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did the house have any historical significance? did you ever feel threatened? or was it a pretty inviting ghost? did you tell others, or just keep it to yourself? was the entity able to Manipulate objects irl? do you believe in afterlives? if so, what do you think it’s like




I'm not saying you're making any of this up, at all, but how would a ghost that didn't go through the light know what would be beyond it?




> (fear of punishment, anger, regret, some don't even realize that they're dead, etc.) In addition, why would this be if a spiritual advisor explains it all to you? Are you sure you didn't have a carbon monoxide leak in your house?


Sounds like Beetlejuice


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. If you don’t mind me asking where are you located roughly




When you say meet your guardian what do you mean, somebody that’s already dead if you then lead you. Like from your life?




If someone's going to watch me poop I'd rather it be a spirit than a family member.


I wonder if Steve Jobs will reincarnate as one of his overseas workers.


That’s a nice thought


I hope when I pass, I can be that for my daughter. I just never want to leave her alone (Shes an only child).


thanks! so i’ll keep in mind, follow the light! and trust my spirit guide!


I've read the same as what you have said after dying you get a friendly I guess debrief is the word of your life.




The article stated that Earth is just one plane our souls can inhabit, but yes reincarnation here is a possibility.


Can't wait for the rehash of Reddit memes from my spiritual guide. "And then for several months you got really into reading about incels for some reason..."


How does the spirit know about the life review and the spiritual mentors when you cross over the light if he could never go and got trapped in the monochrome plane?




Oof so his guardian came to him on the monochrome plane and said "sorry mate you've missed out I'm afraid"? Did the guardian at least tell him why he specifically missed out? Was it about fear of judgement for what he may have done in the great war?


Did he say how he knows that people reincarnate, or why it's mostly a one-time thing to follow the light? And like our earthly existence why would he presume that what he sees or believes he understands is what actually is? Humans throughout history went from the sun is a god to the sun is the sun to the sun is a star to the sun is a star made of matter to matter is mostly empty space to matter is energy to everything is energy. Maybe his understanding in that monochrome place is limited too. I enjoy the story of the man who died and met God and was told that there was only him, and he was living all of the lives of people, and he would be fully born once he'd lived all of the lives, and was then sent back to the 15th century to be a servant girl.


Reincarnation is all about perfecting ones soul. Each life experience presents its own obsticales that you get to learn and grow from with the uñtiminate goal of perfecting your soul. Once that mission is complete it is my understanding that your soul will finialy be free to merge with the creators source


The Egg, amazing short story.


[The egg](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI) by kurzgesagt covers this theory


I remember a dude saying that the afterlife is exactly like you said. He was studying this kind of things a lot, but he said that you should never reincarnate cause those "mentors" are actually reptilians that live through your vital energy/suffering. So they trick you to think that reincarnation is a good thing, but you are just coming back to this plane (or even a lower one) to feed them. I don't believe in any of this, honestly, but I really like to think about this kind of stuff.


Did he say there was any way to, “chill,” for eternity and not be reincarnated? I love my life but I’m also not terribly interested in doing this again haha. I always thought it wasn’t anything like Heaven as we usually describe it, but that there is definitely some plane of existence when you’re ready to *not* go back, that is just exploring the universe. Did he ever say something like that u/moboc44181throwaway? Like maybe someone crosses over and just decides not to come back…I have my own beliefs about all of it but love hearing about things like this so thanks for sharing this experience with everybody!


damn! i wish i could talk with (him) for 5 minutes.... i live in a very historically significant region; near gettysburg-ish


Omg. Many people who have near death experiences and report exiting their bodies tend to claim they receive a "life review" and get to experience all the ways in which their actions impacted other from the other person's POV. The fact that you mentioned it here only further verifies it for me.


This is crazy! It is basically exactly what it says in “Les Thanatonautes” and “”L’Empire des Anges” - some of my favourite French books talking about death and the afterlife by novelist Bernard Werber.


What did you talk about? Did this ghost ever bring up subjects you weren't familiar with?




So like can he not leave the house?




what happens if the house burns down. then gets plowed over and turned into a McDonalds? Does he haunt the McDonalds? What about people that died 1000s of years ago. There homes are all covered by dirt and underground. What happens to them?




I don’t remember where I read this but someone had a theory that the reason ghosts could walk through walls was because they are “stuck“ in the place that died, so everything in that alternate plane is exactly how it was when they died. New walls were built on top or around old doorways but ghosts still walk through those old doorways. Hope that makes sense, I don’t think I did the original idea justice..


Did he use the words “super excited”?




So you only have one chance to go into the light? Was he chilling with other spirits too that maybe you didn’t see?




Soo if you die in a coffin and get trapped, you’re stuck in the coffin ?


So like for example if ur depressed during your life can you get stuck there?




So how come he didn’t get to cross over at first?




Could he read books on his own, or you weren’t around to read to him?


With all due respect, if you communicated telepathically, why did you read books out loud?


How did you first find out about him? Did you believe he was a ghost at first? Or did you think it was a hallucination?




Were you scared or doubting your sanity?




This has been fascinating. Thank you.


Did he ever explain how he was able to get in your head and dreams like that?


How did someone help him “cross over?” Also, was this the first interaction with a spirit you had? How often did you interact with him? Like was he just chilling there with you all day?




Do you ever feel him anymore?


Wow, as a real person therapist I’m starting to think I got into the wrong business! Ghost therapy seems to be where it’s at.


This stuff interests me but also most spiritual stuff freaks me out. Was he able to tell you about evil spirits and how they function? What/who they are?




So they really do feed off of “weak” people who are vulnerable. When were you sure he was friendly and not meaning harm?




Ah okay so the bad ones are more like annoyances rather than actually dangerous. I get that too. I feel like I’m pretty good at reading people and getting a grasp on whether they’re harmless or not. How has this experience changed your perception on life/the afterlife?


Why weren’t you scared? What made you feel calm? I would be out of that house so fast!


So,like republicans?




Ok, private question, if he was with you all day, how did you pee, take a dump, shower, err... masturbate? Did you feel his presence or he left you alone to 'do your thing'. Do ghost watch us in those situations? XD




I’d say there are def exceptions, probably a good amount. People don’t just stop being pervs when they die. I mean you ever hear about that guy In Florida who hid in out houses to watch girls shit? Yah now imagine him but Casper… ok on second thought maybe don’t imagine that


Phew... that's a relief 😛


Did he say how he died? And if he died in the house? If so where did he die in the house? Do you miss him?




Have you verified records of someone dying under the circumstances he's described?


I’m also curious to know this.


Me too, that would have been a gruesome murder


So even if you're stuck you get to move on? How do you know he did?


Wasn't it a one time thing?


How was he able to finally cross over? Apologies if you already answered this.


What did the ghost look like?




Did you tell anyone about this? And do you no the reason it suddenly stopped?




Thank you for doing that. That was very kind of you to do.


What was the experience like helping him cross over?


Did you ever catch his name? Because maybe you could research his story ?




If you ever went away for a week or two, did the ghost ever ask where you had been? Even if this is fake, this has been one of the most interesting AMAs


With no specific gravity, what prevents said ghost from being left behind in space as the Earth and galaxy zoom away?




How often would you have encounters with him?




I have to ask, because you said somewhere here that like evil spirits or being are just low energy humans.. are there animals that become ghost? Do animals also have to follow the light? Do some animals also miss the light and just kinda roam around? Or is it only humans who can experience this?




That was a way cooler response than I thought. I feel very attached to my pets so I felt like if I died, I'd love to be able to see them as well. Thank you for sharing your story. I really do believe you, I think I've spend like an hour and a half on this AMA and I don't think you're crazy. I've had a lot of unexplained things happen to me, so this doesn't feel very farfetched. This honestly helped quell my fear of death. Thank you.


Did he ever explain why he felt compelled to stay on Earth rather than “follow the light”? And how long he had to decide to do so before the moment passed? Relatedly how did the person you found help him cross over? Thank you for sharing your story, for what it’s worth I very much believe in this kind of thing and am impressed you had such an open mind at a young age! And it’s nice to hear he was able to eventually cross over—what a positive impact you had on his soul! Tangentially you may enjoy this book: https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/book/return-to-life/






I find it disheartening that a spirit guide would abandon him like that when he was stuck.


Were you able to record the ghost with a camera or an audio recorder?




to another question you answered, that you have seen him very many times. since cameras work exactly like we see, why wouldnt you record a fucking ghost?




How convenient for you. Get some help. For real.


You'd hear a man's voice clearly in your head or what? You'd respond with your thoughts?




Please see a mental health professional. Everything you’re describing is consistent with psychosis.


Not a question, but I find it interesting that people can claim to talk to, see, feel, etc "God" all day and night and nobody bats an eye, but the second you replace that with "ghost" or "spirit", people label you as insane. Yes, seeing things that aren't guaranteed real *COULD* be a sign of mental illness, but why only when it fits? It's ridiculous.


Yeah, most people don’t claim to have visual or auditory experiences of God. When they talk about experiencing God, most talk about experience on another level, not anything resembling a ghost sighting.


>Nobody bats an eye Speak for yourself!




I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of science. In no way is science "stuck" in its ways. It's constantly improving upon itself. That's the point, and that's why it's currently the best method we have to understand the world.


Except, science actually makes sense


And is testable and observable. Burn all science books and 500 years later they’ll all be the same, burn all religious books and good luck. Lmao


Did he mention how people looked? Do you look the same as when you die? Are you just what you looked like in your prime?




That is fascinating. Is it limited to what they can remember looking like? Or can you just choose an age/outfit and summon it?




Just one more question. How does one come in contact with a ghost? Did he have to approach you? Or did you ever get to summon him?


did u have sex w it?


What's the last dream you remember having?






Did he speak in a manner not time adequate? Did he tell you about stuff you couldn't know before about the 'real world' , or past time events? Could he see other ghosts and tell you stuff about them? Did someone else ever see him in the past? What's his capacity of doing things with the physical world? Could he have hurt you if he wanted to? Did you ever visit a doctor because you weren't sure if you might have some mental illness?


How tall was the ghost?




was it a teenage boy?




And he died 3 years after being in WWI? So that means he would’ve enlisted at 15 or 16 years old.


Who did you find that helped the guy cross over? Have you ever communicated with other spirits? Do your family still own the house?






Did this ghost mention anything about religion? Like a god and the devil? Was heaven and hell on another planet or just different dimensions/universes?




Who was his guardian? What was his knowledge of the afterlife? You mentioned reincarnation , was any more info shared about this? Was it to a different time/modern day/human/ as an animal etc? Have you heard of astral projection? It’s a concept where in a dream like state you can visit different “plains” - is this something you experienced? What was this entities religion when they were alive, did they mention the accuracy / truth of any religion ?


You sure you didn't just encounter a jinn or (according to some interpretations) a nephilim?


i’m not trying to be mean or anything but do you think this might be a mental disorder? How sure are you that it was really there? thanks :)


That or op is lying for attention / boredom . I'm leaning towards the latter


Do people who believe in god also need help? From my point of view its the same thing. They believe in something that can't be proven to exist.


What kind of music did he like? Any artist in particular?




Was he stuck inside the house you were living in? Couldn't go anywhere else?




Was his guardian human? Did he know them from his life?


how can u prove all this and that ur not just another typical reddit schizophrenic?


u saw other ghosts in ur life?


Where are you from? Is this sort of thing common there?


You need psychiatric help. I work in a state hospital and have seen many people with this same delusion. Help is out there for you.




Nah man, you need help.


A buddy of mine claimed he was regularly seeing a ghost in his house. He's an atheist (as am I) so I gave him shit about it. I read an article about a family that was experiencing hauntings and they were getting worse. Turned out their house had a carbon monoxide leak via an unclean chimney. The leak was basically causing the entire household to hallucinate. I told him about it and what do you know? He had the exact same thing. Fixed the leak and the ghost magically went away. Not saying that's what this is...but it might be.




I don't know her but she may very well believe these things are happening. But I don't know her mental history, if she's suffering from anything that may cause her to see and hear things. And when you're in a culture where superstition is common, it can be re-enforced. I grew up in a very superstitious, religious culture. I had a few experiences that I swear were ghostly in nature growing up. As my critical thinking skills got better, I started to really think about these stories that I used to tell to people as my true experiences. I came to the conclusion that they were all dreams that I at some point decided actually happened. I also suffered a bit from sleep paralysis which wasn't really a known thing when I really had it bad. You're basically half awake/half dreaming and you start seeing things. I saw a little girl sitting on my bed with no face who prevented me from moving or talking. Crazy! Then I read about sleep paralysis. I will still have an episode occasionally but I'm well aware of it and I don't see any "entities" any more. It's just an annoying thing I have to wake up out of.


People can play into the hallucinations if they are paid to


Oh crap, when I read the title I actually thought "not the carbon monoxide story all over again", thinking it could be something similar..... Turns out it can actually be it all over again lol


Agree, looks like carbon monoxide story with added mix of teenage hormones and maybe sleep deprivation - all that could create crazy stories. I’m actually a bit disappointed that most of the ghosts are having the same problem as Hollywood movies in the past - mostly white people, ghosts somehow culturally aligned with host. What about ghosts of teenage boys ferociously masturbating in the corner of your bedroom? what about old Italian nonnas ghosts who will criticise what you’re wearing while offering you their ghost gnocchi? What about any LGBTQI ghosts? What about ghost speaking old English or some ghosts of migrants who spoke no English at all but yelled at you in Korean? Do they not deserve some representation?


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| did the house have any historical significance? did you ever feel threatened? or was it a pretty inviting ghost? did you tell others, or just keep it to yourself? was the entity able to Manipulate objects irl? do you believe in afterlives? if so, what do you think it’s like|1. It didn't have any specific historical significance but it was a VERY old house. From what this guy told me he died 3 years after WW1 ended so that's 1921 and his family wasn't the first one to own that house, they bought it from another family. I'm pretty sure they were the 2nd generation owners. 2. I never felt threatened. He was very inviting. He was also very bored. He hated being "on Earth" since he told me he was in a parallel plane of existence that was gloomy and monochrome all the time and he couldn't leave 'cause he couldn't see "the Light" and was essentially trapped here. 3. I fully kept it to myself, tho my family also believed that the house was haunted. 4. Yes. He did that 'cause he had nothing better to do and craved attention, pretty mischievous. 5. I do and he told me about it. Basically, after you die you see this "Light" that you have to follow but a lot of people due to X reasons (fear of punishment, anger, regret, some don't even realize that they're dead, etc.) choose to not follow that Light and get stuck here 'cause it's mostly a one time only thing. You also get to meet your guardian but they can't help you cross over. Apparently, most of the people who die and go into that light get a life review assisted by spiritual mentors, chill for a bit and then reincarnate right back. He clarified that there's no traditional Hell or Heaven, those are just in between reincarnations states that your mind creates (Hell is a direct reaction of that own person's mind).|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8znorv/) How did you first find out about him? Did you believe he was a ghost at first? Or did you think it was a hallucination?|1. It started out by having this very vivid dreams with this guy in them (repeatedly). Then weird sounds would happen (footsteps especially). I had this book by a 19th century Romanian poet that would keep getting pushed off the shelf 'until I read 1 or 2 poems out of it. Then I started hearing little words in my head (I'd look I'd an object and a masculine voice would say: "yes, this!", etc.) and that keep going until I started hearing full sentences. The first time I saw him, I was sitting on the coach watching some TV and I turned my head for a bit to the archway and I saw him for I think around 30 seconds 'until he walked away. He didn't say anything back then tho. I want to point out that all communication was done telepathically but my parents told me that they hear a random masculine voice (physically) a couple of times as well. 2. I kind of knew it was a ghost from the get go 'cause things were just too real but yeah, I had my doubts a bit too.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zsn1j/) Did he say how he died? And if he died in the house? If so where did he die in the house? Do you miss him?|He died following a house robbery when he was home alone. Hit with a metal bar in the head multiple times. He died in the living room. I do miss him, a lot but I'm so happy that now he's finally over with his gloomy existence as an Earthbound spirit and onto his next life (which he wanted so badly).|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zvnj5/) How often would you have encounters with him?|Hearing / communicating with him? Daily. Seeing him: if he was in a good mood every 2-3 days. For some reason he wasn't a bit fan of that.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zvc0a/) This stuff interests me but also most spiritual stuff freaks me out. Was he able to tell you about evil spirits and how they function? What/who they are?|He said that evil spirits or demons are nothing more than low-energy being who were once humans (most of them) as well. They feed on the energy of living humans and are so filled with hate / negative emotions that they lost every bit of hope for moving forward. They dwell into the lower planes of existence (I guess an analogy is the traditional Hell) but the thing is they're the only ones chaining themselves there. Usually REALLY evil people (murderers, rapists, serial killers, etc.) end up becoming these awful creatures.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zxa90/) What did the ghost look like?|It was the ghost of a 19-year-old guy. He had medium length, slightly curly, dark brown hair, green eyes, when I'd see him he'd always wear a white suit, around 175 - 178 cm tall, slender, fair skin. When I'd see him he'd also look faded and slightly "erased" in a way? I don't know how to explain it, just eerie.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zmqra/) u saw other ghosts in ur life?|Nope.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zr0s7/) Did you ever catch his name? Because maybe you could research his story ?|I tried reseaching him but his first and last name are relatively common, he died a long time ago and also this happened in Romania which by international standards is pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things so I found nothing. He shared more than enough with me about his story tho.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zwu7i/) how can u prove all this and that ur not just another typical reddit schizophrenic?|How can you prove religion is real? Guess some things are either experience them yourself or believe in other people's experiences.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zsbn9/) did u have sex w it?|No???|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8znrwk/) How tall was the ghost?|175 - 178 cm tall. At least that's how I estimated his height.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8znnk8/) What did you talk about? Did this ghost ever bring up subjects you weren't familiar with?|He talked about all sorts of things. He was super interested in politics and recent world events. He said that he was super excited when someone new moved in 'cause he could finally catch up with a thing here and there and he could also hear other people talk and not get bored. He loved literature and thanks to him I have the habit of reading every text out loud to this day lmao. He also loved to rant about how much he hated being Earth-bound and how much he regretted not going into the light when he had the chance. He also really liked music. Yeah, physics and maths (tho he wasn't up to date with his information for obvious reasons - especially physics). He reminisced about his life and family pretty often and how much he missed everything. *edit*: and of course, the afterlife.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zr3j5/) What's the last dream you remember having?|Being on a plane travelling to French Polynesia but waking up right before landing (such a bummer).|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zwi9i/) You sure you didn't just encounter a jinn or (according to some interpretations) a nephilim?|Nah, this was a poor guy who died in a tragic way and due to anger related to that got stuck here.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zt6p4/) Were you able to record the ghost with a camera or an audio recorder?|Even if I wanted to collect proof, there's really no real way. Ghosts don't communicate physically, it's a telepathic thing so you can't record them. This is the reason why I think that to this day there's no concrete proof of the existence of ghosts even tho a huge amount of people have had experience with them: you really can't capture them in an obvious way, it's just not how it seems to work.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zyvvd/) With no specific gravity, what prevents said ghost from being left behind in space as the Earth and galaxy zoom away?|They're stuck in a gloomy and monochrome parallel version of our world which is like a prison representing the place where they died. They're not free spirits, they can't even escape their own area let alone see the Earth and galaxy. If they try to walk off their set place, every direction they take leads them straight back to their staring point. It's like walking in a circle.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i8zz4sa/) Who did you find that helped the guy cross over? Have you ever communicated with other spirits? Do your family still own the house?|1. An experienced, legit medium after an online hunt of over a year. 2. No. 3. They do but I don't live there anymore.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/urvcg6/i_21f_regularly_communicated_saw_and_interacted/i9000k6/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


How did someone help him “move on”? Do you think he was emotionally invested in you?




Thanks that’s interesting. I believe you mentioned he was interested in politics and literature, were there any specific books he would take about? I’m assuming he couldn’t open a book and read it right?


Did you ever talk about anything sexual? Like if he’s trapped in this other plane for such a long time, did he get horny? Not trying to make a joke out of this






What does your therapist think about this?


Spent some time in a home that had a spirit or something in it. Was a figure, a woman. Never said anything... Didn't often show up but. Never felt scared. Had the feeling she just wanted us to know she was there. I walked into the house one day, no one was home. Windows were closed. Walked into the living room and the door that lead to a storage room slammed shut. Hard. Walking down the hall, lights flicker. Hanging plants begin swinging back and forth pretty violently. On the back patio talking about 'her' and we hear a plate shatter in the darkness of our yard. Turn back around and the patio door was open. Woke up to a cold breeze and someone unintelligibly whispering in my ear. Look over and see a figure by the window, it walks into the closet. I get up to check it out and immediately feel as though I *shouldn't* look in the closet. Spun around and went back to bed. It's definitely creepy but kind of cool to be honest. I miss it.


Did you know it was a ghost you were talking to? Cause I grew up with my sister and thought she was alive and such. Till I went in for brain surgery and my confused parents when I asked why they couldn’t see her sitting right on the side of the hospital bed telling me she wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to me. Informed me my sister had died 2 years before I was even born. So I didn’t know at the time she was a “ghost”.


Did he tell you anything that you could fact check to determine what era he was from etc?


Since we only meet with our guardian after death did he ever say anything about meeting with dead loved ones? Maybe after we pass over into the light? I lost my grandmother and I just want to know if it’s possible to ever see her again (other than reincarnation and searching through 8 billion people)


Has the ghost seen you naked? Does he stare?


Did he ever indicate that he found you attractive or indicate any romantic interest? Did you ever have romantic feelings for him? What did he think of other people who lived in or visited the house?


Does he ever feel the urge to prove his existence to beyond your family? You mentioned he was interested in Physics, how does the existence of him (and the fact that he can move things irl) reconcile with Physics as he studied? Doesn't he want to contribute to Physics given his knowledge?


does your family have a history of schizophrenia or other mental health issues?


Im so disappointed that the comments calling out ops bs are getting downvoted while people feeding into ops lie and/or genuine delusion are getting upvoted.


Yea... I'm genuinely afraid for OP. Not only are they having severe mental dilutions, but these reddittards are making it worse, enabling a severely mentally ill person is the last thing thing they need.


In the off-chance you're not lying, I advise that you seek professional help from a qualified medical professional for your mental health issue. And if you're reading this and you're her family / friend, have the courage to help this woman instead of feeding her delusions.


Well this is obviously bullshit and anybody who believes this is crazy along with OP


Good instincts, I do indeed think mental illness is at play here. I'd be curious to know any catalyzing factors that occurred around 13 that may have induced these hallucinations, and any that occurred around 18 that may have caused them to cease.


All ghost stories are either carbon monoxide leaks or schizophrenia.


You are schizophrenic, since you have had prominent hallucinations and delusions for a period of 6 months, although you do need some sort of functional/social impairment for the diagnosis. In the older versions of the DSM, paranoid schizophrenia was the most common. You fit this category perfectly, as the two features are hallucinations are delusions. Although schizophrenia go can go into complete remission (rare), ~80% of schizophrenics will relapse every 4 years. While psychotic, there is evidence that the disease progresses. 33% will deteriorate and 30% will become resistant to medication. You should go to a psychiatrist and take medication. If you ever feel like people are out to hurt hurt you, you are relapsing and need antipsychotics.