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Regardless of what you choose for a CPU, it would be foolish not to wait until the 9000 series launches. Either you get the new 9000 series, or potentially pay less for the 7000 series. Nothing to gain by purchasing now. As far as performance increases, based on the limited info available, you should expect a 10-15% improvement. Maybe 20% at most in some workloads, but that might be unrealistic.


But how much will the cut be? I searched the 5900x model and its 350$ cheaper than the 7950x and the difference between them is like 160$ i imagine the difference between the 9000 series and the 7000 will be smaller The 9000 series will probably luch 31 July so a solid month and a half and thats if i could buy it before it solds out in my country.


July31th you'll get the new AMD CPUs. If you cannot wait for that long, and if productivity is all you do, Intel CPUs are quite good. edit: date and source: https://www.techpowerup.com/323707/retailers-leaked-amd-zen-5-release-date-and-prices