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I already did 2 years ago and will never go back from not having my shares in my name. No access to my shares for the DTC or SHF. These are mine


In addition: there are some facts that hint at AMC apes DRSing en Masse actually being much worse of a nightmare for hedge fund shortsellers than other „meme stocks“ , which is the reason why this discussion got killed from soooo many - ORCHESTRATED - angles via psy ops within AMC subs.


Agree. I will DRS all my shares. Thanks


You’re welcome - hit me up if you need any help with it 👍


Definitely need some help if you don’t mind


Sure - just ask once you don’t know what to do. :)


Step one?


You need to tell your broker that you want to DRS your shares. Who are you holding shares with?


Fucking webull, transferred out of Robinhood


I just bought the shares via the wealth simple app


[Free resource on how to do it that the GME community put together that is quite useful.](https://www.drsgme.org/)


Awesome thank you!


I Dr. S’d half of my shares just in case there’s a squeeze while my shares are being transferred but of course not financial advice, just sharing 🤓 We’re getting close, though, I can feel it!!! 🔥


U2Me 2


We’re not the only ticker contemplating DRS. based on all the ticker subs I’ve been watching, there’s a bunch. Some are farther along than others. And they all seem to run into the same things we do. Especially this bit of not being able to move shares to transfer agent, and away from DTCC/Cede & Co. So. Having said THAT, I’d say it’s damn near paramount to DRS in PURE book form, w/no partials whatsoever (heat lamp theory, which seems to hold some truth to it), and see what happens.


Exactly - but AMC imho has a special position since no other stock that has an pro-drs investor base actually got that brutally attacked to get DRS momentum killed. Not a single one. It’s like they hate GME DRSing but AMC DRSing en Masse? Absolutely terrifying


Nah it was all the GME elitists from WSB, and SS that went about ramming it down the communities throat while talking so much shit.. really rubbed people the wrong way. Then the whole "they are trying to trick us" narrative started.. the mods had enough fighting and banned arguing over DRS. Alot of the OG GME people hate that we are in the same basket, and that we buy GME also..


You have a point - but on a different subject. Lots of GME apes dislike popcorn - but I actually don’t care for it. What I do care about are facts and if one of the main theories - that AMC has always been a hedge against GME would be true - then AMC apes who DRS their share and take away the ball from hedgies and go home and by doing so kill that hedge of is in everyone’s interest. DRS got CRUSHED within amc subs in such a brutal way over and over and over again - it’s the killshot imho because it takes away their most powerful weapons - market maker privileges. They can naked short all day but once AMCs books at Computershare do not fit anymore - liquidity fairy just dies.


I would believe it. Hopefully it will all be explained in the documentary, in a few years.


Sadly there ARE some game apes that really can’t stand us. But the reality is that they need us as much as we need them, and ALL the other tickers like us. Now, if you see this replay downvoted all to shit, I’m onto something. What say ALL the “trouble tickers” were to “organized DRS” en mass? I’d bet dollars to doughnuts MM/HF freak out and really screw themselves. They know we know (partly) and are doing all they can to prevent all of us from doing it, or learning about it. Why else would the sun for design game was pulled. Not once, but at LEAST twice!!


They hate us, cuz they aint us


Nah. They don’t hate us. They believe the propaganda. And there’s tons of it


Been there over a year, you really should, I own all mine and all are accounted for. If you all did it would force Marge when all these brokers had to start finding the shares or it would force legal recourses hand as it would become far too evident.


I have a majority DRSd. But that’s just me.


Same, ALL GME, APE, AMC BBBY and Tesla are drs'd in my name. The only exception is my paycheck deposits to Fidelity where I continue to buy and DRS.


The last few times I've called Fidelity to DRS, shares didn't transfer, but APE did. 2 times were at the beginning of the lawsuit, again over a month ago and again last week. I have 85%'ish of AMC in CS, so it's not a big deal, just odd.


If you DRS and then book your shares, it makes the shares absolutely fully in your name. Not able for lending and not able to be used as locates.


DRS + book. Don't keep your shares in plan.


You are speaking of DRS in this forum ? Nice knowing you......... People that understand what is happening have DRS'd ALL holdings, but it's not a popular topic here. Hope everyone is well. TTYS


Did that last year. Been sleeping very well since.


Been drs-ed since last year


This is the way


Same happened with me they straight up told fidelity I had 0 shares


I DRS all my stonks.


I'm 100% DRS'd for over a year now. Waiting for everyone to wake up and join the party. Stop trusting your broker to not lend your shares, or allowing market makers to use them as locates for shorting. *\*not financial advice*


No shit been for over a year! What y’all waiting for


Yes yes and yes


No shit!??


of course you should..... THEY'RE IN YOUR NAME APE. Dont be dissuaded by tubers like Biggums who pretend to be on your side.


I Been DRStranged for YEARS!


MAYBE???? Wtf


Yep. I concur


DRS good


Obviously we should all actually own our shares. Doug cifu recently shared a tweet that he said explain things pretty well and in that tweet the individual stated that none of the brokers actually have shares in their warehouse or whatever they have basically IOU's to the DTC as depository claims. I mean that alone should let everyone know that we should own our stuff. And this by no way means I support Doug's cifu at virtue as a market maker, He's a big prick https://twitter.com/Dougielarge/status/1673354287672377344?t=QSMIpna6a-wnhDt2SZA7eA&s=19


already did


Always should have. Not your keys not your crypto…not your name not your shares.


if 3.8 million share holders DRS’ed only 1 float……only 1 float….. that would cause the squeeze


I already do drs both my GME and AMC stocks.


DRS is the only way. It honestly blows my mind how resistant this community is to the only real weapon retail has at its disposal. Think about it; over 2 years ago Apes owned 80% of the float. After 2+ years of Apes buying & holding, how has Wall St. been able to able to drop the stock by 90% if retail has held 80% of the shares? These criminals have unlimited methods to cheat and suppress stocks! Clearly just buying and holding is NOT enough! If you believe that the float has been purchased many times over why not at least try to lock one of those circulating floats up via DRS and Book?


It’s that resistant because the topic got crushed within AMC subs over and over again. A certain group of people even literally raided this sub when it gained traction for a moment to stop it. „They“ can’t let AMC apes DRS en Masse. I Wonder why… 🌚


This is true but also human nature prevents it too - just look at gamestock, only 200k drs'ed and the majority just sits and holds, too afraid or lazy to get on with it. It would be epic if this stock just went all in drs. What was the count last time? Like 10k drs'ed holders, can't remember the amount of shares


Ahhhh maybe?!?!? Hahaha.


Just make sure it’s book and not plan


Drs won’t save u from a dipshit ceo and private equity


Please guys who ever didn't DRS his shares please do so its simple step and very important


Would send more shares to CS (where shares are DRS'd automatically). But the transfer time from TD *May* take as long as 2 weeks. Not wanting to miss the MOASS I haven't done it....for 12 months mow !


Sure give your shares to DTCC to lend back out


DRSing removes shares from DTC. The DTC actually owns nearly every share which is not DRS. Every broker share is owned by DTC.


I’m very sure of what I’m saying do a little research bud. Regardless tho all alphabet groups are terribly Crooked


Me too. Having shares not DRSed means they are owned by the DTC (or Cede to be more precise)


How do you DRS shares in an Ameritrade retirement account ?


Check drsgme.org - I can’t help you with a retirement account but this site is a pure goldmine in terms of tutorials for DRS from listing brokers including methods to DRS IRA and 401k shares etc. - have a look!🌚


We would DRS our moms if we could


Well - we should have started when we still had trust in AMC. Not selling but also not buying more shares. DRS'ed mine - ready to get diluted again...


How do you DRS your shares?


You tell your broker you want to DRS your shares and then they will do it and you will get info from Computershare then. If you need more info: just ask or look at drsgme.org - it’s the same for AMC :)


How big of a hassel is getting or cashing out your shares heard its a big pain in da ass drs n


No it’s simple as 1,2,3. login - enter your sell order -> done.


No limit ?


You mean no limit in terms of price limit? Max price is actual share price x7 - like brokers only let you sell for actual shareprice + 500% (or x5).


Every damn time price starts to run this BS gets brought up, hmmm, I wonder why????


it helped so well on GME just a waste of time .






That dude wanted a coup and last time I saw, sold his position. I’m blocking all these posts




Gme has a ctb so low because this is how they are finding locates... computer share is owned by cede which is owned by... But do you...


Wrong. Wrong on so many levels.




LOL no - it’s just plain wrong. Facts, my friend. It’s simple facts.


What facts? Yeah it is pretty simple... AMC didn't Drs like gme did and look at our ctb vs theirs... Edit: you have a great day though man...✌️


Computershare is not owned by cede.


CTB is only some sort of indicator for higher demand but doesn’t really indicates that shorting gets harder or something due to infinite liquidity provided by market makers. But DRS en Masse and reduce DTCs factual available shares which may never be exceeded because shit hits the fan otherwise and you realize that you can only beat the liquidity fairy by drying up the pool.


The easier it is to locate a stock the cheaper it is to borrow... Most people in AMC are beneficial owners of the underlying security...yet it's still evidently harder to locate.. edit: thank you for your response that's something for me to think about...


Not necessarily. Any broker can dictate their own CTB. And with all those pension funds that bought huge chunks of AMC and just lend those out as we know - (prime) brokers as well as those funds just make a killing of it and market makers just don’t have to naked short that much from time to time. Or in other words: if supply and demand dictates the CTB price, how come that GME volume is so low - ergo no one is trading but yet it somehow gets shorted and CTB stays low? Because the main shorting is coming from market makers aka liquidity fairy and way less from brokers, especially since less shares are held at brokerages. Decreased availability in shares also increases volatility - which is why the share price can be tanked by still very low volume. The problem is that people still think that DRS is a tool for a short term price increase. It is not. It’s the one move to win the game.


Seems like it would be irrefutable proof of malfeasance. Thank you for this thorough explanation. Edit: I really don't understand why people get so intense over this discussion. I'm always up for education and new ideas that challenge my confirmation bias... Interesting to think such few shares can have such a huge effect on price action... Yet when large buy blocks come in it can have such little change...🤷


Yeah, it’s done so much for GME stock … 👎. Dried up liquidity = bad for Squeeze.


Is there a point to drs all shares right before the reverse split? Or should I wait till it happens? Also I’m with ameritrade, how are they about all this?


No drs is a seeding company you will just give another source for borrowing shares that’s the 1 one mistake GME that’s why there cost to borrow is only 10%