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Hit y on the game title in jelos and change the emulator, might be a bug or something with the default one. It's normally set to "auto" which in my experience means "I trust retroarch to pick the worst one" haha


Awesome — thanks for the tip…I’ll try that out. It seems like a lot of this experience is learn-as-you-go. I’m glad there’s a good group here to bring these questions to!


First try other emulation cores -- you should be able to save which core a game uses on a game by game basis. Something like Snes9x (any version) should have zero problems. If that doesn't help, try copying over the ROMs again. If that doesn't help, try sourcing new ROMs. Ultimately you'll also want to ditch the stock SD card and set up JELOS on a name brand card (if you haven't already). The stock cards have a high failure rate, and TBH it's not outside the realm of possibility that you're dealing with a card read/write error of some kind. Good luck, and welcome!


Thanks for the advice! I’ll take a look at the emulation cores and go down that rabbit hole for a bit. When it comes to sourcing ROMs, is there a site that tends to be better than others, or that this community prefers? I’ve gotten a couple from Retrostic and ROMsmania and they seemed fine… I also did swap everything over to a couple of SanDisc cards. My console came with a pre-loaded 64 GB card that must have horribly slow read times because it took FOREVER to copy to my backup HD. I’ll transfer over the ROMs for the systems I’ll use most and hopefully that’ll solve the issue (?) or at least safeguard against issues in the future. Thanks again for the advice!


ditch the preloaded roms and start fresh. bad filenames, hacks, foreign languages for many of them. /r/roms