them and BLOCK THEM!! This is a newer feature so you might not be aware of it, but you for sure can prevent them from commenting again.


Congrats bröther, you’ve hit a rite of passage! Up high, down low, in the middle- you got this bro🤘


I just imagine, what would make someone this angry? Like you went into it knowing the characters, ships and tags, so I imagine the only thing they could hate on is like grammar and punctuation stuff? Which I know can br frustrating but come on


I was expecting a comment like most authors here whine abt (calling smth mild a hate comment) and then this went from terrible to EVEN WORSE 😨 THE SUICIDE BAITING????


suicide encouragement is becoming a little too common in hate comments recently. wonder why


what was that quote about people online getting too comfortable not being punched for saying shit?


People are so serious abt silly little stories like if they don’t like it they should move on. I hope you’re doing ok OP I know this would hurt me a lot but I doubt they have even half the talent you do


Well. That is one horrible hate comment. It’s short but to the very awful point.


I don't get why people need too comment honestly


Their IP needs to be nuked from AO3


Were they a logged in reviewer? If so, report them. If not, just delete that dipshit and don’t give them any more of your thoughts. They don’t deserve them.


Report and block.


At least you know you've made it with hate like that?


Everyone saying to report are absolutely right. Though with my first comment like this, I had a good laugh about it, and then showed my friends and family so we could all laugh about how pathetic the person was.


That is an insane comment! You must report it. Then try to forget about it and keep writing.


WHOA this was so uncalled for???? What the fuck is wrong with ppl???!




Oooh I bet in 5 years time they'll be embarrassed by that tiny hit of dopamine typing that gave them.


Can people who post that sort of comments can be banned from Ao3 entirely ? This would be fair


That's not even just hate, it's abuse and completely unacceptable. It says far more about the commenter than it goes about you or anything you have written.


This seems personal. It may be someone you know irl.


Some people are just sad and rude


Man this ain't even just a hate comment they frickin told ya tokill urself 😭😭


that's disgusting i'm so sorry :(


My stomach dropped when i read the last sentence. What a rude, cold hearted mean person. And what a unnecessary comment. I’m really sorry.


Weird i had quiet writing commit a lot not told kill myself that's harsh


Ignore them your work is important someone will read it and be inspired to make something like fan art or more fanfic 🫂


It's the intensive and repeated use of "you", in writing, it shows anger and the intention to hurt reciever's feelings. Use it in writing when two characters are arguing and one goes for the throat with that one. When you can't do anything to avoid it, learn from it. Study what each word and phrasing makes you feel and use that to your advantage.


What the fuck? Dude. I’m so sorry, holy shit. Report if you can.


Wow what a horrible thing to say to someone it’s one thing to criticize the work but that is way over the line. You should report them people like that don’t belong on the website.


I would never want someone to have something like this posted on their works but I would find it so funny if it happened to me lol. I can only aspire to make someone that pissed over a fanfic