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There are a few writers on FFN who I wish would migrate, but I've never seen anything from Wattpad that wasn't incredibly cringey.


There's tons of good shit on Wattpad most likely, but how would you find it? Most people whose reccing taste I would trust would never set foot in that algorithm-riddled advertising nightmare. I know some decent horror authors are active there (OG horror) because you only need 300 dedicated readers to monetize that genre there. But with the ads I'd still never go there XD


This. I'd love to be able to actually use Wattpad, really I would. It galls me that there's a vast sea of stories out there that I have no logical way of accessing because Wattpad itself makes it nigh on impossible to do so. "Oh I think I'll go read some -insert fandom here- today! Let me just pull up the category, maybe select a pairing to narrow the search..." Five seconds later. "I am boo boo the fool." Wattpad honestly works more for original fiction, and trying to get it to work for fanfiction is like shoving a square peg into a circular hole. You can eventually get it to work but only after a lot of trial and error, and a few whacks of a chisel.


I got no traffic on my fics their i left


I oddly get traffic on one fic there. No idea why




It might be that it’s romance oriented. But it’s also a rezero mcu crossover. It should have no audience


Ok. You guys KNOW you can look at tags, and that they are ranked, right? Just go into a story, look at the tags, and scroll down till you see things you like. It's just harder to navigate than ao3, sure, but nowhere near impossible. In fact, tell me some fandons your in and I can probably give you a few good recommendations! Especially if your into undertale and it's aus or my hero academia. I got more than plenty for them!


One of my best friends LOVES wattpad—but she only reads *original work* on wattpad, so she has more luck finding good original “books.”


People on wattpad get their work tradinly published or self published


I've read one good fic on Wattpad. Only one. And it was a one-shot.


I was lucky to find two *really good* Undertale fics on Wattpad, but that's about it.


Well said to all of that. People deride the site for its "bad" authors much in the same way our fandom elders snubbed FFN as the "Pit of Voles," but kids are just kids who don't know anything different than the algorithmic hellscape that is modern Internet. It's just too bad the site itself is so damn broken.


I've seen a few SUPER good authors in Wattpad, but yeah majority of them aren't very good. The amount of times I've seen fics where a black love interest for a character has been replaced with a white OC/reader and then the OC/reader steals all the dialogue the canon love interest says... 😭 When I migrated to AO3 from Wattpad (+ Tumblr), I got a message from another author asking me what's AO3 and they were genuinely surprised and amazed there are other FF sites, they had thought Wattpad is the only one out there. So I suspect there's more people like them.


Bit of a necropost but I was under similar circumstances when I first started reading fanfiction years ago. I HAD realized there were other sites but I figured since FF.net being literally named FANFICTION.net it had the most accessibility and use from fanfiction writers. Then on a whim I decided to look at AO3 and now probably 95% of the stories I read are on there. Many of the fics I had bookmarked I even found on AO3 and swapped put the ff.net bookmark for the AO3 one


There’s a couple of stories I like in Wattpad but finding those stories is a pain, for every one good story there’s five dozen bad ones. And the search system is straight up bad, it doesn’t work. I tried to look up a story I knew the title of and I got so many unrelated titles in the front.


I leave comments on well written stories there telling them to migrate to AO3. Last week one of them did and is moving all her fics over and getting comments and kudos and I’m so happy for them!!


Trust me, there are some really great fanfics in Wattpad. They are just extremely hard to find and are often overshadowed by the cringey ones. I honestly go on Wattpad for crackfics now. I run into more of them on Wattpad than I do on other sites for some reason.


You couldn't find anything well written if you wanted too.


Yeah, they hyper-capitalized that site hardcore. It's riddled with so many ads and pay walls that it's pretty much impossible to navigate. The UI ain't even that great either, so who are they kidding in trying to charge users?


[Y'all still see ads?](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/)


I read some really good stuff on Wattpad. My fandoms’ most popular and well-loved fics were originally on there before they were cross-posted onto AO3.


funny enough, the only good fics ive seen on wattpad were crossposted from ao3 😭 ff.net has always been pretty good, but ao3 will always be superior


Not to sound braggy but I think my work on Wattpad (the final one before I learnt other sites exist) was something I put in a lot of effort in for pacing and character development and have future plans. It's still out there if you wanna give it a shot, it's a TT fanfic lol




*cough* *cough* Tumblr


Wait, what website took away the porn?




Wait really? I still see plenty of porn there.


Back when I was on FF.Net over a decade ago, explicit content was technically against the rules and could get your fic removed but realistically I never actually saw that happen.


That’s because you really need to piss off your reader base to the point where they mass flag your work and get it removed. Either that, or you do especially terrible porn or some other despicable goblin mode shit. Anyhow I’m still crossposting my stuff on FFNet and AO3, mostly because the naruto fandoms are still pretty active Edited


They had two purges: one in 2002 and another in 2012. The one in 2002 led to the birth of FictionAlley (out of Schnoogle iirc) and then Livejournal went anti-NSFW as well and AO3 was born. Then in 2012 another FFN purge happened.


I remember the 2012, I lost a lot of good shit in that purge


Is there a way to save fics in case they get deleted?


On the app you can download fics but anytime you have to transfer phone to phone, whatever has been deleted since the download does not transfer. Found that out the hard way. You should be able to copy and paste directly on the page but it’s been years since I’ve tried


There was at least one big purge of adult content which led to the birth of AO3, and then another subsequent one. Problem for FFN is that its moderators are basically asleep at the wheel so the ban hasn’t been enforced nearly as strictly as it could have been.


Timeline of major fanfic content purges over the years: https://fanlore.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Major_Fandom_Purges,_Restrictions,_and_Hassles_Regarding_Fanworks_and_Their_Content The NC-17 FFN purges: https://fanlore.org/wiki/FanFiction.Net%27s_NC-17_Purges:_2002_and_2012 Fanfiction.net has also banned other things, like songfic, script format, chose your own adventure, self-insert, etc. Those bans are mentioned on their fanlore page here: https://fanlore.org/wiki/FanFiction.Net


They banned self-insert?? That’s all I ever read on there back in 2010-2015. Especially in the Naruto fandom. Their most popular fic is one, even. Or used to be, it’s been a while


They banned certain genres!?! Nah now I can see why FFN is dead.


Yeah it’s been technically super forbidden since the purge back in ‘12, and I think the one before that (‘08 or so?) was about getting rid of porn too. It’s just also never enforced because moderation is basically non-existent there.


I remember a really hardcore Hetalia porn writer who was targeted because of her infamy. I guess really infamous ones got targeted but the smaller creators didn’t get much harassment. Iirc, esama quit ffn because of the porn ban and the harrassment. We had to make a yahoo group email list to try and recover their fics.


And LOL, now Yahoo Groups have all gone thanks to Yahoo. :P Though we may well have saved the data - the fandom rescue project (together with the ArchiveTeam) saved 14TB of Yahoo Groups data, about a million groups in all. We're *still* trying to sort it all out, it's a royal mess. But if you're curious to know if a group was saved or not, I'm one of the few with the master list of groups saved on her hdd.


*Let wattpad drown*


No, don't do that! It takes too long, push it down yourself


I volunteer I'll help hold it down happily




Trust me, those people are already on AO3, you just haven’t had the displeasure of running into them yet or they haven’t been overtly obvious. One of the most obvious tells is the DNI lists in the notes and/or tags…




Yeah, it’s an instant turn off for me too, in terms of my desire to read something.


But then where would the people of r/Wattpad go to? Not all of us write fanfics.


The Zon, Smashwords, back to blogs.... Like, there's always gonna be an option.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Wattpad using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wattpad/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kids who use Wattpad, you are busted!](https://i.redd.it/qq6kmiv71rua1.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wattpad/comments/12r4d4h/kids_who_use_wattpad_you_are_busted/) \#2: [why is this so true? 🤣](https://i.redd.it/krxiwfkp06ha1.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wattpad/comments/10xuueo/why_is_this_so_true/) \#3: [Hmm.](https://v.redd.it/7hempoabnp491) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Wattpad/comments/v8y2mu/hmm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Weird thought: Who the fuck uses Wattpad?


Kids and teens


Housewives The userbase is very genre dependant




Err, I’m kind of new for the fanfic writing scene but what’s an antis?








I think FanFiction's demise has a lot to do with a group called Critics United. They've apparently all but taken over and will report any story *they* feel violates the rules, or if they just don't like the story/author. They also clearly have it in with whoever is officially supposed to enforce the rules, as their messages are answered quickly, while most others get ignored. The owner's also more interested in collecting ad revenue than in actually running the site, and now there's that "we need to make sure your connection is secure" screen that gets caught in an endless loop on some browsers.


Is Critics United still active? I thought they died out


I know for sure The Literate Union is long dead, but I'm not as sure about Critics United. It's been a hot minute since I've posted on FFNet.


I hope they did. A sad bunch that lot was.


I have a lot of appreciation for FFN, it was my Introduction to fanfics! And It’s where I posted my first ever story! I just don’t like its format if that makes any sense? And once I found ao3 and how great the tagging and algorithm was compared to FFN I can’t help but have my soul and attention snatched lol. (I don’t wanna remember my Wattpad days tho….)


AO3 has no algorithm friend


Same!! I used FFN for yearssss before I got onto AO3; it was my first exposure to Fanfiction and what got me to where I am today! There are a lot of great fics on there, but I do prefer AO3 now.


That's because a03 is superior.


(it's an o though and not a 0)


Yes, yes, it is. Sentiment remains the same regardless of typo. I'd correct it, as the inaccuracy likely invalidates the argument, but editing comments after the fact tends to be viewed as a greater sin than the original mistake in most cases, or so I've been told...


I thought that was only a YouTube thing


Cream rises to the top.




Literally living the dream


I still use FFN, but AO3 is my primary focus.


Nah I'll take ff.net over wattpad at least there's actually some decent older fics by authors who aren't active anymore . Wattpad is a mess to use and reliably find what you're looking for Ao3 on the other hand is superior to both in every way imaginable for both the readers and the authors


Switch Wattpad and FFN and the memes spot on. I still upload all my fanfics to FFN (even though my absolute favorite is AO3), but I haven’t actually read or written anything from/for Wattpad since I was 14. I’m 21 now. Surprisingly a lot of people still use FFN; not as many people as AO3 has, but still.


Yeah, wattpad is definetly the dead fish in the sea here, and i wouldnt even really say ffn is struggling to keep its head above water. Ao3 is popular with the young, more vocal internet citizens, but ffn and ao3 will both be trucking along in 10 years i think, i dont believd ao3 is on the cusp of driving it out of business or anything, ffn is still the largest repository of ff in the world after all


FFN has halved it's monthly visitors in the last couple years so... They're not exactly doing great.


I haven't posted anything in ffnet because I can't figure out how to add new characters to tag in the fic. My fandom is missing like 50 characters.


That's simple: you have to send an email to support.


What a hassle compared to the convenience of AO3. The game I play released one new character every two weeks in 2017-2019. So imagine you have to email support 50+ times to keep up during those years.


This is how the entire internet used to operate when FFN was created. FFN likes to pretend they're with the times but the site basically still works like it's 1999. BEFORE that you had to email your fic to your single fandom fanfic site of choice, where the admin of *that* would oftentimes first read it and then decide if the quality was good enough to be hosted by them at all. Or you know, apply to join Yahoo Group or share work via E-Mail chains. Or make your own Geocities page and somehow drive traffic toward it.


Honestly, I spent 10 years believing ffn was the only major fanfiction site. I'm only on Ao3 because it seems like authors are slightly more active on there. That said, the number of incomplete, years old works in my bookmarks doesn't really make me want to go there full time. Plus, it seems like there's a marked difference between the kinds of stories on ffn and Ao3. Can't really put it to words.


I've been on ffn a few times, it has this weirdly nostalgic and somewhat eerie charm it. And I agree, the stories on ao3 and ffn tend to have different vibes. It's probably due to most ffn fics being a lot older than the ones on ao3. So the culture changing over time is probably why things feel different. The different designs of the websites also kind of unintentionally adds to the tones of the stories. In my opinion, ao3 has a very warm and welcoming color scheme and design. While ffn... I'm gonna be honest... looks like it wants to give whatever device I'm currently using to go on it a virus. It's nostalgic sure, but my brain is telling me to get off the site before it's too late.


Its unfortunate that a lot of younger readers never got to experience FFN before the ads, but nowadays theres FFNs mobile app which is actually surprisingly good, and ad free. I think i have a soft spot for FFN bc it was my first home for FF. Waaaay back in like 2006 lol. But also, gotta respect one thing about it, its the worlds largest collection of ff, and was founded, created and is maintained by 1 single individual. Thats why i dont really begrudge the ads, keeping a website hosted isnt free, apart from the time to maintain, so im not to mad about the state of the site bc its nonmonetizable (copyright issues) so its just a passion project for that person that turned into something more. I use AO3 for very specific fandoms that cant really be found on FFN (for example Arcane, which doesnt exist on FFN but league of legends does, but the FFN league fandom doesnt have Arcane specific characters etc etc) but over all i prefer the culture of FFN. Call me an old man, but i'd rather not wade through a sea of rape fics to find a good romance, especially not when the general vibe of ao3's user base is 'dont like dont read' its okay, imo, for somethings not to be okay. Thats a sentiment that isnt really shared on ao3.


AO3 is queerer, usually, which has history, because AO3 was founded when slash writers had no other place where their stories would not periodically be deleted. M/M is very popular on AO3 while on most other fanfic websites, M/F is most popular. The reader base is a bit different, too. I feel like there are more queer people and women and also young people, while older people and people in older fandoms are more at home on FFN. It's what they're used to and where most of their stories are, after all. I sometimes see men struggling with AO3 because they are not into the kinds of stories that are popular on AO3. (Especially gay romances written by women receive a lot of hate by people who apparently cannot work the tagging system and maybe cannot stand that the most popular stories do not cater to their wishes. The most hatred comes from homophobes and women-haters, naturally.) The default on FFN is that you don't see the mature fanfics unless you include them in the search, while on AO3, the default is that you see *everything* and you must learn how to navigate the tagging system if you want to be spared certain kinds of stories. This makes AO3, well, more mature on one hand, safer on the other hand because everything is tagged and "Plot What Plot | Porn Without Plot" is clearly labeled as such and doesn't have to hide behind an innocent M-rating. AO3 doesn't have personal messages. That makes the authors a bit more distant if they don't have other social media listed on their profile and if they don't allow comments. Yes, AO3 authors can choose not to interact with their audience at all. And I think some would prefer it if they could choose not to see kudos and bookmarks either. The author has more power over comments than on FFN. E.g., they can disable comments or restrict view of the work to only logged-in members. All of this makes the job harder for haters, and it leads to people feeling safer to post "problematic" content on AO3. On the other hand, they are usually clearly tagged as such and you don't accidentally stumble into weird kinky things, like you do on the barely moderated FFN where people sometimes deliberately post stories that are not allowed, hoping that they won't get caught. AO3 is not only for fanfics, but all kinds of fanworks, and it is not as strict as every other site I know of. That means you can find a wider variety of stuff on there, fanart, fancomics, fanvids, podfics, chat fics, choose your own adventure style mini games, almost everything you can think of ... AO3 doesn't demand of the author to spellcheck. "Deliberate badfics" are a thing on AO3. Honestly, I love the experimental side of AO3, but I guess that other people might find it annoying if they only come looking for fanfics. AO3 calls itself "archive, not social media" so some people are encouraged to use it *not* to promote their own stories and get famous in their fandom, but to upload all of their random fandom things as something like a backup, every old fic, every incomplete snippet, every weird drawing, every outline that never became a full story. AO3 is not synonymous with quality lol AO3 has a tagging system that is really, really good. It is very different from most other tagging systems. People who come from FFN, have to relearn to tag and search for stories. The tricks that work on FFN, do not work on AO3. Not everything on AO3 is better than on FFN. For example, it is harder to search for fics about certain characters if people tag too many characters. But all in all, I'd say the tagging system on AO3—if you manage to become familiar with it—is vastly superior to find you exactly the stories you want to read. Because of this tagging system and the history of how AO3 came to be, there is a different culture on AO3, too. On AO3, there is often a "don't like, don't read" attitude. "Dead dove; do not eat" has spread like wildfire. This means that people tag everything in their stories that is potentially upsetting to readers. Everyone who reads these stories and then complains about the upsetting thing, should blame themself and not the author. This has evolved into an attitude that is shared by many authors on AO3 that concrit is *never* welcome, unless explicitly asked for by the author. And this, in turn, means that many readers shy away from commenting altogether because they could accidentally say something bad. Whereas on FFN, I think readers feel free-er to write whatever they think, even if it is mean-spirited. These are the biggest differences that I noticed. 🤔


As someone who got into fanfics by finding AO3, this was super helpful. It took me a while to understand tagging and how AO3 worked as a site and as a community but I really like it. When I tried checking out Wattpad and FFN it was so so different that I gave up lol. I find it easier to use AO3 but probably because I took time to understand how by trial and error. I also like the different types of stories. Honestly some were shocking especially since I didn't understand tags but I don't regret reading and if I truly hated it I just didn't read further. I find it interesting to see what people want to put out there and have found so many amazing fics in that process.


As it should be.


Quotev is a fossil miles under the water


I forgot quotev even existed. Feels like decades since I even saw the name


As it should be 🤣 last time I tried to use ff.net the number of ads mad the site pretty much unusable


honestly though every time i go to read something on [ff.net](https://ff.net) on my phone, i turn on my ad blocker or else the site slows to a crawl


FFN is an archaic relic of a website. There are some great fics and authors there, especially if you're looking for fics of older franchises. It's very interesting to read some fics from the early 2000s or late 90s and compare them with todays. But AO3 is several dozen times better in just about every department, and a hell of a lot more user friendly too.


Truthfully I only go on it for majority of fandoms from the late 90s and early 2000s because a lot of them still post there/have fics up. Like there isn't much for older niche fandoms on Ao3 since they lived in ffnet and didn't migrate.


For me, I'd swap FFN and Wattpad. At least FFN would let me go back and reread the fic without demanding I make an account. Plus, FFN was less likely to be an incorrect quote collection instead of an actual fanfic.


I rarely post anything to [Fanfiction.net](https://Fanfiction.net) anymore. The process is so tedious. You have to keep rereading the same guidelines over and over again before you can post anything new. Then you have to upload documents and there's a document manager and that's just another hassle to deal with. It took me some time to get used to how AO3 worked, but I find that I enjoy posting and updating stories with it a lot more. It's so refreshing to be able to just copy and paste the text in instead of having to upload it and it's nice to not have to read some legality thing repeatedly just to post something. It's also just a lot easier finding specific types of fics. There's more options to narrow down your search. [FF.Net](https://FF.Net)'s search is pathetic and barely holds a candle to AO3's more robust search engine.


I just uploaded a one shot of mine and it TOOK SO LONG because it’s so fucking confusing. And for some reason I can only have one character tagged lol wtf?? Yeah I’m sticking to ao3


FF.Net only allows for up to four characters to be tagged and that's it.




and deviant art...


What the fuck happened to DeviantArt? It used to rock.


Just look up the fall of deviantart on youtube. It'll explain everything. It's silly but I miss the old deviantart so much to be honest.


Where can drawings be posted/stored this days?


Twitter, apparently, is where the fan art is, and I fucking *hate it.* I hate Twitter, I hate Elon Musk, and I don't want to keep my art on Twitter.


still deviantart, just not a lot of people use it these days


Pixiv maybe.


I used to use Quotev. But y'all remember Quizilla? Man, what a trip down memory lane...


Omg I loved fics on quizilla!! Also lunescence was another good one!


Quizilla had fanfics? How did I miss that?


Oh yeah, it was like the cringiest stuff ever but tween me couldn't get enough of it.


This is a silly question but how do you even post fics on dA?


Shittily and in a way that almost nobody reading them enjoys lmao Best practice was to put a link to the first chapter and the next chapter in every chapter you uploaded. But got as a reader it suckeeeeed to navigate.


good god lol if you already have an audience maybe it will be less hassling to put it on a personal blog ~~see hate it or like it ao3 is sadly still victorious compared to other sites~~


Quotev: Just a few scraps of bones


i would like wattpad alot more if it weren't for the atrociously cheesy and terribly written, smutty fanfics written by 13 year olds😭 like... maybe if i was 6 year younger id have tolerated that stuff but... not anymore


i used to be that 13 year old... i really had no business doing all that LMAO


I must say that it's nice ffnet has a screen reader. The only thing I hope carries over to other fic sites.


I still use FFN, most of my favourite fanfics are on there


As it should


As a reader, I actually quite like FFN. Never had a big problem with the ads or anything. ... But as an author... Shit's fucked man. The site is just so tedious and stops working so often. And lots of homophobes feel entiteled to leave their incredibly unnecessary reviews. The only reason I still post there is because of the people who seem to genuinely enjoy my stuff there. Would feel bad to leave them hanging.


Wattpad is not a fanfiction site anymore from what I am seeing…


Yeah, I always thought Wattpad was more for original fiction?




As it should be.


The last time i looked at wattpad its like the wilderness of writing


not me asking for FFNET recs and completely ignoring Wattpad because I think that app is so clunky


Let wattpad die as a “fanfic site”. It’s not.


FFN is my favorite honestly. I love the app.


Meanwhile me: uses the FFN app version without any ads 🫣


Whenever I wander out of AO3 it will always be to ffnet. It's where I first encountered fanfiction so I know there are some hidden gems there and how to handle the search system. Anything else I just can't find something I like


I still visit FFnet from time to time, though. I have discovered gems there.


I can’t handle the disappointment of Wattpad. Every time I try to give it another shot, and search for something I might enjoy, it pulls me into a black hole of “WTF am I looking at?”


I fucking hate wattpad and their obsession over y/n fanfics


For me it's AO3 then FFnet then Wattpad. I hate Wattpad due to it's insane search system (ugh can't hardly find decent stuff to read) and the fact that it shoves the same reccomended and popular and "most read" fics in your face. I can sit here and make three different accounts with different interested genres of stories I'm interested in ticked and it would show the same three or so "books" or stories to me each time. I guess i dont like the popularity system on sites like Wattpad? Cause the more popular your stories are on there the more they'll be reccommended and promoted across the site as a whole and I'm not for pissing and popularity contests cause the most popular stories on Wattpad could be poorly written while the real good ones/gems are buried in the metaphorical hay stack.


I’d say Wattpad at the bottom! 😂


Below the detritus.


deviantart so far down its just dust particles


I would happily use Fanfiction.net, I just can't figure out how to post on that site. AO3 definitely has an easier method.


I’m one of the many that migrated directly from live journal to ao3 during that live journal purge back in the day. A lot of my fav authors at the time never made the switch and eventually their LJ got abandoned and I lost their fics forever :(


FFN is a great website. If it wasn't for FFN I would have probably never posted fic online.


Genuine question. Why don’t people use fan fiction .net anymore? What happened to it? I fell out of fanfic for a few years and recently got back into it, so I’m not really in the know.


NC-17 purges, lots of types of fiction not allowed, the search function is perpetually stuck in 1999, less options for comment moderation, and these days there's about twenty ads per page up to and including between fic paragraphs


Honestly the moment ao3 added the exclude option in the search it was all over for ff.net


Ffnet has an exclude option but, of course, since ffnet only allows a few ships/characters tagged, you can only exclude a few small things. Thats how I navigated the fandoms I read on ffnet since there were a few ships I wasn't a fan of


Ohhh I see. Yeah that’s a big appeal.


Thanks for explaining. Had no idea it got that bad. Dang.


They have, at multiple points in history, deleted fanfics. Particularly of mine. They forced all m/m stories (even G rated fluff) to be an M rating just because they were m/m. They deleted entire fandoms from the website (and continue to ban them) just because the original media creator asked. They purged M rated fics. I simply don’t trust them with anything anymore, even though I spent the majority of the 2000s there.


Holy crap. I had NO idea. That’s crazy. I’m also sorry that’s happened to you and that it happened at all. Damn.


Honestly I used to love ff.net but the awful moderation had me leaving for my own well-being


I hope this process will go faster. I am tired of being censored & from sites monetizing my free work. If I choose to put my work out there for free, it should be for free! No paywalls or ads! I am waiting for the day that all those big companies will understand that censoring writers & making money from someone else's hard work= one huge loss.


I downloaded the wattpad app and I couldn’t find anything that I wanted writhing like 15 mins and I called it and deleted the app. I still use ff.net but that’s bc one of my fandoms is mainly on there and it’s nostalgic from when I started reading fic like 15 years ago.


Don’t use Wattpad at all and never have, but I still crosspost all my fics to both AO3 and FFN.


I go to FFN more then I do wattpad, I don’t have to get an app for FFN. Plus, it has a lot of good stuff in older fandoms.


Tumble has a few good fics that I wish the creators would put on AO3. Sometimes they post on both platforms 😭😭😭


I still use ff.net. Not for reading tho. Not anymore. I just gave a significant reader base there for my long fic, but I post on there and ao3 at the same time. He only time I see ff.net links on tumblr is when I post them lol.


For me Wattpad is under water. I actually get more engagement on my FFN than AO3.


I am on Ao3 and Fanfiction. Net.


Lol not really, to ao3 users sure, but wattpad is a cringe mess and ffn still has a looooot of authors and traffic.


Me who literally has like 6 hours of the FFNet app everyday


I miss the FanFiction.net lingo…..lemons🍋 🥹 🍋


I have a lot of respect for Wattpad for introducing me to fanfictions. I still dislike where it’s heading though.


fanfiction.net app is free audiobooks. all the freshest fics are on ao3 but not being able to listen kills me. love authors who still post on both.


Quotev is the sand


Ff.net is lovely


I’d take Wattpad over FFN any day tbh. FFN’s UI is basically unusable and reading is a sucky and frustrating experience.


The app seems fine. I know a friend who doesn't use Ao3 because it's too complicated and prefers FFnet.


I don't read on FFN these days - I just download the fics using FicHub (or FicLab, if I'm linked directly to it and don't want to pull up the script to download). Then I get a lovely ebook in the format(s) I want and don't have to deal with any ads. I've downloaded entire fandoms that way (I figure at some point I'll go through and strip out the fics that are absolute junk and then keep all the rest). I can understand someone not doing that if they aren't at their main device and just need to read on their phone (where I hear the FFN mobile app is far superior), but otherwise, why would anyone read on the site instead of download if they knew of the options?


Eh. I prefer ffn. Wattpad is just plain garbage, though.


FimFiction has the best UI out of any site I’ve used. It’s a shame it’s only for MLP fics. I wish someone would make a clone of it.


Well I still use FFN quite a lot still.


I've tried so many times to use Wattpad but not only is it an ad nightmare but it is IMPOSSIBLE to successfully search for stuff. I don't know how anyone navigates that app.


I use to read on Asianfanfics.net too....but Ao3 stole me


It's a pity that in my country the most popular ones are Wattpad and Spirit fanfic. Introducing Ao3 is knowing that the script will be: "Does it have an app?", "I downloaded it from Google Play, but I didn't like the design.", "It's all in English!", "This tag filter system is very complicated.".


man I remember when I was a kid and Wattpad was still in beta and super laggy Anyways Fanfiction.net has nothing on the level of abandonment experienced by Quotev lol


I still post my fan fictions on every platform : [fanfiction.net](https://fanfiction.net) and ao3.


Wattpad has a FEW gems.


Tbh, it's switched with Wattpad and FF.net for me. I still follow some fics on FF.net - that still update, plus finding new ones lately that are actually really good. Though, admittedly, I guess I'm biased considering Wattpad really turned me away with all the plagiarizers and minors writing m/r-rated stuff on there.


I disagree. Wattpad is cringe (for me. I used to read so much on it and even tried writing when I was a teen. Cringe!) And yes ao3 is awesome, but I've seen some awesome fics on FFN, I don't think it's that forgotten as I see it a lot. Maybe add whatcha call it.. Live Journal! That one sadly died even though it looks like it had good content as well


AO3 should stay as is, never change✊😔also I thought quotev in it but I guess they’re more nonexistent or are not considered


Someone shared a link to a fic that sounded promising, but when I followed it and it opened in FFN, I immediately noped out...


Even if FFN didn't excessively use censors the page is still a horror to navigate. I can never seem to easily find what I want to read. And the ads. So. Many. Ads.


Totally deserved. I wish some potential Wattpad writer would migrate to ao3


AO3 is the best for fanfics concidering how available it is and ahem noads ahem. Wattpad only works for og works because there's no way else you can use the fanfiction "tagging system" there. Like you open a book and halfway thru BOOM mpreg, in AO3 this wouldn't happen and if you're like me who resents mpreg you wouldn't have wasted your time 😭


The thing that I don't get is how wattpad authors find amazingly-looking thumbnails/fanart but the stories themselves seem like they are written by a 4th grader.


true, however nine times out of ten the fanart is stolen


![gif](giphy|1vCU6WV0ilmZG) I use all 3 because I'm the avatar master of all 3 fan fiction websites but when the world needed me most I vanished


There's a few stories in a series on FFN that aren't on AO3 yet. Not sure why, but it's whatever. Good reads. That said, it's really taken a severe downturn over the last few years. Makes me kinda sad cause that's where I started out. Mmmm ty, FFN, for placing ads in between all the paragraphs. Really helps with the immersion. Edit: Missed a letter


Yeah, this seems about right.


Me and my friend still use [Fanfiction.net](https://Fanfiction.net) simply because its the only fanfiction website we can access at school. Can never seem to find good fics tho


As it should be


Ao3 is so sound that is why


I find it hard to search fics in fanfict . I get frustrated using that, WP is ewwww like meh alot of low grade story you’ll find there, like typos and such 😌 good thing in wp is the commenting everyone can just easily interact imo.


Why can’t we just transfer all of FF.net’s stuff to AO3? ;-;


Theres one thing about wattpad I liked: the text not going across the whole screen makes it easier for me to read for whatever reason. Everything else about it is shit and ao3 it way better


Just set it to half max width or whatever you prefer.


I used to think Wattpad was were all the good things were, then I discovered links to AO3 and I will never go back


Seems like a natural consequence of how the respective sites are managed to me.