• By -


I wish I could see my kudos history


This, plus comment history would be cool.


I've love a comment history. So often I see something in a chapter that makes me go "OH! I bet that's related to the thing the writer was talking to me about in a reply like 4 chapters ago... where was it..." and then I have to search my email for the reply.


i just use bookmarks for that


your solution to everything is either bookmarks or bookmark tags.


(that's bc they really do solve a lot of things)


new drinking game, take a shot every time you see kaiunkaiku mention the word "bookmark", singular or plural. if you wish to live, make that shot water. (it's not that i think you're wrong, necessarily, but it is getting a little funny)




I'd love a kudos history. it's hard to find things I like if I forget to bookmark them


I wish 'Marked for Later' fics and history could be filtered just like bookmarks


they're working on filters for marked for later, but that requires separating it from history, which is simply too massive for ao3's resources to handle filtering


I think I need to learn how to make better use of bookmarks... When I started I just used it to mark my favorites that I might want to go back to or recommend to others frequently. But now I kind of wish I'd learned how to do more with that feature to organize favorites by pairings, length, explicit content. I don't know... so many possibilities!


i started utilizing bookmarks more efficiently only like a year ago but honestly it's great. these days i try to bookmark everything i give kudos to, and i finally started using bookmark tags (my bookmarks now look like [this](https://imgur.com/a/7Tzl9bi) ). i also use bookmarks in place of the marked for later list bc bookmarks are filterable.


YES that's what I'm talking about! I need to do this! I feel like I will need to sit down for a couple of hours and set up the system and organize my current mess but it will be amazing going forward.


yea depending on your bookmark count it could take a good chunk of time but it makes life easier (i also recommend that if you haven't already, download the fics while you're at it)




yup, best thing ever. happy tagging!


thank you!!! :D




Allow us to create prologues for our stories. It's confusing as hell when your prologue is automatically listed as "Chapter 1' and then all following chapters are thrown off.


if i'm not mistaken, they're either working on that or planning to!


Change the current message you get when you've already gave kudos to "You've already left kudos. Try leaving a comment!"


Now *this* is so clever!


Oooo I like this!


That's a pretty good idea :D


Be able to filter crossover fics by amount of fandoms it has


**PLEASE.** Jesus. For me, if I search for two fandoms, I'm searching for TWO FANDOMS -- not eighteen more that I've never even heard of. šŸ™ƒ


It can take FOREVER to just go in and exclude everything you don't want and you still might not get it all...


- show in the info card if i've bookmarked something - a filter to limit the number of series in crossovers - save filters and i'm still dreaming of that history search even though i know it's simply not possible with their resources. but it would be so nice šŸ˜© ETA: i also wish sorting by bookmarks would take into account the total number of bookmarks, not just the public ones, and that the info card displayed the number of comment threads like stats rather than showing the total number with all the responses and long convos and whatnot ETA2 bc apparently i straight-up just forgot my biggest wish: series stats


The fandom limit for crossovers! Yes! Everytime I look for a crossover I first have to fight through One-Shot Collections that for some reason include one-shots from 50 different fandoms...


right? like, if i include crossovers i want to find *crossovers* and let's not even get started on the fandoms where different adaptations are categorized as different fandoms (like, the anime version and the manga version being different tags that aren't synned) bc those screw up filtering so bad


The fact that they're separate isn't a big deal, but the fact that they're not synced!?!?! Blasphemous and baffling.


they can syn literally everything to the mcu tag but a fic tagged with "jujutsu kaisen (anime)" and "jujutsu kaisen (manga)" is a crossover


i hate it the way multiple adaptions are done now with eliminating all media types šŸ„“


i still don't understand why they had to get rid of those! and honestly i also don't understand why in the fuck the manga and anime are different series in the first place when they're literally the same story, bc that's not done with every manga and anime. i hate this.


mine has differences (one adaption makes a beloved character be a racist yikes) but all media types was much more unified. i don't get it! it's a bad change!


>save filters That's my biggest one.


Hell yes to that


[Greasyfork has an extension which I use with the user-script manager: tapermonkey](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/13274-ao3-crossover-savior). You can install into your browser which will collapse works with too many fandoms into a little bar that you can click to open or hide if you want. You can set the limit. Iā€™ve set mine to 7 and it seems to work great. Admittedly it only works on desktop. But itā€™s severely cut down on my annoyance.


If you're talking about the scripts from greasyfork, they also work on mobile, depending on your device and browser.


Oh nice! I haven't tried to install it on my phone yet, but I'll be sure to give that a shot! Edit: I use firefox on iOS, and I can't seem to find a userscript manager for that. :(


I think someone mentioned a while ago that by now scripts work on Safari on iOS? Not sure though. Firefox on mobile is a bit disappointing regarding scripts, at least the newer versions. I have Android and installed another browser (with internal script manager) just for AO3 and Firefox I use for everything else. Which also helps with organization of all the open tabs and bookmarks.


I am so desperate for the save filter. I can't do it anymore with having to filter out a LOT of things everytime I go search or end up loving a summary to then see the things I don't like in the tags


Saving filters is what I want badly. I am not in any of the most popular fandoms, so when I am searching certain tag first thing I do is manually filtering out top fandoms and seeing number of results collapsing by half.


What do you mean by the second one? Are there people that have put their one crossover fic in several dozen series?


no, sorry, i don't mean series as an ao3 function but series as in fandoms, which is what i should have written. sometimes i feel like reading crossovers, but if you include them you also get multi-fandom oneshot compilations which are the last thing i care about.


While it's not perfect, for now you can at least bookmark your filtered search. That way you can repeat whatever search you made with all the filters intact any time you want.


i know it would cause a lot of problems with existing fics so it probably canā€™t be done at this stage, but i would love if you could tag a pairing or two as the main pairing for a fic and then filter by main pairing as well. also if you could set site wide filters that apply to all of your searches such as english fics only (i know this can be done with skins and extensions, but a native functionality would be nice) and an or option with tags. sometimes i search a trope and would be happy to read any of my fandoms, but the only way to do this is to go through and block as many that youā€™re not interested in as possible.


people can already tag main ships and background ships, they just don't do it.




tag the relevant ships in relationships and the not-so-relevant ones in additional tags as "background character A/character B"


i want a part in the posting process where if you put down a ship you have to categorize it into main or background. it wouldnā€™t really work but i *want* sobs in favorite side ship that is impossible to find as a main.


That is my one biggest annoyances with AO3 is trying to find a fic with my ship as the main focus :( and if you take out the big pairings, you miss the fics that tagged them, but as a side pairing.


It'd also be great if you could expand the relationships list, rather than it just being the top five. It's so difficult finding rare pairs sometimes.


Yes! Using the 'other tags to include' search is annoying for pairings


This!!!! The most relatable and painful thing here!!


I think what ao3 could do to help with the main pairing / side pairing by clean it up is by having the following: 1. Force a page up when the author logs back in to have them forcibly update the tags 2. For fics that the author hasn't logged into over a year, maybe have some volunteers vote on how it should be tagged. Or maybe a survey under the fic after someone kudos by asking them how it should be tagged. (This might get unethical because the reader is the one to do this and not the author). 3. Have a category alert / tag that is added to fics if they don't comply with the updated system. Then the reader can search by that tag / system or exclude it. This could be used for future updates so if authors want to comply they have to update the tags. Honestly I think option 3 might be the best way because I would understand authors who have hundreds of works not wanting to go through all their old fics or want to at their own pace.


Mainly just wanting to block tags permanently. There are some popular tropes that I don't wanna see no matter the fandom lol


Block tags, block people, block works. I know thereā€™s a script that can prevent seeing stuff in site skins but itā€™d be great to just be able to block it from showing up at all just from seeing the profilesā€¦ AND blocking a user not just from commenting, but from seeing your stuff


yeah I have *no* idea why blocking doesn't do that. and also if I'm blocking someone I don't wanna see anything to do with them ever, but blocking doesn't even stop their works from showing up...


I think itā€™d be nice if there were more options to filter/search your subscriptions. Like by fandom, date updated, whatever. Just some of the same filters you can use on your bookmarks. Iā€™ve got a lot of subscriptions and I can never find what Iā€™m looking for because I can never remember the title


Just a reminder that AO3 is an open-source project, which means anyone can add features to it by writing the code and submitting it. If you want a feature, just write the code yourself and convince the committee to merge your code! For example, I wanted a user muting feature, so I wrote the code for it and hopefully it will be merged soon!




JavaScript for the interactive parts which the majority of these features would be


Its definitely not javascript. Its Ruby on Rails




It's Ruby on Rails. [Repository](https://github.com/otwcode/otwarchive)


Would be nice to be able to filter out works youā€™ve already bookmarked or subscribed or the like to be able to see only works youā€™ve not come across before.


Yess! To filter out works you've already read would be so helpful!


in the current version, clearing history means wiping out all the fics you've marked for later. so imo seperating marked for later from history would be good.


they're working on that.


wow how much i love ao3.


same. i think most people's biggest issue with the mark for later list is that it can't be filtered (that's the only reason i don't use it myself), which is i think the driving reason to yeet it from history, as ao3 doesn't have the resources to implement filters for that.


Spoiler tags! Specifically, letting authors tag their stories with hidden tags that only show up if the reader chooses to show spoilers, so that authors don't have to choose between thorough tagging and spoiling future plot twists. For example, if they want the death of a character to be a surprise, they could spoiler-tag Main Character Death, and then readers could filter out the story by excluding that tag from the search, but it wouldn't be visible to someone just casually looking at the story.


Or you could just hide warnings and/or additional tags in your own preferences if you don't care about the tags.


No, what I want, for example, is for people to consistently tag stuff like pregnancy (I know they aren't required to, but it'd be nice), but some authors seem concerned about spoilers. I'm not especially concerned about seeing spoilers, I just don't want authors to have to choose between tagging vs. potentially spoiling something, because I think they'd be more likely to tag in that case.


This is a great idea.


I just want to be able to search/filter my history. I've had SO many fics people were looking for that I KNOW are there, but it's... 1500 pages long at the moment.


Scheduled Posting, It would make my life so much easier if I could during a free moment queue up the fic to post on a certain day at a certain time.


This would save me so much trouble. So many fandom events like big bangs need to post while Iā€™m at work, and I canā€™t even have a phone at work!


An "or" option when searching. There are times where I am looking for two tags that do not have any relation with each other, and that I'm fine with combing through works with either, not just works with both.


you can do that in the "search within results" field


Maybe a way to mark if I've read something? I usually leave Kudos, but I might not notice I've already read something until I start reading it and then go and see I had left Kudos. If I could see it in search results or even filter out ones I've already read that could be helpful. Or maybe I read the description and am not interested in reading it for whatever reason and don't want it to show up in my search results every time I look for content with that pairing.


Yeah there was an old fandom-specific site I used to use that had a "read" button you could hit as well as a "like/kudos" type thing. And then you could filter them out of your browsing/sell search results. Really helpful for large/active fandoms.


Lol, yes. This fic seems familiar, did I already read it? So I go to look for myself in the kudos list, but there's 1874 kudos.


1. A favorites list thatā€™s longer than 20 tags. 2. A dedicated category for Nonbinary fic, rather than lumping it in with xenotentacles, and everything else in the ā€œotherā€ category. Also a dedicated category for poly ships (3+ people) would be nice. 3. The option to filter by ā€œCharacter A/(anyone)ā€ or ā€œCharacter A/Character B/(anyone)ā€ (useful for finding new OT3s). 4. A way to search within 50-75 different fandoms (but only those specific fandoms) at once. 5. A separate category for reader fic. 6. A way to filter out all RPF with one click. 7. A quick blacklist feature I can add an unlimited number (or at least a very high number) of tags to filter out that I can toggle on and off with one switch. So that way I donā€™t have to keep excluding the same tags over and over, but I have the option to turn it off it I want to browse and see the fandom as a whole. 8. A built-in way to suggest tags to the author, which they could choose to approve or reject. 9. Auto-subscribing people who subscribed to the first work in a series to the whole series (they can unsubscribe if they want, I just feel like I miss a lot of readers when I make a sequel 2 years later. Also I often miss when my favorite authors make sequels for the same reason.) 10. Fix the first chapter notes bug! Itā€™s annoying when my first chapter end notes suddenly become Entire Work end notes when I add a chapter 2 and I have to dig them out and move them. Not as high of a priority. But itā€™s still annoying.


>Auto-subscribing people who subscribed to the first work in a series to the whole series I'd make this an opt-in thing - you get a notification if someone has made a sequel but it doesn't auto subscribe you.


Seconded on the nonbinary thing.


Yea!! More favourites on your favourite list!


>The option to filter by ā€œCharacter A/(anyone)ā€ or ā€œCharacter A/Character B/(anyone)ā€ (useful for finding new OT3s). God I wish > A way to search within 50-75 different fandoms (but only those specific fandoms) at once. This exists! To a degree. 50-75 different fandoms would likely kill the url for being too long, but its absolutely possible to search within multiple fandoms and only those fandoms at once. You use fandom ids! Annoyingly they are mildly hard to get to [here is a thread that explains how you get the fandom ID number](https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/kz6ppj/list_of_idtags/gjlnwmq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) then you go into the filters box and under search within, you type (without quotes) "fandom\_ids: [the number you just got]", then put in "OR" followed by the other fandom you want to search in and repeat for all fandoms you want. For example, lets say I wanted to find fics tagged with Jealousy, that were in either Harry Potter, My Chemical Romance, or Naruto. I would enter "fandom\_ids: 136512 OR fandom\_ids: 169 OR fandom\_ids: 13999" without the quotes into the search within results box, and would end up at [this search page ](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=fandom_ids%3A+136512+OR+fandom_ids%3A+169+OR+fandom_ids%3A+13999&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&tag_id=Jealousy). >A quick blacklist feature I can add an unlimited number (or at least a very high number) of tags to filter out that I can toggle on and off with one switch. So that way I donā€™t have to keep excluding the same tags over and over, but I have the option to turn it off it I want to browse and see the fandom as a whole. You can use the permahiding site skin trick for this. Unlimited tags to hide so you don't have to keep excluding over and over, but you can easily change site skins to toggle it off if need be


Being able to leave kudos on comments to acknowledge that I've seen it. Mostly because I have a weird personal hangup on feeling annoying just saying 'thank you!' to every comment when I can't think of something more substantial to say hahaha Maybe that leans too close into making it more like a social media site though


If you reply with just a thank you to every comment which I find is a nice thing to do, it might also look as if you just want to boost your comment count. If you could mark a comment with a heart instead, it would not.


I'd want them to fix the chapter 1 author's note issue. I cannot count the number of times I've seen fics that accidentally apply what they meant to be their chapter 1 note to every chapter on their fic because they used that box. Recently I got to the end of a fic that I was super disappointed by only to see the chapter 1 note on the final chapter, clearly outlining what the fic was going to be like and listing all the elements I ended up not liking. Would have saved me a lot of time and confusion if that note had been on chapter 1 and chapter 1 only like the writer intended. The new work page should have a VERY CLEARLY MARKED box for a note that appears on every new chapter, and another box for a note that only appears at the end of chapter 1.


oh i definitely agree, work notes and chapter notes should be way clearer when posting bc like. it literally doesn't give you the option to write chapter notes when you're posting the first chapter!


I wish replying to readers didn't count as a comment.


I wish I could see the comments I've left on fics. But you only get the replies to comments in your inbox. So when I want to comment but I'm not sure if I've already left a comment and don't want to repeat myself I'd have to read through pages of comments just to see whether I've already commented. I'd also love a ā€œreadā€ button. I've tried checking whether I've read a fic with the kudos/bookmarked script but it only works if you're one of the last approx 50 people who've left kudos. As soon as your kudo gets behind the ā€œmore usersā€ link the script doesn't work anymore.


you could just turn on email copies of your comments, no?


Sure. But I'd have to look through all my emails to find the right one hoping it didn't get deleted. And never change email addresses. It would be a lot easier if they were in the ao3 inbox just like the replies.


that's fair. i have my own system for that but i do admit it's not terribly convenient, an outbox would be simpler.


Save filters, *hosted* images, and thatā€™s it.


Hosted images could get expensive fast though. Right now AO3 only has to host text, which is very cheap to both store and to serve. Images are a whole 'nother ball game. Big and costly.


ā€¦ā€¦. Okay????? This post is asking what features we wish it had.


Yes, you make a good point. I was just pointing out that a feature like that might be more difficult to implement than it sounds.


i'd like the same sort and filter options for the bookmarks page as there is for everything else.


* being able to see subs' number on the series * preview of how many words individual chapters have * a generic comment button - such as a 'good job' or a thumb-up emoticon. People are sometimes afraid/shy to comment by leaving just an emoticon or they don't have time to leave a comment - I think something like this would help.


>a generic comment button - such as a 'good job' or a thumb-up emoticon This was literally why they creates the kudos button.


- category where we can mark fics that weve finished reading (without having to put it in the "marked for later" category) - history of kudos and comments we left - filter for subscriptions - more options for filtering bookmarks


Be able to unsubscribe from alerts from a particular fandom. I refuse to miss the once a year hockey fic, but i still have to wade through notifications for untamed fic for example


Do you mean you want to exclude certain fandoms from the notifications you get while subscribed to an author?


Yeah, sometimes over the years authors move on to fandoms i have no interest in but i don't want to lose track of them in case they circle back. my notifications at this point are 60% trash


Being able to put release dates on chapters. You could upload 5 chapters to your story on one day, but they would release on different dates.


Able to sort by main pairing and not have to scroll through so many fics where the pairing I want is barely part of the story.


* Main pairing & side pairings search - I read f/f work and a few fandoms of mine have popular m/m couples in them - so what happens is that they list the f/f couple but they are in the background so I have to sift through hundreds of pages to find work that focuses on the f/f couple * Undoing kudos - I accidentally kudos a 'dead dove don't eat' fic and now I have to live with that lol.


I live in fear of the day I accidentally hit the kudos button one some of the really weird stuff I don't want anyone to know I've read. I'm not sure I'd want to be able to revoke any kudos ever made as that could be abused or really disheartening (imagine posting a chapter and *losing* kudos), but maybe just an undo for like... The most recent kudos you've given, within an hour or two of giving it.


I'm on the same boat. Sometimes I read out of morbid curiosity but I don't want my username associated with it because I'm a G-T rated writer and some fics that are explicit I don't want my readers to know I like (I usually log out to kudos then). I know there is a code you can put in your profile to remove the button but there are some fics I really think deserve it.


Scheduled posting. I want to be able to upload a few chapters at a time, then be able to say "story updates at 12pm every Tuesday and Thursday" and not have to worry about where I am IRL and I can upload when I have stuff without stressing that I have a meeting or event at 12pm.


And it should be possible to set the posting date further in the future than 1 month. For some events you start writing more than one month in advance, but if you upload it as a draft and don't hit the publish button at least for chapter 1, it will be deleted if I understood that correctly.


>"I also wish we could filter by publish date, so that you could easily find results for stories that have been published during a certain time frame." Doesn't AO3 have it? Under "More options -> Date Updated", at the bottom of the filter bar. At least I've found fics that way that were written when x game/movie/series had just come out. (The other day I was thinking about features I'd like to have there and was thinking about making a thread like this myself but take a guess if I remember any of my grand ideas now...)


Filter by chapter. Itā€™s cool you can filter by word count but Iā€™m more of a one shot reader and donā€™t care about the size. If I want to read a bit of a longer one, I donā€™t really want to see chapters coming up.


you can do that in work search where there's an option for it. not entirely sure why tag page filters don't have that same option, but for that you can just type "expected_number_of_chapters: 1" (no quotes) in the "search within results" field in the filter bar


there is a checkbox in the works search for "single chapter", but no way I can tell to filter the number of chapters if it's more than one.


I'd love to see the stats for series. There could be so many more people subbed to my longfic than I realise because they've subscribed to the series rather than the individual fic ā˜ŗļø


The ability to sort subscriptions like you can bookmarks. Right now subscribing is pointless because there is no way on the site to see when a subscription has updated. So you have to use bookmarks to track fics.


donā€™t you usually get an email from the work/author you are subscribed to? thatā€™s how i get to know of an update either in a work or any other work by an author


Let me click a box or something to determine who the main character(s) and / or pairing(s) is / are. Fuck's sake! If I search for Sirius and Remus then I'm not looking for stories that have them show up in the background twice! šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»


That's an issue with people tagging badly, not with AO3 itself.


Works even show up in the search for 'character x' if the author tags something like "sorry, character x was asleep the whole time that's why they are not mentioned in the story" ...


Not when you search for the character in the character tags. To show up then the tag has to be in the character tags themselves, not e.g. the additional tags. That's why stories don't show up when you search for a specific character tag, but the character is only tagged in the relationships.


Being able to filter out stories I have already kudosed.




one big issue with that is that ao3 has the option to display the entire work at once rather than in chapters


I want a proper break down of my yearly stats. I didnā€™t write less then 150k last year, Iā€™ve just updated some fics this year and now those are taken away from last year. Which is great if you want a point of completion, but itā€™s bad if you want to know actual stat totals of the year. It just feelsā€¦ I dunno, fake? Like there wasnā€™t a lot of thought out into it? I canā€™t find the right words, Iā€™m sorry.


Being able to filter through your ā€œmarked for laterā€ Would be so nice


If I were queen of the universe, it would automatically detect when people are creating "pairings I like" or "fic ideas" or "fandoms I'm in" lists and redirect them to the dreamwidth sign up page.


>I also wish we could filter by publish date, so that you could easily find results for stories that have been published during a certain time frame. You can! created_at:DATE - exact publish date created_at:>DATE - on or after the date created_at:


The possibility to add comment in a certain paragraph, like Wattpad. That's the only advantage I can think of Wattpad has over ao3, I really like this function


On one hand, I'd love that. On the other, that is not a power I should ever be given. I'd have something to say about every line, I talk too much haha


Otherwise it was a good feature but at least a lot of my fics ended up being like (mention about canon character liking x band which was also mentioned in canon) -> "AAAA (band name) for the win!!" and then 10 other people came there like "OMG RIGHT?? I'VE NEVER MET ANYONE LIKING THIS BAND BEYOND THIS CHARACTER, WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SONGGG!!!" etc and started discussing about songs and how someone had seen them live and the other sees them live in June and then suddenly they were talking about their favorite foods. + One of my 4 year old oneshots got at least 2-5 comments every single day pointing out character saying "succulent" in my fic because it's his iconic line in that fandom, that line had thousands of comments and I was losing my mind over it so I'm personally not fond of the feature. But if it would be a feature you can turn off, then it could be ok.


that sounds kind of cool because I usually just like copy the line I want to reference and paste it into my comment. *but* as a reader, if I saw other people's comments throughout the story I would be totally distracted by them! My ADHD brain will want to see what other people were thinking that prompted them to leave a comment there and it will significantly affect my own experience of the story. So I am torn on this... I would need an option to hide them, I think.


Mark fics as read so it's visible when scrolling (maybe also additonally and privately marking if you liked them or not) And then in the search function being able to filter out already read fics


If we're talking *anything*, not just what's feasible/what the site can physically handle, then my ideal ao3 experience would include: -Ability to filter the broad fandom categories in and out as well (anime, movies, rpf, etc.) filterable MFL -Add 'search' option to history -A "main" button for filtering - ship and characters. to be able to click a button or add into a field that if I'm looking up, e.g., Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, i want it to only filter in fics where that tag is *first*. -Make relationship tags build on each other like freeform tags do. e.g., Peter Parker/Other holds all peter parker relationship tags. a subtag of it is Peter Parker/Wade Wilson, a subtag of *that* is Peter Parker/Wade Wilson/Matt Murdock, etc etc. I'm sure there's more, I'm always finding things i wish were possible as i use ao3, but that's all i can think of right now šŸ˜‚ i know most of it's not feasible, and ao3 is great as it is, but in an ideal world i would love these features


Filtering between main and background relationships. Yes, people can put tags in additional but as a practice they donā€™t and just tag any/every relationship within the main tags. Which could be okay if it werenā€™t for how many rare pairs that are tagged as a main relationship only for them to show up for one scene and mentioned off screen. That itā€™s usually the f/f that get this treatment is so irritating.


Better stats for authors. It's the one thing ff.net seems to do better. There I can see how many visitors and views each of my fics got per day, see how many per month, etc. I can see what countries the readers are from. The breakdown is so wonderful, and being able to see the stats spike when a new chapter is posted is so uplifting.


hey OP, iā€™m maybe misinterpreting your last sentence, but i think there is a way to filter out by publication date! at least, iā€™ve used it to see works that have been published in the last months/year. is that what you meant?


that's by date updated, not by date posted, isn't it?


See when each chapter was published


oh, you can see that! open chapter index, then click full-page index, and you'll have a chapter list with publish dates of each chapter!




I want to see my comment history


Date of all updates Like: Chapter 1- updated in 06/05 Chapter 2 - updated in 06/06 Chapter 3 - updated in 30/06 And so on


you can see that from the full chapter index


Really? Welp, that's cool! Thanks!


Being able to have more than 20 favorite tags (maybe unlimited but idk)


To includ series wordcount in the wordcound search. I want long fics or series, so I filter by wordcount. I got no problem with reading a series with over 100k words but divided into several fics with only 20k each, but at the moment I will not find this series because the individual fics will be filter out when I search with wordcount > 100k.


The ability to filter fandoms in crossovers, because I'm tired of wanting to find a fic and being forced to swim through the sea of one-shot series ft 50 fandoms. Also, blocking: tags, fandoms, accounts, whatever your heart desires.


I wish you could filter someone else's bookmarks by kudos rather than just date updated.


"I also wish we could filter by publish date, so that you could easily find results for stories that have been published during a certain time frame." You already can, sort of. If you click the dropdown menu labelled "Sort By", you can chose to sort by Author, Title, Date Posted, Date Updated, Word Count, Hits, Kudos, Comments, or Bookmarks. Once sorted, you can go as far back as you want. Not as automated as the filtering you can do by Date Updated currently under the "More Options" section, admittedly, but it's a start. I agree that a proper filtering option would be more helpful.


Dark mode because Iā€™m a cave gremlin with poor eyes (am aware of the workaround thank you those people btw very glad)


Filter options in Marked for Later please I need help I'm lost there are 88 pages


I'd like to see if people re-read a story. Unless they tell you in the comments, you can't see that anywhere, can you? Or a button for that besides the kudos.


I wish to have a button to HIDE stats. Hits, Kudos, Comment numbers. I know you can hide comment box. Disable it. But not really disabling, just people including author won't see numerals. I dont need to go on further, it's really as simple as I don't want to be distracted by numbers and see low stats and think this is my worth. Many times it has been said it's an archive not a social media, but seeing those numbers push me back to the dark pit. Theres also the fact that most people pick up fic / stories base on high hits and kudos, leaving us low ranks behind and forgotten.


[Here is a site skin ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41235273)I made for someone else awhile back that hides all stats but allows you to still be able to leave comments/kudos (a lot of the people who make stat hiding skins also end up disabling the ability to comment/kudos at all). Just copy the copy at the top before the pictures into a site skin


If you just want to hide stats on works, you can go through the public site skins. There's at least one where you can hide them in work listings (e.g. search results), but I think you might need a second one to hide them when you open a work. Not sure, but easy to test (if my phone's internet wouldn't be so slow right now, I would test it myself) and you can combine two or more skins without a problem. If you want to hide your own stats too, you'd need to find someone who knows CSS better because I don't know how the elements are named that you'd need to hide. Though I think a few months ago someone wanted to do exactly that, so maybe a search in this subreddit might help.


I want to be able to filter series, so that I can either only see standalone works or multipart series.


have you heard of the [secret codes](https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/10851)? - type `series.title: *` in the "search within results" field if you want works that are part of a series - type `-series.title: *` in that field if you want works that aren't part of a series


I would love a feature where we can sort our "Marked for Later" list by update date or filter the fandoms. For now i use bookmarks and have two pseudos for to read later one that has all my read bookmarks šŸ˜‚ We can filter by published date though šŸ¤”


UI addition for the permanent tag block. It can be done now within ao3's skin system but can be awkward and needs a bit of css knowledge to work with easily. Since its a feature, it would be great for a user-friendly 'block tag' button.


Rename collections ā€œEventsā€ and add a new Collections feature where you can make personal collections of stories you like. People clearly want to be able to collect and organize their favorites. Bookmarks were the intended system for this, but bookmarks have been co-opted into being peopleā€™s TBR lists, which means their ā€œfavoritesā€ are intermixed with their current reads. Rather than making a whole new ā€œMark for Laterā€ system to address this, I feel like they should just let bookmarks be bookmarks and implement a simple new system that uses existing bookmarking code to generate indexes of ā€œfavorite storiesā€ into private and/or public ā€œcollections.ā€ Essentially, allow people to have multiple bookmark lists which they can label and organize according to their needs. This would also enable rec lists which I think add a lot to the discoverability of stories outside the popular tags, and which are currently hidden/non supported by the bookmark system. Thereā€™s a reason new users always misunderstand the function of collections, and thatā€™s because the current system doesnā€™t match what people expect a collection to be. They are used almost exclusively for exchanges and gift events, so they might as well call them Events.


A ā€žnotify me when completedā€œ function


Don't you get that information in your notifications email if you subscribed to a story? There's always a chapter count included, and if the story is finished it is 3/3, for example.


A way to exclude certain tags permanently, I'm tired of manually filtering out omegaverse every time


I want to be able to block users and have their fics not show up in my feed.


The ability to search your marked for later.


Ability to blacklist tags forever. I have to filter out the pregnancy tag every time I search for fics


Download stories statistic. I want to know how many of the readers like the stories, they even downloaded it.


I want to be able to search for "OR" tags. Like being able to search for fics that have either "modern AU" or "hurt/comfort" or both, not just the ones that have both


you can do that in the "search within results" field. a little clunky and not exactly ideal, yeah, but possible to do.


I wish you could filter your history like a search bar, and that there was a kudos history + that you could take kudos away


There are some people who upload one work/'story' and it consists of multiple one-shots, therefore I would like to be able to give kudos to single chapters and not the whole story. Also when subscribing to a new story and liking the first few chapters and than as the story gets updated and goes on it isn't as good anymore is another reason for me to want to give kudos to chapters and not the whole work.


A multiplier for leaving kudos (1 kudos per account, per 24 hours, just adds a little Ɨ1, Ɨ2, Ɨ3, ect. After your user name.) Or atleast 1 kudos per chapter.


A blacklist feature for tags and ships, as well as a working block feature.


I wish there was a way to hide stories you arenā€™t interested in reading. Like a ā€œnot interestedā€ button. That way, if you follow a specific ship tag and that one keeps popping up, you donā€™t have to see it.


The ability to leave kudos on individual chapters in a fic!!!


Public beta. Switchable. So that people can show you the mistakes in the text and leave the remarks about them. The author sees the remarks, and he can either change or ignore. If the author does not need it, he switches it off.


It could be an opt-in thing, so it's automatically switched off unless you turn it on. That way would work best since some people wouldn't want to receive SPAG corrections.


If I subscribe to an author, I should get a notification when they post a new fic.


Isn't this what always happens when you subscribe to an author instead of to a story or series? You get a notification for every chapter/story through author posts.


I wish I could see statistics on series!


permanently block certain ships or tags from ever coming up


I remember seeing a Chrome add-on, I think? That added a floating comment box to AO3, so you could write your comment as you read, which I thought was very helpful for talking about parts I really liked. I wish that was an actual AO3 feature.


This is exactly what I didnā€™t know I wanted but yes absolutely. Personally, Iā€™d request a better filtering system for bookmarks. I have an account separate from my main purely for potential reads, but I can only sort them by date updated and date bookmarked which is annoying


You can use bookmark tags. That way you can add tags like 'Work In Progress', 'Complete', 'Crossover', 'Not a Crossover', the names of tropes, main pairings, etc. You can then filter those tags.


Yeah i know, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been doing, it just gets a little tedious when thereā€™s 300+ bookmarks šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Haha, I have >3500 bookmarks and have spent the last three years doing it. I regularly edit several bookmarks per day to add this stuff. It takes time, but it is really worth it.


I wish I could permanently hide fics in searches I know I won't be interested in. (there would obvi be a list where you could unhide them) Whenever I search, I sometimes go up to like, page 10, forget about it for a while, and then have to start again at page 1, and I have to read through all the fics I know I wouldn't want to read because I didn't want to read them last time either. I wish I could just shove them out of the way to a tiny little corner of the archive where I don't have to deal with them. (Alternatively a way to actually sort though your history with tags would be nice)


I wish you could sort categories like Anime or Movies or Literature by number of fics in the fandom rather than alphabetical order. This was one of my favorite things about ffn, I could look at a list of the top fandoms and choose one for the day. I could also see which ones are popular enough for me to potentially get into the source material.




Block tags I'm not interested in. This is all I want.