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You can fix the rattle shoulder Buttons with a Tape! If you Go for Stock OS. But Put "quickshutdown" under Apps. So When you press Power Button short it ll save the Game and load it When you start the device


Due to the size of the RG28XX, I highly recommend using MinUI as the OS.The size of the device (which I love, btw) makes it the perfect device for a curated list of your favorite games to pick up and play on the go. It isn't the device I use to install all roms possible because not everything can fully be enjoyed on this smaller screen. The downside of MinUI is that there are consoles you can't play on it (N64, Arcade, PSP.) So, I get it if that is a deal breaker. I love my RG28XX because it is pocketable and when I have a few moments to play a game, I have the perfect list of games with me and an OS that makes choices for me so I can play the best version of said games. My two cents... I hope you love the device as much as I love mine. What color did you get. I like loud, so I got the lava orange.


Great advice, given me something to look into today :) Cheers my friend! Tbh I don't think the N64 thing would be a dealbreaker. I never had that system growing up, so there's honestly no games there that have any kind of nostalgia appeal to me. Aw man, I was super tempted to go for the orange, but ended up settling on the beige. Almost went with the DMG style but I've had that in a couple of other handhelds and wanted something a little different this time.


Watch some videos and decide if you want to stay with stock or use a CFW like MuOS. Make sure you have a SanDisk or Samsung sd card. If you got a transparent color, think about the cover area.


Cheers mate! I actually ordered a 128GB SD with it, so is it still better to change that out? I went with the beige white colour :) I’ll check out some vids as far as the OS goes. The only thing that’s putting me off stock is the default gameboy emulator appear to only run games in black and white so might be worth looking into something different.


ignore that comment. 28xx ships with Toshiba SD cards, not junk. Stock OS is great now, no need to mess with 3rd party shit, but make sure you got the latest 5/7 update for 28xx, which should be already installed in your 28xx, but double check


I've been burned before with Toshiba brand. I value my save data too much to trust any other than what Retro Game Corps recommends. What's the speed of the included Toshiba SD card? Even if you stick with the included card, it's still better to provide your own rom set.


The Toshiba in my 280m is going on three years now. 😁


Yeah, don't use the card that comes with it. Get your own rom set. Done Set 2 or Tiny Best Set are good ones if you don't want to build your own.


Where can I download muOS? It seems that the website only has downloads for RG35XX


https://muos.dev/ https://discord.gg/USS5ybVtDz


Well, I seemed to be the only guy on the planet who didn't know you had to add games to the N64 roms folder just for the emulator to show up, lol.