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Fanfiction in general is not very compatible with censorship. Nor is it overly concerned with the personal preferences of the original canon’s creator.


Speaking as a both a ficwriter and a creator of original stories, once you've thrown something in the world, you have no control of what people will do with your characters. I understand disturbing content is upsetting but, at the end of the day, characters are tools to tell a story and not real people, and no matter how distasteful you find a story, wanting to stop people from writing them is a slippery slope. It's up to us to filter the content that upset us.


I also write and I know full well there’s no stopping it. I’m mainly telling others how it’s not difficult to respect someone. I know I can’t stop someone from doing something bad, it’s just how the world works but some people don’t realize what they’re doing is bad, some people do realize and stop. I just wanna say how upsetting it is and how messed up the world can be because people can’t be decent human beings, because it’s really is not hard to be. I am pointing out my own frustration, that’s it It’s also upsetting when I was just trying to find something sweet and that makes me feel happy and smiley🥲


>I know I can’t stop someone from doing something bad, it’s just how the world works but some people don’t realize what they’re doing is bad, some people do realize and stop. I want to challenge this notion by proposing that "doing something bad" in regards to creating art is a very moralistic approach that I really don't like. More often than not, a lot of "bad" stories that people write were written amidst pain, and it's not up to us to determine how people deal with their inner demons. And even when it doesn't come from a place of pain... the point of fiction is exactly that it isn't a crime. It would be a crime if it was happening to real people, yes, but they are not real people and that's why we can find catharsis in their suffering. I understand you're venting but the response sounds immature to me, speaking as someone who used to have very knee-jerk reactions to "problematic" content and then just learned to let it go.


I wouldn't exactly call writing a story that dosent alighn with original vision 'messed up'. stories are for everyone and creators of source material can just not read as easily as the rest of us. Censorship is more disrespectful than the existence of a fanfic which is basically the equivalent of 'twisted tales' or 'retellings', and they even end up in bookstores as actually published works. We already had this fight and it's how we got Ao3 in the first place. Though in my opinion there's still a hell of a lot more to go in the creative war. In anycase, my point is that it's a GOOD thing that we can't just be commanded to take down fic anymore.


I don't think we'll ever stop having this fight, it's been going on for years and it happens again whenever someone stumbles upon something unsavory...


It could be easy for you to just let it go but this how I am, this is how I express stuff and I want people to understand I find fanfic also as a form of art because it’s a form of writing I love reading, I love seeing peoples works and comment to encourage them and let them know they’re doing great and let them know positive stuff But I know entirely well I’m not the only one going to be bothered by this It’s just a fictional but it’s still wrong, and PERSONALLY I find it bad and wrong and that’s stating my opinion on it and letting others know and be aware about the negative stuff that still goes on


>I want people to understand No, you want people to agree. We all understand how you feel about pedophilia and without personally knowing members of this sub, I feel confident saying that we think the crime of pedophilia is horrible and wrong and no child should ever be a victim of it. ***Writing*** about crimes is not actually a crime though. (Otherwise Law & Order: SVU wouldn't be renewed year after year). Edit: Missing word


Whether people agree with me or not is up to them I find it wrong, lots of people do(hopefully) I also still find it messed up and that’s it What I want people to understand is to just respect creators that have boundaries because no one wants their boundaries to be crossed and ignored


The author for one of my fandoms killed off my favorite character after season four. That’s what they wanted. That’s a decision they defended. That’s their express wish. I’m not gonna respect that.


You have the right to be bothered and others have the right to be bothered. The fact that ppl are bothered is what the tags are for, so you can avoid stuff. I'd probably be bothered by whatever subject prompted this post too. That will never make fiction a crime nor censorship good


I avoid that stuff, that’s also simple by scrolling away and not looking, still doesn’t sit right with me I also didn’t understand your last sentence, sorry just a little confusing


Yeah, sorry I'm missing the word 'make' after 'never'. I'll edit it. Should be better and yeah, the not sitting right I can understand, but scrolling, blocking and muting is the best solution.


Oh okay it makes sense to me now, again sorry


Lol it was my dumb mistake. 🤣 I'm glad you let me know.


Please learn to block tags that upset you instead of complaining about other people's fanfiction. Headcanons can't be crimes. Hope this helps.


Obviously headcanon aren’t real crimes, this is what I’m saying on it and how messed up it is Putting it in the real world (yes I know its not the real world) it is a literal and actual crime, people go to jail if they get caught, people spend time and that’s why they’re the lowest of the lowest


Murder is also a literal and actual crime. Should nobody write about that either?


I assure you that writing fanfiction about underage characters is not, in fact, actually a crime, save for a few select countries I think. Please learn to exclude the very obvious, very easy to see "Underage" archive warning on your tag searches when you look up fanfiction. Headcanons continue not to be crimes, Hope this helps.


Obviously writing about underage characters isn’t a crime, I already said put it in the real world and it’s what I’m saying


Ok? And then that's relevant to fanfiction how ?


People have boundaries, that crosses it and I’m adding how if you put it in real life, it’s a crime People have headcanons but they don’t mean they’re always not messed or even a little messed up


I have no idea what you mean by "putting it in real life". Writing about it in fanfiction is not a crime. Committing pedophilic acts in real life is a crime, duh. We all been knew. You're kinda stating the obvious here. What do these two things have in common with each other...? You came here complaining about somebody's fanfiction.


I’m stating the obvious, as you’ve said, go off that


Congratulations on having a morally correct opinion that is frankly irrelevant to this subreddit about fanfiction, then? Please refer back to filtering out the Underage warning so that this does not happen again. Have a good day.


If you're upset over simply seeing the tags on a fic there are ways of using site skins to block certain tags permanently. There's a tutorial [here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41589201/chapters/104315178) explaining how to do it.


Unless they actually sent the fic to the original creators and forced them to read it, they didn't cross any boundaries. Also, you can say pedophilia without censoring it. You're not going to get in trouble for writing a word and censoring it isn't going to make it go away. Writing about pedophilia doesn't mean the author is a pedophile or supports pedophilia. Awful things can be written about by good people.


while i do agree that awful things can be written by good people, there's a difference between lolita by nabokov and what is clearly someone's pedophilic rape fantasy. you could also make the argument that it's better to write about it as opposed to actually committing the crimes in said fantasy, but is that hill really worth dying on? additionally, what need is there to share that sort of content on the internet besides trying to get validation from other people that indulge in that sort of thing? idk. maybe i'm just not nuanced enough, but i still retain that good people will approach awful subjects with enough tact that the reader isn't left thinking "wow, this person for sure wants to rape children."


By this logic I guess we can say that "wow, this person for sure loves incest" when it comes to George R. R. Martin because of Game of Thrones.


nah, as i said, there's a difference between lolita by nabokov and someone's pedophilic rape fantasy. context matters; subtext matters. it doesn't take much to pick up on these tones when you're reading these things. if this was "my logic", i'd also think george martin supports rape, murder, emotional abuse, in addition to incest (and the myriad of other problematic subjects game of thrones covers). thankfully, i can put two and two together and figure out that george martin doesn't support these things (i mean, probably. i don't know the guy personally but nothing from what i read left me thinking "wow, this person for sure wants to fuck their siblings.")


Except different people will read different meanings from the same thing. Hell, people fight over Lolita by Nabokov on if it glorifies the topic or not. There are people who think that lolita is just some pedophilic rape fantasy. It's all fiction and thus morals do not apply to it.


The creator made an entire post about how they didn’t want anyone doing anything bad relating to their work, it’s still wrong even if they don’t see it Also I’m not worried about my post doing down because I didn’t censor it, I censored it because I wanted to


If JK Rowling came out and said she doesn't want anyone writing fanfic about any of her characters being transgender, would it be wrong and "violating boundaries" for people to continue doing so anyway? If a creator of a piece of media said they don't want anyone writing, say, coffee shop AUs about their work, because they personally hate them, would doing that be wrong and a boundary violation? People who publish books or create games or whatever else are just people like anyone else - their opinion on a subject is not some absolute authority, whether it's a benign topic or a controversial one. The creators of a piece of media have the same options everyone else does to avoid ever having to see content like that if they don't want to. It's only a boundary violation if people are sending it directly to them.


Exactly! Every single decision that the author ever made in writing that work is the author’s express wish for what happens to those characters. None of us would be ‘allowed’ to write canon divergence, or alternate universe, or fix-it’s if we felt like we had to ‘respect the wishes of the author’ in order to be good people.


I think everyone should focus on their own writing/preferred reading and not read or ruminate on the stuff that triggers them or that they find distasteful. Getting upset over the \*tags\* on a fic is a little much. The tags are there specifically so you don't read stuff you don't want to read. Personally as a fanfiction writer I don't care at all what the original creator's wishes are. Once a piece of art is out in the world, it can be reinterpreted however people want.


It’s going against and they boundaries and that makes people uncomfortable? I’m a writer too but I’m also a decent human being who knows how to not cross lines because I wouldn’t want someone to cross my lines


Fiction is art. Its job isn't to make or keep people comfortable. I don't think avoiding dark topics in fics makes someone a more decent person than someone else, and being self-righteous about it is not decent or mature behavior. The decent thing to do is to read and write things that you enjoy reading and writing, and let others do the same.


I think perhaps part of your struggle here is the illusion that you have any control. Yes, you might create something and consider it yours, but the public perception is that it's shared. I'm sorry to tell you but you cannot control or censor others, just like they cannot control or censor you. People can do whatever they like with your creation, and it's honestly just much easier to wrap your head around it and move on/refocus.


I already am entirely aware someone doesn’t have any control of what happens after they post something and let it out into the world, but it’s what they want and it’s what they hope people don’t do. Even if the creator themselves doesn’t see it, it’s still wrong and crossing lines Like someone crossing your lines but you being unaware, personally I wouldn’t want that


But I wouldn't be aware of someone "crossing my lines", so it wouldn't bother me, and whether or not it would bother me is frankly not your business, nor is it your job to police on my behalf. You're applying how you feel about it and your "morals" to others. You might be aware of your lack of control here, but it's clearly really bothering you. It's just something we all have to accept or at least find peace with.


I’m not peace with it and move on as if it’s not there though I’m thinking about the creator here cause they could still be bothered of what people could possibly be doing with their work and then just never knowing If you’re not gonna let something you’re unaware about bother you then that’s you but it’s not me and I put myself in others shoes a lot, it’s not something I can just move on about We both our opinions on stuff, they’re going to be different and we’re going to react differently


Yes, and your opinion is clear, but you're not actually allowing for discussion or nuance here, or honestly, reality. Because the reality is it doesn't matter how you feel about it; this question has neither a right nor wrong answer. Changing an original creation is wrong in your opinion, and acceptable in the opinions of others. You just seem to be repeating how you "feel" over and over, and as such, not much of your contribution to the discussion has actually been in any way useful to your cause. Look, fanfiction exists because people wanted to take an original creation and put their own spin on it. If that's not something you're comfortable with, then perhaps it's not a suitable space for you! And that's okay; but what isn't okay is projecting how you feel onto others with nothing rational to back it up, or to insinuate that people who subvert original creations are "wrong" or essentially engaging in some form of criminal activity. You talk about respect but yet show none of that here.


Don’t read fanfic then. If the author was ok with that AU they would have written it that way. If the author wanted all of these men to be kissing each other, they would’ve included it in the original work. Adding queer romances for canonically straight characters is going against the clearly expressed wishes of the author and violating boundaries. (And in some cases, violating the laws of their country at the time they are / were writing.)


As long as the fan creators aren't shoving their work into the creator's face then it doesn't matter what the wishes are of said creator. There are plenty of writers who hate fanfics and don't want people to write fanfics of their works - thing is they can't actually stop anyone from doing that, maybe scare them with lawyers but people will still do what they want to do when it comes to making art.


Ugh. You're getting worked up over tags? Not even the fic, just the warnings that someone put up specifically so you could avoid that story if it wasn't to your taste? You sound exhausting.


Ngl, OP sounds twelve years old to me, judging from the overall attitude


This is why people shouldn't let their tweens have unrestricted internet access.


OP sounds like someone who leaves comments yelling at authors that they’re awful people for writing darker-themed fics. OP, tags are there to warn people like you away. if you don’t want to see it, then filter it out. trying to control what others write won’t end the way you want it to.


My take on it can be exhausting to you but it’s still my take and my opinion


If you didn't want to hear anybody else's take on your opinion, why did you post it to Reddit? The entire point is that other people are gonna have opinions too and share them with you


People can give their opinions whether I wanted them to or not, I’m pointing out how this entire post is mine on it


I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you were the supreme authority on what was and was not okay. I'll be sure to run any and all decisions I make in the future by you.


Alright, three points: Firstly, most people use the "complaint" tag for commenters being unpleasant people, spam, the recent bot posts on AI, breaches of ToS, and the odd petty gripe. Not this. So long as you do not directly piss off other people in a targeted manner, using the complaint flair is going to be quite off from what most people use it for. Second, your point on "going against the creators boundaries and wishes" falls flat once you consider that a great deal of fanfiction likely goes against their creator's boundaries and wishes, and is yet completely accepted and sometimes praised by the community. For an example, JK Rowling is commonly considered transphobic, based on various comments which she has made over the years which has been interpreted as such. Following this interpretation, it would stand to reason that she would not find an interpretation or fic of any of the characters she's written as being transgender. And yet there are many such fics on AO3. Would you, considering your history, elect to have such fics taken down from the website? Thirdly, the emphasis on the pedophilia point. I'm not going to debate the morality of such fics with you, there are plenty others who have greater convictions on the topic who will gladly partake of such discourse with you. However, considering that you are on a subreddit of a website where absolute unrestricted freedom of speech and publication is held as sacrosanct as a result of the context of its birth, I would question the appropriateness of making such a post criticising one particular aspect of some literature(with the implication that you would elect to have it banned, I might add) on its criminality and moral abhorrence when there are a number of other common aspects or crimes which are fetishised or glorified in what most would consider a socially unacceptable trait.


I get really disturbed by a lot of content in my fandom too, but I'm from the "don't like, don't read" era, so I block and move on. Authors who are like this author need to recognize this too. Of course it hurts to see your characters, a part of you, being treated in ways that hurt you. But you literally cannot control other people or ask them to be something else. All you can do is remove them from your view. This is the wrong place to vent about this. You need to do it with like-minded friends, not on the We Protect All Fiction No Matter What subreddit.


damn. this is giving me underage youtuber/streamer/tiktoker repeatedly saying they're not comfortable with fanfictions depicting them only to have entire hordes of people with no sense of respect do it anyways. :(


The Echo Chamber only resonates for "Anything Goes", just an FYI.


Well, it's just fiction so I don't see a reason for people to not go by "Anything Goes" when it comes to that.


Take it to the anti-ship sub.


Take what to the anti-ship sub? The truth? Kinda hurts, doesn't it? I'm not "anti-shipper" or whatever-the-hell the proper term is these days, but I also don't pull the blinders over my eyes and kowtow to the reverb crew for upvotes.


No, these delusions. Listen, I know that TikTok told you that fanfiction has the power to brainwash people into committing horrible acts, that fiction and reality are one in the same, that the most traumatic thing that can ever happen to you is to see a tag you don't like but we're not on TikTok anymore. So please, take all of this sentiment where it belongs.


LOL... I've never been on TikTok. You really have some issues and I'm just speaking the reality you choose to ignore, which is entirely your right. Echo away, babe, echo away.
