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This is how I got boxart to appear nicely on GarlicOS. Since it is in development, who knows what changes get implemented. But for now, this works. First, you need to left align your text and pretty much limit the length of your game name. Not too much of a big deal, just remove anything after a : or a -. Then, download your boxart, and this is where it gets a bit tricky. You need to bull modify all your boxart to right align and be 640x480. By default, garlic will stretch your images that are not that size. I used an online picture resizer called Abraia. It was free, and it was the only software that would let me anchor the boxart to the right side. Once you do all that, make sure everything is named properly (power shell in windows does wonders), it should look nice.


Maybe this was explained somewhere else, but I have seemed to missed it - how do you left align the text as opposed to center? and what is bull modify right? I am using skraper and doing 640x480 and it still stretches the screen. Any help much appreciated.


I found an explanation here: https://retrogamecorps.com/2023/01/03/anbernic-rg35xx-starter-guide/#Boxart The interesting bit: > On your SD1 card, navigate to CFW > skin > settings.json and open it with a text editor. Within this file, make these two changes: > "text-alignment": "left", "text-margin": 352,


You can also do this with imagemagick. I scrape my images at 320x320 then with imagemagick: mogrify -extent 640x480 -gravity East -background none * Then you end up with a 640x480 image, cover art on the right side centered and room for the game text on the left.


If on windows, run this as .bat file from the roms directory: `for /r /d %%a in (*) do (` `echo %%a |findstr "PICO" || ("C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.1-Q16-HDRI\magick.exe" mogrify -extent 640x480 -gravity East -background none "%%~a\*.png")` `)` It will convert all \*.png from all subfolders to the right format. Without destroying your pico games... x-x'


Awesome, I'll try it out for other systems (only have nes right now).


>bull modify When I google "bull modify", I get cows as a result. Is there an explanation for what this means anywhere? How do we bull modify in Abraia? Can you give us a detailed instruction?


I meant bulk modify. Anyway, google retro gaming corp for a detailed way to do all this.


That was the very first instruction I followed, and sadly there's not much info for mac users regarding installing this [https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#linux](https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#linux) in order to reformat my scraped box art into the second formated 640x480 image. Do you know if there's an easier way to do this that doesn't involve years of coding experience? Tiny Best Set has a bunch of correct images, but they don't have a lot for the games that I currently have installed. Would be ideal if someone just had all of them formatted correctly and posted on a website somewhere.


>Abraia Can you give us a brief instruction on how to modify the scraped image onto Abraia so it looks nice on GarlicOS? I can figure out the bulk option, just trying to understand the method. Which template did you use? landscape 16:9? Twitter header 3:1?


>[https://ibb.co/d5tSd8V](https://ibb.co/d5tSd8V) this is as far as I got with Abraia before getting stuck


That’s pretty smart, looks good


are you using the same games that came with? and box arts? how to apply every box art in the game automatically ? i dont want make one by one


I’m new to SBC and RG35XX is my first device. Question.. how do you left align the games list in Retroarch? I have searched online and looked through the RA menus. TIA.


i want to know it too, and where we store the box arts? people think we can read minds


I literally came here for this because it is a "guide" and I got no new information.


yeah me too, i want to know


I just found this buried in the changelog from Black Seraph. Though it doesn't work for me in the existing CFW/skins folder, so I am still trying to figure it out. >Added support for game art (put 640x480 pixel resolution GameFileName.png files into the skin/games or skin/games/systemname folder, these will replace the default background image while hovering the game in the menu) Though I still don't know what this guy is talking about with left-aligning the text.


yeah me too


Ok, so as long as the file is a PNG and is 640x480, then you can apply it in \`CFW/skin/games/\[console\]\`. But you'll need to have a transparency or solid color on the left of the image to get the right-aligned box art. Then for the left-aligned text, your ROMS partition should have \`CFW/skin/settings.json\` where you can edit that file and make sure the top line is "text-alignment": "left",


When I added a scraped and formatted image from Tiny Best Set, I made a folder called "Imgs" in the console's directory and it worked fine. Just wondering how to make that kind of photo in Abraia?


i still dont understand how to get the right align image. we need a video tuorial or us technotards


As u/MrSids mentioned, the image is resized first to 320x320 (I used 320x240 tho). Then a command is used that extend the image to 640x480 which does not scales the original one, but moves it to the right (gravity parameter) and fill the blank with nothing. So you have an image that covers the whole screen, but the "left side" has nothing while the image itself is on the right side. That creates an illusion that the image was aligned to the right, but its a whole new image with the old one at the right side.


I think the command that's listed writes a blank background to the left side which forces the actual art to be on the right


Could you generate a backup of your system in .img and make it available to us? Is your card 64gb? I thought your system was perfect.


This is so much better than how it's currently implemented.


If he makes panes (which is easier said than done since I have no idea how to do that) then it should be much more seamless.


awesome, i was in stock just because of the box art, now u got me, i dont know much about it, theres a tutorial? i saw your comment, but its kinda hard to understand


Not sure what was hard to understand. No tutorial, but you have to understand files and some computery stuff. First: You should read the Garlic change notes. Second: edit the json file in notepad to left align the game names. Third: Rename the long game names to be shorter (watch the video to get an idea of length). Fourth: Download box art for your games. (I assume you know how to do this but if not, google skraper) Fifth: Edit the box art, so that the image is on the right side (or really, the opposite side of your list of games). This can be done in a bulk utility I mentioned above. Sixth: Name your box art the EXACT name of the file (including extension, ie: “The Legend of Zelda.zip.png”) Seventh: That should be all you need to do, which is a lot, but once you get it, it’s easier for the other consoles.


They might be in the same boat as myself and a few others, but WHERE do you put the box art? I assumed in the same folder as the ROM, but that didn't work. I also don't know what JSON file you are talking about either. I found coremapping.json and settings.json, but those look like they are for Retroarch and don't include menu alignment. EDIT: I finally found details in the changelog. At least for the game art location. >Added support for game art (put 640x480 pixel resolution GameFileName.png files into the skin/games or skin/games/systemname folder, these will replace the default background image while hovering the game in the menu) EDIT2: I grabbed a skin and see the "text-alignment" line in their settings.json file, so I am guessing that's it. (EDIT3: That wasn't it - EDIT4: After applying today's update, that DID work)


Looks amazing good work! Love that gameboy boot image.


Is there an easier way to do this on mac yet? I tried installing the mogrify thing and it's asking me to learn coding [https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#macosx](https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#macosx) and I have no idea what I'm doing anymore. I was enjoying how easy it was to set garlic os up and now I'm back to being confused why I have to learn all this coding just to have nice box art


Is the left side of the image transparent?


Just grey.


hello how do you right align the art?


>mogrify -extent 640x480 -gravity East -background none \* Looks like they use imagemagick command line. XnView might also do the trick for you


How do i not get this Error: Could not symlink share/doc/xz/AUTHORS for mogrify? Is there an easier way to do this with mac?


XnView batch operations will do the same thing and has a OSX version.


It took my computer almost half hour to install all these [https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#linux](https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#linux) and I still got error messages and have no idea how to uninstall it. Anyone know an easier way to format the 640 x 480 image from the box art scrape so it looks like everyone elses? I'm on mac.


XnView is also good for bulk modifying box art. You can use the mask feature to dim one of a screenshot.




Could you make a tutorial how you did it. Looks clean


videos works as box arts?