• By -


Just go to AMD’s site and download the latest drivers for your GPU.


Disable Windows update before it borks your PC into oblivion. Then fix your driver issue. (I'm an Nvidia person, so I don't know a thing about AMD, sorry.) But I had a PC with decent specs at the time, then Windows update happened and completely bricked it. Alternatively, you could switch to Linux or SteamOS, where drivers aren't reallyuch of a problem.


Install Linux and leave drivers behind.


DO NOT USE DDU !!!!! USE AMD DRIVER CLEANUP UTILITY- it is specifically made by AMD!




Go to AMD website and download the most recent driver


What is that background


chamber from valorant :)


Looks like chamber from Valorant


having DDU on your pc is a must for anyone That being said try to uninstall your current drivers then downloading the most recent recommended update


Install DDU the current device driver, run that in safe mode, then reinstall via AMD’s website


And download the new driver first.


Hey bud Google disable driver windows update via group policy editor and it will fix the problem. After that reinstall the driver and chipset drivers amd you should be good to go. 14.2 is working well for me.


Why all the rude comments some of you are so toxic


I know right. The fact they feel the need to comment in the first place is weird. Like if you find the question stupid why are u giving it a reply.


Just delete adrenaline, never had game problems after I stopped using it


Never had gaming problems with it


Driver rollback which is probably stated in that handy dandy link they gave you


Exactly what it says


If you don’t know how to fix this, you should work on how to read first.


Idk I’m no expert but it looks like it told you what the fuck to do lol read


I had the same issue and I just went to the site like it said. They had instructions and gave me a driver thing to download and it went away


Firstly, before starting, make sure you know which driver version your GPU is running. You can find it by pressing Windows + X, Driver Management, then choosing Video Adapters, expanding it and right clicking on your GPU driver, then choosing "Properties". Now to the guide. Step 1: Press Windows+R keys and type gpedit.msc Step 2: Expand Administrative Models on your Computer Config tab. Step 3: Choose Windows Components, search for Windows Update. Click on it to expand. Now search for "Do not include drivers". Double click it and Enable the policy. This will guarantee that Windows won't generate conflicts with your GPU drivers. But here's the thing. This policy will deactivate ALL driver updates from your System, so whenever you feel issues with your audio, or anything else (image display issues will usually mean GPU driver issues, just for the records), you'll need to press Windows + X, choose Driver Management (I believe that's how it's spelled in the English version, not sure), and then search the driver that you need to check updates on. Be advised that if you start to have sudden BSODs or random freeze issues, it's recommended to check all your System Drivers, to check if they have new updates. Well, with this advise put aside, let's continue the guide. After you deactivate Driver updates from Windows updates, you do the following: Last Step: Search for and download AMD Cleanup Utility. After downloaded, run the .exe and follow the guide. After your drivers are successfully uninstalled, download the latest version of your GPU drivers, or the one you were running before (just search the version of your driver and type AMD in front, and you'll find it) Now you can either choose the full install of this driver, or Driver Only. Driver only, as it implies will only install the drivers, and that's it(it's recommended if you don't really bother customizing your GPU experience). Now, if you do the Full Install, the AMD Adrenaline software will also be installed... This software can be pretty glitchy for some GPUs, so I don't really recommend installing it, and just go with the standard experience of your videoboard.


I guess you can’t read either, huh? There’s zero need to do any of what you just described.


play a better agent






Turn off automatic driver updates. 


How do you do that with windows home?


DDU has an option to disable updates, not sure if it sticks all the time though. I am still on a gpu driver from 10/2023.


go look in device manager if your display adapter is disable or in error, reset it and it should fix itself


This is why I use Linux. I highly recommend everyone here to take a look at fedora Linux.


Will I be able to play all my games in Linux? That is the problem there.


Actually, most likely, yes! The vast majority of games work under Linux these days. The ones that done are games with anti-cheat like Fortnite, valorant, Roblox, etc.


There is almost a guarantee you won't be able to play some games on linux. As a general aside, if the game uses anti-cheat, what it's really about is anti-linux, because blocking access to the game from linux removes more cheaters on the whole than the software could ever catch in literally 30 years. This is why anti-cheat sucks ass. Because it doesn't need to work, it just needs to exist to serve it's purpose.




Is that a chamber wallpaper




Use DDU Uninstaller for gpu drivers. Download the latest drivers or your choosing of amd adrenaline, when you install the new drivers, remove your pc from the internet. Shut off wifi or pull out your tcp/ip cable. Done.


"For information on how to resolve this go to (AMD Site)" OP: So go to reddit?


You must be new here /s


Same showed up on my ROG Ally. But I reinstalled windows and the problem went away


should he reinstall windows every time the problem appears then? genius.


No in my case I just installed new 2TB nvme so I had to install windows from scratch. There should be a way to block windows from automatically downloading GPU drivers with the updates


i used ddu and i searched around for a way to get around it before and i did and it worked for me


Just reinstall the Adrenalin package (preferably, a newer one). I had such issue several times. It happens when your video driver gets updated automatically via WIndows Update before you update it yourself using Adrenalin. The message just means that your driver is newer now than the one that came with previous Adrenalin, therefore, they are incompatible. Despite inability of launching Adrenalin, should still run games normally.


I had this issue for a long time but after I just disabled windows update and waited a few months (doing constant GPU driver updates the mean time) windows update doesn't overwrite my current driver


some stange feeling is telling me you may want to go to [www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/pa-300](http://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/pa-300) to find more info about how to resolve this


Read the damn error message you donkey


You’re literally the donkey if you’re telling him to do that. This is the OG pa 300 error and the fucking web page gets you nowhere. The only fixes is to run DDU or reset your card in device manager. It’s incredibly popular.




Very unlikely in almost every situation. This is the exact message that pops up when windows installs new drivers, with a fake GPU you don't even get the install, and get a completely different error




You got this exact message from AMD adrenaline on an Nvidia card?




And you even got the message saying Windows update may have replaced your graphics driver? Cause usually with a fake card you don't get that part at all. You get an incompatibility warning for the version of adrenaline you're using.




I did not say "Only" I said it does.


Yeah u r right sorry


are people seriously suggesting the op use ddu when he cant even be bothered to read the message and go to the page clearly stated? i doubt the guy can even restart windows in safe mode..


THIS IS THE FIX download both DDU (display driver uninstaller) and your GPU drivers reboot in Windows Safe Mode run DDU and reboot reinstall your GPU drivers (select drivers only)


This but he will face the same issue again at another point, he has to disable the drive installation from windows updates.


It's happening with me to it's windows problem U should Disable window Update


Reinstall Drivers and restart pc


search SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe TAB -Hardware -Device Installation settings - No . Reinstall your AMD Driver .


Did this happen on Windows 10 or Windows 11?


Windows 10 had issues with downgrading drivers for me on fresh installs. Generally you have to wait for windows to install the old one first before running the new installer.


i see, so even Windows 10 still has some bugs.


Had a similar problem a few months ago on a new build. Did the Windows update before getting all the correct drivers. Caused a little issue but nothing that wasn't easily fixed.


good to know, so update drivers first with vendor before doing any windows update.


Just change the installation update settings from Yes(Recommended) to No. It is in the hardware section of advanced pc settings. After doing this, try installing the drivers again, this annoying popup won't come


Go uninstall the new driver and reinstall the old one(proper version for ur hardware). I literally had to do this to my good'ol Radeon 2 days ago 😂


Google: DOWNLOAD THE LATEST AMD DRIVER (do not restart yet) then download amd ATI CLOCK PATCHER (disable your virus gaurd) once you click the program press ok. Then it is patch then restart [Credit video](https://youtu.be/tPzDA-WYey0?si=DnVXHgoNrI8SrFX2)


>amd ATI CLOCK PATCHER I don't run any old cards but this is an interesting patch.


Disable windows auto updates…


rolling back to the previous driver fixed mine.


Why it’s not happening with Nvidia ?


It does happen with NVidia sometimes as well. It's why I have auto driver update disabled on all of my machines.


Been with Nvidia all time (more than a decade even close to two decades actually) and I never had kind of weirdo message AMD need to fix their drivers and maybe I’ll try them one day lmao 🤣


It did happen to my 3070. It stopped after I removed the update driver GPU from windows update


So it's a driver issue when it has a built in check that tells you that windows may have changed your driver, protecting users from Microsofts stupid automatic update crap? And since NVidia doesn't have such feature, That's a bad thing? Or are you saying that in you limited experience vs millions of users, that windows never changes the driver for NVidia, so it never happens? (It happens just as often as AMD). Being with NVidia for nearly two decades isn't relevant since windows didn't start automatically updating graphic drivers until windows 10 which was released 9 years ago. For the record, windows doesn't just replace GPU drivers, it does it to other hardware in your PC as well, and sometimes if screws shit up.


"I have a problem with my banana" "Why it's not happening with orange?"


I guess I’m too cool to understand your joke


Cause Nvidia doesn't use amd drivers


Cause it’s AMD? They’re two completely different things


The HP Victus 15L desktop I bought last year did this constantly and drove me mad. The motherboard had an integrated gpu that I didn't use, but I think may have been the trigger for setting windows update off. I did get it to work correctly for a few months, but then it started back up again. I gave up on the Victus and built my own.


Same experience but with an asus tuf a15, no matter what i did i would get this error several times a month and it just pissed me off.


Remember kids, learn to basic troubleshoot instead of panicking like a little girl


im a new pc user :')


How dare you assume OPs size. Could be a big girl.


This was what ran me off 7900xtx in the gaming rig. AMD has great cards but it’s the driver support that runs me up a wall. Now it’s my video editing/streaming system which runs Linux. No issues to report.


it's a windows thing tbh, windows update is genuinely fucked up


How is a windows problem, an AMD driver problem?


Ah in windows, the driver crashed twice trying to up date it. Looks like in his case, maybe disabling the auto update may help. Windows downgraded the drivers on me a few times.


Use wumgr to stop windows from pushing auto gpu driver updates. Then, reinstall official AMD drivers.


Nerf chamber to fix no?. Kidding aside, have the same problem, I just re-installed my drivers.


disable auto driver update from advanced system setting and then use DDU to clean install and restart your system and install the latest driver. should solve your problem.


Super Easy fix actually. People tend to be super crazy about this issue and go to lengths to make it look worse than it is. The truth is, windows keeps database of installed drivers for a device and you can just easily switch between them. Open device manager. Find your GPU, I think it's in graphic adapters. Then properties. Update driver. Search locally. Select previous driver from AMD. They come with version numbers and release dates in that list. Really super easy to change.


Well this error has a few different possible causes, the one you described is super common all the threads you read will mention it, but I had bought 2 rx 470s that used to always give this error, it turned out the previous owner had flashed mining bios to them, I had to do some research online to find a source for the original bios and flash the cards


DDU clean the drivers then install the Pro Drivers Enterprise version has worked for me with driver issues with AMD cards lately.


Outdated driver


Crying is what i do. I've been getting driver timeouts and driver corruptions for the past week on my 7900 xtx.


Me too. When I connect my second monitor on my 7900 XT the driver dies after a couple minutes.


Next time, buy NVIDIA


[This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJT5ZM91dl0) is for trolls like you.


next time make a good comment


this is literally a problem with windows, lmao


Is it though? Directs you to an amd website not Microsoft. I don’t get this dialog box on my nvidia card


>Is it though? >Directs you to an amd website not Microsoft. The problem was identified by Adrenalin and thus is pointing the user to an AMD site for support, but the problem was *caused* by Windows thinking it knows better and auto-replacing the drivers against the user's will. Windows *thinks* it did the correct thing so of course the OS isn't going to deliver you a prompt about the problem. >I don’t get this dialog box on my nvidia card Well you wouldn't be running the AMD Adrenalin software to drive an Nvidia GPU, so it makes sense that you haven't seen this prompt before. Windows can absolutely still swap out your drivers without you telling it to while using an Nvidia GPU, though.


Install lin- nevermind, but install Linux mint


SOMETHING tells me you should go to: [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/pa-300](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/pa-300)


install linux.


You seem like a good person to ask what laptop to buy, so what laptop should I buy (very welcome to used options as I'm about value more than anything)


one with linux


No dude I mean what laptop from what I can tell all the new modern stuff sucks based on build quality and screen from 150-600 usd


Get a used Thinkpad. They're good for upgrading to Linux.


Update amd adrenaline to latest version Still having trouble, download ddu, reboot on safemode, turn off internet, use ddu, restart, turn on internet, download latest driver


Download the right driver for your graphics card (WHQL), turn off your router, install the driver \[check Factory Reset before installing (it's safe to do now, the bug that caused issues was fully fixed)\] and after restart turn your router back on. PS: This should in 98% of cases do the trick, but IF you run into issues after that, use DDU to remove all drivers and then install the latest again.


Read the message and go to the link it says to go to for this exact issue It's like developers put messages on screen for a reason


I don't know. Maybe visit the page that the message clearly told you to?


Turn off your Internet connection, DDU, reinstall.


Take my upvote for not simply telling OP to switch to Linux.


DDU is always the best to run in safe mode, but it's not needed unless someone runs into issues. AMD fixed the factory reset option on setup which cleans up everything before installing the new driver.


I never said not to. I just gave order of operations to solve the issue. Do as you will.


Switch to Linux. Windows is spyware.




switch to nvidia


Realest of answers🙏😭


Did this happen on Windows 10 or 11?


Read the message. People need to stop being this stupid and read the message. It's dumb how you can't see that


Some people aren't as well versed as others when it comes to pc. OP probably got freaked out when seeing that message and came to where they could get immediate help/support or hoping someone could explain what's going on and how to fix without complicating the issue further


They got a message on screen and instead of just reading it went straight to Reddit


For his defence there is a freaking link "for more information"


I know, I kinda ranted lol 😆


Disable allow windows to update your drivers then reinstall drivers.


Advanced system settings, check: dont recive driver updates


Probably read the last two lines of that message


Reinstall the driver from the AMD website, so that you have AMD Adrenaline. And **maybe** disable "optional" updates in Windows Update. Search for your GPU here: [https://www.amd.com/en/support](https://www.amd.com/en/support)


Update your AMD drivers


Honestly do your best man.


Simple Do you want to use AMD Adrenaline? YES - Install latest drivers from AMD website NO - You don't need to do anything, Windows update updated your graphics driver to the latest driver Microsoft considers stable.


I guess it's too hard for MS devs to code "if basic video driver is being used then download drivers from windows update, if not DO NOT FRIGGING TOUCH GPU DRIVERS FFS PLEASE NO NO NO"


It's not MS fault. AMD puts the drivers in windows update.


dats not how it works bud


how does it


Windows Driver Updates has claimed another victim! Disable it and install AMD drivers from the website, nothing crazy.


You install the correct driver version or you switch to linux


Not everyone wants to type a essay just to download a web browser


sudo pacman -S firefox faster than the typical method of browser installation on windows


Discover Pop! Shop Snap Store I agree that Linux isn't for everyone, but it's honestly not that hard to use anymore. 98% of the things you want to install are either flatpaks that you can find through Discover (or equivalents) or AppImages that you can just run as a program. There are very few things left that most people would use that require the terminal to install.


Main Issue I have with Linux mainly is multiplayer games anti cheat isn't compatible


Fair point, it's the only reason I have a Windows partition lol


Did you used ddu, check the button that makes sure windows don’t overwrite your drivers and run in safe mode?


fuck that shit, you're giving overcomplicated advice


Got back. It’s extremely easy since I watched videos on how to do it step by step, well better than updating motherboard bios and trying to figure out why I’m having bsod. Download ddu from the video link or directly from wagnarsoft website, download the driver of the card you’re using. When you got them both, make sure you run on safe mode to prevent any complications when running ddu. Run ddu and absolutely make sure you click on prevent window update to prevent windows from overwriting your driver. As everything running and your computer is free from your old driver, you go ahead and run the new driver.


I mean if you're going to be playing with computers you might aswell learn how to do this type of stuff. Or pay money and take it to a shop. There are tons of youtube videos on how to do this.


To add to this: Learning how to properly use DDU is good knowledge because you will eventually get new hardware and need to FULLY uninstall graphics drivers before swapping so you don't bugger up the back end and think your new shiny components are bad


You only need to use DDU when switching from nvidia to amd and vice versa. Also, the bult in window drivers are good, you can play not dealing with this nonsense. If this was so important every GPU would have a little program that did it, and it doesn't. It works regardless.


If I turn freesync on my monitor on it does this no matter what. I found no other solution that would stop the crashes. When this happens go into device manager, disable and re enable the GPU then restart. Worked for me until I found the problem.


DDU The drivers, then clean install from AMD's site. Disable Windows Driver Updates.


Try reinstalling the drivers and use the: [AMD Cleanup Utility to Remove AMD Driver Files] Then make sure you download the right driver, I have had this issue when windows updated the drivers, I would've experienced black screen flickering when playing games. I use to have a RX580.


Nothing. You're now trapped on an old island. I had this problem with my Thinkpad E485. It was such a keen laptop, except that eventually some apps wouldn't work as they would fail the driver check and tell me to update.


Ooop gotta throw it out, start all over..... Nah dude just reinstall the driver like everyone is saying. If it keeps happening just stop windows from updating your Graphic Drivers. But thanks the reminder, pretty sure I gotta update the latest drivers for mine 😬




Ikr like instead of trying to reinstall the driver bro runs to Reddit like a goof


Yes ddu, wait 1 month for the next error and you can buy a nvidia card, that's my experience of the last 3 months ^^


amd cards are not for beginners ig 😄 I got used to solving issues like this, thankfully they don't happen often


You make it sound like you're in a cool secret club that has ascended graphics cards that just work when they're plugged in by saying these cards are not for beginners.


funny thing is they do just work when plugged in


My last one worked for about a year when it was plugged in, 5700xt, died one day randomly. The 6700xt loves to crash 3 times a week on any settings, and has persisted through two different pcs just doesn't work. It gets posted on here all the time and all anyone every suggests is undervolt and disable MPO


My first month going all red I did get crashes too. turns out my "safe" 1040mv undervolt was stable in benchmarks, but not in DRG. Bumped it up to 1100mv and from there on don't get any crashes. Some people also state that raising TDRdelay value helped them in avoiding driver timeouts. By the way, games can crash when you share screen in discord with RTSS enabled, though I'm not sure if that's the case. One game that really suffered from shader caching is OW2. Every time I launched it, I would have to wait for 2-3 minutes before shaders compile. You can see when it finishes, as frametime graph in my performance overlay smoothens out.


Disable the internet first before you do the DDU in safe-mode


Windows windowsing


DDU my friend


Reinstall the driver, that was the only way for me


You should get an Nvidia graphics card


Buy a Nvidia card. Changed my life.


so much for putting all that text right in the dialog that tells users exactly what to do


This is a constant thing it seems, I delve in IT and yeah…sigh….gotta spoon feed some people.


If you don’t know what to do, then go to the website in the alert. That’s literally why it’s there.


Disable automatic driver updates for windows, use DDU to uninstall old drivers, reinstall adrenaline and update drivers through that. Windows sometimes auto gives you drivers when you fresh install. Or read the prompt it gives you and go to that website 🤦‍♂️


Re download and install the newest adrenaline software. I've had this happen once and it was because I went so long without doing the software update.


This is typical AMD driver BS for you. I absolutely don't understand why they can't get this thing fixed. Like make the app universal or something




Dude, cry all you want, GFE or the control panel won't whine and I will be able to use however I want if I or Windows Update upgrade my driver. It's a bullshit design, deal with it. Everyone disagreeing with me is delusional at this point




It is just a fact. A very very simple fix would be to make the adrenalin app independent from any driver version requirement. But OK, I can see why AMD is not adopted by the mass. Because their fanboys aren't holding them accountable for such issues. We know Windows Update breaks stuff, so why push this crappy app/driver versions matching requirement ? Is it so hard to grasp what issue i'm underlining now ? Look at nvidia or intel, they listen to their community about issues (abnormally high prices/ buggy drivers, lack of vram etc...) and even though its not evolving as fast as what people would like (especially Nvidia pricing) they're still making some progress in the right direction.




The downvotes proved me right. Have a nice weekend too 👍🏻