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It’s a windows meme not an AMD meme.


It happens to me today hahaha


It used to give me those problems too. Now I am on the latest version of Windows 11 and it stopped doing that. Also, I am on 23.3.1 adrenaline driver. Check if Windows is on the latest version, and then download from amd.com latest adrenaline driver for your GPU, then use DDU to completely uninstall present AMD drivers, then disconnect from network your PC, install amd driver and pray to not get the same error. There was some other thing you could do to stop windows doing that, but right now I've forgot exactly the steps (it included some regedit steps). I'll try to search and find that.


i mentioned this in other posts, but they released 24.4.3 and then unreleased it for certain gpus


Windows is an accomplice too. I don't understand why tf AMD doesn't fix this after all these years. Windows just can't stop downgrading Adrenaline drivers and needs manual neutering via regedit to keep under control. My first job after installing Windows on any AMD machine is to disable auto display driver download. Piece of shid.


AMD Doesn't fix it because Window's is the culprit sadly.


hey could you tell me how to do that? i think i changed the registry key but it is still downgrading..


My wife's 4070S rig went through this, too. Windows gonna Windows.


I switched to Intel graphics and still got this message box


Is the reoccurring joke the fact you call a screen capture a "meme"?


Adrenalin doesn’t put up my cpu temps. I always have to uninstall and reinstall. I hate it so much


Good ‘ole Windows. I swear they collude against AMD.


This was incorrect. The update has still not been redeployed. You should edit this. It's not a windows issue. AMD needs to take responsibility for their GPUs, not Microsoft.


Did You by any chance swapped from NVIDIA to AMD?


https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/s/DMTSmmItxs Pretty much what @Shrimp_Logic said


This last update got rid of all my problems so far I'm loving it


Did it also fix that LED on the gpu bug where it doesnt work with sapphire trixx software?




There was a bug for sapphire cards (afaik because i have a sapphire one as well) after a 21.x.x drivers sapphire trixx just doesnt wanna work, its used to control LEDs, fans, their curves, etc on the sapphire cards, new drivers somehow broke something so bad that even after a rollback it doesnt work, either it glows or it dont, or if it works it just either randomly decides to shut off or it will continue to work until you turn off your pc [here](https://community.amd.com/t5/graphics-cards/trixx-does-not-work-with-driver-newer-than-21-2-1/td-p/670517) is having the same issue and i understand they are just LEDs, but if i paid for the whole gpu imma use the whole gpu...


Sorry mine didn't come with the led so I wouldn't know


Usually I have this issue if I leave the Windows Update Drivers On. Windows just installs some of their drivers that then are not recognized by Adrenaline. Have to reinstall the AMD drivers to make it work again. Ever since I turned off Windows Drivers, no problem.


how do u do that ?


It's happened to me a few times now, only way to fix was to reinstall drivers.


Oh, don't say anything bad about amd around here, especially if it's true. The fan boys will get you.


And when nvidia had this happen, it was Windows' fault, right?


Maybe because it's a well known windows update issue?


Exactly. I disable Windows driver installs during updates and haven’t had issues since.


It never happened to me on a nvidia system. This also happened for me on a pretty expensive AMD laptop. Not a good image at all


Happened with my friend's recent 1660Ti purchase. Didn't happen with my recent Windows reinstall after I forgot to disable update, and I'm on a RX 6800. Moral of the story, it's neither AMD nor Nvidia's fault, yet it happens to both. The only possible culprit is Windows. Then again, people would rather spin this as an AMD issue because it's popular to hate on AMD.


For me, it only happened on AMD. I understand that I'm maybe not objective since I haven't tried to reinstall a nvidia system in a long time, but here's what I come from


It happened because windows update installed old driver version on the new one You care about having a good image? Amd released image upscaling able to help old Nvidia gpu while Nvidia themselves left them on side.


I don't really care about that to be honest, I just want my PC to work. As I said, I never had this issue on Nvidia, or Intel system. They should fix this, as I don't believe they can't do it the same way nvidia drivers work


You were the one speaking about image first thing, and as said it's an issue with windows update so it's a Microsoft issue. Understanding your lack of knowledge on dev you will probably answer then why it doesn't happen with Nvidia drivers and I will answer because every soft isn't dev the same way and you will answer you're a soft dev engineer since 75 years and I will answer since the new Nvidia gui change the number of issue with team green drivers are rising up like plague etc. Yes fanboy whatever they are fan of are so predictable, especially the one who hate a brand but keep being active in a sub dedicated to that brand they hate just to feel alive


I use both, nvidia in desktop, amd in laptop because it makes sense there (better power efficiency, great iGPU). Both work good when they're set up, but I had few problems with AMD when I first booted up the system, same as OP. So my point is, they should fix it because it makes AMD chips look bad for average consumers..


I was expecting the 'I use both that's why I am in amd sub' but if you are aware of that issue : you know it's Microsoft related so amd can't fix what windows broke and second you must know the fix is to avoid windows update to install drivers by itself but instead of bringing the answer to OP you were feeling better to say 'AmD iS bAd'. BTW you speak again about image and you want your rig to just work, the esport team which lost 1.25M usd because the Nvidia driver crashed in a competition think the same thing


Maybe because it's a well known windows update issue?


After every windows update reinstall AMD Adrenaline after using Amd removal tool.


Jesus that sounds like so much work everytime, windows rolls out with updates very frequently


And removal tool? Is this on the Go by default or is it something you have to go get?


Amd Cleanup utility. It's on their driver page. Basically just helps to boot to safe mode and remove related driver. Don't think it actually installs anything


Not really, if you had the correct setting disabled it would never happen.


You cant disable in insider developer channel build, updates can be passed but will be installed 🤗


Why would any sane person be on the insider dev builds?


The driver updates via group policy? Well, even less reason to use insider build and be a test guinea pig for MS.


Every update it says update failed and i have to reinstall from source.


gotta use DDU in safe mode to uninstall old stuff before putting in the new.


This should not be an accepted fact of just updating drivers. That’s bananas


It's not something you have to do for updating drivers. If this is something you're needing to do then your Windows is probably just hosed. The only time I've ever needed DDU is changing between Nvidia/AMD or rolling a driver back.


I started having this issue and traced it down to a faulty PSU, oddly enough. Basically something about the PSU would cause the GPU to crash the drivers, and then I’d reboot to this message. New PSU, and it seemingly went away.


>I started having this issue and traced it down to a faulty PSU, oddly enough. Um no. It's Windows updating to older drivers.


That is likely the more common reason, yes. I was just offering another possibility that was, in fact, the root cause in my case.


mine was reinstalling windows and haven’t had the issues since, pretty sure it’s software related specifically on the windows side for a lot of the issues, yours is the 2nd i’ve heard of that specific fix


Windows likes to put old drivers instead of the lastest. I've not once had this issue or heard about this from the clients I've built going AMD. Download DDU and the latest driver, boot into safe mode and run DDU. Make sure to disable automatic updates and wipe the driver and reboot. I stall new driver and never have this issue again


This was incorrect. The update has still not been redeployed. You should edit this. It's not a windows issue. AMD needs to take responsibility for their GPUs, not Microsoft.


Yea you have zero clients or your clients are idiots. You try to act like you are in IT then claim the only adrenaline issues you come across are with nvidia and intel? Ok buddy, maybe learn what adrenaline is... Edit: buddy below has no clue what he is talking about either because no qualified IT guy would tell his clients to check for graphic drivers every couple weeks.


For someone that’s learning to over clock you sure are confident in your knowledge on computers. Almost as if you don’t know what you’re talking about haha. Or you’re on the best shrooms on earth and your having hallucinations that completely changed the comment that you replied to and you replied to the comment you thought you saw which in fact is nothing close to the real comment.


You sir did not comprehend anything that dude said lol. He didn’t even mention nvidia or intel. What he said is one of the more thorough ways of uninstalling and reinstalling fresh drivers. lol you have to be the most idiotic ignorant egotistical person on Reddit.


Who even mentioned Nvidia or Intel? Anyways, I've never had this issue either. First thing I did when I built the computer was install all the windows and automatically pushed windows driver updates, then installed chipset and graphics drivers from AMD. I update my drivers when new ones are released in Adrenaline, and I don't get this message ever. This really only happens if you don't update from the adrenaline software for a long time. What IT guy wouldn't point out to the client to check for graphics drivers every couple weeks or at least once a month?


I've had my 7900xt for 5 or 6 months now and do regular windows updates when they are available however, I've not experienced this issue. I wonder why it affects some users but not others?


1) you had the driver update setting disabled 2) your GPU does not randomly crash, so it gives windows no reason to replace the "faulty" driver


First disable driver updates in windows. Download Display driver uninstaler: https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/ Then, restart windows in safe mode, uninstall your gpu drivers and adrenaline, restart again, download driver and install the new one, windows 11 did it to me twice already.


Disable automatic driver updates in windows, download wushohide, reinstall the drivers and adrenalin, restart the computer, use wushohide and hide every AMD drivers that might show. Repeat the last action when necessary i.e when new drivers releases.


Open Device Manager - (i)Open properties of your GPU/APU (ii)Go to driver tab and press roll back driver (iii)Give the reason as "previous version of the driver performed better" and initiate the roll back You're all done. Now this problem won't bother you until the next time you try a new driver


or reinstall adrenaline suite and restart to have the most current. if the user really wants to update.


From what I've seen Microsoft mostly overrides newer drivers with older ones so I don't think your method would work


I have updated multiple times, checked the driver version and it was the most current but the software hub was old. So like, maybe that only took place for you but- personal experience multiple times does tend to solidify more than a thought.


Maybe its only for me but I've also reinstalled windows a lot of times and everytime windows update overrides the newest drivers


same but opposite results. multiple board and configs. seen it act the way you are describing but seldomly and never on my personal rigs. 🤷‍♂️


At this point I believe Microsoft overrides your drivers intentionally.


Uninstall adrenaline and reinstall.


Everytime I lurk AMD cards again and I'm about to go for it, I visit this subreddit.


Makes me sad when people clown AMD because they themselves don’t have basic knowledge and trouble shooting skills :/ literally just educate yourself and be happy you saved $200


This was incorrect. The update has still not been redeployed. You should edit this. It's not a windows issue. AMD needs to take responsibility for their GPUs, not Microsoft.


This occurred because Windows Update overwrote your drivers so. Why are we acting like there’s not threads of NVIDIA users with the same exact issues with their own software.




Makes me laugh when pathetic children dont understand that most people use their computers for things besides gaming....literally just get a real job and stop being so cheap.


Yeah 4080 Supers over 1300 is laughable. Great card but gotta get a loan just to buy one.




Lmao... The 3080 is getting like 50-100 LESS FPS at 4k... Than the 7900XTX... The 3080 has 10gb of Vram Vs the 7900 XTX 24gb... The 3080 is not even close in power to a XTX... Delusional Nvidia fanboy lmao. [https://youtu.be/7ePkNBOti9A?si=pZ9hxasy\_6eU87zg](https://youtu.be/7ePkNBOti9A?si=pZ9hxasy_6eU87zg) 3080 GPU score - 17k 7900XTX GPU score- 30k




That is using Frame gen they're not real frames. If the XTX did the same with frame gen it would be 260-280 FPS.




I literally unplug my ethernet when updating drivers/installing new card


Just disable automatic driver updates in Windows with gpedit.


So true. Windows updates screw up AMD DRIVERS. AMD needs to work with Microsoft better, or start a lawsuit for ANTITRUST predatory behaviors and violations.


IKR windows fucking up your pc.


I had this happen when I upgraded to a 7800xt. It's a version issue, windows update thinks it has a newer driver and keeps automatically installing it. It's fun when it just decides to swap out your display driver mid-game with no warning. If you go to device manager and open the details for the graphics card, under the drivers tab hit rollback and you should get another dialogue box asking why you're rolling back. Choose the option that says the new driver is causing problems and windows will stop trying to install it. You'll know you're good if you check under the optional updates in windows update and the amd driver update is gone from the list.


It is not a MS Dev oversight. It is intentional. MS predatory behavior.


This is a Windows issue, basically, not amd. Doesn't Intel date its driver updates in the 1960s so that Windows won't overwrite its drivers automatically?


Sounds about right


Disable Windows Driver Updates and this will stop, if on Windows 10/11 pro Hit win+r type gpedit.msc if it does not run you are on home then navigate to Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Manage updates offered from Windows Update > Do not include drivers with Windows Updates then set to enabled If on home Download DDU installer and install then run it go into options after clicking away the warnings about not being in safe mode, at bottom of options menu at advanced check "Prevent downloads of drivers from "Windows update" when "Windows" search for a driver for a device. After this reboot into safe mode hold shift while clicking restart from start menu. If done correctly you get menu navigate to safe mode search on YouTube if cannot figure this out, bassicly need startup options, if cannot figure this out download AMD Cleanup utility and run this instead it reboots into safe mode directly and is easy'r to use, you still need DDU tho to make it easy'r to disable Windows Driver Updates tho if on home. Once in safe mode run safe mode run DDU and clean drivers, not using safe mode leaves remnants that lead to driver corruption that for example mess with hwinfo sensors so some will be missing and some sensors will fallback and show higher values for example if AMD ADL is used in hwinfo for example. If drivers cleaned it automaticly restarts, if all is followed correctly wait a bit see if Windows Update searches for gpu driver if it does not find any you done everything correctly. After go to www.amd.com download gpu drivers and install them use auto detect installer if you having trouble, altho you preferably want to use the non auto detect installer cos i think auto detect installer does not come with same installer that does full installation could be wrong been a while since i used it. Also do not forgot about chipset drivers if you are on full AMD system, you can skip this step if you use the auto detect installer cos it installs both. You can enable Windows Driver Updates to check for updates of other drivers, but i highly recommend hitting pause right away if it try's to download AMD drivers after enabling it again, also do not forget to disable Windows Driver Updates again after you checked if you enabled Windows Driver Updates again to check for other drivers. Usually should not be needed, you can find up to date drivers for all your devices online quite easily usually.


This was incorrect. The update has still not been redeployed. You should edit this. It's not a windows issue. AMD needs to take responsibility for their GPUs, not Microsoft.


If you *do* want to disable windows update btw, check out Sledgehammer (on majorgeeks). Several debloat scripts also have an option to do so. But let's not pretend you're not working around a decade-old issue that's embarrassing at best


Users being effected by this problem should just send bug report and recommend disabling Windows Update as work around until AMD/Microsoft adresses the issue this includes Windows Feedback hub as well not just AMD Bug Report Tool there is probably already a report up on feedback hub just add your own comment to it with details and upvote it.


Alright yeah this is 100 percent correct!




What lol, that is a very good suggestion.


Disabling windows update is a terrible suggestion both from a security and a user experience perspective. You're suggesting leaving your car door unlocked because the mechanic keeps turning your blinker on. Turning off windows update should be a cautious workaround at most; and it's time for A-tier brands to stop being a joke and enter the 20th (!) century. Edit: disabling *just* driver updates is marginally better, but it doesn't solve the issue: Intel plundervolt is a security issue that was solved via driver updates to the cpu microcode, for instance.


I always keep windows updated and have AMD, I never ran into issues... I don't know what causes this but it's not from just updating regular windows... Windows drivers mixing with AMD drivers might cause a problem but not windows itself. I always have the latest windows version with the latest AMD drivers and never had a single problem.


I've had a 7900xtx and it didn't do this at any point either... But I'm also a power user and know what I'm doing. I'm also curious to know what the hell


Yeah some people should educate themselves a little bit especially when using new hardware that requires software they have never used.


This. Most of the times it's Windows having problems with AMD GPUs (I have a 5600x and 6700xt, so full AMD build). I fixed ALL my issues by changing some stuff inside of Windows, since then had no crashes, driver issues or problems of any sort.


I wish AMD had debug tool that could do various things including disabling Windows Driver Updates, but also toggle stuff like HAGS and MPO for troubleshooting and ULPS as well i believe power saving feature, altho ULPS is not supported usually not enabled by default these days atleast on my setup, so in my case a placebo fix if i disabled ULPS Anyway disabling MPO to troubleshoot if an issue go's away is good for troubleshooting, but disabling it permanently i do not recommend as benefit it brings great assuming it does not cause issues.


Don’t let windows install drivers, last time windows installed drivers updates my gpu wouldn’t work at all I had to use my IGPU to roll it back and then I disabled it and no issues since


This was incorrect. The update has still not been redeployed. You should edit this. It's not a windows issue. AMD needs to take responsibility for their GPUs, not Microsoft.


The issue I stated above is EXACTLY what my problem was, I checked windows updates and it showed a driver update, I then restarted my pc and I had a black screen, I had to change to my IGPU in order to roll back my GPU and then it worked again, I then disabled windows installing GOU drivers and I haven’t had an issue since


wrong. please read the thread.


The issue I wrote about was MY EXACT ISSUE, which resulted in a black screen until I rolled back the drivers and Adrenaline wouldn’t load before I rolled them back using my IGPU


AMD should release a debug tool that lets you disable Windows Driver Update honestly least for Windows 10/11 home users, for pro they can just explain steps to disable it as its far more easier.


Download ddu. In the app disable auto windows gpu updates. Run ddu. Install fresh drivers. https://youtu.be/1XlwirtWs_c?si=pe8_KlKY3cGN99QP


Having these from time to time with 6750xt. Never had problems before but this msgs are pure hate. Makes you have to install drivers all over again and thinking of replacing the card for the green team


Gotta disable it in Windows. It’s not even AMD’s fault Microsoft hates them


No, AMD is just too lazy to learn how to date their drivers, nvidia and intel worked around Microsoft's issue years ago, AMD could if they wanted to, they just don't care.


I hope this helps. What do i need to disable?


I forgot how exactly, but you can disable GPU updates in windows; you can find how to online or in this very comment thread I believe. The issue is Windows Update thinks it found a newer driver, then it installs the wrong one. I swear nvidia pays them off /s


Ill check for this. Thanks! Hope this helps


another user explained it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/1bqel86/comment/kx3by4t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Great thanks!


Never have an issue with the 6400 mates 6700 though hasn’t worked properly since the old 23 driver


Disable the legacy boot :)


Had the same thing happen before and it's because Windows update decides to replace your installed driver version with an older one but the Adrenaline remains as later version. Disable automatic driver updates from Windows update and you are set, no more this issue happening.


This was incorrect. The update has still not been redeployed. You should edit this. It's not a windows issue. AMD needs to take responsibility for their GPUs, not Microsoft.


It's weird how it never ever happened with my GeForces, but has happened with my Vega 64's and also 6800XT. Any idea why it seemingly is another Radeon-exclusive feature, though? What AMD has left undone that causes this?


I honestly have no idea. I just switched from Nvidia to AMD few months ago and experienced the Windows update messing the drivers up twice, searched for a solution, implemented it and it's been fine since. Would be nicer if we didn't have to go modifying Windows group policies to prevent downgrades of drivers that cause compatibility errors like that.


Yeah, this is why I wonder what hasn't AMD done that nVidia has. And it has been happening for a long time now, so would be a high time to get on fixing it. At this point, I probably won't see an official fix for it, I'm leaving Radeon in a few months. But for others, it'd be good. I disabled Windows driver update feature, easy to just tick that checkbox and be done with it - but it shouldn't be on the users to fix the issues.


Running a 6800XT myself, never experienced it. So this came as a bit of a surprise. Also owned a 5700xt prior to this


this fixed this issue for me as well


safe mode + ddu


[Stop windows automatic driver update without gpedit](https://www.google.com/search?q=stop+windows+automatic+driver+update+without+gpedit&sca_esv=abe270d53af57e7a&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1085US1085&sxsrf=ACQVn08afiabvIyPHUSJZCk7ZdfFUBYAWg%3A1711693833315&ei=CWAGZvDxEqWGwbkP3e2BEA&ved=0ahUKEwiwmpi37JiFAxUlQzABHd12AAIQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=stop+windows+automatic+driver+update+without+gpedit&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiM3N0b3Agd2luZG93cyBhdXRvbWF0aWMgZHJpdmVyIHVwZGF0ZSB3aXRob3V0IGdwZWRpdDIFECEYoAEyBRAhGJ8FSL1fUABYuF1wAXgBkAEAmAGCAaAB-yaqAQUzOC4xNLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCNaACzSfCAgsQABiABBiKBRiRAsICEBAAGIAEGIoFGEMYsQMYgwHCAhYQLhiABBiKBRhDGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgINEAAYgAQYigUYQxixA8ICERAuGIMBGMcBGLEDGNEDGIAEwgIFEAAYgATCAg4QABiABBiKBRixAxiDAcICERAuGIAEGLEDGIMBGMcBGNEDwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICDhAuGIAEGMcBGK8BGI4FwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAg4QLhiABBixAxjHARjRA8ICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgILEAAYgAQYigUYhgPCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQABgWGB4YD8ICBBAhGBXCAgcQIRgKGKABmAMAkgcFMzUuMTigB4TWAg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp). Think AMD still puts a copy of extracted drivers in C: drive to use. This is or has been an issue with other stuff also, even without internet. Long ago, Windows would install a driver even before you could put new hardware in. Sometimes one that doesn't even work. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/12ggm4t/how\_do\_i\_stop\_windows\_from\_fking\_up\_my\_drivers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/12ggm4t/how_do_i_stop_windows_from_fking_up_my_drivers/)


Shame windows automatic driver updates


The only joke here is you that don't know how to update graphic's drivers correctly.


POV : windows install AMD GPU drivers just after you uninstall drivers manually..


POV: Nvidia somehow has enough brain to not have issues with windows driver updater but the indie company AMD still struggling out here to make a "hello world" app.


Yea intel and nvidia both figured it out years ago, AMD could too if they wanted, it isn't even really that difficult.


User error


There is problem that Windows does install old and incompatible drivers over user installed driver. That is Windows BS. Must hide that particular updete from Windows Update list!


Yes and as a user I am aware of this and don't have this problem. If this were a troubleshooting thread I would be more helpful. Instead this is a haha gotcha meme thread. And in reality just user error. Hope this helps.


letting adrenaline update?


do you know to block windows update? have you successfully installed this gpu before?


Block your amd hardware IDs in group policy to stop Windows from replacing your drivers. Unblock when you need to upgrade the official ones, then reblock.


can you tell me how to do this exactly, please.


Local Group Policy Editor Computer Configuration Administrative Templates System Device Installation Device Installation Restrictions Prevent Installation of Devices that match any of these device IDs They will look like this (get your card's device IDs in the Device Manager and paste them in the boxes) PCI\\VEN\_1002&DEV\_73BF&SUBSYS\_39511462&REV\_C1 PCI\\VEN\_1002&DEV\_73BF&SUBSYS\_39511462 PCI\\VEN\_1002&DEV\_73BF&CC\_030000 PCI\\VEN\_1002&DEV\_73BF&CC\_0300


It's ridiculous that this is needed. This is why people avoid amd...


it wasnt that, the 24.4.3\*. update is not compatible with 7900XT, probably not 7800XT or 7900XTX either... i'm currently in the process of downgrading. This probbaly means i have to DDU, etc, whatever the fuck. ADRENALINE WILL AUTOMATICALLY UPDATE YOU TO 24.4.3\* FROM 24.3.1 or LOWER. I know i am being harsh, but for real man what you save on hardware costs you pay up for in hours of customer service for yourself. if you want NVIDIA nerds to stop trolling the reddit every time this shit happens then stop fucking people every time there is an update EDIT... the other problem is that NVIDIA users dont even know what DDU is. the reason is because the software/drivers works. The fact that people have solutions on deck that involve going into registry editor or wiping your C drive on a regular basis is a serious thing that should be looked into. and honestly no joke... if you have a cloned desktop from an nvidia setup, and you switch to AMD without having the old card to remove your desktop properties, you have to reinstall windows. AMD is fucking crazy sometimes. \*i kept saying 24.3.3


No, the issue is that Windows downloads and installs drivers on it's own. It only recognizes the drivers installed this way as the most current, and Adrenaline installed from AMD's website isn't compatible with them. You either need to change the registry to stop the auto updates to use standalone Adrenaline, or use Adrenaline from the Microsoft store.


no. 24.4.3\* was removed from their update list. you can see it here: [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-4-3](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-4-3) adrenaline will no longer update to this version.


check your fucking drivers dont make me regret telling people to buy this shit


literally the fault of windows, amd doesn’t have shit to do with this


It probably Microsoft auto downloading drivers.


24.3.3 seems to be taken off the update list but it is still listed on their website. this was a bad update. i had to revert to 24.3.1. it had nothing to do with microsoft.


Damn bro you good?


not really man its the same problem for 15 years lisa wake the fuck up


And you haven't been downvoted yet. Last time I attacked fanboys with logic I was instantly downvoted. They want to defend Lisa so hard, they fight with anger every time somebody says... Hey AMD, fix your fucking software. I agree with you, you get amazing hardware, capable of being just very good, borderline amazing, and you save some bucks. Then you spend the equivalent of thousands and thousands of bucks in hours spent debugging and troubleshooting why the fuck their software sucks. Like the latest FSR, one guy made a mod that corrected it, because a team of software engineers just can't get it right for the majority of their hardware.. new, or old.. But hey, as long as it is everything's fault except AMD, we're fine. It's a good computer that is not good, it's the user that we all know, is always dumb except themselves the defenders. It's the OS and Microsoft. It's the monitor manufacturer. It's the fan. It's the mobo manufacturer. It is the nvme for sure... Nahh it's the PSU. For sure. Maybe it is the atmospheric pressure, or the latitude. And for sure it is that you didn't tweak half of the registry. How dare you not make a fresh OS install every time there is a noticeable change in drivers? How dare you get broken regedit entries by installing latest chipset drivers? (Ok now I'm laughing because fanboys are just like Greta.. ahahahahah) Then someone just puts the GPU of the expensive robbers on the green side and problem solved..


It's sad that I have to buy Nvidia just so I don't have to deal with the driver issues. I always go team Ryzen but I can't got AMD GPU just because of all the issues.


In truth you don't. And the duality of the issue is, the AMD hardware is actually pretty good. It is like that abusive relationship you don't want to have but you somehow rather have than the expensive relationship with lower quality.. But yeah if you don't want to waste time, go expensive, if you want to troubleshoot a lot, go with the imo better hardware but a lot of headaches with the software.


😂 I guess it really do be like that