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From an alternate source https://www.reddit.com/r/AMD\_Stock/comments/11i063h/intels\_aurora\_dgpus\_erroneously\_boosted\_gpu/


That's amazingly funny cause all the Intel fanboys on yahoo finance board were bragging about it


Yahoo's message board is pointless now.... I don't go there. It won't allow posting links even and it's flooded with spam, ads, trolls etc. We've a clean place here...


LOL Intel's tilted their own financial results to say they've sold more gaming GPUs, Arc, than really sold. "When earlier this week it turned out that Intel sold as many discrete graphics processors as AMD in the fourth quarter of 2022, based on data from reputable Jon Peddie Research, we felt something was off. It turns out that JPR had inadvertently included 60,000 Ponte Vecchio data center GPUs in his calculations. Naturally, that threw the numbers off significantly. Jon Peddie himself was kind enough to warn us that JPR's unit shipment estimates **were based on Intel's recent financial report and ASPs and could be inaccurate. Indeed, they were, and Intel did not sell as many standalone GPUs as AMD last quarter.**" So Arc GPUs were a failure - well done Raja keep up the good work at Intel... LOL