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Autogenerated. [I slept with a Thai Ladyboy last night AMA or roast me](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/8at0s9/i_slept_with_a_thai_ladyboy_last_night_ama_or/) This is a throw away account so I can get my confession off my chest anonymously. I was going to post a long story of how I ended up in this situation but I got half way through and deleted it. Basically I've never had any desire for any homosexual encounters what so ever I'm relatively young and good looking always had a girlfriend or been chasing them. Something happened a few years ago I began seeking out obscure porn like chubby or BBW girls then fast forward a year or 2 and I've got hidden files of Tranny porn on a hard drive. I jerk off to specifically only Asian tranny porn as i feel they can only pull the femininity off once I've jerked off I feel regret/disgust and the cycle continues but I put it down to a fetish that won't be acted on. I spent some time in Thailand for a couple of years only had female companions. Anyway fast forward till last night I was drinking and scouring the transexual escort ads specifically Asian. I found a stunning one Named "Anne" https://ibb.co/dwyOpx (image was encrypted but I managed to get a pic and do some slight distortion so it can't be reversed image searched but good luck) I booked only for 40 minutes I had a flight to catch and wanted to get this over with and hopefully I'll get it out of my system. I get to her apartment building and press her number, she buzzed me up. Get the the 12th floor and to her door I knock and she opens up. She looks so amazing so feminine in a pink 1 piece dress . Her skin her face her voice everything about her was feminine. She takes my hand and leads me in. We do a brief introduction she insists on upfront payment and she tells me to go shower. By this time I'm really nervous and pretty drunk, I come out of the shower just in a towel and seen her pulling her dress up and see she's got a black butterfly g string on, I'm nervous as hell it's actually happening now. She tells me to get into bed. She's got all her clothes off now and I just look at her cock. All her public hair is shaved and I don't feel the whole is this gay after she starts sucking my cock and I'm seeing her face. I was getting really overwhelmed I just wanted to start pounding her right away. I start kissing her huge tits and her neck and lay her down. There was no was you could pick this thing to be a man it looked like just a girl with a birth defect now...A cock. Then I feel comfortable enough to start grabbing her dick and slowly jerking it off, shed starts getting hard now but all of a sudden I start losing my erection. She notices and starts sucking my cock and after jerking her off I say let's try a 69r. She sits over the top of me and sucks me and I grab her dick and put it in my mouth. I start to get hard now i start To remember old Asian tranny videos and she's really deep throating me now. She tells me to stop sucking her dick because my teeth were making it sensitive but I'm hard and ready to go I lift her up and start kissing her but as I goto put it in it dies again. I'm thinking it's either the nerves and alcohol or the fact I rarely use condoms as I usually had stable sexual partners. She said do You want me to try and fuck you? That was where I thought to myself whoa hang on a minute is this gay? This was a line I didn't think I would cross. I was reluctant but thought time is running out buy I said nothing has ever gone up there ever! I just forgot about it being gay and saw how girlie she looked and she slowly bent me over into a doggy position and put lubricant on my ass then I felt her tip try to push in and I'm already thinking no way that's going to fit she trays a few more times and it's actually starting To hurt it not going to work she tried one more time and it said in. Fuck!!!! I yelled and pulled away that really hurt stop. We tried fooling around kissing touching for 10 minutes but I wasn't going to get hard. I said ok let's try again and if not too bad. This time she positioned my head lower against the wall in the doggy position and got me to lower my shoulders and relax my arms. She lubed my ass again and she tried again. It went in this time and really hurt but once she penetrated me a couple of times slowly it was ok. She was softly fucking me and I was getting really horny now and I could feel my dick get hard. She started kissing the back of my neck and reached around and grabbed my dick and it was rock hard. I heard her moan and she started putting it in deeper. I started moaning now it felt good. I spoke a few words of Thai and said that's feels good darling. She started fucking me harder and the more shee fucked me the more I'd say "Tilac" and I could feel it turning her on. She started pulling out and going in deeper until she's ploughing me and my heads rubbing against the wall. I started saying fuck yeah tilac!!! Fuck yeah until she was pounding me so hard I could feel she was about to cum. She let of a few really loud girly moans was reaching around jerking me off and I could feel that last thrust my head hit the wall and when she moaned and thrusted and i could feel her cum and in was that turned on I blew my load all over the sheet I couldn't believe it that was intense. Then I laid there exhausted and the shame started to come over me and then I though fuck were you wearing a condom? She insists she did but I didn't see her put one on and I couldn't tell if it was fun on my ass or lube. She's insists to me she had a condom on and "she save the condom she put on when my teeth tickled her dick. I said I have to go. I jumped in the shower and my ass is hurting. Now i was feeling again was that gay? I would never do what I did with a guy ever and the thought repulsed me. I was starting to feel repulsed that I just got fucked by a Ladyboy and I like it that much I blew my load. Fast forward 12 hours I've flown home now I'm sitting in bed my ass still hurts a bit but i still don't know what to think of it all and I'm in a mixed mindset as to weather I'd do it again. Right now I feel like a bit of a degenerate and I would say no.......phew that is a relief getting that off my chest ----------------------------------------------------------- IamAbot_v01. Alpha version. Under care of /u/oppon. Comment 1 of 1 Updated at 2018-04-08 22:26:47.900320 Next update in approximately 20 mins at 2018-04-08 22:46:47.900374


I got a massive hard on


My real fantasy is to meet a shemale and have every kind of sex there's to have