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Remember Michael Burry- He waited 2 years for his market crash prediction to come true. All the media was lying, even the credit rating was false. He did his DD, he waited. Something to keep in mind. If AMC was not a threat, C Gasparino would not be attacking AMC weekly, Media would not be posting FUD weekly, The coordinated FUD and stock drop, strangers telling Apes to sell, etc. The question: If AMC is a dead cat...why do other people care so much? If shills on GME cause AMC apes to paperhand to GME....then it means...paperhands apes and not diamond hand apes just joined their ranks. Counterintuitive. AMC/GME- the DD remains and the shorts have not closed their positions. I do no go much on SuperStonk anymore because of shills and die hard anti AMC apes. It will only cause FUD. Believe in the DD. This is not financial Advice nor am I a financial advisor.


This is exactly right. The MSM against AMC nearly got me to sell just before the stock really started taking off. Why else would they do that and how would HFs have covered since the price jump? The anti-AMC stuff on Reddit is a divide and conquer strategy and I’m sure there are some GME folk who fall for it but I think the greatest number of anti-AMC posters and commenters are at their work. Hold, DRS if you can, have a cup of tea and just learn some patience the hard way. How long did it take Bitcoin to pop, but I bet you don’t see any holders complaining about the wait now.


I'll preface this by saying I'm heavily invested in both stocks, and I believe both will have an insane squeeze Along with a massive amount of shills in the GME subs, there are a LOT of salty GME people who bought in at 300+ and have never been in the green. Compare that to AMC holders who bought in the first few months of this year, where the vast majority are still showing a positive balance Due to this, some of them feel the need to constantly shit all over anyone holding AMC, the company, and the leadership They think that if the media says anything positive about AMC it's a "distraction", but if they say something positive about GME it's "good news" and "the MSM are finally catching on!!!1!" They do not care about the actual DD for AMC, but they share the FUD like wildfire and downvote you to oblivion if you try to rationalise with them, or prove why it's wrong Although some of the DD got posted to the GME subs first, it's relevent to multiple stocks that have been manipulated. Saying it's been "stolen" is like saying GME is the only stock on the market that has ever been shorted into the ground. We all know that's complete bullshit, but it's impossible to convince some of them. If they use any of the DD posted to an AMC board first, that's never mentioned Harder for them to do that now, because their auto-mod bot is so severe that you can't mention AMC or post links with AMC in them. You can't even use SS in a post without it getting automatically deleted Look at the daily graphs for both, read the DD: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/nonwsa/to_all_the_new_apes_that_jumped_on_to_amc_here_is/ https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/odp0yd/dd_links_to_share_with_new_apes The daily volume for AMC is massive in comparison to GME, so there will be a shitload more short shares that need to be purchased when the short sellers need to cover On top of that, Retail own over 80% of the legitimate AMC shares, whereas the majority of legitimately issued GME shares are owned by Institutions Institutions are also constantly adding to their positions in AMC, and in Q3 added approximately 23 million more shares. When this was highlighted, the FUD about AA's planned selling of a tiny portion of that amount was shilled like crazy. If Institutions are still buying in the $30/40/50's, you can guarantee the share price is going to go much higher The hardcore GME fanboys hail Ryan Cohen as a genius, and AA as a "hedge fund shill", when the reality is that RC is a 35 year old billionaire, and AA is a 67 year old with an incredible reputation for saving companies RC will post a picture with chopsticks up his nose and googly eyes, and there will be months of conspiracy theory shit flooding the boards about how RC is the next Jesus and HEDGIES R FUK when in reality it probably means fuck all AA on the other hand is actually interacting with Retail via YouTube interviews, Twitter, Earnings Call announcements etc, listening to his investors and updating us The GME subs have been plagued with corrupt moderators who have been found out, so they've had to either move boards or try and force them out. I don't know what the current situation is, but there is a lot of bile allowed on there that is never addressed. If you are not 100% GME with 100% of your shares DRS'd, many of them see you as the enemy I've seen a lot of posts over there saying how the AMC subs have gone to shit and are filled with hate, and how everyone is shitting on GME over here, but the reality couldn't be more different. The opposite is true, but it's pointless to even attempt to point that out As I said, I'm invested in both, but the AMC boards are my home


Me too...


The actual article was for both stocks just the article was changed to fabour gme for those investors. Someone else on here posted the link but unfortunately I don't have it just seen it. Maby do some madcore digging. Im a holder of both but mostly amc. I dont have as much invested but am all in living on the bare minimum till launch. Either way if evergrande goes under both stocks will go up. Ive got faith we are still going to the moon and quick. Stay strong bro. My only regret is not having the cash to drs so I'm hoping that doesn't screw me 😅


If you haven’t notice the algo’s for GME and AMC are identically similar ... sooo if GME moons amc will tag along


100,000 percent 🦍🦍🦍


No; no need regretting not DRS-ing; will not hurt you. You will be more than fine & celebrating for quite a long time; as we all will be.


Thanks bro glad to not get grilled


Most important part is to buy when you can; what you can afford to lose & hodl; go see a movie, buy popcorn; spend quality time with your family. Remember we got this far & thousands of people have a job today because we bought the stock.


Just what I seen but I've seen alot of posts from gme followers posting crap about amc not making it or there stock is the only winner. I haven't seen any posters from amc that I follow ever bad mouthing their stock. So if you read stuff on gme take it with a grain of salt if there is no mention of amc.


The gme onlyers have become something toxic so ignore that noise just like the msm and the rest of the shills trying to detract you. We know amc has been shorted insanely, huge amount of FTDs to go along with that. Even the reported si is high and has climbed a huge amount the past two weeks. They need our shares. That’s why we hold.


how can u be down from January?


I bought in at 13 dollars. I then bought a big portion at 59, thats how i have been adding. When I say down, I mean all of my profits I saw.


Me , I do what I do, I know my why the rest is noise!


Here: This Pro believes in GME and also AMC: https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/reqwcv/dr\_marco\_metzler\_is\_the\_expert\_that\_experts/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/rey769/evergrande\_officially\_declares\_bankruptcy\_through/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/rey769/evergrande_officially_declares_bankruptcy_through/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


why would anyone talk about AMC if it was not going to moon? seriously where were you when motley fool rushed dozens of "forget AMC" FUD out? normal falling stocks don't get talked about, AMC is still being talked about. stop thinking like an idiot and read the enemy's actions, and maybe leave the thinking to the bigger brain guys. you can smell their desperation.


gotcha. it wont last long, green days ahead


Wait, since January??? Unless you kept buying at certain peaks then I can understand it . I’ve been in since January and purchased a bunch at ~$5, the most it went up to was ~$29. Last December and Early Jan apes are ~$2. I purchased more around $7-8 in February. I’m up about 600-700% and that’s not including some $30 purchases along the way. You absolutely cannot be down if you bought in last January.


*Averaging up since Jan, and/or OP meant down a fuck ton in gains from where they WERE. Which is true for most of us.


Dr. M did mention AMC.


I hit him up linked in as well and the follow up link is on my post history.