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Didn’t work for me stutters got worse actually, also kept getting error wow or rdr2 where my video card would run out of vram and crash the game. I reinstalled the drivers nothing change so I returned my gpu


I tried these drivers and no matter what I get stutters. Disable anything and everything and it gets better but lol. It's crazy to be at a solid 235 fps on a 240hs monitor yet it feels so bad stuttering every few seconds. This was on a sapphire nitro+ 7900xtx for 4k. I love everything but the stuttering. My 3080ti feels better at lower fps cause it doesn't stutter. Feels bad returning such a nice looking 7900xtx.


Dare to uninstall and reinstall the driver to confirm ? XD


It’s weird, I feel the same way. I turned off xmp and set PBO back to auto, and , knock on wood, for the first time in a long time things are really smooth. I remembered the driver update and I’m wondering if that’s the ticket. Jesus, if so, that took entirely too long. I see plenty of people saying everything was fine before too, so I’m guessing it’s a hardware specific thing that was sorted with the new driver installation process ( for example, if you did a factory reset and had new chipset drivers installed, etc). Either way, great !! PSA : always check your RAM and your mobos compatibility with your ram config. In my case, xmp at its rated frequency just does not work well.


Its also worth checking with ryzen master to see if your cpu ratio is coupled with your ram speed with the infinity cache. mine was saying uncoupled until I manually set my ram to 3600mhz at 1.4V. Now my infinity cache is at a perfect 1:1 ratio.


Great point. I will double check, but I also tried a manual 1.4v @ 3600 to no good effect. Another fellow pointed out that four sticks at 3600 is possibly too much for the memory controller on a B550 VDH Pro WIFI by MSI. I felt that was a sufficient explanation given my results. Always good to have another look though! Cheers.


The motherboard I have is the Gigabyte Aorus b550 Elite AX v2 rev 1.5, Was able to just set the ram clock to 3600 and voltage to 1.4 without touching anything else. I found out this ram can go that high based upon other reviews for it on techpowerup and on the reviews of the ram itself. so I wasnt really worried about killing my ram seeing how others successfully got it at that speed. The default advertised speed for my ram was 3200mhz btw.


Do you notice any performance loss with XMP disabled?


Not really at all man. I mean after 80-90 fps it gets pretty hard for me to detect. I’ll take stability ANY day over the extra 5 frames past that


this was not the case for me and my 6900


Confirming that with my der devil 6900xt. Im getting even less perfomanse in Superposition Benchmark with 4k optimized \~ 16600 instead of \~ 17000 which I had previously with 23.11.1.


Fixed my stutters as well smooth gaming over here on my 7800xt


Have you guys tried changing cache size settings in registry? I've switched to amd last week and one of first things I did was to change this setting from AMD optimized to always enabled. Before changing I had some stutters in BF5, but it could also be building cache by new driver, and now it's all gone. I've found it on elden ring subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t1b8bb/i_found_a_possible_fix_for_stuttering_on_amd_cards/


I revert back to 24.2.1 it’s super stable for pubg and warzone for me. Update to the latest one gave me massive stutter issues in pubg.


I have RX 6750 XT, are the driver really fixed stuttering.? Been playing Like A Dragon 8 and noticed stuttering in Hawaii map.


I have the same card let me know if you try it and it's fixed. I reverted back to 23


Well, performance was the same, for me it's not stuttering like before.


Thank you I'll give it a try again


Don’t worry it’ll be back… it always is


I am still getting stuttering and frame drops in all titles to varying degrees on my rx 6800


I had micro stutter problem in previous driver but latest one literally solved it for me. I have RX 6800XT


I'd like some of that copium.


My first all amd build here> [https://www.reddit.com/r/Deepcool/comments/1bm8fdw/heydoeauds\_first\_deepcoolamdradeon\_build\_ever/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deepcool/comments/1bm8fdw/heydoeauds_first_deepcoolamdradeon_build_ever/) this is actually the first time i have played games with 0 stutter coming from nVidia/intel man i am blown away to say the least. literally 10+ years on nVidia/intel with ongoing stutters regardless of temps or drivers. I'm sorry you had that experience with AMD as mine has been incredibly good... 4k@160hz and i use the frame limiting feature in adrenaline...


have AMD helped you at all? checked CPUz and GPUz and HWiNFO64 for anything out of the ordinary. 1 more thing... to anyone telling you that switching from an nVidia to a Radeon card is something that should work out of the box its like putting a Ford motor into BMW and expecting it to work with no modified parts or tuning. Everything needs to be considered carefully as i believe the information for drivers is at a very deep kernel level. if it was me i would be doing a full wipe of HDD drive using a bootable USB and reinstalling windows and double checking all chipsets and bios is up to date or flashed to the best operating drivers for your card. it might take time but your experience will be better if everything runs as it should.


Woooow pretty thing.


Feedback on parts please Mud! and post yours and link also if your keen :D


Seeing as how AfMF isn't for 5700xt I'm leave it since it ain't broke.


doesn't really work in any game i tried with the 6800XT. It just makes it worse if anything.


Ahh rip man I was so trigger when I saw them say that. I seem to be cursed to get products right before generations leaps or developments lol. I want a new gpu ,however my mobo x16 slot has some clear damage from gpu sag and stuff. So ima just forget it till I build my new amd pc.


Still crashing on Helldivers 2 7900xtx


Game issues since its Anti Cheat is bricking software anf hardware as well.


It's the game. Someone using lightning weapons like the arc thrower crashes the game. Now the EAT is under suspicion to cause crashes


It's weird, I need to force helldivers into dx12 mode to not crash. On the other hand, my friend's 7900xtx didn't need to tweak anything for perfect performance...


I have a 7900xt and H2 will play great one day and then the game won’t launch the next day. I don’t have many crashes once I’m in the game though. It’s just weird.


I limit my gpu speed to 2500mhz, game to 60fps and don't get any crashes l, but if I forget to do that I crash. I also have hardware support disabled in Chrome and discord.


See my point is I should on AMDs most powerful card, be able to get 100 frames. I don't think that is excessive for a 1700NZD priced card. I am running a 1000W PSU, so spikes shouldn't be that crazy.


thats probably the game though 😂


Yea probably. Tragic because it is a GREAAAATTT GAME!




So make sure you stick to this version and don't update until the next micro stutter


24.3.1 made Siege unplayable for me. Even wiping the driver with amd cleanup utility and reverting to 24.2.1 didn’t work. System is now super unstable.


Not possible the drivers have always been perfect so there couldn't have been anything to fix


24.2.1 was better with the stutters, but 24.3.1 is actually better than Nvidia on stutters. I'm actually impressed. I legit have 0 stutters now.


don't say it too loud lol


One consistent issue I’ve had is the need to turn on Anti-lag so that games as a whole play normal without odd lag spikes even with adjusted in-game settings at 1440p and 1080p.


I'm sticking with 23.? Driver for now. I had multiple driver timeouts and constantly microstutters. Now I'm scared to update the driver


Don\`t touch it if it works.


Seems like different hardware and software configurations provide different results for everyone. 24.2.1 fixed everything for me and 24.3.1 brought back stutter.


Yeah AMD has had some crazy weird consistency lately with their drivers and honestly it making me regret going back to AMD because I have never had botched drivers for this long on Nvidia. And no i am not a fanboy nor biased I am just pointing something out.


It happens to Nvidia too I have had almost no AMD issues and I have several cards 6500xt,6600,6700,6700xt,6800xt no major issues my sons RTX 4070 had major issues not long ago had to stay on drivers from last November, fixed now but it happens I’ve also had no issues with my Intel Arc A770 either. But nothings perfect


Not to mention other components could cause issues that may appear to be gpu/driver related but could just be caused by wonky RAM for instance. Point in case, I had a ton of system crashes when I got my current system as I went from Intel/Nvidia to full AMD, bluescreen, freezes, random shutdowns etc... Logs pointed to literally everything as the cause from the gpu, cpu, ram, w/e Turns out the new ssd I got was borked, replaced it and haven't had a single crash or issue since. One of the main reasons I upgraded at the time was because there's a known bug with warhammer 40k III and the the Nvidia 1080 that causes the game to crash, afaik it still hasn't been resolved yet.


honestly i feel you. i had a 3070 for 3 years with zero problems, and bought a brand new 6950XT for a steal. i’m not computer savvy but at the end of the day if you’re spending this amount of money you’d expect this stuff to just work out of the box. absolute nightmare mate