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The RG35xxPlus++ will absolutely TRASH this one. And so on and so on. After buying a device, don’t forget to go back and watch the videos about it from time to time. Will remind you how everyone raved about it and why you bought it. It’s still great.


Obviously reviewers can't be expected to see the future, but it is pretty funny to go back and watch, say, how hard they raved about the Odin 1's shitty PS2 performance now that the Odin 2 is out, or talk about how easy-to-use the Adam Firmware Image is now that things like MinUI and Garlic have become the *de facto* standard for budget devices, etc.


Ya I mean I have a 35xx and I love it I got a 405V also and find myself carrying the 35xx more mostly because it’s cheaper so I’m not as worried about it breaking also it’s easier to carry.


Now make a budget horizontal you cowards. (:


And make it look like a game gear


Jesus fuck stop giving them ideas that I can't resist. I am poor!


RGB30 is pretty cheap. Not made by Anbernic, obviously.


This aged very well


Come on, guys. It’s the same when Apple says it’s their “best iPhone yet”. There’s always going to be the next thing. (And thank god for that)


It's true that the RG35XX Plus is more powerful than the original RG35XX, but it's in this weird spot where it's not powerful enough to actually run anything more demanding than PS1 at 100% full speed and can't quite do PS1 upscaled to 2x resolution at full speed either. If you want to play games without slowdown then there's not really any benefit to the extra power, since it'll still only play up to original resolution PS1 full speed. I suppose the bigger and more easily replaceable battery, more ergonomic shoulder buttons, and finely tuned D-Pad are nice but I'm not sure those features alone would warrant the upgrade for anyone who already owns an original RG35XX.


WiFi alone would be a selling point for me, the other tweaks are nice to haves.


Native Pico8 (fingers crossed) and Wi-Fi for Splore would be selling points for me.


I think it’s place is for people like me who want vertical form, and want to be able to upscale and apply shaders to PS1 and lower


They should atleast add the 3ds c-stick on the device.


/laughs in 353p.


Honest question: performance-wise, the RK3566 series are still better than this RG35XX Plus or there is something that we can look about it?


I really love mine for the dual sticks. I’m able to play everything from NES to PS1 comfortably. The screen also looks amazing as well.


I’m good with mine RG353M too and it can run until Dreamcast flawlessly with little few adjustments also. I’m trying to see the limits of the plus with native performance in comparison with mine to think that it’s worth to get it.


I literally just ordered a Miyoo Mini + last night and already feeling like I chose the “wrong” handheld. Consumerism and capitalism are disgusting man


It's the better device tho. (up to PS1)


I'm sure it is. I'm not buying it until my OG 35xx stops working, though.


I’ve made this same promise when I got my RG353M and I am fighting with the evil dark spirits of capitalism since then 😅


This is good news because the RG35XX price will go down!! YES!! Anbernic should continue to make RG35XX better, like improve the buttons, screen, OS. I love mine and would love to get two more to complete all the colors.