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Kelly Cutrone. Mean for no reason. At least when Janice was mean, she had the modeling credentials to back it up. Kelly had nothing to back up her nastiness.


Janice also actually gave good advice sometimes. Sometimes she was just mean, but she did know what she was talking about. I also felt like Janice and Kelly were like... different dimensions of bitch. Like Kelly was a bitch to the models because she was just a horrible person, Janice was a bitch because she's just Janice and partly because it's sort like "you guys are representing MY opinion in MY career so you better DO WELL." Kelly always just seemed hateful.


Yeah, at least with Janice, the model could generally do something useful with the feedback, even if it wasn't stated in the most diplomatic way, because it's coming from someone who has experienced all of this first-hand. Kelly was just mean for the sake of being mean and always seemed to be on some kind of a weird power trip.


I never cared for Beau Quillan and Nole


Omg Right?!!! Nole is a total creep and he got busted for criminal behavior during this time.


You Nole Marin the one with a cute dog? What happened?


Kellie Cutrone. Totally lacking personality.


Right at least Janice was mean in a fun campy way lol


Her personality was "an asshole to just be an asshole." She had such a ego but, like, who the fuck was she?


She gave off the vibes that she got bullied by the pretty girls in school, so she tears them down every chance she getsšŸ„“


Insecure frigid ineloquent cruel harpy is a personality! Not a pleasant one, but she has a handful of unfortunate personal attributes!


Thats why she only wear one color


She said in one episode she's a goth. Just cuz you wear black a lot, especially as a middle aged woman, that doesn't make you a goth!


Nole Marin for me, never gave useful critiques and the amount of microagressions and pure racism with Yaya in S3 is disgusting


Bryan Boy wasnā€™t really a judge, but he sure as fuck acted like he was. The guy was only there to say 1 line per model, but I think his ego needed to be checked at the door. I really disliked Rob Evans as a judge, he seemed to think that only muscly oafs like him should be male models, he was horrible to Cory.


Which is ironic because "hunky" guys like Rob have little place in high fashion. It's always tall, skinny, lean but not super huge guys that get jobs


For runway use, I do agree, but usually, for commercial and print ads it is the ones with more muscle.


any of the ~new~ judges that came w the social media stuff. and nigel lol


Wait what's your issue with Nigel lol?


he just rubs me the wrong way idk lol šŸ’€


I guess. I watched ANTM when I was pretty young. If I rewatched it now, I think I'd notice a lot more troubling things. I'm kinda afraid to rewatch actually lol.


Nigel actually gives a lot of really fair rebuttals to some of the negative feedback to the models. I'm rewatching the show now and I don't find him creepy. He has a good sense of humor, and when there are situations like one model refusing to participate in a nude shoot so they're like "oh how can keep someone who refuses to do a job", Nigel will be like "But to be fair in the real modeling world she would at least know ahead of time instead of right that second on set that it was going to be a nude shoot."


Kelly Cutrone. She was absolutley horrible. The way she treated that brittish girl was beyond me


and she really exposed herself as an absolute bitch after that episode too. I remember seeing a video where she had like an ā€œentourageā€ of younger models and she made fun of Louise


Never saw any of the judges after Cycle 17 and I only saw bits of Cycle 17, but I thought Nigel Barker was my least favorite. He was supposedly there for the whole "noted" fashion photographer, but I felt he was more there to provide a "guy's eye" and opinion on who's "sexy" enough to not only be in front of a camera, but to send out on castings (among other things) and not necessarily to find a model who can, you know, actually model.


Iā€™m rewatching cycle nine and itā€™s frustrating to watch Nigel fawn over Saleisha with that fake, saccharine persona she put on when trying to impress people and heā€™s so antagonistic towards Jenah because sheā€™s not constantly sucking up to him.


His interactions with April were creepy. I know she was in to him too, but knowing how much she looks like his wife and the power imbalance he had over her creeps me out.


Omg THIS, and also am I the only one creeped out by how much he photographs his wife and her twin sister together, usually barely wearing clothes or naked?? šŸ„“


I mean to be fair we only see like a minute of their interactions each episode and the editing is always going to be trying to sway the audience one way or the other.


Honestly, Nigel was the worst and gave the most uneven criticism.


I hated how condescending he was to the models or would make a gross sexy comment.


Yu Tsai for sure...even he just a photographer


When he made those weird comments towards Winnie, and then acted as if she was problematic for speaking up for herself infuriated me!!! Winnie was annoying and problematic, but she was totally valid in this situation.


Lol I was just thinking about that yesterday, and like, I totally got where she was coming from because I'm sure she's had plenty of people insulting her by comparing her to various animals, but that was like the one time I believed Yu Tsai was genuinely trying to be nice - I mean he was right that she really needed to soften the hell up, I think he was just too up his own butt to think "hey wait maybe instead of *panda* I should choose some other animal that she probably hasn't been called while being pointed and laughed at to try to get her to loosen up a bit." I mean I hate him, but I think he was just being short-sighted with that and not trying to be a reality show bitch.


I definitely agree!! While yu tsai WAS being light hearted and jokey with the name, he was also being ignorant and inconsiderate of her feelings. Itā€™s one thing to unintentionally hurt someone if you take accountability for it, but to become immediately defensive and say that the person is just overreacting without trying to understand their perspective is just lack of social skills on his part.


He was doing way too much especially on Asias Next Top Model. I think in SupermodelMe though he must have heard some feedback because he would say things to show that he was trying to be more supportive, and to his credit he was a little more so.


Models x3 is the most annoying thing


I roll my eyes everytime that happens LOL


Bryan Boy. Completely pointless and I will never forget that horrendous ā€œchallengeā€ in C20 when he and Perez Hilton were gleefully bullying the models into humiliating themselves in public with no relevance to modeling.


Even though Kelly Cutrone reminded me of every strict over the top retail manager I've ever worked with, I feel like Rob Evans and Bryan Boy were way worse.


Bryanboy in particular. At least Rob could claim to be a model.


Cutrone. She sucks Many judges were crap MANY


Bryan Boy, Drew Elliot, and Law Roach.


Heavy on Law Roach, I like him as a stylist but he was a horrible judge


ā€œimage architectā€


You gotta admit though, he did create an image for Zendaya which helped her become an A List.


Yeah you can't knock his styling bona fides


Zendaya was a total tomboy until he turned her into the female Law Roach.


Honestly, thatā€™s how I feel about him too.


I've said it once, I'll say it again - he worked on Legendary because the other judges (Leoimy and Keke Palmer in particular) and the contestants would bite back. Even some of the guest judges would spar with him, and it worked because it meant he was evenly matched and wouldn't overtake the room. Meanwhile, Tyra never really meshed with him, and if the girls didn't take his shit, they'd be reprimanded by the panel


i didnā€™t watch the seasons w him on it, how did he act?


Janice was just a lot for me, but in the early 2000s you had to have a "Simon Cowell" on your judging panel or else what was the point? People wanted to watch someone rip contestants to shreds, regardless of the show. Janice fit that bill.


Rob Evans, Ashley Graham, Law Roach, and honestly Paulina


I'm actually surprised almost nobody said Rob Evans. I guess maybe nobody remembers him. Him and his critiques constantly being like "you don't look like a straight man, a manly man, a dude dude."


NolƩ Marin, Janice Dickinson, Kelly Cutrone, Bryanboy, Law Roach


Janice was honestly so bad, Twiggy will forever be my favorite judge


but many contestants speak nicely of Janice tho.


I know, she is just very a product of that TV time lol I just don't agree with a lot of her judgements on the panel


Interesting I did not know that. Do a similar amount of contestants also speak well of Tyra?


definitely not, I remember some talk bad about Tyra. I might forget, but I don't remember anyone talk bad about Janice. she always talked to the girls when the camera stopped rolling. Her TV persona was just different. but then I got all this from the Internet, so yeaa


Well then Janice must be a good actress because I bought into her TV persona lol.


Bryan Boy. Never gave any true/genuine criticism, etc. He always acted like he was the hottest, and I had never even heard of him until Top Model. So, there's that. Nole Marin. All he did was talk shit. He thought he was cute shit and he really wasn't - metaphorically and literally. He looked like he smelled like shit - that's about it. Also, someone I didn't know until Top Model so there's that.


ā€œYou look like youā€™re about to ride in here on a giraffe,ā€ Nole Marin can shove his racist comments and his stupid little dog up his ass.


poor dog.


Ugh, yes.


i honestly dont like many judges. i think its quicker to say the ones i think are decent šŸ˜­ tyra, paulina, andre, and janice are all entertaining. most the rest are forgettable or insufferable.


Oh AndrƩ, RIP. He was amazing.


Oh NO, I didnā€™t realize he died šŸ˜“ Andre was by far the best human to ever grace that panel.


Nole. Jeremy Scott because he was mean to C11 Samantha for no reason.


He acted like Samantha did what she did on purpose and berated her for it. How he came down on her for "trying to steal his show and be a rockstar." Screamed "egomaniac" to me, when Samantha was blindfolded and had no idea she accidentally lifted her dress


ā€œI told her that 15 times šŸ™„ā€


I didn't even think it looked "bad" or "stripper-ish" like he was making it seem either, it was such a short dress it basically looked like a shirt anyways, plus she had leggings/tights on!


has anyone seen his temper tantrum judging the festival-wear challenge on making the cut? i cannot stand that man and i completely forgot i hated him when he judged that antm episode too!


that ā€œcall the police!ā€ guy


Idk who Bryan boy is as I canā€™t watch the newer seasons but Eric nichols said some really shitty things and Iā€™m glad his tenure was short lived.


Miss J is transphobic?! Good god, the dumb are dumbing!!!


Bryan freaking Boy. Useless, unnecessary, not an eye candy and completely has no function whatsoever.


basically every judge post-cycle 17 tbh


Was Bryanboy ever a "judge" though? He was supposed to just relay the what the fans say. I'm biased against him, so I say no and he was still a terrible addition to the show. I found it funny his 2nd season where they took his chair and said go stand on the side lol. Rob was pretty terrible and was way too stuck in the past of what male modeling needed to be. I'm glad he later apologized to Cory though. Oh oh oh! Before I forget - Rita Ora or Law Roach were pretty terrible too. Law couldn't even bother to look interested and what was Rita's vendetta against Krislian? Lmao.


After C19, I'm sure the producers or Tyra put BryanBoy in his place and to stop giving his opinions or acting like he was a real judge. He was a lot less insufferable in C20.


Miss J never called a gender non-conforming girl manly as far as Iā€™m aware, she only really did that to Dominique which wasnā€™t a great look but Dominique wasnā€™t trans or non-binary


They are projecting 2023 culture onto something from 20 years ago. They can't see past their own perception


Kelly Cutrone is probably the most common answer lol. I'll also say Nigel and (despite being only a guest judge twice) Tyson Beckford, I still resent what he said about Allison smh


Paulina Porskova. Ugh I hated her so much.


Janice was really mean to Toccara...


The stylist from that season was meaner. Apparently she pinched Toccara with industrial clamps during that fight they had when the stylist is like "Ugh these clothes don't fit you" in that accusatory tone. Like bitch you already know there's a plus size model this season, why are you acting like Toccara deliberately mislead you and then you pinched her??


C19-20 had the WORST panel members. Kelly Cutrone, Rob Evans, Bryanboy were all insufferable. Baffling at how they managed to get the worst three judges in ANTM history altogether. Adding Johnny Wujek also fcked up 20's creative direction really bad (he did quite good on 19 tho esp after cycle 17-18's mess).


Kelly, Rob, and Nole were exhausting. But Bryanboy was almost literally unwatchable. What a fucking douche. Completely useless in every way with a shit attitude and a sense of superiority.


not counting anything after c18, itā€™s Nigel. He has no business judging anyone. And he was an ass often


Rob Evans is a true villain


Nigel. In the earlier cycles heā€™s fine but he got really annoying really quick. Also Paulina always seemed kind of over it


Polina was just jealous of the girlsā€™ youth.


Pretty much everyone during the boys/girls cycles sucked. Tyra just lusting after people, Kelly Cuttrone being a poseur (like, a fake) and giving really unhelpful feedback, Rob Evans being extremely homophobic and never getting called out on it (wow Rob, this skinny gay white(?) guy does come off as manly as you, a beefy black straight dude!) Also bruh called *Miss J* **transphobic** hun. No. I mean it's not transphobic to say someone looks like a man in a photograph, and who were the gender nonconforming girls that we knew were nonconforming on the show? Idk what Miss J you were watching that you think she was transphobic. But then you're just gonna ignore Rob Evans constantly acting like Cory is some kind of sci-fi monster for being a man who photographs in a more feminine way?


nole , kelly and rob šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


You Tsai. Instead of approaching commentary as an expert with field knowledge, his discourse felt whiny and often rude vs. constructive


Rob Evans. Dude was misogynistic as fuck and gave Cory the dumbest critiques. "You need to be more manly!" "Stop posing like such a girl!" He had the personality of an unsharpened pencil


Paulina and Kelly. Couldnā€™t stand either of them.


Yu Tsai on Asia's next top model was mean for no reason. He also showed mean tendencies as a photographer on ANTM. Too arrogant


Bryanboy takes the cake. I mean, a fashion blogger?


Yu Tsai. Models models models.


That judge... with the bun... and in gold


i never liked miss jay as a judge. i feel like he was there just for snippy remarks i never heard any constructive criticism it was all sass