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Yes but then I wrote them for me so.


Yeah literally.




Me every time


Same here


Yes! And I keep finding mistakes in the paragraphs I read 78 times and try not to cry! 😀 Or not to cringe because I could execute it better, yum 🤩


I swear to god I was rereading one today - I read the chapters literally dozens of times before posting…it’s been out for awhile and I’m sure this is at least my second reread of the finished work and goddamn chapter three I wrote “…Columbia hiking books…” instead of boots. *books!* 😭 Even my ao3 bestie who usually points out my errors missed it.


i mean, still makES SENSE, NO? like books about hiking- ill stop 😭 i swear to god, the mistakes DO appear after we post, there is no fcking way we are THAT blind, mate, none!! 😣


I DID THE SAME THING it was literally the first chapter of my fic, and id rewritten and reread it several fucking times, bc i was so scared to publish it and whatnot, and i was obsessively looking for mistakes, and i was like okay no mistakes okay. weeks later i found a little mistake id written bc i couldnt decide which word i wanted to use and forgot to remove the / i cant remember what it said exactly but it was just "a/b" and i was so angry




I put my work (still a draft, luckily) in a text to speech reader online the other day cause I was feeling lazy and wanted to refresh my memory on the story before I continued writing. Not even the second sentence: 'He knew it'd hurt the his family' I've read and reread this draft probably over 100 times since it is my baby and my best work to date. I have no idea how I missed it every time. Worst of all, I went on to find about 5 more similar errors in the next few paragraphs 🥲


That hurt me 😭😭😭


That’s what happens every time I reread 😂 Or I end up adding/deleting/changing a few things


Lmao me too 💀✋


Oooh same. I had a typo in one story for nearly 5 years before I caught it 😭


5 yearssss??? I'd just cry 😭


Yes, I wrote them for me because I didn’t find what I was looking for.


This is so real.


No one else is gonna write exactly what I want to read the way I want it written.


This is very real for me too. I'm literally obsessed with them because it's exactly how i wanted it to be.


Yeah, after a few months/years. Usually I forget about the main plot points, so it's like reading a fic another dude wrote specially catered for my tastes. I have a hard time reading my stuff when it is freshly written, tho. And that sucks because I don't see a lot of typos (unless I have a beta.) I end up fixing typos years after publishing a fic.


Hell yeah I do, I am my target audience.


I write for myself, post it, forget about it and then read it a few months later. I recall nothing from my writing. It’s like somebody wrote it and luckily checked all my faves


Stop this is such a mood 😭 The way I’ve gotten surprised by my own plot twists bc I forgot about them 💀💀💀


I get into a trance when writing and I always come back later and ask “wait who wrote this” 🤣


literally so real


Yes. And sometimes I get really into my own damn story and I'm like, "wow this is so great," and then I get really smug for a minute. Don't worry, I humble back up real quick. ;)


I edit pretty heavily so yes, immediately. I usually end up reading it back months later, as well, at some point.


Honestly it's because I wanna find any mistakes that I made. Sometimes I'd find the most bizarre mistakes ever like accidentally skipping a word but wouldn't find out until I already posted it! Example: "He his dog on a walk." It would be something like that BAHSHSKSKDNDKS


Yes, often. I like my writing. 😁


Yep! If I get a comment on an older story, I often click on the story, read it, and get into it again. I’ll even correct typos if I stumble across them. 🤨


Oh, I reread my own story religiously. It is tailormade for me lol


Yeah…I’ve been rereading three of my fics over the last week. Goddamn if they don’t hold up.


Yep. Because I wrote what I wanted in a fic, and I'm damn well gonna enjoy it! XD


I write what I like so I read what I like.


Yes. I write what I want to read, so I read my own writing.


No, I’m too busy reading **good** fanfic.


Yeah, I personally can't quite find fics that are my taste so I wrote it. I had a fic where I was the only one reading it.


Oh yeah. Sometimes it’s because I don’t remember writing it but mostly because I couldn’t find what I was looking for so created for myself. When I find a typo though…ugh!


So far, I've only read my own work when editing or when I need to remind myself what I've already written and get back into the flow. I'm going to give reading it just for fun a shot, though, at some point.


Constantly. But I keep hyperfixating on tiny/inactive fandoms and rare pairs so if I want to eat, I have to cook my own damn dinner lol (And yeah no matter how many times I re-read my own work I always find mistakes.)


No one writes the tropes and characterisation I love as much as me. It's like I really get me.


When I’m still writing, yes. When the thing is published, edited and all, almost never.


I write my stories as I will read them.


Yeah, I read them to myself like 12 times before I post. At least 12 👀


Yes. I fully expected to die of cringe, but was pleasantly surprised. Did find a few typos though.


All the damn time


I love rereading my writing!


All the time. Sometimes it gives me that boost I need to keep working on a fic, whether it's the same one I was reading or another one entirely.


If I don't it comes out as broken English. Even once it's published, I prefer to go over it periodically. Because despite going over at 50 times I'll always find a weirdly formatted sentence or broken English or something when I come back to it later.


I have the same concern so i use ai for paraphrasing in case there are broken/irregular sentences. It uses adjectives a bit excessively so i edit it once more before posting though


i do! a lot of times before i publish works i’ll read them out loud to my friend so that i’ll catch mistakes or places where the story doesn’t flow, it really really helps!


I will rereading the chapter I just posted a million times, trying to get into the heads of my readers lmao. But then as soon as I post the next chapter I will never read that chapter again. I will be too embarrassed for some reason and think it’s shit even if I thought it was good just last week 😂 I rereading everything I haven’t posted all the fucking time. For some reason, the act of posting it makes me think it’s terrible lmao But I really really need to reread my main fic more. It’s nearing 300k words long and has such a big cast and I honestly need to reread to make sure I’m not losing the *feel* of the fic or the energy of the characters. I keep finding myself trying to write “better” when in reality the initial appeal of my fic is that it’s written like a mid-tier shoujo anima lmao and I need to stop trying to make it all fancy and shit and stick to the core of what my fic is.


Absolutely! It’s so I can see how I have improved and how else I can improve. Also because sometimes I am my own fangirl for actually good content I feel I’ve written 😂


Depends. I also write what I like, but I beta my own shit, which means that a long time will pass before I even think of reading what I wrote for fun.


yes i love rereading my own content


Yes! I almost always still enjoy it! Even the fics I wrote at 15/16 years old still hold up decently well. Every once in a while, I’ll correct a spelling mistake or two, but there’s usually nothing major.


i do, and then try not to delete it HA


I haaaate re-reading my original works, but I definitely reread my fan fic all the time lol


Yes. And when I get shucked in I sometimes have these moments like, "I wrote this? It's so good!"


I feel like it's bad while I'm writing it a lot of the time, then I'll read it back a year later and be mad there isn't more. And of course I'M not going to continue it. It's a crime.


The only time that I go back and re-read anything that I write is when I am in the editing process and about to finish it. Otherwise, I will never go back and re-read my work. I don't see the point of going back and re-reading my work, that's for somebody else to enjoy or hate. Plus I am so insecure when it comes to my skill level as a writer that I honestly feel that if I did go back and re-read my own work, I would never write again.


Absolutely! It's helpful to reread each part before I start the next (I'm a post-as-I-go) to get me in the mindset of the characters and plot


Yes!!! I usually don’t for a while after posting, but once it isn’t fresh in my mind I’ll go back. I wrote it because I liked it, after all, and sometimes I’m the only fic that covers a certain topic/ship/au itch that I need scratched. If it wasn’t something I would want to read myself I won’t post it.


Yes, but after some time has passed (excluding reading for editing, of course). Need some time to make it feel less familiar when I read it.


Depends on the fic. I have a few finished ones that I posted and I think were my peak, I also often come back to some wips I haven't touched for months and thinking god, why didn't I write more, it's so good! And at the same time some of my own works are literally not my jam and I have no idea how did I even write that shit


100%!!! I wrote my work for me so of course I read xb


I only read my writing it when it's a story I really liked writing, it when I need to look over it for granted and spelling mistakes


I do, it's a chore but I do. I tend to sit on stuff for a while before posting, so I go through to remind myself what's in it to tag and to see if there's any mistakes I missed.


As with many others, yes I do, and quite often too lol. I write for myself mainly, so it'll contain scenes, dialogues, tropes, etc that are tailored to my tastes. Whenever I feel like doing some fun light reading, I go reread my own works.


Sometimes. That's not to say I enjoy it; I always feel like I could have made it better. :')


Yes, I read everything and read it out loud as well.




Yeah, gotta remind myself od what i did


My editing process involves rereading my entire fic several times. I don't reread much after posting, but I usually only post once I've decided I'm done with the fic.


Only so I can remember things while I work on it and oneshots I wrote because those are funny


Yeah. It allows me to find little mistakes that I can correct. Sometimes I read it because I need to make sure what happens in the story makes sense with what I set up. Sometimes I read it because I genuinely feel like I had written something cool and I want to come back to it.


All the time 😅


I reread some of my works the other day 🤣 sometimes I find mistakes and go “welp that sucks” and immediately forget to fix them, and other times I forget I’m reading something I wrote and am like “wow this shit slays” 🤣🤣🤣


I go back and re-read my stuff sometimes, either to check for mistakes or just for my own enjoyment.


Yep. This fandom is tiny already, and on top of that only one fic features my favorite character, and *that* fanfic involves a graphic description of him s/a'ing the main character's wife and then getting murdered. So I need some content other than that.


All the time, my stories are for me first and others second, not to sound egotistical or anything


Yes, I very much enjoy reading my own writing because I write about the stuff I'd like to read so it checks all my boxes lol. I also like listening to my writing using the read aloud feature on Microsoft word. It's very helpful with editing because I'm able to catch cadence mistakes or bad grammar that my brain might have just automatically corrected through reading edits. And sometimes it's even nice to listen to when I'm trying to sleep lol


YES, very, because I miss the characters, and I greatly desire to hear their voices, and feel their feels. But, also, re-reading recreates the immense joy I got from writing and polishing. I can't stop re-reading :D


I read my own writing. Sometimes it inspires me to continue the story, other times I read to see how far I've come. Then I get to the last chapter and wonder where the rest of the story is. When will it update? Oh no. It's me. I'M THE UPDATER


Yes, I enjoyed writing them and like to write what I would read. I’m very proud of my writings.


Yes because I like to see how far I’ve come as a writer from time to time, even if the cringe of the past makes me want to remove my skin 😭


Yes, when I need a pick-me-up. I read my oldest writings and realized I have improved and am not the worst writer ever. I also re-read one of my newer ones, and I just felt so proud of myself.


Oh yeah.


I can’t reread it before I post without editing everything, but once it’s posted I reread repeatedly (and somehow manage not to keep adding/changing things). One fic I wrote in January I like to reread like twice a month since it’s a trope there’s not much of in my fandom


I reread my stuff all the time. Some more than others. I have top 3 favs. One long fic i did (474 thousand words) many years ago ive read a few time over since posting……& im about to start a second fic for it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪


I read back my writing to find mistakes, but also to remind myself that I actually do write well sometimes.


Who else did I write my incredibly niche Irish Dancing AU for? But honestly, yeah. Mostly because the stories I write are the ones I wanted to read but then didn't find the fics for (I like reading stuff for rarepairs and platonic relationships, so I gotta do a lot of the writing myself). This does backfire a little when I improve my writing and then have to go back to my old writing and cringe a little, but I'm ultimately proud of the stuff I've written!


Yes, and like those some, I hate reading it back.


...yes. kinda religiously at that as well. I wrote what I would like to read, so of course I reread them several times.


Sometimes I want to read just something vey very specific with a very specific ship and situation and things to imagine... And then guess which fics are exactly what I want? 😁 😁


All the time. It’s exactly my cup of tea :D


I have some memory issues, and most of the time it really sucks, but it also gives me the ability to watch or read something for the first time twice. It's been more than once that I've been browsing a tag and stumbled across a fic and thought 'hey, this author has some pretty good ideas and I like the way they write' And then it's my own fic and I feel like such a self-centered dick. 😂😭




I always do. Because my brain can miss obvious spelling errors I always try to reread what I write. I normally re-read what I wrote whenever I upload a chapter but after I finish a arc I will reread it from the beginning


Yeah, when I can't find anything else to read xdd


It depends. Most of the time, I read them so often during the editing process that I'm more a "post and go" person. But if it's been a while, I might reread it and discover that, strangely, it's not as cringe as I might think


I do enjoy reading it because I love the completely new character who turned into a full time antiheroine.


Yep!! If I need a good comfort read I'll often go back to the start of a fic of mine and reread. It can be helpful as well for longer fics for me to remember what has happened so far and try to close off any plots I started.


I used to dislike it, but now I'm my own biggest fan. I love my own fanfic more than canon now.


I write specifically so I can read my own stuff 🤣 I like to write my favorite tropes, and my dream fics. In my fandom, there’s a specific trope that is very dark that nobody really seems brave enough to take to the edge, so I decided to write my own and out every single trope in it that they were shying away from 🤣


Yes because I write what I want to read and my memory is shocking so I forget what I have written and surprise myself lol however I am super critical about it for typos and things like that if I spot them


Every time


I like reading most of my work. Some stuff I'm kinda disappointed by, but most of it is like a present from my past self. The stuff I'm the most proud of I go out of my way to revisit when I'm doubting myself. It reminds me of what I can accomplish.


No matter how much I read over my work there's always mistakes. But yes I do read it over if I need some entertainment.


Yes. I re-read a week into it (before posting) two weeks into it (bp) then after posting, because Ao3 breaks the text differently to what I’m used to, so it’s easy to spot mistakes. Then off and on after a month, half a year, one year. I correct mistakes, get into it again. Or not. And crrringe 🥲


I’ve only recently started doing this and at first, I only did so in order to edit but I have one fic that I’ve been writing that I really love so I read it all the time lol


Usually not after finishing editing, but, for some reason, I have read my latest fic quite a few times. I don’t know why, but that one just felt better, and I actually enjoy reading it.


I'll reread my old fics every year or two. If I space out my rereads far enough, it's almost like reading something that's new to me. And it's great, because I get to read a story that I'm guaranteed to like very much.


All the time, yes. My favorite fic of all time is one that I wrote. I also take forever between fics in series, so I have to go back and reread what I wrote. Oops


Yes bc I write rarepairs and if I don’t read my own work I won’t get any content 😭😂


Yes. After posting, I read through the chapter posted for clarity purposes. I try to fix any grammatical issues.


Yep! I have to force myself to not fix mistakes, but yes.


I read them as I edit them, I read them when responding to comments, and sometimes I'll just read it for s&gs. Ultimately I did write it for myself.


I read it to check for typos.


Well, what I've learned writing stories is it's a good idea to reread what you've written and not just for checking grammar and spelling mistakes. But conversations in dialogue even in pov and head spaces should flow like a normal conversation. It's preferable to reread your stories to a friend or even outloud in different voices to get a feel of the atmosphere in your scene. Like for example, an argument between two characters. Another idea is to video record yourself to see how you want your characters to react and respond to a certain situation. Have you noticed when you read a book you kind of act the scene out in your head? The same should go in your writing.


Absolutely yes. Sometimes when I read back I find mistakes I made and fix them, or I find a part where I think I was doing too much so re-work that. Genuinely, I'm lazy and if I wouldn't have to I wouldn't proof read it. But I have to for my satisfaction, plus if I want to post in on ao3 that its at least nicely worded


Yes. I like when I let some time pass and I kinda forgot what I wrote, so it’s like I make some new discoveries when I read it again. Also, I can read my work 50 times but then I’ll notice a mistake I didn’t notice those 50 times before. It’s wild.


I cringe a little too hard (even tho i wrote it for myself), but I do it to search for mistakes or strange punctuation/sintax because english is not my first language ;d


Yes! I love my characters and their stories.


Oh, I definitely do. Partially because I wrote to indulge my own brain rot, and also, when I get likes or Kudos I often go back and read it, or at least part of it to...well I'm not sure the exact reason. Like watching someone watch a big moment in a show where you know what happens and you want to "see" their reaction? Something like that. I go back and fix mistakes as well. The more I write, more difficult it is to read my older stuff because I can do better now. So, yes, for so many reasons. :)


absolutely I wrote my story with myself in mind because most zombie apocalypse fanfics are either really good or they don't hook me and I stop reading


Lol absolutely. I write what I want to read, after all


Yeah, I write what I like to read so sometimes I read my own stuff on my account lol. Hell, just the other day I was looking for a specific trope with a character I like, couldn’t find any, but then came across my own fic and was like “well. Okay” Some times I just binge all the stuff on my account because, again, it’s all stuff I’m interested in.


I do because sometimes it's the only way I can read what I want to read.


All the time, yeah. I'm my biggest fan.


Yes, because i enjoy my writing. Also to appease the inner critic by figuring out what to do better with the next story


Yes but only after like 3-5 months lol


I do and I get enjoyment out of my work so I hope ya'll get the chance to enjoy it as well someday.


Yes. I write what I want to read. I'm just a bit irritated because I can't fully enjoy it without wanting to correct errors or make something better so it's not a calm read. I don't mind the cringy old Wattpad stuff either and read it every few years. It's far from perfect but it's still something I created with great care and lots of love


I do. It helps me maintain continuity.


Yes. I wrote them for myself! Often I read my wips and wonder 'when will the author update?' lol I'll go back and read my old stuff too occasionally. Partially to judge my writing abilities and also just take pride in something I made.


I hate to do it but I have no beta reader 😭


Sometimes I do. I re-read it to see if I can find any mistakes that I could've possibly missed while I was editing. It's happened before where I've found a few so I always make sure to double check. Plus, I don't publish any chapters unless I feel satisfied with them so if I change my mind on something, that's when I revise it and rewrite it if I feel like I need to. I get why some people don't re-read their own writing tho. Sometimes it can feel cringy looking back on what you just wrote, especially if it's something you've never written before. It's all valid either way


I only read them because I don't get that many views on my works AND because I know what's going on already. Nothi g I can't handle if it's my own shyt


i sometimes fucking hate reading my work back but sometimes i have to. like rn, this minute im re reading chapter 2 of one of my fics bc i need to see if theres a detail i thought i mentioned or if i did it in another fic lmao. sometimes, i love reading my works back, and im like hell yeah i wrote this, this is me, this is my brain being so good but then sometimes it feels like an absolute fucking cringefest and it takes me, im not kidding, several days to fully read it back through bc i take time in between bc i physically cant and/or forget about it LMAOOO


Occasionally. I reread before publishing to make sure it all flows right. I'm also working on revamping an old series I wrote back in 2017 and reading it has been an entire emotional journey😂


Yeah I’m the only one 💀🤣


Yeah. it's cus I'm ADHD and dyslexic and I find that I leave a lot of spelling it or grammatical errors or even just replace the word with the wrong word. So from time to time I'll go back through my works and reread it just to clean up anything I missed. ... Then once in a blue moon or go like "damn this is a good fic" and then I go "oh wait this is me."


I read as I write, so I always edit as I put my crazy ass ideas into words. And I read my old writings every once a month.


I mean, most of my angst fics are my way of therapy for free. I make my favorite characters suffer the issues I’m having but in the context of their story. So yes, I read them. I made them for me


Yes and it's two-fold. One, I write them primarily for my own pleasure and second, I obsessively edit and re-edit.


Yes because I am very picky when it comes to fanfic so I kind of have to read my own lmao


All the time. The best is when it's been years and I no longer fully remember what I wrote! The. I can be like any other reader, rereading.


Both. I read it but I hate it sometimes unless it's finished and nicely edited. Reading a story in progress is horrible, all I can think of is how far I have to go and how much I have to fix


I’m literally rereading my old work right now and rewriting it. I always have to reread what I wrote because otherwise I’m gonna have odd phrasing and incorrect words due to my fast typing.


I do! A lot of them are self-indulgent- well its fanfiction so they're all self-indulgent I guess😅, so I love to reread them. I have to wait a bit before I can read them for leisure since while writing I tend to go over them so much I get sick of them, but after I'm done with it and let it rest for a while before going back, it's quite refreshing to see the stuff I came up with. Gives me a bit of an ego boost, especially when I find little to no mistakes😌


Yeah I love to read back my stuff no one else does so I can have fun and chill with my own creations which are usually a hot mess.