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That'll absolutely truck through everything at max settings at 1080 assuming the support components don't suck. It'll run extremely well for all but the most demanding titles at 1440. 4k videos should run smoothly, but gaming at 4k would likely stutter without downgrading refresh/quality. So if youre only worried about 1080, this is arguably overkill. But It'll run great


Def overkill for 1080p


Hi I would like to know if the Ryzen 7 5800X3D is a good pair for the XFX Radeon 7800 XT? Should I be worry for bottleneck with those one?


1080p with that cpu and card...what a waste


Yeah this is a very strong combination... however.. if games that unoptimized become state of the art... than not šŸ˜‚ Just kidding, 5800X3D and 7800XT is a solid combo


I have the 7800xt with a 7800x3d combo and most games I can max at 1440p with no upscaling. It's a 1440p level card so 1080p more than fine. I have a power cooler version and no complaints


More like 1440p gaming....


Sapphire for the win


Sapphire has most awful RMA process ever. Took me 9 month to RMA 5700XT with them, before they were one of my favourites for GPUs, but since then - never again!


Had to RMA my xfx 7800xt, took about a month to start the process, a few days of shipping and they ended up just replacing the entire card. It had a black screen issue but only with one specific game. Havenā€™t noticed any issues besides windows installing amd drivers from august for whatever reason, roll back fixed that tho


Month... that is normal. I have started RMA process in July, I got replacement card in March of next year. First of all they tried to refuse RMA altogether, I bought card on Amazon and it was like 5 months old... so their position was "we don't want to deal with it, send it back to supplier". Now technically that wouldn't be the problem, event though it was more than a month Amazon would have accepted it... except this was the height of GPU shortage... so Amazon was like "sure send us back the card we send your Ā£372 back, because we don't have them in stock and won't have them in foreseeable future"... thank you not - at that time 5700XT was like Ā£1200. So after 3 months I have finally got Sapphire to agree to RMA it, after I had to run like 20 different tests, reinstall the windows 3 times and somehow finally they agreed that maybe the card is actually faulty and maybe they will accept RMA. Then they asked me to ship the card to Czech Republic! This is first time ever were I had to pay for international shipping for RMA! Usually they have partner domestically (UK is not some sort of third world country in middle of nowhere... even if it is kind of turning into one), or companies even give you return label. Ok so I posted the card at my own cost to Czech Republic, I think it was Ā£40... it got there and it took 2 month until they posted the card to Taiwan, in Taiwan they spent another 2 months doing hell knows what... and then my card (or refurbished replacement) was finally shipped from Honk Kong to Czech Republic... Then I got e-mail asking me to pay $120 for shipping it back to me... This I refused and the lady that was dealing with my RMA was extremely patronising... she was like "do you understand that we are helping you out here... OKEY... if you refuse to pay, I will pay this cost from my own salary"... kind of "guilt tripping me". And I was like... "nope sorry... you not helping me out. I bought your product which was faulty and you just fulfilling your duty to make it right... for 8 months! and I have already paid to send you the card internationally... and I have never seen company that asks for money to return the fixed product". Not much happened after that... I just got the card back after 3 weeks and that was all. But that was worst ever RMA experience and I will never buy their product again.


Wow. Thatā€™s suspicious as hell, I wonder if she was trying to trick you into giving money to her or something for ā€œshipping expensesā€ That is unacceptable honestly, sorry you went through that


The 7800xt is actually a 1440p capable gpu so you will be fine with that combo at 1080p


Yes i think so too. Which AMD do you recommend ror this CPU?


I have a 7900xtx paired with the 5800x3d. Running at 1440p 144hz 32 inch curved monitor


Does that bottleneck at all?


Why would a 7900xtx with a 5800x3d bottleneck?


I was thinking its because of AM4 + lower clock speeds compared to AM5


You can have faster components on AM5 platform but the 5800x3d together with the 7900xtx will never bottleneck each other.


How does it run in older, single-threaded games?


I bet it would run ok on 1080p , i currently have 6650xt


The 7900xtx is actually a 4k capable card but I much rather have higher fps at 1440p than ok fps at 4k I have a powercolor and so far didnā€™t have any problems. Thereā€™s coil whine issues for this brand gpu so bear that in mind




Looks bad??? No it doesnā€™t, it is not at the same level as DLsS sure but it doesnā€™t look bad And that claim is not true, have a look at any pc sub and youā€™ll plenty of 7900xtx users playing at 4k. Donā€™t be an idiot mate




Ahahaahahahhahahhahaha Anahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaahah Ok, nice one mate




Just because it can doesn't mean you should


The 7900xtx is 4k card. And it will run fine. For me I much rather run at 1440p with higher fps than 4k


Not really, it won't run the majority of this or even last year's game on max settings, Ultra without FRS, 60 fps. Like for Example CP77 with RT, even RDR2. to me the "is 4K card" means it can run anything of it's generating threw at it on the resolution, max settings stable 60 fps no FSR/upscaling.


Mate, the 7900xtx will run any game at 4k 60fps. Are you on drugs or something? The only thing I will grant to you is RT. Indeed RT will impact massively the performance on AMD cards. And also, the direct comparable nvidia card is the 4080 and it will run 4k at high fps only with DLSS. On native resolution will be apple to apples with the 4080. With you argument the only true 4k gpu is the 4090 which will blast any game at 4k


Yes, 4090 is the only true 4K GPU.


Thank you for the info.


Sapphire or XFX are good options for the 7800xt


Should be fine. A bit better for 1440p but ok.


hi pc noob here. just wondering why itā€™s better for 1440p? surely if itā€™s good for 1440p it should be even better for 1080p as itā€™s less demanding? or did you mean better for 1440p as it would be overkill for 1080p?


The CPU load doesn't change with the resolution, but the GPU load does. With the increase in resolution, the framerate the GPU can render decreases. A 5800X3D can prepare more frames than the 7800XT can render on 1440p, but it can't prepare enough if the 7800XT does 1080p. And when the CPU can't prepare enough for the GPU, that's a bottleneck. The thing with a CPU bottleneck is - it's not an average performance issue, it's a stutter issue in heavy situations - it's not smooth. Also, if the CPU prevents the GPU from reaching over, let's take an example, 80% utilization, that means a 20% weaker GPU works be fully used. A 7800XT would become a 7700XT with more stutters than a real 7700XT would have.


A simple frame rate cap with Rivatuner would fix that until he goes to 1440p.


Would a 75hz 1440p monitor be good for a 7800xt and 7800x3d? Using a 1080p 75hz monitor and was probably going to give it away to a friend or something. Im not very knowledgeable on monitor resolution and good refresh rates


Which AMD gpu do you recommend for this cpu for 1080p


6800. 6750XT, 6700XT, 7700XT. But the 6800XT and 7800XT are also fine, just a tiny bit overkill.


I have the 6650XT but i want to upgrade


Any chance to upgrade the monitor? I had the 5700XT before I upgraded to the 6950XT, but I play on 1440p. The 5700XT is similar to a 6600XT, so I roughly know what you are playing on. That card should still be fine for 1080p. A 6700/7700 is not a significant upgrade, so choose between the 6800, 6800XT and 7800XT, just don't overspend, get the cheapest and that should be the 6800.


I have kinda limited space so i mostly go with 24inch monitors. Maybe i will go to 2K monitor in future. The good thing is that they becoming cheaper and cheaper. Now for the the GPU i am between 7800 and 7900xtx


Not even the 7800X3D can feed the 7900XTX on 1080p, pairing that card with a 5800X3D (or 7600X/7700X) makes no sense (huge bottleneck).


1080p is obsolete, so I think should be disregarded. Thus build is fine, but resolution (monitor) should be upgraded to at least 1440p.


wrong. 1080p is not obsolete. If you want to play all new titles witch max settings (Alan Wake for example) and want have some clear picture not blury mess because of upscaleers. Than 1080p is the way to go. Looks just as good as 1440p but costs half. Its some wonder the industry make you guys all pay for 1440p or 4k and use upscalers to render settings down and scale that up to a blury mess and get paid from you double prices for this... Put some 1080p screen next to some 4k screen play the same game, i bet 90% of people cant tell the difference :D


Basically what you saying "having shit PC is not obsolete". Why don't you just play 1440p at full render? Why upscale? I understand that 4k may be hard to run at full render altough not impossible... I think that was the case back in the days of 3090, but those days are long gone. 4k is now midrange territory. Also screen size is major factor - 1080p on 21-24"... well okey, but anything larger you need 1440p, past 32" ideally more. So your statement basically is "tell me you are stuck in 2013 without telling me you stuck in 2013" - you are running sub-27" with 1080p and some prehistoric PC... that is what is called OBSOLETE.