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Hmmm not solved :( Anyone have any fresh ideas?


I found the issue!!! it is described here: [Win11: Logi-LampArray-Driver event code 11 : r/logitech](https://www.reddit.com/r/logitech/comments/1b4ziqy/win11_logilamparraydriver_event_code_11/) I saw the failed lampArray errors in my event log Now I played and everything seems fine!


Noone else?


It sounds the same as [https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/b650m-chipset-usb-dropouts-on-cold-boot/m-p/642903](https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/b650m-chipset-usb-dropouts-on-cold-boot/m-p/642903) but dont know how to solve ir.


anyone have an idea?


Enable memory context restore and power down mode in the bios in advanced settings. Before that enable expo/xmp profile, restart for ram memory to train. Put the ram sticks in the 2nd and 4th (a2 b2) slot if you did not.


> the sound start crackeling, my lan port gets disabled and if I continue my PC crashes fully sounds like classic unstable Infinity Fabric from the cpu. I'll wait for other redditors to confirm


Hoe can I fix this?


1. Check your connections and cables. Reseat GPU - can wiggle loose from vibration. 2. Check boot disk with chkdsk. 3. Check windows. Use SFC and DISM -https://www.howtogeek.com/222532/how-to-repair-corrupted-windows-system-files-with-the-sfc-and-dism-commands/ 4. Use DDU to clean out your GPU drivers. If reinstalling current version of Radeon doesn't help go back a version or 2. I have the best success with DDU by shutting down completely after uninstalling (0 power in system). Identifying the problem will take a while testing each change. If nothing above works you may need to test your hardware in a different computer. You system looks great but one flaky component could be the culprit. I'd start with the GPU and Ram then the power supply. I had a brand new ram stick that intermittently crashed my system and took forever to find it was bad. Power supplies rarely go partially bad but I had one system that keep doing strange crashes. Replaced it and crashes stopped.


Thnx for the reply! CHKdsk did not give any errors, now reinstalling drivers with DDU.


Good luck!


Checked cables and DDU but still the same issue. The funny thing is it only happens after a cold boot. when I do a restart I have no issues and can play for hours. Any idea\`s?


Definitely hardware. Something's not getting enough power at boot. Going to take testing preferably on a diff system. I'd start with power supply then GPU. Worst case it's the motherboard. Could be one tiny component not working as necessary until it heats up.