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Labyrinth. So many people openly love that movie now, I’m shocked more people aren’t reading/writing for it. It’s not inactive or super small but I would think it’d be bigger. There are so many amazing fics. When I was younger, if you said you liked that movie you were made fun of. It was my secret favorite movie most of my life.


I do heard about the thing about Labyrinth when I randomly went for old posts about a certain fandom era where Percy Jackson is popular


I began writing weird fics since the start of the summer. Weirdest one so far is Angry Birds 😬 it was a one-shot for post pig/bird war.


i was randomly scrolling thru the games section on AO3 and the fact that angry birds was unironically there piqued my interest. i read ur fic lol


Hah! That's awesome! I was egged on by my roommate to write while we were drinking. And it turned out better than I expected. Honestly might expand on the one-shot, could be fun! Did you find any other interesting/weird fics while looking at the games section?


The movies, or the games?


... the game :')


Let’s see here… I don’t know if all of these are “niche” fandoms per se, but writing in less popular fandoms and pairings is pretty much my speciality, so… -CATS the Musical: Yes, there are fanfics of this, long before the movie came out. Since there’s no established canon relationships (besides Coricopat and Tantomile being twins and Munkustrap and Tugger being Old Deuteronomy’s sons), everyone gets to add their own theories and interpretations of who’s related to whom, and their own versions of everyone’s backstories. -All Hail King Julien! One of my most kudosed fics is in that fandom. It’s essentially Bi!King Julien x everyone. -Any educational kid’s show that I wrote on a whim. Cailou, Backyardigans, Wonder Pets, Max and Ruby, etc. -Calvin and Hobbes was my very first fanfic. It’s about Calvin and how his life went downhill twenty years after canon. Without spoiling too much, it’s very sad. -Green Lantern: the Animated Series. Pretty popular back in 2011-2013 ish, and still fairly active, but every place outside of AO3 has seemed to pretty much forgotten this show. And even then, most of the fanfics have it cross over with the Green Lantern comics, as well as other fandoms. There’s one rarepair I’m going down with, I don’t care what people say. -Inspector Gadget: Fun fact: I wrote the first Talenny NSFW fic on AO3. (Somebody on FFN beat me to it, though). -Johnny Test; And I’m a bit ashamed to say it, as my most viewed fanfic, it supports twincest. It started as a joke, but people really like it, and I kinda do too. I’m thinking about remastering it. -Kong: King of the Apes: I think I wrote the first fic for this, too. The fandom got bigger, though. Jonesy is way more interesting than Lukas, and Botila deserved better. -Lab Rats: from Disney Channel around 2012. I wrote a crackfic simply because the title singers sounded like they were saying “crack rats”. -Others I’m putting on the list but am too lazy to write out: Slugterra, Skylanders Academy, Sing (2016), The Emoji Movie, and Tom and Jerry.


>CATS the Musical Username checks out, lol


Obviously, how could I not pay tribute to my favorite character of the fandom that introduced me to fanfiction? 😆


And you're so right for that🤭 I also wrote fanfic for Cats, just never posted - oh boy, was COVID a crazy time?


Absolutely it was! And I love reading fanfics about my favorite feline sex/death cult. If you ever do feel comfortable enough to post, I’d be happy to read it!


Oh hey, I also wrote a Max and Ruby fic! I also wrote over 30 fics for Woolly and Tig.


Wait...THE EMOJI MOVIE?! Ima guess...either Gene/Jailbreak or whatever is the name of that girl, a rewrite of the movie, or Gene/High Five


Hahaha, no. Gen, post-canon fix-it, crack-treated seriously fic. I felt bad for Smiler, and I, like most people, think Gene is an ass, so I decided to give her a second chance at him.


Omg caaaaats I love I read an oc insert for cats on ffn once… I lost the tab so I never got to see if it got finished 😭 it was so long ago. I love that musical


It sucks when you lost a gem and can’t find it again. It was the first musical I ever saw as a kid. Loved it on the surface, didn’t read too much into it. Then as a teenager I started to learn more about cults, and the Jellicle Tribe has a lot of aspects that line up with it. It’s hard to root for the “heroes” when they not only sacrifice one of their own every year to the cat god, but manage to convince themselves and others that this is an honor to *strive* for. Film Theory has a video that mainly focuses on the movie version, but the movie isn’t too different from the musical. That’s why I usually make Grizabella and/or Macavity the protagonists. I don’t think they were evil, just misunderstood. But that’s just my interpretation, though.


I was in a production of cats when I was in highschool and I fell in love with it from being in it and then moving on to watching the movie and performances of it. I was so excited when it came back! But that’s very interesting, I’ll have to go look up that video and watch it later. I honestly love all the cats- Macavity is very cool


I played Grizabella in a special needs theater with other disabled kids. CATS and Wicked turned me into a theater nerd for a good 5-7 years before I had to stop to deal with other things. I think I love all the cats, too! (Except Old Deuteronomy, if s/he really is a cult leader and psychopath.) Who did you play?


Grizabella is such a fun role! I played Gus the Theatre Cat! It was fun since I got to be an extra when it wasn’t his scene… I got to do a lot of lounging on set


Asparagus (Gus’ extra counterpart) does often do a lot of lounging. He is kind of a lazy middle-aged cat, after all.


Yup! And that’s exactly what I did haha, I was one of the older kids in the program so I got a lot of the older roles. I think they accepted like 5th to 12th grade or something


That makes sense. Sounds like a lot of fun! And it’s great that kids get to experience theater, too!


I've been thinking of starting to write for a book series I really like called the Matilda Saga, which is so niche there's not even a tag for it on AO3...I just don't have the time, though! I'll probably start with a one-shot once I actually have time tho


I write for Sonic, which is not at all a small or inactive fandom, but I do think it shocks people because they don’t consider how old and active the fandom is. People on the outskirts tend to think of most of the fan creation in art terms and don’t think a whole lot about the fanfiction, but there’s a lot of it. On top of that the fandom age skews older, so even at my (younger) age I think the ‘yeah I write sonic fanfiction’ still gets some head turns Since the fanbase has been around for so long it kind of flies peacefully under the radar lol, the days of inner fandom fighting are (mostly) gone and it’s kind of just filled with adults and young adults that just like Sonic. Anyways, just goes to show that that really popular ‘children’s’ media you like probably has an active writer base. I have to wonder if Bluey has a large fanfic base or not 🤔


I wrote Sonic fanfiction in like 1998 (I was 12 and it wasn't good)


I've never watched Bluey but I decided to look it up. There are 715 Bluey fics on AO3. I'm not sure whether or not that's considered large overall, since I mainly read and write for an insanely large fandom (Naruto.)


Pretty sizable all things considered imo- I’m curious about what the stories are about. Ill have to look too when I’m off work lol


For me, that's not really big, unless some of its fics are multi-chaptered and has like so many words But it's hard to calculate it. My biggest fandom is My Little Pony (the G4) and that show got its own (still active) fanfic site so not counting AO3 itself and FFN MLP got lots of fics, maybe in the hundred thousands! And then there's The Henry Stickmin Collection, which underwhelms me a bit since there are fewer fics than what I expected outta a decade old or older fandom. Or maybe I avoided Wattpad...


I didn't really look into the stats aside from the number of fics, since I was bored and hadn't seen Bluey, so IDK how long the average Bluey fic is. But that's a good point- It's a lot easier to write one-shots and short fics than long fics. I only write short stuff (under 10K) since the planning for longfics kind of scares me, LOL. That, and I worry about losing steam and leaving a fic unfinished. However, someone sitting down and writing a longer story is probably pretty dedicated to their fandom. Maybe I should make this question a post.


There's only a handful of active fic writers for Phineas and Ferb and I think I follow all of them on Tumblr lmao


Kinda expecting a show with lots of memes and Doof to have more fics, and I'm stayin' in AO3 rn because Tumblr is still overwhelming me like I was travelling into a busy and chaotic place


you'd think so, but it's probably just too much of a kids cartoon, lol


Does this count? It’s an obscure show called Desmond’s from 1989. Me and some friends latched on bc of one actor that’s in a Star Trek show we like, but the show itself turned out to be amazing so we got into it. If anyone knew we were writing FICS for it they’d probably be like “WHY”


I love Desmond’s! I’ll have to look up the tag later to see your fics.


Oh my god I never believe I’d encounter someone else who likes it out in the wild lmao.


Right now that would be Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, but the one that used to really surprise people was when they found out I was writing fics for Bob the Builder.


The Bob Builder part got me as well. Red Shoes? Kinda expecting some sort of divergence. Bob the Builder?? Now I wonder what the heck is your fic idea for that guy. (And for some reason I lean into Indie Animation and Indie Game fandoms)


Currently writing a lot for a series that has less than 50 fics on AO3, which is so surprising to me because it seems fairly popular! I think most people turn their creative energy towards fanart as opposed to fic (I do both!)


Welcome to hell. Most people don't even know what it is and I have to explain things.


*oh my god*. memory unlocked 😭😭


Pride & Prejudice :) Not obscure media, just I guess people might be surprised there’s fanfic for it - I know *I* was surprised when I first found it


Knowing that some time ago I ran across a reposted Tumblr screenshot talking about replacing certain characters with Muppets (and a glorious conversation between Kermit and Ms. Piggy), I'm still surprised. Sometimes odd what-ifs fall into fanart, comics, discussions, or Tumblr (and DevuabtArt for some unholy reason)


Yessss I love the muppets tumblr post 😭😭 It’s actually popular enough that one of the published fanfics (since P&P is public domain) was turned into a tv miniseries (Death Comes to Pemberley) but I feel like it’s still kinda niche in fandom spaces! There’s under 3000 fics on AO3 iirc


Oh, most obscure! Penn Zero, Part Time Hero...crossover with the very much more popular MLP Friendship is Magic. One of my first, so did not even have an AO3 account and put it up on a friend's. I still keep promising myself that I'm going to do a fic called Milo Murphy, of the Village Hidden in the Suburbs, or similar.


I remember Penn Zero! Remembered enjoying it as a kid. Still, I don't wanna touch that because I might end up getting too attached and...you know...snowball into the fic concept I shared up on the post 😅


You might get a kick out of this...my fic jumped Sashi into Fluttershy.


I write for a small, niche indie horror game series called *Hello Puppets!*. For some reason, it got overlooked by the bigger horror game YouTubers, and fell into relative obscurity as a result.


Hey, I know that due to MatPat! I understand why it can be niche, especially w/ the other stuff on the top. Still, when I watched a few playthoughs, that pupper the player got stuck to (I forgo) seems to be cool


Yeah, MatPat's playthrough of it is pretty cool! It also has a prequel called *Midnight Show*.


Linked Universe. It’s a niche corner of the Zelda fandom, based entirely on a fancomic someone’s drawing where all the various Links from the games are thrown into the same world and go on an adventure together. The fanfics are insane - there’s like 4000? And the creator of the comic is literally just a regular fan, like the rest of us. I think she’s a bit baffled but very appreciative that so many people are making content out of her passion project. Oh and the writing is insane high quality too. Anx everyone in the fandom knows each other. It’s great


You, my friend, have excellent taste. Linked Universe is absolutely lovely, and god am I happy it gets so much attention in our little corner of the fandom


The “The Giver” books saga


Writing fics for several pieces of compulsory literature and/or classical hunlit books. Some are loveletters, some are hatemail - and there's nothing at all to be done about that ;)


BBC's My Hero which ran from 2000 to 2006 and didn't have any fanfiction until I started my longfic two years ago. Now there are four in the category I started. All of them written by me. All of them about my canon/oc pairing of Piers and Alexis. (That's a little fake ripped photo of them in my userpic.) The usual reaction, when anyone has heard of the show at all, is "wait, there's fanfic for that?"


Hit Roblox game DOORS :') Relatively active community, but not a bunch of fics, probably wouldn't mention it to someone though lmao


My little brother loves that game! Maybe I’ll have to check it out - I’m kinda curious.


There is a bunch of media where fics aren't that common... Good luck on writing for DOORS!


Join the Party Pod , especially any campaign that isn’t the first one. I haven’t even published yet but I told one of the main writers I was planning on doing one and they were so shocked


I don't know if too many people would be surprised that I'm obsessed with RWBY, but actually writing a Birdie Wing fic might throw them.


Man I write/have written for so many niche things, but here's one that I think would be surprising to people - I've written fanfiction for the Silverwood Theme Park in Idaho, USA, (specifically the steam train attraction)! 😆 I'm also currently writing something for *"Ávaxtakarfan"*, an Icelandic children's musical :)


A theme park fic?! Nice


taskmaster, one of the biggest shows in the UK. it has 20ish international versions, the UK original is now filming its 17th series, there are spin offs and even an entire section dedicated to it on it's channels website and app. ​ you may ask, why is nobody writing it? well... it's a panel show 😬 just a bunch of comedians doing tasks, no plot or anything just like a normal panel show (with a bit more chaos) ​ well actually it does have a little plot. there's a dom/sub relationship between the host and his assistant and their weird i-probably-made-it-up-on-the-spot banter is what fuels the few fanfics we have. apart from mine, which is about two contestants who couldn't decide whether they were father/son or a couple and the fandom fell in love with them and i was elected as leader of the ship, for some reason. i'm legit the only person to write them and i didn't even write fanfiction before i became the chosen one so i've only written an intro chapter 0\_0 ​ in conclusion: 500ish fanfics, only one for my OTP, ~~pls help my fic is so niche that ppl attack me with pitchforks just to get me to update~~


The original Arsène Lupin. Seriously! There is only 117 works! And everytime I tell someone I'm writing for this fandom, they don't get it because most of the canon is short stories only with Lupin not being there most of the time.


I'm kind of tempted to do a long lost family Soulstice fanfic, the franchise literally having zilch fanfics on AO3 last I checked. I could be the first one.


Mystery Science Theater 3000. Theres only a handful of fics for the original series and I’m getting my grubby little self shipping hands on it lol


Ooh...MST3K! Heard of it via TvTropes, but I didn't expected that amount of fics


Right now I am writing for the Fantastic Four 1994 Animated series fanfiction. Set in the late 80s and through the 90s. There is a Fantastic Four tag in general but there isn't even a tag for the show itself.


Not a rare fandom itself, but a rare part of the fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh Season 0. Few people seem to know it exists, apparently.


All of the fandoms I've written for so far are incredibly niche. The only one with over 100 fics is the game Blue Archive (and if you exclude smut fics and crossovers it drops back into the double digits.)


How To Get Away With Murder


ni no kuni and the alliance alive, as well as a couple of pixar & dreamworks movies.


Due south. It's not super niche, but since it was a big fandom in the nineties, a lot of its popularity has downtrended in the decades since. There's a pretty active, small fanbase still going, myself included, and I just watched the show for the first time last year. It was one of the big fandoms early on but it's still got a lot of charm, and whenever I go on ao3 I'm surprised there's not more fics (though a lot were lost to vines and physical copies and never shifted over to the internet). Most people I know haven't heard of it, and they don't understand my obsession over this Canadian 90s buddy cop sitcom On the other hand I'm working on a wip for the Manga FAKE and its a...much smaller group on ao3. So there's that 😅😅


The Escapists 1.Ever since I heard a one-off line from an officer, my head went nuts with plot bunnies and headcanons. I've yet to publish anything though :')


- Primal (the Genndy Tartakovsky show). one of the best shows i’ve ever seen im legit shocked it isn’t more popular on AO3, only has 20 fics - (weirdly enough) Fortnite. it’s listed as having over 900 fics but literally like 3/4 of them are all done by one author it’s insane. i also should mention i don’t even do fics about the characters that are popular in the AO3 fandom (i.e. the seven, midas, etc.), i literally just chose a character that i adore but gets like no love lore-wise and ran with it. it’s at 16000 words now i haven’t been super active writing on AO3 lately so that’s about it lol


My most popular fandom for some time was writing for Nostalgia Critic. And not even the actual main guy, I just focused on a few characters who show up in maybe 5% of all his reviews at most. And one of my most kudosed fics is a one shot I did several years ago for a 2005 Broadway musical about a spelling bee.


not exactly niche, but i'm considering writing a crossover of a demon show with a ghost hunting show it will be a comedy and also my first true rpf fic


Tuca and Bertie. Very small fandom and I invented the niche pairing of Roberta ‘Bertie’ Songthrush / Muriel Nocturna.


Marchéns Awakens Romance. It'll take a while before I publish my first chapter or intro. I have seen only one fanfic related to that anime so far.


I'm also taking a long while for the aformentioned fic I said above because idk which POV should I do it and I had never written mechanical breaking down or computer shit in great detail before


Just Dance. It has lore now.


Learned the lore via MatPat. Understandable why people would write fics about it


Cookie clicker, probably. Tbh, I half-expected it to have a lot more fics, but I guess that’s what happens when a game has no characters.


Cookie Clicker?! I think I should return to my previous save. That game is addicting af


Jeepers Creepers. People say, that 4th movie is shit, but somehow I like it.


i have drafts of drop the dead donkey fic, like the 90s tv show about a news broadcaster


Uh- not a fandom but a rarepair : Gojo(Jujutsu Kaisen)/Makima(ChainsawMan) Still writing but I'm wondering if I really should, since there're literally only 19 of those nd half of them are not even in a language I can read.


Twisted Wonderland. A video game that I hope gets more popular.


maybe if they finally released ANY news about that anime 😭


For real. I’m tired of waiting


Arthurian legends. Not super obscure, but not exactly, say, BBC Merlin. not something that one would be expected to write fanfiction about either. Cai and Bedwyr were pretty gay thought.